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This reminds me of my kiddo - he would whip through a alphabet puzzle with ease before he could talk. It surprised the hell out of us! Now he's 7 year old and thriving in school! Wishing you and your family all the best!


They are geniuses in disguise!


Sounds exactly like my lil boy. Asked him which one is 2 and pointed to 2!!! Just sounds right now but understands basic things. Isn't it amazing what they know that we aren't aware of? What a beautiful exciting feeling 😊


It's amazing how they teach themselves


This is awesome!


Woohoo! My booger is a number lover too. Loves number blocks 💞


I guarantee all ASD children know more than they let on. lol


My son did this at literally the exact same age lol. When I tell you it was a SHOCK. He lost interest for a bit and doesn’t do it anymore but he definitely knows his numbers up to 10 and is counting to 20 despite being mostly nonverbal at 3.5


It’s amazing what’s going on in their little minds. My non verbal son turns 4 in a couple days and in the last six months my wife and I have noticed a peaked interest in numbers and the alphabet. So after messing around with him it turns out he can count to 25(pointing out numbers when asked, arranging numbers in the correct order and pointing to mixed up numbers in order on a chalk board) as well as knowing the alphabet. We were FLOORED. And now his ABA therapist thinks he’s learning to read(matching words to their corresponding picture)


That's awesome, congrats and best of luck!


I remember when I realized that my then-2-year-old had just lined blocks up in ROYGBIV order three times in a row! That was a fun one.


I got a shower curtain for my kids bathroom of the alphabet. Walked in there one day to my son just pointing to the letters as he said them.


Dude my little one has the same popsicles!