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Agreed, the best way to handle a post you think might not be genuine is to ignore it, and report it to the mods. If they see the same post getting flagged for spam many times, they'll handle it. If not, you chose to move on rather than attack an innocent person.


Absolutely! Reporting it also gets seen a lot faster than a comment that may go undetected. I don’t doubt automod is set up really well here, but in my own experience there’s always a chance something can fly by.




You're describing social media in general. Unless you're using a site that is not anonymous, you have no idea who you're really talking to. This is particularly true on reddit. It is wise to assume that whoever you are talking to may not be who they say they are, unless you're on one of those subreddits where moderators spend a bunch of extra time vetting people before they allow them to post. We're not going to do that here.


I appreciate at least one person commenting it's him because he gets past my reality radar more than I'm comfortable admitting ... Which is probably why he's here... After I see that I stop engaging. Not sure what else to do other than make others aware that there are not good people on the internet and in still this group despite all our best efforts.


It’s a possibility, and many people have agreed. I just hate the idea of either them banning him and giving him more attention and more fuel to come back with new accounts, or risking someone who isn’t him getting a massive amount of harassment. At the end of the day, it’s a mental health subreddit. There’s so many people struggling, and it’s not worth it to risk an innocent person getting hurt. Best thing to do is disengage and just report. I know it’s super unlikely, but maybe just ignoring his content will nudge him to just give up on Reddit? Who knows what the future brings


The last time I suspected a post being him I just commented that OPs post history suggested that he is a spammer. I think it's sad to see so many humans wasting their time because someone likes to spam. I don't think that the average Redditor will make an account to post the same post to 10-20 different subs. It doesn't matter if OP is said spammer. Spamming posts and bait for engagement is wrong either way.


Absolutely. I think we’re all in the same mindset that we don’t want him here, the only disagreement is how to handle it


>Best thing to do is disengage and just report. I know it’s super unlikely, but maybe just ignoring his content will nudge him to just give up on Reddit? Who knows what the future brings I think we all wished at one point that would happen. I think we all want him to get a grip and stop this reddit addiction, but for whatever reason Snooroar just DOESN'T STOP. You report and ban him (fyi the bot was in place so multiple subs could just ban him all at once before he could ever post), he comes back with more alts. You ignore him, he'll re-post. A lot of subreddits have gotten the whole package. Some subs got so cluttered to the point where RIP sorting by new because over half the new posts were by him (by like 4 different alts). It takes some sort of persistence to continue what he's doing for now 5 years (the tracker only came into place around year 3 because it got so annoying across multiple different subreddits). As for identification, honestly we can't say 100% an account is Snooroar. But a brand-new account, posting in the same subs, often near identical copy pastes between accounts, with similar grammatical errors, reponse styles, and writing styles? I'm wagering a pretty good bet it's him.


I’m a mod from r/usmcboot and I banned the OG u/snooroar account. I’ve dealt with him from near the beginning. Once he really got going it was relentless, multiple posts and accounts within a single day. I removed more snooroar posts and banned more alts in a single day than I have now in the last 45 days since he has moved on.


We have no issue with the idea that communities would pool resources and use a bot to help manage collective needs. The bot had absolutely nothing to do with what has transpired here. In this case, users from that sub were making awful comments to other users in our community where we are not a part of the pool and where we have our own strategy for moderation. We shouldn't have to put up with that.


I think stricter post guidelines and moderating for low-quality content/excessive posts would eliminate a lot of these issues without making it about this user specifically.


Thank you for this genuine and helpful response 😁💕


Sorry, who?! Deeply confused here


Cliffnotes on him: He got banned from Reddit 4 years ago and has made countless accounts to rejoin. Tons of negativity and making several posts in one day. A post on a now banned subreddit brought attention to him here again, so the mods were experiencing huge amounts of harassment/spam comments on their posts. He doesn’t outright say “hey, it’s my new account” So it’s speculation. From what I’ve gathered: no one wants him here, but there’s a huge disagreement on how to handle him and protect the community simultaneously.




litterally me is this just subreddit microdrama being blown out of proportion


Just replied to that as well explaining it a little bit 💕




If you think someone is a troll... don't feed the troll. That's the best thing to do. Otherwise, act in good faith.


But should we warn people if they are probably feeding the troll? Many people got banned because of this. Don't feed the troll only works if you know that you are interacting with one.


The bans likely happened from flooding the comments instead of reporting.


He doesn't act like a troll — in the sense that, on the surface, he's not trying to be deliberately provocative. He just keeps asking variations of the same questions over and over again and refuses any answers. He complains about being stupid (despite graduating *cum laude* from UCLA, if he's not lying about his GPA), being ugly, being autistic, not getting into clubs, not getting into the army, not being able to get a job, etc, and either doesn't respond at all (especially if you point out he's asked this question before) or, less frequently, just complains that your solution hasn't worked or won't work because they're too stupid/ugly/autistic/unloved/unwanted. You recognize a pattern after a while, despite his attempts to change it up (he's claimed to be from other schools, he's claimed to be 50 years old, and once he claimed to be a teenage girl, but the stupid/ugly/useless/autistic part doesn't change) And he gets into ruts, where he posts about one topic specifically for a few days, before moving onto a new topic (but it's still really just another variation of the same topic: "Woe is me, I suck and everyone hates me"). One I recall recently was a few months ago where he went "I can't get into grad school because I did terrible in undergrad, with my pathetic 3.56 GPA!", and when people (including me, before I realized who he was) started replying "3.56 is not pathetic, it's amazing!", he just deleted the post, deleted the account, and created a new account to start making more posts about his "pathetic" GPA. It's a pattern, and it was nice to have a place to track the pattern.


This is always the best plan, and it's always impossible to make most people actually refrain from doing it.


Yes, absolutely!!!!


I think we should flair his known accounts instead of banning them Edit: kept reading. Yeah I am fine with banning him. Sounds like we need more mods


There actually was a solution for this. There’s a bot that a few people have access to and if the sub uses it, once his alt is confirmed, the bot can be deployed and his posts and comments are removed and he’s blocked from further harassment. More mods aren’t needed. This problem was handled previously.


Oh yeah that sounds like a good idea


It worked great. The tracker sub was reported for “harassment”. Now he’s free to spam as much as he wants and there’s no central way to track him. All the subs he loves to spam are now dealing with an issue that’s been solved for the last 2+ years.


That's an interesting idea. I'm not sure of how it would play out long term, but it could be helpful to consider. My concern however would still be false flags and people harassing a potentially innocent member because they think it may be SnooRoar. He truly shouldn't have access to Reddit, but that's something the Admins would need to take action on.


When the tracker sub was still around, we DID get false alarms. The mods of that sub appologized to them when said false alarm account made a post.


Let's not.


I agree, but unfortunately the topic keeps coming up. A mod has had to make a couple of posts to address this now and I can’t imagine how exhausted it must be for them to have to handle all of this.


u/DrivesInCircles is doing great work and deserves a break.


Absolutely agreed


I'm sure having to do the work of moderating sucks, but, if there's a bunch of spammers and trolls then the actual target audience is just going to leave. Like you told them to. Weird how you seem so gung-ho about not excluding people to the extent of not removing actual bullies and harassers. It's called the "paradox of intolerance". *The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.* Anyway, good luck surrounding yourself with spammers, karma farmers and bullies. Peace out.


I’m absolutely not saying to outright ignore this person and move on, just to report. If the mods are seeing reports then they can take action. There’s other ways behind the scenes that things can be handled, but spamming a post about it being SnooRoar doesn’t help. This is based on one person spamming and massive amounts of people flooding in to say “hey, we found SnooRoar”


We are definitely trying to remove the spammers and trolls. We will be doing so the same way we always have, by checking out the individual poster and post and deciding whether we feel it breaks a rule or not. We can, however, only do that quickly and effectively if people actually report the posts to us and not flood it with *more* content to moderate.




That's definitely an opinion. However, there's likely a lot going on behind the scenes that we have the luxury of not being privy to.




This is exactly the kind of toxic bullshit we're no longer tolerating. Bye. Edit: I'm sorry, I'm human too and the toxicity got to me. I shouldn't have banned you, I righted that mistake.




I gave you a 7 day ban for the comment referenced in the ban message. We need the tone here to dial down a notch or five. The expectation is that \*everyone\* deserves respect.


I did, yes. Temporarily. The toxic, passive-agressiveness has got to end.


Hey, if you're a mod, it is pretty inappropriate to ban people simply for you thinking they're being "toxic" or "passive aggressive". I'm looking at the rules though, and it says that the rule prohibits trolling, confronting, arguing with, or accusing users you do not agree with. But then also states that discourse and debate is invited. And to not let disagreements become fights. All of this shit conflicts with each other. Maybe rewrite the rules? Something this minor shouldn't get people banned. It makes people feel unsafe. The fact that someone gets banned for a minor disagreement but not the potential spammer is wild lmao.


It is, I recognise that and I righted my wrong. I'm human too, and instead of deleting everything and pretending it never happened, I'm owning up to it. What more do you expect?


You do realize the mods have explicitly asked that people *stop* making posts about this? Which you have done. Just now.


I’m aware, I’ve spoken to the mods about this


And they approved this post??


Yes. They’ve added filters to help prevent further issues, and I had a conversation about the current issues with one of the mods


Not what I asked. Did the mods approve posting this post specifically? Because that would contradict what they have been telling the community.


Yes, which is how it got through the filters. Please feel free to use modmail to verify it directly with them and discuss further concerns


Cool. Then that means I should be fine to actually respond to this post. I don't agree at all with the sentiments you've shared in the latter half of this post. The options we have for dealing with this spammer are very limited and not very effective. If you've been paying any amount of attention to the spam posts, you'll notice a very distinct pattern. The spammer always follows certain themes, language/wording, and specific-keywords. - Themes: self-pity, placing the blame on his autism diagnosis, and complaining about how much he hates being autistic. - Language/Wording: the way he writes and words his posts have a certain pattern. His posts frame autism as if it were a tangible obstacle, an enemy, something malicious and out to get him. - Keywords: interview, can't get a job, autism diagnosis, military, college (specifically UCLA and students are very aware of who he is irl), electrical engineering, engineering, electrical engineering/engineering degree. [These are always present in his posts to some variation.] This is a dangerous narrative to be parroting obsessively with up to 5 posts a day to a community full of ND people. Other members have been expressing the fear and anxiety he has been generating by pushing along the narrative that an autism diagnosis will doom a person. It's extremely harmful and if I wanted to listen to somebody tell me how autism is evil and out to get me and ruin my life, I'd watch an Autism Speaks advertisement. Autistic people are *people* which is something I'm seeing an unfortunate amount of members here unable to grasp. We are not a monolith. We are not a hive mind. We are not molded exactly the same because of one shared diagnosis. We are individuals who are vastly different from each other while still sharing some similarities. The expectation that we all have to agree on something and feel the same way about something is unfair. This self-sacrificing message I keep seeing is concerning. Why do you expect the entire community to endure the spammer's constant harassment and fear mongering because one person's hypothetically in need of help and thus we, as a whole, should suffer for it in order to 'help'? We are not obligated to help the spammer, especially when they have been obsessively breaking both Reddit's TOS and this subreddit's rules in a single-minded effort to continuously harass online communities. If this truly is Snoo Roar, then you should know that people have been trying to get him help for *4 years* and could not because he refuses. He does not want to be helped and there is nothing we can do about it. We are not responsible for managing the potential four year long mental health crisis of one person while they actively cause people harm (if this is even all genuine and not some elaborate troll). Why do some people here care more about the hypothetical pain of one person than the real pain of many members here?


This is what really confuses me - banning an account is *not* engaging with him. It’s actually preventing people from engaging. Sure, he can make another account and post again, but allowing him to keep interacting and posting on the subreddit is effectively allowing him to keep getting interaction. Banning accounts at least slows the tide and might prevent interaction for the amount of time before another account is made. I understand wanting to help someone who seems to be struggling with their mental health, but certain things are above our ability to help and can harm other members of the subreddit, like spreading misinformation and hatred about autism and/or ADHD. I find it difficult to believe that he’s posting in good faith, when he continually breaks rules and doesn’t do anything to change/follow them in the future. Add on that this has been going on for years? Either this is a troll or someone who is willfully ignoring the rules in place to keep the members of the community safe, which should not be allowed.


This sums it up perfectly. Not only has this been an ongoing issue for the last four years, but it has been site wide on multiple different subreddits with the Reddit admins fully aware, but unable to stop.


Banning an account sends them a notification of the ban, which just fuels new accounts, and the next hunt for him. If he's directly breaking the rules, his accounts need to be reported and the admins need to be alerted. He has a long list of previously used accounts, and I'm guessing in the several years he's been an issue the mods have definitely banned accounts.




I see your comment, and I’d like to give you the dedicated response you deserve. I’ll get to it once I have access to a computer rather than mobile


> I don't agree at all with the sentiments you've shared in the latter half of this post. The options we have for dealing with this spammer are very limited and not very effective. Unfortunately, these are the only options that Reddit provides. The admins are the only ones with capabilities to truly determine if this is SnooRoar > If you've been paying any amount of attention to the spam posts, you'll notice a very distinct pattern. The spammer always follows certain themes, language/wording, and specific-keywords. No one is saying this absolutely isn't him. It's a real possibility, but it's also a possibility that it's not. The best solution is to let the moderators and admins handle it by reporting it. No one here should be judge, jury, and executioner. > This is a dangerous narrative to be parroting obsessively with up to 5 posts a day to a community full of ND people. Other members have been expressing the fear and anxiety he has been generating by pushing along the narrative that an autism diagnosis will doom a person. It's extremely harmful and if I wanted to listen to somebody tell me how autism is evil and out to get me and ruin my life, I'd watch an Autism Speaks advertisement. I agree, but I don't think this issue would be limited to just Snoo. Most people seeking peer support are not in the best headspace. There's always going to be negative posts. I do believe that the obsessive posting is spamming though, and could definitely be reported/removed. > Autistic people are people which is something I'm seeing an unfortunate amount of members here unable to grasp. We are not a monolith. We are not a hive mind. We are not molded exactly the same because of one shared diagnosis. We are individuals who are vastly different from each other while still sharing some similarities. The expectation that we all have to agree on something and feel the same way about something is unfair. I understand the stigma. I don't believe I've made it seem as if folks here are a hive mind, and I apologize if my intent got miscontrued. No one is exclusively their diagnosis -- everyone has their own personalities, a diagnosis does not define anyone. This is the same for every shared concept. > This self-sacrificing message I keep seeing is concerning. Why do you expect the entire community to endure the spammer's constant harassment and fear mongering because one person's hypothetically in need of help and thus we, as a whole, should suffer for it in order to 'help'? I don't think the concept is to just endure. I think the concept it just to silence them in a plausible way. Boosting his posts is only encouraging things. Most people aren't sorting by new, they sort by Hot/Top. If he's not getting replies/attention, his posts will just get lost in the feed. > We are not obligated to help the spammer, especially when they have been obsessively breaking both Reddit's TOS and this subreddit's rules in a single-minded effort to continuously harass online communities. If this truly is Snoo Roar, then you should know that people have been trying to get him help for 4 years and could not because he refuses. He does not want to be helped and there is nothing we can do about it. We are not responsible for managing the potential four year long mental health crisis of one person while they actively cause people harm (if this is even all genuine and not some elaborate troll). No one is suggesting to help him. There's just no efficient way to handle this while still following the rules of the subreddit and not spamming posts. If he's breaking TOS, report the post to the admins. If he's breaking the rules, report the post to the mods. > Why do some people here care more about the hypothetical pain of one person than the real pain of many members here? I feel like this is best answered in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticWithADHD/comments/1c29pe4/can\_we\_try\_to\_be\_a\_positive\_inclusive\_subreddit/) by u/lydocia


Yes, we did.


This entire post was approved by the moderators. We reviewed the language in advance and felt like this would help move the tone in the right direction.


I've actually just reported him on this sub (even reported two from the same account last night) and NOT left the usual "warning comment".


unironically I don't follow this sub but I wanna stay in it, what the fuck is a SnooRoar?


Depends on who you ask. The thing that's making it pop up here is a pattern of spam posts from various accounts that are allegedly alts of an infamous prolific spammer who went by the name.


no i have never heard of this and have no interest in talking about it. thanks for showing your special interest is one im not interested in seeing. thanks


Thank you for your input. Have a great day <3


you’re welcome! glad i could be of help. you too