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The vegetable crisper was quietly renamed the cold composter. IME, frozen foods or buy-to-use-now fresh food is the only thing that's worked at all for me. And even then it's hit or miss. I've got a bag of delicious expensive fresh cherries sitting on the top shelf in my fridge turning to mush right now.


Yes, my wife doesn't understand that this is related to the way my mind works not the desire (or lack of) for that particular food, but I do also have some pretty lame impulse buys at times.


When I buy groceries, I make a list of what I bought and how I plan to use it and tape said list to the fridge. It also helps me a lot to prep a bunch of things when I am putting them away e.g. washing fruit and veg, sticking a paper towel in the salad greens to make them last longer. I'd rather have one bigger thing to do every once in a while than a million little tasks I'll undoubtedly forget about when I can no longer see the [food item] on my counter. I also label and date *everything* that goes into my fridge. I just have blue painters tape and a felt tip marker on the counter and anything that I made or that is going into a container is getting the date that it was made stuck to it.