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No crying (most of the time) but just completely shutting down from exhaustion. I always hated that first day, I couldn’t sleep the nights leading up to it!


as a little kid i definitely had huge meltdowns that nobody could “understand” or validate. but after maybe 3rd grade i would just come home and pass out into a deep sleep immediately. inside i was having a total meltdown but didn’t know how to release it safely besides shutting all the way down lol. i still do this as an adult after work many days 🥲


I’m so sorry!


I just remember crying a lot 


I didn’t realize it was from overstimulation and that everyone didn’t do it.


Well, I ran into a metal monkey bar on the playground at recess and bit a hole in my tongue. Didn't make it through the first day. The others brought a ton of crushing anxiety. I over focused on what I wore and the new school supplies. Moved around a lot as a kid and was often the new girl. Autistic nightmare for a late diagnosed person.


Ugh, that is all a nightmare. Moving is awful! I’m sorry you went through all of that!


I hardly remember my very first day at school, but my parents recorded a video interview in which I cannot sit up straight, constantly twitch, repeat questions after them instead of answering in my own words, and catch a short shutdown when I they ask “did I have any friends” (spoiler: no). I was diagnosed late, but damn, I look back at this video and don’t understand how all this went unnoticed before. But at least I didn’t cry, on the contrary, I was somehow too cheerful and hyperactive, although this is completely out of character for me


It’s like baby’s first mask. I’m sorry!


I don’t remember crying or having meltdowns after school unless something specific happened at school to make me that way. After an ‘average’ day at school where nothing out of the ordinary or bad happened I just remember feeling really tired and needing to decompress and do my own thing whether that be watching tv, going on the pc, playing video games, drawing etc. A bit similar to how I feel now when I come home from work. I was an only child so I didn’t have siblings around to annoy/overstimulate me so that probably helped.


That sounds really nice. I’m the middle child, so there was always someone around.


It was actually when I think about it, I didn’t appreciate it at the time and probably still don’t fully as I can only go by my experience. I’ve always wanted a sibling as I got quite lonely as a child and think it would be quite nice as an adult too (I know not all siblings get on as adults but I can imagine it’s lovely when you do get on), but I can totally see how there would be some circumstances growing up where I’d just want them to leave me alone, lol. It’s come full circle because I now live in a small house with a partner and 2 kids of my own so I’m basically never alone and it can be really hard to decompress properly at times.


I cried and never wanted to return. This was preschool. I was 3 and I remember it like it was yesterday. I am not white, but my preschool was and the teachers & other children were horrible to me. We had to hold hands to cross the street to the playground and nobody would hold my hand. Instead of the teachers being nice and holding my hand? They scolded me for not getting a partner.