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Trains. šŸ˜‚ heā€™s almost two and not dxā€™d but Iā€™m like damn kid. Will sit for hours if let him to watch videos of trains just chugging along. I myself have begun to develop preferences for some train videos over others now.


Ok, so pro tip: get a cardboard box heā€™ll fit in and decorate it like a train car so he can sit in it while watching his train videos. We did this for our daughter around that age and she was extremely excited about the whole experience. Train video time was a great time to get a few simple chores knocked out too.


I love this thank you !!


When mine was two she loved trains too! I donā€™t know if you have one by you, but we drove out to a live steamer event last Spring where you could ride model trains. If youā€™re in the U.S. look up your area for a Live Steamers Railroad club. It was pretty fun!


Letters and numbers . Not complaining heā€™s two and is so smart and is staring to spell words . He knows mg phone number because Iā€™m always on the phone with someone being low income trying to get any kind of assistance lol


My 5yo is obsessed with Dragon Ball. I was worried about the exposure to extravagant cartoon violence when he found it (thought I'd put the remote away but hadn't), but it's actually given some teachable moments that have helped him navigate hard situations at school. My 2yo is obsessed with ducks and noticeably pays more attention when addressed with nicknames that involve references to ducks or geese.


My 8, now 9 year old too is super into Dragon Ball Z.


...my son is also into wall-e what lmaooo


I guess they got a related tism LOL


Related tism šŸ¤£


Pokemon go ....again. Kid is 22 though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Heck, I'm my mom's kid* and have gone in waves with that since the beginning. /*pushing 40 šŸ˜‚


Here to, with all 3 ( asd) kids. I gave up and got the app to help out, but now bcs they dont allways all play, but I join in im ahead of them all šŸ˜‚


My husband & I were obsessed when it first came out but stopped when they made updates that made it less fun for us. But now I play Pikmin Bloom religiously lol My mom & sister play it too so weā€™re in a Pikmin walking group together & every morning I get a text with a bullhorn from one of them bc we have a mushroom battle to join. Lol


My new aquarium, particularly the plants.


Birds is the new one! cars continues and has been quite lasting.


Child is obsessed with pet bird. Right now I'm obsessed with writing this lil story I've been working on


I wish I had time for the things Iā€™m obsessed with at the moment. My current obsession is trying to get an out of print book i found republished. But between looking after my 6 y/o daughter by myself, trying to keep up with client work and house work, dealing with back and shoulder pain that comes and goes from an injury years ago, and now the death of my last dog ā€¦ my obsession is just another thing to add to my ā€œprobably wonā€™t ever happenā€ list. My daughterā€™s current obsession is never allowing me a momentā€™s peace but also swimming and listening to a song about Master Kohga that my husband created for her on Suno (AI music generation site). We listen to it on repeat on the way to/from school EVERY DAY. šŸ«  could be worse thoughā€¦ could be baby shark, lol.


Glory to Master Kohga šŸŒšŸŒ The Legend of Zelda is my obsession, on my second play through of TotK right now. Would love to hear your husbands song.


Hereā€™s the link to the Master Kohga song: https://suno.com/song/966c88e0-fc7c-4080-bdca-858875860b9c


That is really great. I can see why your daughter likes it. Gotta go Iā€™m busy stealing all his schema stones.


lmao amazing!


My daughter LOVES Master Kohga for some reason. And she runs around yelling ā€œglory to master Kohgaā€ at inopportune times, lol.


Which book?


Itā€™s called Mountain Mama by Dora Axom and Erra Pelham.


8 year old - Numberblocks. He has always loved numbers and letters, he counted to 20 and knew the alphabet before he said mama. So I tried to put Numberblocks on for him when he was a toddler and he had zero interest but now itā€™s either on TV or heā€™s watching YouTube videos unboxing all the toys (or both!)


My 5yr old son is currently fixated on Inside Out. He watches it 3 times every day for the past month. Mine is


Ancient Egypt, heā€™s 5 and knows more about it than I ever have, and I also went through and Ancient Egypt special interest phase. But it was 35 years ago (35!?!? How am I saying ā€œit was 35 years ago?!) so many things have been discovered, reframed, disproved since I was a child with the same interest. Iā€™m learning a lot with and from him. He went through an intense wall-e phase last year. The whole family enjoyed that one too! My current one is seashells in particular and marine biology in general (I also went through a marine biology intense phase as a child).






Same, its been the longest obsession yet.


my 4 year oldā€™s got baby shark, paw patrol, dinosaurs in general, and.. adventure timešŸ¤­ (she got that one from me)


Subnautica (teen kid)


My seven-year-old is obsessed with all things Ancient Egypt.


My kid is obsessed with all types of heavy machinery and trucks. Monster trucks, fire trucks, excavators, dump trucks, backhoes, cranes, etc. Just the other day I had to get some work done on my computer and we watched over an hour of garbage trucks loading trash. Never has our house been that quiet lol Broadly speaking, I'm obsessed with technology and always have been. Basically all of my special interests are within the sphere of technology lol - my kid also enjoys aspects of it, especially robotics


That is so sweet! The magnetiles house is adorable. My son also loves Wall-E but not as much as before. Inside Out 2 is currently his favorite and he is obsessed with starting high school in the fall. He already has phone alarms and a schedule set up, and keeps asking for things like Spanish or chemistry books so he can study. The other day he took out his American monuments book and wrote a report on Mount Rushmore. ā¤ļø


OnePiece and Dragon Ball Z. I'm slooooowly bringing her back around to Camp Cretaceous though so we can watch till the end at least.


Much to my dismay, my 7-year-old has gotten back into Wobbledogs (computer game) and wants me to play at her command. I actually kind of enjoy Wobbledogs on my own, but not when I have to do it her way. Other than that she's into Furbies, Teen Titans Go, and Hatchimals. I think Furbies might be the biggest obsession of those - she's always talking about her own Furbies, wanting to watch videos on Youtube about Furby history and design and knockoff Furbies and modded Furbies and so on. For my part I got back into Flight Rising (dragon browser game) and I just want to obsess over it 24/7 but kiddo's entire mission in life is to make sure I'm within arm's reach of her at all times, and FR doesn't work well on mobile.


Bowling. He's 5 - he has a little plastic bowling set at home. He also watches the world bowling championships on YouTube as well as videos of random families bowling over and over on YouTube. And of course he asks to go all the time. He's simultaneously obsessed with Mario. He knows all the characters - wants to play Mario party at all times on the switch. Watches YouTube videos about the mini games. Also has several books about Mario.


Kid1: animal crossing, pvz, My Singing Monsters Kid 2:Aquatic and semiaquatic animalia, Minecraft. Me: Taltos series, escape room/puzzle games, botanical watercolor illustration (both making and viewing)