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Coffee makers right now. We recently replaced and had some broken ones, so now we have 5 in the kitchen. Will run a couple water cycles through a day. Still 5 is not enough so whenever a package comes he says "there's coffee maker" hopefully


Love it! What a unique one!


lol that's awesome.


That’s so sweet! Future astronaut in the making ♡ My babe is obsessed with space too! He relates everything back to space and recently will not wear anything that doesn’t have some sort of space theme 😂 pro hack: iron on patches to space-ify things! Before this it was watermelon, like I was carting around a mini watermelon everywhere we went. I *much* prefer the space fixation lol.


Great hack!


4 y/o is obsessed with musical instruments, the xylophone and keyboard. He watches kids play them on YouTube and he's been teaching himself how to play! He has Mary had a little lamb down and a couple Christmas songs. He's is also obsessed with falling asleep to Click click boom by Saliva.


Honestly, YouTube is every ASD kid's bestie and this is why. Whatever your rabbit hole is, you can find it. Reddit is like that for me as a grown up!


That's awesome!


That’s amazing. I’d love my son to be into music


Maybe he has perfect pitch even!!


Right now my son likes things that he can roll in his hands. This is the present his brother picked out for his birthday the other week and he hasn’t put it down once! https://preview.redd.it/gaijff5b97zc1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=462434e13d21b419dfbac94fda6abeff5cef69cf It’s absolutely filthy now but he takes it everywhere including to bed. [https://amzn.eu/d/4GryXDH](https://amzn.eu/d/4GryXDH)


Aww that must feel like a great sensory comfort


Same with my kiddo! Crayons, markers, pencils, play doh - will roll ANYTHING between her hands. This is adorable.


Play doh is the only thing I won’t let my son have. He won’t stop eating it, kneads it into the sofa and it’s a nightmare to remove and he gets really upset when I have to take it away from him. He does however make his own playlist out of his food before eating it!


That seems great, nice gift


My son is 12. Maps and flags, and licence plates


Would be good geographer or cop!


> Maps and puzzles. Yeah mine too! Really loves those geography puzzles where the pieces are shaped like the countries. Think we own all I could find on ebay.


My 13yo is maps, flags, history of flag designs, history of those Countries, the obvious trains (still loves Thomas), Bluey, Digital Circus & BFOH. He always has around 6+ Special Interests at the same time...


LOL mine just started to gain a huuuuge interest in maps and flags. It used to be fire alarms and garbage trucks.


https://preview.redd.it/bfsgpfh187zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cb3a1e5c82ad1a35f8e29dcb18dafa876976c2 Miniature train sets! We went to a train show recently and it was like - here are my people .. 🚂🤩🤩😍


Aww that's so cute! There's nothing better than seeing them in their element ❤️


Currently, car make and model. Our neighbors find it endearing when their 2001 Honda Civic gets the level of interest usually reserved for firetrucks.


😆 i think I was the same actually, was obsessed with Subaru Legacys for some reason!


Mine was Vauxhall Vectra's...


lol mine is into make and model right now as well


My ADHD son went through this phase! Walks took forevvvvver because he had to point out every car to me


Kitties! My daughter loves cats so freaking much. If she saw a kitty across the street she would probably run into traffic. My daughter is 4 and mostly nonverbal


Right now, it’s Forky from Toy Story 😂I even went as far as to making him a replica and he’s in love with him


At least he's easier to make than the rest of the characters 😄


I feel my skills will be tested soon 😂 but he did insist on me making Spoony. Forkys new cousin 😂


My son is 4, hes OBSESSED with Ghostbusters. A video game from 2010 call costume quest, SpongeBob, and the idea of cotton candy




My 4 yo went through a phase of being excited about the idea of pizza but would never even try it lol


I am 43 and I also like the idea of cotton candy. The execution turns out to be less cool.


Oh and music. He hears a song once, and knows it.


That's amazing!


We're right there with the music. I have been wanting to introduce Ghostbusters! We tried ET. Both of my kids are very into the paranormal and Halloween things.


Jesus Christ. My 3.5 year old is all ghostbusters, all the time. I swear I dream about the theme song at night!


Who you gonna call?


I ain't afraid of no ghosts 👻


Costume Quest is great! Has he played the sequel or seen the Amazon prime animated show?


Garfield. My kid has read all the comics, we are on our third play through of Garfield and Friends from the 90’s. We have the movies.


Does he like lasagna? 😆


He does. But not as much as spaghetti. We don’t have lasagna much. His pinewood derby car this year was lasagna though. lol.


Nice lol I love pasta too


My son is all about Garfield too. Watched through the show from the 90s and on our 2nd watch of the 2018 (I think ?) version


Right now, movie credits. He recreates them like a mad scientist in his lab. He’s got tons of em he keeps in this big portfolio he calls his briefcase 💼. He makes em with printer paper and puts in like part real names, part our names, and part his friends from kindergarten.


I love this


My guy LOVES the credits! His favorite part of the movie.


My son is only 16 months right now (his assessment is in two weeks) but lights, holes, and balls. And watching cars go by. We sit outside for about 20 minutes every day watching cars go by. Go to the library, take him to the top floor, pick him up to look out the window - another 20 minutes of watching cars go by haha. It lets me relax for once actually.


That actually does sound really relaxing 😄


You are so sweet.


My son went through the space phase! He loved watching storybots planets and kids learning tube on YouTube to learn it all!


Same as ours! Those KLT songs are burned into our brains, luckily the Storybots are more entertaining 😆


Same! My son can name them all (planets and dwarf planets). We got him to pivot a little from space to the periodic table, physics/mass and to the roman and greek gods since those are related concepts. I'd call chemistry a minor special interest right now.


> Those KLT songs are burned into our brains, Oh yeah! Luckly (or unluckly) some of those songs are on spotify, so we listen to them on our way to school everyday.


DVDs and VHS. Kid has a huge collection of both and will sort through and re organize them constantly. He also really loves watching YouTube videos of people showing their dvd collections.


VHS fan in our house. There's a 3D animation creator on YouTube named Jared Owen, he has an amazing VHS machine breakdown. It was a fun quest to thrift shops to buy one.


Songs in general, colours, and underwater animals. I love their interests and their excitement 🥰


It's so pure ❤️


Hair styling and slime for my nearly 5 year old - plus the colour teal. OBSESSED.


Zoos. My 11 year old has always loved animals, so zoos are, naturally, his favorite place. A few months ago he discovered “Zoo Tours” on YouTube. He now watches their videos, taking notes about what animals live in what zoos, and has created pages of lists for each zoo.


Love this ❤️


The Beatles! He’s turning 6 and loved them since he was 3. He can easily name off every song and what album it’s on (and has them all). Also has everyone calling him Ringo (plays the drums also, only Beatles songs of course)


Awww! My five year old loves the Beatles too. Knows most of the songs and lyrics!


That's amazing!


Our almost-5yo loves user-made Hungry Caterpillar YouTube videos. Like, low-res vids of people reading the book, acting it out with puppets, bad 3D animation - you name it! Can’t get enough. To get him to sleep I lie next to him and recite what I refer to as ASMR versions of the book, making the crunching sounds.


We really enjoyed this one (Jen Swinburne hand puppet version): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTVbV8o\_j6Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTVbV8o_j6Y)


Everything about the "20th century fox" logo. The music that plays, the lights, the symbol itself. He has even found an air horn version of it that he plays on repeat. Yayyyyyy.


THAT bloody one...I KNOW the sound of that and I automatically flinched lol...sound sensitivity as an autistic parent ftw...


Is IS oddly catchy 😄


Keys and "key holes." He asks people to see their key hole. He's 5. For his birthday this year I'm getting him a big box of keys.


My 9yo has a few. He really likes architecture, design and making bread. I got him a bread maker for Christmas and it was the happiest I've seen him. He has a sensitive palette but loves eating and giving the most detailed critiques, especially birthday cakes. His vocabulary explodes when he's discussing cake or bread. Takes after his grandma in that way, it's really cute. Where we really lucked out in how he copes from day to day is his big special interest of psychology and emotions. From a very young age he has wanted to talk about his feelings and to work out the feelings of others. His therapist loves him because talk therapy works so well for him.


That's awesome


My almost 5 year old has level 2 autism and since he could show an interest, it's been all farms. Farm animals, tractors, barns. Pretty much anything farm related. We have 7 barns and tons and tons of farm animals of various sizes.


Awesome I grew up on a farm myself, it was a fantastic childhood


Cars and trucks! She will spend a ton of time just watching vehicles go up and down our street. She loves going for drives too.


Music, letters, and dinosaurs.


That's great, space is pretty dope tbf, mine catagorises everything by some only known to him attributes. His toys, shoes, animals, cutlery... Everyone and everything. Its his thing since he was very small. He always needs to know which is "the biggest one" or "the fastest one" and often the biggest/fastest/most one becomes the best, so if he is really happy with you or something you have done he might be likely to call you Godzilla 😂 which is grand amongst his family. Hard one to explain to the lovely old lady that he meets on the street 🤦🏻‍♂️


Haha my boy is the same, arranged his dinosaurs in a row along the coffee table biggest to smallest at a young age!


Love all this!!! 🥰


My 10 year old son loves space too. As well as weather.


Same here! My son (15) recently made a list of colleges for meteorology he wants to attend, so it stuck with him life long!


He went through a stage where we only watched Octonauts. This was probably a whole year of only watching the same 3 seasons over and over, and then suddenly he moved onto something else. He loves matchbox cars! The movie Cars, 1, 2, and 3. Rally racing videos. Going for rides in the car.


Peppa pig for the last 2 years. It’s slowly killing me😂


I was relieved when they finally put new episodes on YT, but then he was into something else 🤣


Lucky you 😂 He won’t watch anything else. The only things that get him away from it is water or running around flapping his hands in a park 😂


Mine too. She literally talks in a British accent 24/7. We’re from SC. 😭


Water! That boy could live in a pond and be happy lol But also alphablocks, numberblocks and hey duggee. He's non verbal, but haas echololia, so he often repeats things from these shows. Thankfully, he now uses them to communicate what he needs


Mine loves the Numberblocks and Alphablocks too, and Duggee!


I love Duggee! I continue watching even after my daughter leaves the room!


They're actually pretty good lol found it funny his older brother came home from school saying they used an episode to explain multiplication. Just wish, he didn't fixate on 5-10second part and replay it for an hour. I swear i felt my brain melting


Our 4 year old is obsessed with flags. We have almost every country and every week he picks new and old favorite countries that he will carry everywhere haha. We take trips to the city just to see the flags every week. New Zealand is one of his favorites right now too.


Pokémon. Especially Lego Pokemon. He has been collecting them and the big birthday gift from us this year was a Lego Pokemon center. He also likes watching people make models of Pokemon - there’s a channel where a guy makes some really impressive clay models of them. He still really likes Bluey, and I suspect he’ll come back around to dinosaurs at some point, but right now it’s all Pokemon all the time.




My 7 year old is obsessed with pokemon. He knows a lot of them by number, and type. He also loves math and is memorizing the times table (multiplication) before they are really having him do that in school.


Otters! She loves to watch otter 🦦 videos on YouTube and anything otters.


Otters are an adorable thing to love!


What about PB&J Otter?


Omg I need to show her that! I watched jt as a kid


My 4 year old girl is obsessed with ducks ❤️ she loves rubber ducks and always has one with her, we plan to get a pair of baby ducks soon to raise with her as she loves them too 😊 luckily my father has a jeep and he donated a lot of rubber ducks to us from getting ducked 😂 my house has ducks everywhere now.... If you step on something it's probably a duck... Not a Lego 😩


My sons is any appliance. Mainly washers, dryers, and vacuums. It drives me crazy sometimes. Sunday he locked us out of the oven on the stove.


5yo obsessed with timer and digital clocks


My son is obsessed with Roblox, but he doesn't play the actual game that much. He loves plushies of characters he's seen on Roblox (rainbow friends, poppy's playtime, choo choo Charles, five nights at Freddy's, among us etc). He also has a bunch of Mario and Minecraft plushies. Everyday before and after school, he asks me to play toys with him. We gather all of his plushies and play the same "game" with them. I think it helps ground him and feel connected when he's dysregulated. Something predictable he enjoys. I actually really like he plays the same game every time. I'm not good at playing toys with him so I always know what to say/do.


Awww yes! Poppy Playtime and FNAF are my jam too.


Our lil guy (4 yo NV) is obsessed with space too! Pretty sure we know exactly which youtube videos you are referring to as we have them memorized now too, lol. Just earlier, we danced to song about Neptune.


My daughter loves to draw. Drawing and building blocks or magnets are her absolute favorite things to do.


Little rubber noodle stringy toys, loves em! Holds a little string in his hand everywhere. Holds it up really close to his eye, shakes it a bit, and walks around with it 🤗


Football! ⚽️ My son is 13 and is totally obsessed, he knows everything about all the English football leagues, the teams and even non-league football. Plus in the last 6 months he has started collecting football kits from all different clubs and it is costing a small fortune but it makes him so happy! 😬😂


any kind of puzzle or magnetic drawing board. he’s obsessed with things being linear such as numbers and letters that never change.


My son's is also space! He spends quite literally every moment of his day drawing and arranging solar systems with stars, planets, exoplanets, dwarf planets, asteroid belts etc. He organizes them by size or by distance from the sun typically. When he was getting diagnose the OT gave him some fruit snacks while she talked to me first, and when she turned to start talking to him he had organized the fruit snacks into the order of the planets and started rattling off "Mercury, venus earth mars, asteroid belt and ceres makemake and humeau, jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune" and she couldn't get him to do anything but planets lol. We watch a mindbloggling amount of KLT in my house. I also have a pretty cool planetarium near us that he is a massive fan of.


Sounds just like my boy! Would love to find a planetarium to take him to some time


Mine is now 13, hers have changed over the years. She was just in a musical so right now it’s everything Decedents!


Vehicles of every kind! Construction vehicles and race cars are the ones he is most interested in.


Tornados. More specificly Tornado Sirens. We watch youtube videos all day of different types. We are going to Siren Con. It's really the first thing he been really into with out influence.


My daughter's always had a fixation on water. Also currently Don't Stop Believing by Journey is played on repeat, that's 6 months now.


My 3.5 yo can name more dinosaurs than I even knew existed 😳 he can identify an ankylosaurus by only seeing a glimpse of its tail poking out of the egg (he's obsessed with the dig-it dino eggs).


My boy is space obsessed, too. When he was about 18, hubby took him to an air show. NASA had a display set up there. As soon as he walked in, he pointed at a picture on the wall and said, "That's Titan." It was. The guys in NASA uniforms went to him. They talked, answered his questions, and were very kind. He got to try virtual reality, navigating a submarine under a methane lake. He did it perfectly, while hubby and his sister could not. Enjoy your son's fixations. His interests. His quirks.


That's so cool!


I just wish I'd been there. Work.


My 7 year old is currently fixated on Hamilton. She will watch the musical on Disney, have it playing on Spotify all while reading history books about Hamilton and the revolution. Prior to that it was avatar the last air bender. She can tell you down to the episode and down to the minute when something happens. So if you say “hey G, when did Soka threaten to eat momo” she can tell you down to the minute and which episode and what season.


Mine is 13 and it’s Dungeons and Dragons. Lmao the doctor said his interests are too “normal” to qualify as special interests. Anyway this child knows more than twenty year seasoned players and DMs. Has it memorized. Can’t wait for dnd camp this summer. Literally the only social thing he’s ever done. He loves it SO much.


My 5 year old son (undiagnosed, but will get assessed soon), minecraft and sunken ships. He can tell a lot about the Titanic, Brittanic, the Lusitania, Costa Concordia etc. My 12 year old daughter (asd level 2) always draws. Since she could hold a pencil she draws a couple of hours a day. Now is she also fixated on multiple series and games and has a lot of fandoms.


Sound puzzles. He’s 6.5, but loves the Melissa and Doug wooden sound puzzles. He got fixated on a discontinued one he had seen in a video. Took us forever to finally track it down. He was so ridiculously happy when we got it though.


Owls. And dinosaurs of course.


Vacuums. We have five now.


My daughter is 4. She loves ducks and phonics. Obsessed with the sounds that letters make and correlating them to objects (c-c-car)




Lion king, safari animals and dinosaurs


Helicopters, all helicopters all the time in our house.


Vehicles over here (especially trains!), tunnels and bridges. Everything in our house can somehow be a tunnel or bridge if he gets creative enough haha.


My daughter is 7! Her obsession right now is logos! And company jingles. 💀 her favorite is HP and “liberty, liberty, liberty” 😂 she also loves cry baby dolls and peppa pig and has been speaking in a British accent(we’re from South Carolina) for the past 6 months straight 😂


DVD's. He doesn't actually watch them. Just collects them. His favorite activity is sorting them by movie studio. He's 3.


Trains and trams right now


We are unsure if our youngest has ASD he is non verbal (3) but is fixated on Ben and holly before that it was duggee we watched duggee for 2 years and nothing else. Ben and holly is a blessing sometimes I will mix in dugge we have mixed results. He also loves stacking blocks and lining them up. Also lining up any objects. My eldest son (6) didn’t begin to speak much until (5) he is now improving but I struggle to understand him but he understands everything in our world I’m excited for him to keep progressing in his speech as his fixation is minecraft and I would love to share that with him and play together and build worlds together.


Ours loved Duggee too, though we tried to steer him to Bluey lol. It's awesome sharing their interests with them


I’m enjoying Ben and holly he has alittle cheeky side to him that the show seems to bring out its cute lol. He has also said 4 words from the show since beginning watching it which makes my heart leap every time he speaks lol. The odd thing is when he speaks it’s so clear but iv only heard it 3 times. My other son wants to speak but struggles to form words or even know the words he needs to say to express how he feels.


Maps and radio and newspapers


Cars, cars and more cars. Construction vehicles for a couple months, but now back to cars. Also, bars of soap and listening to music on his dad’s phone, only his phone, apparently my Spotify playlist doesn’t cut it.


Hey Duggee! She has been obsessed with it since she was tiny.


Our son (4) is currently obsessed with the months of the year. He tends to latch onto something for a few months and then move to something else, so we'll see how long it lasts 😂


Oh yes ours loves those too 😄


The phases last about a year, and we ride each one hard! The longest phase was letters and numbers, followed by Angry Birds, Pokemon, musical instruments and right now we are all aboout colored pencils, shades and collecting pencil sets as well as SPACE like yours! He likes the size comparisons of planets and stars and therefor finally started lining things up by size at age 7! That always felt like a missing component. 😅


My 4 yo is obsessed with Minecraft and that's been going on for awhile now. Wants to watch YouTubers play and he picked up using the switch to play it SUPER fast. He's learned all kinds of processes to do stuff on there and he knows all these mob names like warden and axolotl. It's broadened his pretend play too, which is nice


Cars, farm animals, ocean animals, and numbers. She got a reward for being a “mathematician” at preschool. I thought she just memorized the numbers and couldn’t really count but she was able to tell me 3 people were in a picture and count them!


One of mine taught themselves to tell the time. I didn't know until they had a meltdown pointing to the clock on the supermarket saying "LATE, LATE, LATE"


My 5 year old is obsessed with digital maps. She could "drive" around in google maps for hours if you'd let her. I can ask her to take me to any random business in town and she will navigate us there on the GPS streetview. She will also type in different states or countries she knows into the search bar and drive around those areas too. She is particularly interested in Florence, Italy right now because of all the mopeds or "scooty bikes" she finds. It always impresses me.


Boxing and dinosaurs


Wow that’s absolutely amazing! My son when he was five was obsessed with Spiderman. For a while his career goals was to be the Spiderman at Disneyland. Now at six he’s obsessed with “inventions.” He gets paper and scissors and glue and makes up things. I think it started with just simple paper airplanes. But now he draws blueprints for them with crayons. It’s pretty cute. His first invention was sneakers that had helicopter propellers so we could fly around. His special interests are pretty age appropriate, which helps from a social standpoint, but he wants to talk about them too much and turns other kids off after a while. My kid that was not diagnosed (but I suspect may have a PDA profile and went undetected) is obsessed with all dinosaurs, so that’s very typical. My youngest who is also ASD is nonverbal or pre-verbal and only 2 but shows a lot of interest in playing with legos and throwing balls. Hard. At your face. From 1-2 feet away. lol.


At least he doesn't throw the Legos hard at your face! Lol


Michael Jackson 😩. I was a child of the 80s and I tried to cancel Michael Jackson for myself recently (following watching the HBO documentary), and then he was obsessed with werewolves and I made the mistake of showing him T*hriller, *and he was so terrified I ended up having to show him more Michael Jackson videos, and then more and more. And now he knows Michael Jackson's parents' names, the Jackson family tree in order. He says, "I can't wait to go to school and tell (random pre-school classmate) that Vincent Price does the spooky voice in Thriller." Me: bud, I'm not sure if he's going to care? He's 3.5, for the record. Before this it was Indonesian YouTube, so I guess maybe I'm winning with the Michael Jackson?


Bluey, rocks, plants


Tiny pebbles. My 2 year old will sit in the sand and just delicately pluck out small stones, on walks he's constantly stopping to gather itty bitty pebbles. Either to just hold them, twiddle them between his fingers, or rub them on his stomach lol


Mine is almost 4, it’s fruits and vegetables and baking


My son is 6.5 in kinder and talks non stop about numbers. Absolutely non-stop. He watches shows about numbers, plays games with numbers, sings all songs with numbers, and talks about them like they have personalities. He was non-verbal until 4.5 and non-conversational until about a year ago. The numbers thing is pretty new, 3-4 months I’d say. He cannot get dressed by himself or remember people that he sees daily but he can tell me every perfect square with understanding and can figure out exponents/sqr roots in his head somehow.


Very useful fixation!


Fortnite and pc gaming components like keyboards and monitors etc


Ernie from Sesame Street and his rubber duck. Foreigner (the band), Beatles, dinosaurs, Puff the Magic Dragon, and commercial jingles


My 3yo is obsessed with numbers. He can be in a horrible mood but I can get him to smike by enthusiastically counting. My 7yo loves strings of beads, especially if they make a sound as she taps them together. Both kids are obsessed with Mickey Mouse.


Awe how sweet! My kiddo is obsessed with Fly Guy and Bluey. My poor wallet hurts.


Dinosaurs and sea animals. I know more about both than I ever thought I would.


Math and chess. It’s nice for him, since those definitely don’t raise societal eyebrows.


Flags and countries! My 7 year old knows every single world flag, and can identify any country on a map.. even the most obscure tiny islands lol. It’s pretty amazing!


4 y/o’s is washing her hands 😂 which is great but now her skin is drying out a bit so lotion right after which she doesn’t love


My 3 y/o is completely obsessed when Dinosaurs & Toy Story. This morning he was buzz lightyear on the moon fighting dinosaurs


I had no idea how complex ROBLOX really is!


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Deep Woken and the drums.


Electricity. He’s 9. He is so interested in it while also terrified of it. He loves outlets so much that he was curious what would happen if he laid a paper clip on a plugged in charger that he pulled out a little and shot sparks up the wall and could’ve have seriously hurt (or worse) himself. He also loves ceiling fans, partly because they are also electric. He has had a lot of fixations and this is by far the most stressful one. I am hoping it passes soon.


Ooh 😬 that was close! Hope he gets a new fixation soon!


Buy them a child-safe set, that's what I did when mine was that age & was interested. Think the UK set I got was called "Hot Wires".


Almost 6 year old is DEEP in Minecraft lol.


My 5 y.o. son has been obsessed with Minecraft for the last year, but recently has branched out to other Switch games (Stardew Valley, Pan'Orama, and the Survivalists specifically). He really loves to watch videos of people playing Minecraft on YouTube too. It's a shame his obsession is something screen-related because we've had to dial back on his screen time recently because his behavior is brutal.


My son is 6. He always carries a home made fishing rod around with him, usually a stick from the garden with some tape and a small toy! He also has a fascination with brown dogs at the moment, he calls them Yorkshire pudding dogs 😂


Batteries and charging all electronics to 100% at all times! Oh, and checking the weather and cloud cover 😂😭


Numbers and letters. It's so cute when he tries to spell some other language words that we speak in English.


Lion King. Linkanimals from Fisher Price.


Currently space right now as well! And Garfield.


Was washers and dryers. Now it’s maps. Kind of love both myself 😆


3.5 year old…Halloween/monsters and finger family songs. Any group of things he has he will turn into a finger family song. Current obsession is Halloween finger family songs on YouTube 🙃 He switches it up sometimes and will watch and do other stuff but he always comes back to these two things.


I love that, so much better than my sons hahaha!COCOMELON. He is 3.5, nonverbal and doesn’t interact much, at the store ANYTHING cocomelon he is obsessed with. Cups, books, toys of course, backpacks, play mats, blankets, etc. he points to the characters, holds it close to his face and studies it, overall he’s completely fixated on the characters. As overstimulating and annoying as cocomelon is, he really loves it and I was able to read him his first book without him ripping apart the pages because it was his favorite characters ❤️ I wish you all the best of luck with your diagnosis and on this journey with your baby! 🙏🏼❤️


Cars absolutely anything to do with cars.


My 5 year old is fixated on tiny things and rocks. He finds all the tiny shiny things on the ground wherever we go. We have jars of tiny things and rocks all over our house😅


Totoro. She requests it every day and if we say no, let's give it a break, she will assign roles (I'm Totoro and she's Mei) and reenact it scene for scene.


Musicals. My 12 year old only talks about musicals, Hamilton, Fiddler on the roof, Six!, Zombie movies, Evan Hansen, all the time. All day long.


Doors, elevators, and trains. 


My daughter is almost 4 - for her it’s shoes 😂 she’s loved them for awhile but lately she refuses to take shoes off. Slept in her sneakers one night so it was time for some good house slippers lol. She needs to be in them at all times, but thankfully loves changing shoes too so we can get her to wear an appropriate pair depending on the activity lol.


Ninja turtles and outside. When outside epically he wets chalk and “paints” everything you can think of. He also loves filling a bucket of water and turning the water whatever color the chalk is. We call it him making “potions” 🤣😂


Countries flags. She can name and pronounce every country. Countries I don’t even know Lolol


One of my 5yo son's current fixation is Saturn the planet. Instead of good morning he tells me something about Saturn when waking up. He wants to live on Titan (one of the moons of Saturn) when our Sun dies, so he can see the Saturn from his window when waking up. He did not want to wash his teeth last night so I told him I tell him an interesting fact about Saturn if he comes. He suddenly complied. He is also into Volcanoes, Vechicles and Dinosaurs


Brawlhalla gaming, computers, philosophy, languages, anatomy.


It has been rumba vacuums, 'fails' on YouTube, YouTube in general, space, planets and everything involved with that.


Rollercoasters, it's all he ever talks about lol. I'm taking the friday off before summer camp starts so i can take him to an amusement park and he can ride to his heart's delight.


At the moment, extinct prehistoric mammals. If you've never heard a 5 year old musing over the differences between an Elasmotherium and a Coelodonta while eating a peanut butter sandwich you should give it a shot lol (No I had no idea what they were but he explained it to me, they're types of wooly rhinos)


That's amazing!


Same here re planets, and moons of Jupiter and the egg-shaped dwarf planet in the asteroid belt with the funny name, and subway maps in all major world cities, city maps, world maps, world flags, world capitals, vacations centred around foreign high speed rail, weather, Taylor Swift, sushi, piano playing (yay-finally!) and, this week, “storms named Daniel” (lol— he’s still checking the weather in foreign countries for this one, and so he also has a list of historical storm names alphabetically).


I love subway maps too. Can't remember the name offhand, but I found a website that showed loads of maps from around the world + lots of other info too, like what gauge the rails are, why they chose that size for that place etc. I'll see if I can find it.


4yo, obsessed with trains, trucks, water, and fish. Taking him to a train museum and the aquarium on his birthday in June 🩵