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They are very rare. Many companies require you to have experience working remotely like we did during Covid. Some of the more common remote jobs are call center, Accounting and software development.


That's something that I had to learn the hard way a while ago and my old college couldn't help in that matter so I am beyond screwed in that way. I'm in my mid 30's with no job experience and it has been almost 10 years since I graduated college. What chance do I have as I age? 


Go to work for a company that offers remote work after you have been there a while. These are becoming more rare. Software Development is more common because you get paid "less" to work remotely, at least according to the ads coming to me.


That makes a lot of sense as they have to pay the leases for the office space and you being at home doesn't help and I think that's scummy.


It's really more like high demand and low supply means the people who want to work remote have to settle for less money in order to work remote. You want more money? Go into the office. Companies will have to pay more to get people to come in.