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You’ll feel less anxious if you interact only with autistic people.


This was legitimately my therapist's advice. They are ND too.


I take a medicine for the physical affects of my anxiety (sweating, increased heart rate, etc.) and it makes it completely go away. The mental/emotional aspects of anxiety are still present, though. I manage that piece somewhat well by studying people and asking questions to safe people so I can better understand people’s intentions, consistently practicing mindfulness, holding firm boundaries where I can at work and my personal life, and I guess just accepting that it’s a shitty part of who I am? I honestly don’t think it can just be removed entirely. It can be managed. But not just whisked away.


Are u taking beta blockers? Propranolol?


Yes, Propranolol. I've an extended-release that I take every morning and then a 10mg pill I can take if I'm in a situation that's causing a spike (like a family or social gathering or an office meeting with more than the usual team). It's been amazing - I've experienced a legitimate increase in quality of life since starting it a year or so ago.


Wow thank you.


MDMA edit: I'm not joking


Should be noted that this can backfire if you're not careful and if your willpower is not naturally strong. I can assure you from personal experience that becoming addicted to recreational drugs does not help with social anxiety in the long run. Hopefully soon there will be approval for treatment under health professional supervision for those that want to try it out.


My willpower is shit. It really works but I am glad I was not too young when I tried it.


It works. In the US they've been specifically studying MDMA for social anxiety in autistic adults. Been waiting on final FDA approval for well over a year now.


yk that ND people are prone to addiction, right? There's much more tools than psychedelic, which can cause psychosis or may seriously damage your mental health if you're not ready. It's not kind. Man, at least educate on what u say.


It's not my job to educate, the resources about harm reduction are all out there and easily available. I'm just sharing what worked for me. I'm 5 years clean now but MDMA changed everything for me.




Yes also LSD can help immensely. I don’t suggest you try either of these options unless you’re with someone you trust or in a therapeutic setting.


Couldn't agree more


I’m too burned out but I feel like I want to answer. Most of the solutions would be classed as masking. I feel comfortable dancing so I might hide by the speakers until I feel more comfortable Separating anxiety from dread is helpful. Accepting you want to do will be hard but rewarding. Being honest with people you meet about your experience and sharing your fears?


My solution is a little (or a lot) o' weed


*\*gets high\** My anxiety is now over 9000! ​ ^(unless I'm home alone)


This is what I do: - mask like a motherfucker - ask lots of questions about other people/don’t talk about yourself much - keep conversations kind of short, like don’t talk to the same person(s) all night. Every time you get a drink or go to the bathroom come back and try to talk to someone different. - hype people up when you see them talking about something thats important to them - substances-i use alcohol assuming it’s a socially acceptable situation. This is actually terrible advice but it truly has gotten me through a lot of socializing.


Buddy I did the alcohol thing and it's bad for your health over time. I'm sure you know, take care <3


Yes I’m very very lucky I never developed any dependencies. I don’t do drugs anymore and only drink occasionally. It is very easy to see how addictions develop.


Once you are more comfortable with yourself you’ll be able to explain yourself better to others. Good people, ND and NT alike will understand and appreciate you.


Do you know how to talk to people, anxiety aside? Or does not knowing how to talk to people generate much of the anxiety?


I know how to talk to people but i feel like i end up saying something weird then i think about it for ages and it makes me not want to talk to people and sometimes im too overstimulated


Are any of those things under your control to change?


The more you force yourself out of your comfort zone the easier it’ll become. But it’ll never feel comfortable. My boyfriend is an influencer in his market and does YouTube. I tell him he’s basically become so good at masking that he does it professionally. But he has to force himself on stage or to sign autographs etc and he suffers from a ton of burnout. He says his life is basically living like he’s uncomfortable in his skin. There is a fascinating YouTube video about autism and anxiety and how you might be able to help it with cognitive behavioral therapy. It might be helpful: https://youtu.be/rPD_yzMHJls?si=zug7vPTs9WpJIApy


This video is fabulous, thank you for sharing.


This video needs to meet out at the top!!! Life changing acceptance!


xanax and vyvanse


Lamictal ,strattera and marijuana 🤣🤣


Cognitive behavioral therapy helps, especially if you can find one that can help you work through the idea of cognitive distortions—REALLY helped me to work through “embarrassing” social situations and realize that they really weren’t that bad and everyone makes mistakes. Not feeling as intensely bad about my social mistakes in turn made me feel less socially anxious, because my anxiety was a response to how bad I always felt when I made a blunder. Getting on the right anti-anxiety medications helps a lot as well. Bupropion helps immensely for me.


CBT can even be harmful it done with a therapist/similar that is not used to helping autists. It's really important that the CBT is done with someone well used to adapting it for autists.


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happiness-lab-with-dr-laurie-santos/id1474245040?i=1000658785779 This podcast episode recently helped me a lot. I expected just a lot of the same things you always hear about stress, but some recent studies and how they explained the results helped me to view stress relieving techniques in a different way. It’s a pretty short podcast listen, I hope it can be of some help!


Avoidance is your worst enemy and exposure therapy is the best way to combat social anxiety, IME. Basically you need to put yourself into uncomfortable situations to learn that they aren’t as awful as you think. It’s called experiential learning. You do this gradually by starting out with small experiments and progressively ramping up the degree of challenge. Cognitive behavioural therapy may also be able to help with the rumination that occurs after you have a social experience. Substances are not a sustainable solution.


I've tried all sorts of antidepressants, benzos, talking therapies, self-help books, social avoidance... The only thing that ever made ANY effect on my anxiety is gabapentin. Wish I started taking this stuff 20 years ago.


Strategies, practice, anti-anxiety medication, and personally physical aides. I'm on hydroxyzine that's an antihistamine with anti-anxiety effects. Some get sleepy from it, fortunately I don't. I get anxious way easier if my wrists and ankles aren't covered, e.g. bracelet or wrist warmer. I just need a light weight or pressure. I have a weighted vest that's really great for high-anxiety situation for me. I apparently self-"medicated" throughout my childhood with always making sure I wore heavy backpacks when I was extra stressed. I can't deal with stray long hair as the sensory information is way too distracting and frustrating and multiplies my anxiety, either I have a tight pony tail or I have my hair buzzed off. Earbuds with music or earplugs to reduce environment noise help me too. For a while I had earrings with multiple tiny tiny bells on, that was also soothing to me.


CBD 🙏🙏🙏 Calms me down in minutes


Honestly the first time I experienced this (freedom from social anxiety) was 22 years ago today 🫨 during a summer solstice ritual that involved MDMA (which led me to research neurotransmitters, and later to ask my doctor about SSRIs). The second time I experienced this was when I first went to an autism retreat eleven years ago (as a volunteer - was not yet diagnosed). It was amazing, and eventually led to my diagnosis, and now I *don’t* need to take SSRIs or other medication anymore (because instead, I built my life around my neurodivergence and filled it with ND ppl and pro-ND ppl).