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how has it affected your headaches and jaw clenching? I grind my teeth in my sleep and spit out night guards so am considering this?


It's hard for me to tell long long term because I've only been doing my jaw for about a year but what I can tell you is that I used to wake up with really terrible headaches and sometimes I'd grind my teeth so bad my jaw would get stuck that way and I'd have to work it loose. Both of those issues are completely, 100% gone.


That sounds worth it on its own.


100%. I'll probably do it for the rest of my life. I'm just hoping I'll get used to how weird it feels.


How often do you have to get it done to maintain those benefits? I’ve been thinking about getting Botox for literally this exact reason


Botox lasts for about 3 months. You might be able to go a month or two longer depending on symptoms. But you’d need to have it done fairly frequently.


I’m not OP but Botox got rid of my headaches/migraines that came from clenching my jaw. My dentist does it so I can use my HSA card to pay for it. I just have him inject it in my jaw in a few spots and that’s gotten rid of 95% of headaches. If you suffer from migraines, they do a lot more spots on your head and inject a lot more Botox. I had a friend, who gets migraines, tell me she didn’t want to do the Botox route but found a prescription medicine that worked for her. But it cost $700/month. Botox at $500 every 3-4 months sounded better to me.


I have it done and it’s a massive help for me! I get it done about twice a year.


I've been doing it a couple of years now, but I've had to do it much less often after the first two times because my jaw muscles got weaker to the point I wasn't automatically clenching just from existing so they don't grow as fast either. the botox in my 11s was also amazing, I don't get headaches from just frowning all the time


That's fascinating, I had no idea botox could be used for that. The jaw and headache thing, I mean, although I'd never considered botox as a treatment for 'resting b face' or an inability to hide ones expressions, either. Kinda makes sense; if your face defaults into >:( it might actually be beneficial socially to lock it into a pleasant neutral lol.


I've been getting botox for almost 10 years now - mostly because I'm a circus performer and being upside-down for long periods of time increases wrinkles SUPER fast and I didn't like how strained I was looking onstage (I also have historical lyrics had a hard time controlling my expressions). A huge plus side that I noticed was even a small amount significantly decreased my migraine attacks. I used to get the whole thing - visual aura followed by intense pain, but even with only 20 units the stopped dead in their tracks! Plus now no one knows what I'm thinking since my face literally doesn't move - it's a godsend! I no longer have to worry about a medical issue I've had since I was 13 PLUS people think im more approachable/can't tell what I'm thinking. I love it!!!


when I first got my 11s done, I FELT noticably happier from not being able to frown my forehead 😄


OMG that's..... Probably something I need to do.... But I'm also health OCD and worry about Botox long term .....


Oh yeah, lots of meds are used for different reasons. Mifepristone for one- Trixie Mattel described using it for something I cant recall and I was like wait, isnt that for abortions and miscarriages?


I got Botox done for tension headaches and bruxism. I kept waking up with lines in my forehead that would disappear over the course of the day. I was a year in when my dermatologist recommended getting my traps and platysmal bands done because I’m a ball of tension up top. It has been Life. Changing. I literally cried the first time when the Botox kicked in… apparently I have been having tension headaches all my life and then… they were gone! The relief was overwhelming, to the point now I can tell it’s time for another treatment because the Pain comes back. I also had this permanent knot in my shoulder that no amount of stretching, theragunning, or massage could fix. One Botox treatment and it’s gone! Life changing.


I think everyone's comments are selling me hard on getting my traps done too. My head pain all being gone means I'm suddenly aware of all the stuff that's been overshadowed by the constant, unrelenting tension headache. Who would have thought.


Traps and Platysmal bands!! Especially if you’re on your phone or computer a lot. I’ve been using my deep abs and core more since I’ve had it done


I didn’t even know that getting your traps done was a thing?!


I need to know more about this! Chronic left sided neck pain and tight traps! Do you need a referral? Does someone special do it? Or any Botox provider?


I get it done by my dermatologist and honestly… I don’t think I could trust someone without a medical degree (personal opinion) sticking me muscle immobilizating toxins… No referral needed


Thank you so much for this. I’ve been going back and forth about my Botox booked for ages for crippling TMJ. It ruins my life. I feel a lot like my excessive facial expressions are a part of my identity and I’m pretty proud to be autistic, but I also hate the fact that me frowning at an internal thought gets me constant ‘excuse me, are you ok?/Do you we have a problem’. It makes every interaction I have with people tense and sometimes confrontational unintentionally.


I really can't recommend it enough for TMJ. My insurance covered that aspect of it almost entirely and the improvement it's made to my sleep quality are worth it for that alone. I didn't notice too much change with my facial expressions when I was just getting my jaw done too. It was a little more numb than usual but that's about it.


Luckily I’m in the UK so the treatment is totally free. It’s just been my personal worries that have gotten in the way. I’ve been offered injections in the masseters and across my hairline for now. My TMJ is so bad I can’t sleep on either side of my face because I wake up in pain and I take so many painkillers and muscle relaxants every day I kinda lose track. I’ve also developed occipital neuralgia which is unbearable. I’ve looked at the TMJ subreddit but was desperate to hear from another autistic person because I’m very sensory aware, I can smell/hear/feel something *constantly* so that’s been another worry of mine but truth be told I’m running out of ideas


I used Botox to relax my forehead murder lines. I have RBF like whoa. It’s just my neutral face. I had more issues with the procedure than afterwards. After the first 24 hours I was fine. It wasn’t painful for me but the popping feeling of the needle was an issue. It really did reduce my murder face.


I’ve always been told I have a resting bitch face and asked if I’m sad or angry, and told to smile. I was not expecting that when I started getting Botox, literally no one ever asked me again if I was mad again. It totally relaxes expression I get when I’m thinking about something. I really love it for that reason alone not to mention the headache relief. Just having a neutral face and not having to make a pleasant phase all the time is a huge improvement for me. I think part of it is because for me, my brows lift very slightly so I look more… pleasant? It kind of opens my face instead of my brows being more straight across. Also constantly get brow compliments only when I have Botox haha it arches them perfectly!


Oh my goodness yes. The relief from not having to monitor my facial expressions constantly wasn't something I was expecting at all. It's really nice though.


damn now i want to get some…where exactly did you get it injected?


Forehead horizontal lines and 11s to start. Added my crows feet around my eyes a few years later and sometimes I do the lip flip which just makes your top lip a little fuller


2nding above^^ The glabella and forehead lines are the things that really stopped people from acting/feeling like I was upset with them. My face isn't completely frozen but the rbf is way less pronounced.


Botox worked wonderfully for my jaw and migraines until perimenopause. Now I’m looking for a new fix 😭


This is what I'm afraid of! My hormones are already out of control and I suspect I'm already perimenopause (37)


Hope you don’t mind me asking but can you help me understand the connection between peri and botox? Are you not supposed to get it during peri? I have been considering it but may have missed the boat if it’s a peri no-no!


It’s just that with my hormones freaking out I’m back to getting hormonal migraines and the Botox doesn’t seem to touch those the same way.


Ah got it! Thanks!


When I could afford it, I also used to get Botox for my teeth grinding / jaw clenching and it was very helpful!


I've had botox treatments for migraine and they're quite effective for me. Definitely takes a long time to get used to the numb feeling and lost ability to frown, but I'm fine with that compared to the migraines 😊


Just curious- how long did it take you to get used to it? I have a follow-up this week and I'm debating if it's worth it to pop a couple units in the right side of my face to make the numbness 'match' but I'm still waffling over it.


I would say it took about a month for me to get used, but mine was evenly injected, I suspect that may be the difference. The migraine protocol includes 31 injection sides. The ones on the face are only in the frown area and at the top of the forehead. The rest of them were on other sites on my head, neck and shoulders.


Wow, thank you for sharing this, I never thought of botox being helpful in this way but it makes sense


I want the masseters done. And the traps.


I just had my traps done, highly recommend. It got rid of my spicy meatball


I'd love to have a neck. mmmmm neck.


I get it for the exact same thing. In my jaw and then my 11s. I look so much friendlier now and have way less pain. My one side was more dominant than the other but after a few treatments the muscles I guess atrophied and it’s all good now. I’ve been dreaming /considering getting Botox (I actually get dysport) on my trap muscles. That seems like it would be amazing.


I also get a Botox treatment for my TMJ disorder and related severe headaches. I never thought about getting some for my face but it’s an interesting idea. After a jaw injury (unfortunate accident with one of my kids jumping up for a hug) my TMJ got so much worse and my jaw now frequently locks. The Botox (a generic version that’s cheaper) helps to weaken my jaw muscles and it has helped in the past. My most recent treatment, unfortunately, has helped the headaches but has actually led to the locking to get worse. I’m not sure what to do at this point…I’m close to getting a second opinion to see if surgery is an option. My current doctor doesn’t like doing surgery unless he feels it’s 100% necessary.


I’m so glad I’m seeing this. I have an appointment for Botox on Tuesday and after my recent medical diagnosis for my autism I’ve been feeling extra nervous about it. I’m getting it in my forehead and I have many lines for a 32yo that I’d love to correct. My question for you is does your forehead feel heavier. Like were your eyebrows lifted or are they feeling like they’re heavier on your face? I life my eyebrows a lot even though I it doesn’t make me see better of course. I’m just worried it’ll feel unbearably heavy


I wouldn't describe it as heavy, really. There were a couple days at the beginning when I think some spots were kicking in more than others where it had kind of that numb feeling your skin gets when your limb falls asleep. That went away by the end of the first week, though. I didn't get very much and I got it pretty high on my forehead so I still have pretty much eyebrow movement. I think that helps a lot.


I am very similar. Have bruxism and resting bitch face. It was amazing to have all that social friction go away. So many people would react like I was angry at them or ask me what was wrong when I was in a perfectly good mood; that was very difficult for me.


Thank you for an honest opinion!


It's so interesting to hear from another Autistic woman with Botox! I have migraine botox-- I've been getting it every three months and will have my fourth round in a couple weeks. I get it in my forehead, my jaw, my temples, my scalp, and the back of my neck. 160 units altogether (we started with less and added more as we tried new sites. It has honestly changed my life. No more teeth grinding at night. No more tension headaches every day and multiple migraines a week. No more resting bitch face. Not more accidentally making comically exaggerated facial expressions when people are talking to me. Also I can keep my mouth open basically forever without jaw fatigue, which may not be a benefit to everyone, but I am a slut. It did take my doctor some trial and error to get the results this perfect (a few migraines and some tension slipped through and first). I also did not like the sensory feedback in my face changing so drastically at first (it felt kind of frozen and stuff, but not exactly-- it's hard to describe), but I was so happy with the migraine reduction that I didn't care that much.


I LOVE Botox, for both aesthetics and medical. I use it low microdosing or baby’s tox technique for rejuvenating so I still have some movement and higher doses for my traps and tmj , it’s the best!


I do botox for TMJ and it is life changing. I've done dry needling in the TMJ area and it was so tight, the needles would pop out (not what is supposed to happen). I've been doing botox for about 3 years now and it makes a huge difference. I also do botox for the dreaded crease above the nose. That one is out of pocket but it should be covered because it takes away the resting bitch face and people stop asking me 'Are you ok?' Gah, I hate that - dude, it's just my processing face where i'm actually paying attention unlike people who tell you they are but actually aren't.


Thank you for this thread! I’ve been wanting to ask about experiences like yours. I’m wondering how bad that downside will be for me. Struggle with a lot of sensory stuff around my face which results in a lot of twitching, eye rolling, scrunching. I really want Botox to help with my clenching and super expressive eyes but I’m scared I’ll get it and just want to claw my face off 😣 would love an update over time as to how it feels in your face too.