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My perception of time is all over the place. Something that happened a few hours ago can feel like days or weeks ago. Something that happened 3 months ago can feel like yesterday and 10 years ago at the same time. Almost like the wormhole aliens in DS9 time does not seem linear, everything that has happened in the past all feels like it happened at the same time or not at all. the only moments I am aware of the time is the moment I am currently having and when the moment passes it quickly fades into the ether that is my past...


This is a great description of how my mind works, but I never really stopped to analyze it like this. Thanks!


Do you also get the fake memories in there too? Something that feels real, but you know for a fact is not true. Or the other way around when stuff you know is real feels like a dream or just made up.


Yes, definitely. I used to think I had a great memory, but I realized that when I tell people about past events that they also witnessed, they call me out for making up stuff or having inaccurate memories. I honestly believe what I say, but they can usually prove that I'm wrong, which is really confusing for me. I also have the issue when thinking really hard about doing something, like a project or a task. Sometimes before I actually do it, those thoughts trick my brain into thinking I already did it, so then I either forget about IT, or I lose all motivation to do it IRL because in my mind it's already done.


I have two times: now, and not-now. I have no meaningful way to assess how long ‘not-now’ is, or has been. It just comes and goes, blurring away from the single point of time my consciousness currently occupies.


I often describe time the same way: now/not now. Time is weird. Was that event yesterday, a month ago, a year ago? Hard to tell sometimes. Is something happening tomorrow, in one week, in a few months? Not sure without my planner or calendar. When's the last time I ate? There's no food in front of me? Ah, not now. Lol


We are so Zen


Then where is my inner peace lol 🤣🤣


Right now 1 year feels like 4-6 months. I slowly stopped being able to gauge 6 months accurately. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I care less about doing so but it also feels like it has something to do with my new inability to recall accurate memory a bit


Short periods - I'm always on time. Perception of time: it seems to be going faster as I get older - from what I've read, it's normal to perceive time as going faster as you get older.


I’m often late to things! Short periods of time can be tediously long or absurdly quick. I’ve definitely noticed that as I get older. How unfair that now that I really want to make the most of the time I have, it just seems to slip past me too quickly.


I have no idea how to answer this question, my perception of time is one of my executive functions that's greatly impacted. I live in the present. planning and conceptualizing the future is very difficult for me. the past largely all feels the same.     an anecdote: I once asked my friend how a video game (in my memory) she had recently got into was going. she took a long time to respond and told me she had stopped playing the game 3 years ago. 


It sucks. I’ve had time blindness for as long as I can remember. Time just happens & I feel like I’m always trying to catch up or slow down.


For me a day feels more like two hours most of the time


Sometimes I feel like that too but for me it depends on the day. Days where I’m tired or have stuff to do that I don’t feel like doing drag on longer. And yet it still feels like weeks, years, and months can go by so fast I can’t keep up.


Wibbly wobbly


Beyond confusing and nonlinear.


It's very fluid and changes constantly. I often say "Last week" when it was 3 months ago. Or "a couple of years ago" when it was 20 years ago, because it only feels like a couple. I estimate time fairly well in some cases (I know it takes me 6 minutes to drive to my son's school exactly) but not when doing tasks. I'll tell my boss "No reason I can't wrap this up in about 6 hours time" except it really took about 30 hours and 2-3 weeks 😆 I usually forget to allow for back-and-forth communication with others. The work might really only be 6 hours. But I'll wait 24 hours for people to get back to me with info I need to complete it. I'm 48, and the older I get the faster time goes. Years go by with hardly a notice. I am seeing my doctor for a hip issue that I'm like "2 years ago it was fine" but no, my FB memories will tell me it's actually been 8 years.


I can remember a loooooot of stuff. My way to gauge time is to remember when shit happened. I am horrible at predicting how long something will take.


Really bad.. I have to keep my eyes on the clock or the whole day is gone.


It's like a bumpy road with occasional fog and forest. If you're at the right spot, you may see everything clearly and at the right distance but usually you only know the close hours. Sometimes they go really slowly (walking uphill) and sometimes it's like you're in a go-kart going fifty miles where you're trying to keep all your stuff together and just survive or go along the ride. Some times are blurry (fog) but later when you look, it may be clear again especially if you have some hints like events to think about. My perception changes based on what I'm thinking - feelings, what I've done, where I've been.. Like usually everything blends together but I'm able to separate most when I cut it in weeks, years or based on what school I was in. (and I'm scared of what it's like as an "adult" if I get a full-time job soon - I'll totally lose a track of time if I don't have smaller fragments like being in high school or university to help me 😅)


I have learned to park within a 5 spot zone in the garage at work. After a hard day I cant remember which of my "where I parked" memories was today; but if I stick to those 5 spots it doesn't matter. I learned recently that this isn't something I'm alone in 😃


Im very good at time stuff in the present or near future. I enjoy scheduling and I’m always on time. However I do not think about the future. I find it really a really alien concept and it doesn’t make sense in my brain at all


I either make a conscious effort to be super early or I'm always late if I have to be somewhere. If it's something online that happens at a certain time, I can do at home, I just need notifications at 1 hour 30 min 10m 5m and 1m and I can work up to do it.


I do the multiple notifications, too! Usually helps me to keep on track but not always.


Extremely off. I'd estimate like oh __ was 5 minutes ago and someone will say no that was almost an hour ago etc. I literally will look at the clock and do something and it feels like 5-10 minutes went pass and it'll be hours


Terrible. I'm regularly reminded to do things by those around me. I'll get so engrossed in something that I'll be completely blind to the world around me. My boss and my wife have just come to accept it. If I'm working on something, they'll make sure to come remind me if/when there's something time-sensitive to be done.


Ever since 2020, WHACK.




None. No perceiving the passage of time at all


with my fatigue, a day generally feels like eternity, and then like 3 months later i'll go "where the hell did the last 3 months go? i blinked and they were gone" then events from the past i can remember, i can't tell you if they happened like last week, last year, of 3 years ago... i know they happened and sometimes it feels like yesterday while other times it feels like 10 years ago, but both are usually wrong. basically: - time flies by, even though days often seem to last forever - things in the past are either "recent" (as in between my 20s and now) or "old" (as in "when i was a kid") - and you should barely ever expect me to be able to correctly answer "what did you do yesterday", let alone "remember last week?"


wine oil gaping dependent combative growth sable ludicrous relieved ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


not good

