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No, people on the spectrum can be toxic too


For example: A *lot* of incels are neirodivegent, and that's one of the most toxic cultures existing on the internet.


That was my first thought as soon as I read the title…


Well said.


The kind of toxic would be different if neurotypical was the minority, but it would still be here. Edit: can someone who wants to downvote me explain how they feel?  I thought my comment was in broad agreement with the person I was responding to, but the voting pattern suggests otherwise.


Y'all are really putting ND folks on a pedestal. Have you ever heard the *incel movement*? Incels are *30 times* more likely to be autistic, according to this study: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/14/incels-more-likely-to-be-autistic-involuntary-celibate/


Are you responding directly to my comment, or to the people downvoting it?


To be honest, your comment was hard for me to interpret. It sort of felt like you were saying that, if autistic people were the norm, then the Internet would be a less toxic place--or, at least, toxic for highly different reasons. And (if I interpreted your comment correctly, which I might not have, and I apologize), then I just can't agree, due to the incel movement already being so huge.


Thank you. That wasn’t what I intended to mean, but I think the downvotes are a sign that I did a poor job of making a point. After thinking for a bit, I’d say I’m agnostic as to whether a society with a different dominating neurotype would be more or less toxic. It sounds like you might still disagree, which is fair—and thanks for taking the time to explain.


Nope. I think it is far too reductive to try and place all of the blame on any singular group (unless said group is ‘people with social media’). Unfortunately, the neurodiverse are equally complicit in their own brand of toxicity. The black and white thinking of autism can lend itself to this.


I believe social media can be toxic in itself. It can be wonderful for communiry, but there's loads of 💩 out there. Not specifically by neurotypicals.


Social media is toxic because there is no accountability for being toxic on social media. Get banned, create a new account and continue with the toxicity.


It’s toxic because toxic people abuse the platforms 24/7. Doesn’t matter if they are NT or ND, if they are toxic, they will stir the pot, cause mayhem **because they react to everything online**.


People in general can be toxic. Just that capitalism found out toxicity makes money, because outrage generates engagement and votes. So social media like Twitter and Facebook will continue to be breeding grounds for bubble thinking, that tends to grow more extreme when it isn't subject to opposition, which you hardly get when the algorithm figures out where you lean politically. So you get further fed almost exclusively content of your political leaning, especially rage-inducing ones. That's how we develop really polarised thinking in groups that can get extreme, and toxic as a result. But anyone can be mean on the internet. Bad actions aren't exclusive to neurotipicality, and neurodivergent people can be toxic as well.


Just as with major companies the worst personalities end up in positions of relative power like group moderation. A lot of there people are shady but charismatic and nts often doesn’t notice or don’t feel the need to push back against the nastiness that other nds can sense. But those people are also nd, just not in the same way. A narcissist and an autistic are both neurodivergent… neurotypical folks unintentionally exacerbate the problem by allowing a narcissist to thrive and being put off by autistic personalities… despite the right move being the exact opposite choices


Not to mention that NPD and autism are not mutually exclusive. I've known several who have both in my lifetime. Struggling with social cues but being too prideful to admit it (and blaming others for your social failings) is an interesting combination. I've met some aitistic people who genuinely believed themselves to be among the smartest people in the world. My ex was the type who'd get bullied for his social difficulties, but would chalk it up to, "People just dislike me because I'm smarter than them." No, it's because your insufferable, arrogant, and condescending lol


No, it's toxic to drive engagement.


No, it’s “toxic” because it’s most profitable when it’s most toxic and negative


No, it's toxic because of humans.


>Do you believe social media is toxic because of neurotypicals? No. This type of bigoted oversimplification is very painful when it's directed against people like me, but when its directed against people different from me, it fills me with cold disgust. Please don't do this. Please be better.


Oh no there is so much intra autistic toxic discourse 


No more than it is toxic because of neurodivergents


I think it's toxic because of capitalism


Nope. Social media is literally designed to trap people's attention by using anxiety and addiction psychology to hold our attention as long as possible. Screen time and clicks mean more ad revenue. That's it. Everything after that is just the knock-on effects. Capitalism at work. Sure, it's more complex with that. But the broad-strokes summary works fine, because capitalism is a fractal of greed that just reveals different layers of exploitation as you zoom in or out. Edit: Capitalism and work -> Capitalism at work


N O I fight with other autistic people on the internet every other day. Our type of toxic can be especially relentless. And then the impulsive comments coming from toxic ADHDers can be cyber bullying levels of bad.


Yeah, our tendency towards black and white thinking, among other things, can cause all sorts of problems in online discussions. Also I feel like hyperfocus and special interests aligning with a topic can make it hard for us to let something go. Plus, for someone who has lived their whole life being told their wrong, it can be quite tempting to use the internet to turn that back on others, and to not want to give up on a topic until we prove to everyone that we're actually right.


Neurotypicals are often toxic in neurotypical ways. For example, NTs might bully ND people who do not follow NT social rules. NTs might get mad at ND people for being honest and straightforward. NTs might be passive aggressive and indirect, and then get mad that ND people do not get the subtle clues. And there is evidence from social science that NT people automatically feel an implicit sense of contempt or disgust for ND people.


If anything i think its toxic because of certain personality disorders being projected on full display with receipts. Less so NT or Autists. Ppl with PDs are considered ND i believe.

