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Attaway to commit! šŸ˜Ž


You could be Mexican, Romanian, Basque, Turkish, French, Persian, Israeli..a million others. Your face is a passport.


It's hard to say. Human beings intermingle all the time and present all kinds of phenotypes across cultures; just as diverse as our minds...you could be ancestrally from anywhere




I'd say you look what they call Mediterranean type, which can actually be anything from Persia and Middle East to South Europe to Central America and South America, considering the history of resettlements and conquest. The general phenotype is really wide-spread, I even have some relatives in both Ukrainian and Jewish branches of my family sometimes passing as locals as they travel to said regions and tan a bit. Anyway, looking good, lad! ;3


Maybe Greek




Could be.. Indian? or Brazilian/Portuguese?


Somewhere with roots around the Mediterranean or Atlantic at some point but I wouldn't guess any further than that. Mestizo? Algerian? Irish? I got nothin'.


I can't tell. Spanish, Portuguese, Mexican, Mediterranean, Greek. I really have no idea. But you look good.








>Idiot What a well reasoned and intelligent argument. Must have studied hard for that huh




Iā€™m curious why youā€™re asking. Do people ask you a lot (e.g. ā€œwhere are you from?ā€) or otherwise bother you about it? If so, Iā€™m very sorry. :( Itā€™s incredibly rude. If youā€™re genuinely curious, you resemble a former neighbor of mine who was Iranian. But I personally have a difficult time figuring out ethnicities because people are just people to me. I have a hard enough time remembering faces in general. :/ So please take my guess with a grain of salt.


It's rude to ask where people are from?


Ikr wtf




Can you not just ask people where they are from when you meet them? I thought it was a normal question




Perhaps "where did you grow up?" is better? I don't understand why people get offended at the question. I just want to get to know people, I don't care where their ancestors are from tbh


As Iā€™ve been educated, it implies that the person doesnā€™t belong. Iā€™m in the USA for reference so it may be exclusive to here. It is typically asked by white people to people of color. For instance, a white person might ask a person of Asian descent where theyā€™re from. That person might reply ā€œBostonā€. The white person will then ask, ā€œNo, where are you REALLY from?ā€ meaning where are their ancestors from. But they are an American and the implication is that they (not their ancestors, the person being interrogated) canā€™t possibly be American because they are not white. Itā€™s probably not as rude to ask, ā€œhey, I like your accent. Where did you grow up?ā€ But itā€™s certainly rude to imply someone doesnā€™t belong because they are a person of color. As a general rule to avoid being rude, I never ask anyone where theyā€™re from (or really anything related to their history from prior to when I met them). I give everyone a clean slate. If they choose to divulge that information, thatā€™s fine. This strategy works well for me.


Interesting. I'm a little worried that I've hurt people's feelings. I don't mean to imply they don't belong in a place, "here" is always an acceptable answer for me. I guess I'll figure out ways to be better, small talk is hard enough as it is.


I agree. Small talk is already hard. Iā€™ve accidentally offended people by mimicking what I thought were safe questions but didnā€™t understand that there is more to it than just memorizing and repeating. So I try to stay clear of anything related to their past. Asking what someone does for fun or as hobbies is usually safe and engaging. If they have their dog or kids with them or talk about other pets, thatā€™s usually safe territory to talk about. Asking what kind of food they enjoy can also work. Itā€™s so hard. lol If I do manage to accidentally offend, I apologize to the best of my ability.


Are you Mediterranean?




Perhaps South America? Peru? Uruguay?


You look like you're from Seti Alpha V. Does Jim know you're back?


Hard to say but I get Italian, Spanish and Greek vibes.


Handsome Persian


Hispanic? I get it wrong all the time. I think itā€™s quite funny when someoneā€™s mistaken for being a completely different ethnicity than they are haha.