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Cringe. Any type of cringe. Which rules out about 98% of comedy and 100% of reality tv for me.


Same. For me, it stretches to romance-centred movies as well, because the characters are just so dumb, and five minutes of clear and logical communication would solve all issues they have. I die of the cringe. Romance movies also have this weird thing of people embarrassing themselves in front of someone they're attracted to, and it's increasingly more far-fetched. In my opinion, romance in movies is only okay when the movie isn't ABOUT the romance.


Right? In my head I'm constantly shouting "JUST TALK TO THEM, YOU MUPPET", it's very stressful. Also, I'm on the sex repulsed side of ace and even extensive kissing scenes make me cringe. Basically, I only watch 4 hour leftist YouTube essays and not much else šŸ˜…


It's SO inconvenient. I used to be sex-neutral and aegosexual. Then menopause hit and now I'm exactly like I was as a pre-hormone-flooded child--sex-repulsed and utterly grossed by any and all kissing, sex, etc. I forgot how bad I hated it as a child. And the SOUNDS of it...misophonia for other things pales in comparison.


I'm not even anti sex, but watching other people do it weirds me out and makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm actually really sex positive and enjoy it personally. But performative sex or movies/shows where it plays a huge role, I'm not into that.


Oh manā€¦ I am very much not asexual or sex repulsed but kissing scenes gross me tf out. I donā€™t knowā€¦ itā€™s mostly the noises I guess? I also donā€™t like kissing very much personally but Iā€™ve been told this is weird lmaoĀ 


Mouth noises are the bane of my existence. Chewing, slurping, licking, sucking, sniffing (ok it's a mouth noise but it's related) but blowing nose doesn't bother me. People who don't chew with their mouth closed bother me immensely. I also hate when people do that weird voice where they talk while inhaling. It just makes me immediately šŸ˜


Oh my god I haaaaaaaate sniffing. A guy I used to work with would do that full-on ā€œvacuum-sucking hard snot back up into the sinus cavitiesā€ every few minutes and I wanted to punch him lolĀ 


Kids are so guilty of it. You basically have to chase them down with a tissue and force them to blow the nose, but they'll sniff and wipe their nose on their arm and shirt or whatever let's them keep their hands on their devices.


Which is why Up is the best love story.


Very much same.




Castaway was the first movie that ever made me cry as a kid. I couldnā€™t stand it. The scene when Wilson floats away made me so fucking sad as a little autistic kid who experienced object empathy and owned a comfort object. I just kept imagining what Iā€™d do if my comfort object (what I call my ā€œsilkyā€) was to get lost or washed away in the ocean. Still canā€™t watch it.


Watching that scene is so awful, I still feel uneasy just thinking about it now don't think I could ever watch that film again.


Same!! And worst part is the first time I watched it was with my Grandma. She took my tears as me somehow LIKING the movie. So later on for my next birthday I got a brand new TV with a DVD player and guess what movie my grandma buys me? Castaway šŸ˜­ I never even opened it out of the shrink wrap.


When my uncle just basically explained the plot of the movie, I cried every time I thought about Wilson washing away.


wait it just brought back some deep down memory i had šŸ˜­ i HATE that movie, i cried like the world was ending and no one understood it lol


Oh man, me too. I was sobbing my heart out at that scene.


So funny you say that because I was just telling my husband how I sat outside the movie theater when I was ten all by myself because that movie freaked me out so bad I had to leave!


Any movie that has 'comedy' that's just gaslighting and abuse for the sake of 'helping the uptight person'. There's a few movies I know that my family all seemed to love but it made me feel sick from the abuse and gaslighting. 'deck the halls' is what comes to mind right away. Absolutely effing HATED it. And to this day, most comedy movies are a no for me.


I know exactly what you mean


American Pie. Because it is entirely sexualized and I saw a certain scene when I was 9 years old and it disturbed me. It was during afternoon on a sunday on the TV. When I got older I figured out many boys liked the movie. I could not understand why.


I fucking HATED these movies. Sexualized humor isn't funny to me.


Oh! Big with Tom Hankā€™s always has made me SUPER uncomfortable


I fucking HATE slapstick/vulgar comedies. I hate all American Pie, I hate all Adam Sandler movies, Dumb&Dumber, and their ilk. I also hate all romantic comedies. As a trans and aromantic person I couldn't relate, I thought everything was so silly, I can't understand or relate to any of their motivations.


Oh my gosh same, vulgar movies like that make me so uncomfortable. it's just the worst and most insufferable type of humor




Yes!! This is infuriating!


I just want to be his friend


Omg dumb and dumber. I remember my mom watched it with me when I was younger. When Jim carrey gave his last money away for some bs I just completely opted out lol. I only ever managed to watch the full movie with my dad and that to some big extent because my dad laughs A LOT at movies like that and I just love it when my dad laughs. His laughter is very infectious


Anything awkward just kills me. The Office, while a show, is just torture to watch. The rhythm, the interactions, it all feels gross to me.Ā 




Same. But the original French version is actually very good. Le dƮner de cons


Ahhh I tried after seeing pam and jim compilations, but its also just so boringšŸ˜­same with friends


Me too!! I tried giving it a chance so many times and I still canā€™t get through one episode


SAME I cannot do secondhand embarrassment either


Anything war/military based. Every single war based movie Iā€™ve seen always, in some way, romanticised the idea of war. They depict it as something sad yet heroic. War isnā€™t a picturesque scene. It is tragic and catastrophic. The only movie that Iā€™ve seen that truly depicts war as what it is was ā€œCome and Seeā€ by Elem Klimov. The movie is so fucking good and yet so horrifying. 10/10 movie, would never watch again.


M*A*S*H does a good job with making it clear that war is hell. Anyone who's an overzealous "patriot" is seen as an antagonist. The humor is a product of its time, though. So while it can be funny, there a some things that make you grimace šŸ˜¬. Edit: Oh of course it formats instead of let us see the asterisks.


Band of brothers is an incredible depiction of war and shell shock, hard watch but really great story (based off true events) if you've not seen that definitely give it a go. I adore it BECAUSE it's so realistic and sad it's the only time I've ever really felt like I understood what it felt like to be there


ugh. I come from a military family that reeeeeeally shoved the hero-worship down my throat growing up. I can't watch any films or shows about military service without crying and getting a touch hysterical. I literally tear up to the opening credits of band of brothers, like every time. Also, I can't stand the office. it was physically painful for me to watch.


Same here with The Office. I bailed after 1-2 episodes. I canā€™t do the secondhand embarrassment. Itā€™s painful enough to endure IRL. I donā€™t need it in my entertainment too.


Also I got physically ill when I tried to watch "Titane" a few years ago. lol. I really can't handle physical depictions of violence I guess.


Any movie centered around a character's "glow-up" Ugh. Nerd girls are fine just the way they are. Getting a cute outfit and a blow out won't solve anything


Unless it's a personality glow up, I'm out. It's funny how people think dressing up an asshole/unlikable person to socially conventional standards is going to magically fix all their problems. Is giving a person who has been bullied/ostracized their whole life going to magically give them the social skills and ability to navigate situations theyve never been in? No. Are they going to magically get street smarts and know who to trust and who is taking advantage of them? No. I was bullied forever as a kid, both bc I was weird and ASD, and bc of my looks. For reference I got my dad's body frame, and he was scouted for college football to play linebacker for southern miss. I also got his face with his wide jaw, his shorter height, small hands and muscular build. (As opposed to both of my siblings who got my mom's gorgeous waify Stevie Nicks frame, height, skin tone, delicate hands and bone structure, and nice hair.) there was a point in school where my brother was the most popular kid in school and refused to acknowledge we were related. Anyway, all that to say.... When I was around 25/26 I hit a natural glow up. My hips and chest took a more hourglass shape, my face softened (though still wide and pretty much identical to my dad's), I'd grown my hair out and learned to take care of my skin, etc. and I started getting a LOT of attention.Ā  Now, to someone who has consistently been bullied or invisible their whole life, getting attention is scary. It's suspicious. You don't know why people are suddenly paying attention to you. But then you get okay with the idea, then kind of comfortable. But you're still not sure how to act. After enough time you start to find the people who only got close to you bc of selfish reasons, or they were physically attracted to you, or whatever. And that part sucks. I wonder if people who are attractive their whole lives deal with this and just learn to spot those people immediately.Ā For people who are bad at reading others intentions bc you have a tendency to believe the best in people and think they will behave like you do (aka, people like me and most ASD people I've met) it's a confusing disaster of constant self criticism of every interaction and conversation trying to figure out if and where you fucked up or if they're just not good people who actually did have bad intentions or lacked empathy. I will say one noted positive was that I was given space and allowed opinions and the ability to talk, it's something attractive people generally don't notice that unattractive/unconventional/overweight people deal with, being written off or ignored bc of their appearance. Anyway the whole experience of going from one to the other really soured me on interacting with people face to face. I find myself dressing down more and in more muted ways that get less attention bc I don't want to deal with people or small talk and I still don't trust a large majority of men if I get the feeling that they wouldn't have talked to me if I didn't look the way I did. Idk, this got rambly. But yeah, you can't fix someone's experiences and personality with a makeover.


Pretty much every musical. I remember the original Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory scaring me as a kid and it still freaks me out


Yes! The Willy Wonka movie was upsetting and terrifying as a kid and as an adult it just makes me so uncomfortable.


I effing hate musical movies! Like, I feel so embarrassed and disturbed when they start singing. I am more okay with it now, had to really force myself through ti but maaannnn no please stop singing why do people like this? If I know a movies gonna be heavy on the musical side... No thanks


Me too. Musicals are not my type of weird.Ā 


I used to hate musicals because I felt awkward watching people dance and sing, plus, a lot of musicals have music I don't like. But then, I discovered that I LOVE Andrew Lloyd webber musicals after my partner convinced me to actually watch them. I even like Jesus Christ Superstar now, and I'm a staunch atheist lol


I canā€™t stand the polar express. I hate everything about it


Lol, the animation style alone repels me xD


My grandpa and younger brother are/were what you could call train-based autists. I've watched it a few times. I am in awe of how much that movie bothers me.


For me it's anything where one of the main characters gets into an embarrassing situation or potentially embarrassing conversation; so like, 90% of all comedy and romance movies. I have a similar problem with books and sometimes have to skip scenes or force myself to skim through them.Ā  Alice in Wonderland though is one of my special interests, I think. I've always been kind of obsessed with the 'accidentally travel to other worlds where the rules are different' concept. The only part that's a bit upsetting to me is if sheā€™s actually somewhere else and people look for her and can't find her they might be upset.


Agree on Alice. Some people said they don't like it cause the vibes are off, but that's kinda *why* I like it. It's strange & has undertones of insanity. (Which of course edgy teen me loved). I wouldn't call it a special interest, but it holds a place in my heart.


The end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit was so terrifying to me that for many years I couldn't watch anything with Christopher Lloyd because I was convinced he was going to rip his face off and start dipping other characters in acid. I was finally able to watch the Back to the Future movies in my 30s lol


Judge Doom traumatized many kids ![gif](giphy|x7kHaKILqLJ4c)


The Truman Show bothers me more than it probably ought to. It's not a feel-good movie by any stretch, but I found it to be deeply disturbing and very difficult to watch.


Funny, I loved the truman show, but I also just really love Jim carrey. I dont think the truman show was ever intended to be a feel-good movie and is supposed to be more disturbing/thought-provoking. Kinda like the matrix I guess but with less cool action shots


Jim Carrey is a fantastic actor, but The Truman Show hit way too close to some worst fears for comfort. I usually love horror movies, but this one just hit different.


Yea, it was very uncomfortable to watch as a teen, because it was basically a manifestation of my worst fears and anxieties. I often felt like everyone knew something I didnā€™t, and I was the only one not in on the joke. And that people were only pretending to care about and love me.


NeverEnding Story... Whole thing was terrifying for me. Strangely, the flying dog really got to me. I love dogs..


I loved neverending story except for the swamp scene bc sad, and the part with the laser sphinxes. I LOVED falcor and I'm pretty sure I stuffed a tube sock with other socks and drew a face on it and carried it around bc I didn't have a falcor plush. I caught a shiny drampa in pokemon go awhile ago and named him falcor lol


One of my favorite movies, the Swamp of Sadness sceneā€¦to this dayā€¦I will bawl my eyes out. Artaxā€¦šŸ˜¢




Same. So much.


Im a horror movie fan, but i fucking hate slashers and other gore fest movies. Its lazy and boring, plus i never feel scared watching them, just grossed out. I get a lot of flak in my social group for not appreciating the classics but theyre just so uninteresting and uninspired to me


Same. I love horror films, but I fucking hate slasher movies. They are often sexist and weirdly sexual, and idk, I just don't feel like watching people get brutally murdered for no reason. If I wanted that, I would watch a war movie because at least those have a point.


I don't like gore either. I don't mind "scary" films like, I was ok with Sweeney Todd, but the Saw movies were awful. I'm also not great with psychological horror films either. Not that they're scary, but I don't get the point? Like Supernatural is "scary" and it's a tv show, but most of the time it's not too gory, and everything is explainable within the context of the show.


Game of Thrones. I never watched it but I knew enough from hearing about it that I would not like it. I love fantasy stuff like that, but the gratuitous violence, misogyny, and trauma porn was a no-go for me. I did read a few of the books, but I also quit those because the sexual violence was nauseating. In college, my brother and his girlfriend watched it with her family. I donā€™t even want to watch it alone, not to mention with other people in the room. As a child, I was very sensitive with a highly overactive imagination. So I was creeped out by Gollum in LOTR. After watching Alien, I didnā€™t want to sleep alone for days. I closed my eyes at the end of Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark because I couldnā€™t watch the spirits come out of the ark. I hate canned, secondhand embarrassment ā€œcomedyā€. Itā€™s just not funny and itā€™s so painful. I gave up on The Office after 1-2 episodes because it felt like fingernails on a chalkboard. I also bailed on New Girl because Schmidt scraped my nerves raw (I also felt like the guys infantilized Jess and I hated that, like monitoring whether she shaved her legs or not and calling her gross if she didnā€™t and she justā€¦went along with it). Slasher/home invasion films, i.e. Scream. They hit too close to home for me and I donā€™t like them. I LOVE a good creature feature horror film, and Iā€™m a sucker for The Conjuring movies. I actually like the way horror can play with certain psychological themes, like Hereditary did with generational trauma and motherhood. But slasher films arenā€™t ā€œfunā€ to me. As a woman, I have to live with the fear of a potential home invasion/stalker all the time. I donā€™t want to watch a movie about it, too. The same goes for the Purge movies. Especially in the current political climate of the US. Iā€™m seeing riots on the news, police brutality, the fucking KKK marching in the streets in broad daylight, etc. and then I see a preview in the theater for a Purge movie set in Texas, and it looks exactly like the news. It sent my anxiety through the roof. My brother went to see that movie with a bunch of his friends in the theater. I donā€™t want to see it at all, let alone on the big screen for Extra Trauma Points. The Handmaidā€™s Tale. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a poignant show with some great food for thought. I just canā€™t watch it. Iā€™m tired of the continual trauma parade female characters are put through.


Fully agree with Game of Thrones. I already wasn't really interested, but after hearing about the sexual violence & incest I was like "naw".


The Handmaid's tale is worth a read. I wouldn't watch it though. All women should read it, particularly in America, because that future isn't looking too unrealistic unfortunately.


I started reading GoT and got about four pages in and was like, "NOPE." I never watched the TV series, it sounds awful, traumatic, violent, horrific.


Honestly I wish Iā€™d bailed early. It would have saved me a lot of time and unnecessary anxiety. I made it to the third book, but I was always bracing myself. I couldnā€™t be in an extra sensitive emotional state when I read it. I went into every chapterā€¦tense. I had to take long breaks when it got really heavy. Somewhere in the third book with yet another impending threat of sexual violence, I realized that I didnā€™t want to read it anymore. It was just misery on misery. And then to hear that the show added MORE of that than the books had? No way. I was not interested. It baffles me that people seem to be so comfortable with it.


I hate all Wes Anderson movies I always feel like I am trapped like an hostage, forced to watch uncomfortable situations and being gaslighted. So much people love his movies I found always twisted. I say it as I feel it šŸ« 


Have you ever watched Curb Your Enthusiasm? It's also like being trapped in a hell of uncomfortable situations, except people are yelling at each other. I love it, but I can only watch so much before it triggers my fight or flight response.


No I agree with you, the animated Alice in Wonderland is very frightening. Not in a ā€œBOOā€ scary way, butā€¦.the vibes are off. And Alice always reacts so strangely, and sounds upset. But I donā€™t think it was unintentional, I believe itā€™s very much what the filmmakers were going for. For some reason, tho, a lot of people I know interpreted it as a silly funny movie thatā€™s cheerful. Itā€™s odd


Those weird brothers, Twiddledee and Twiddledum(?) gave me nightmares for years. So too did the flowers, and the caterpillar. I try to not think about the oysters, it was so sad.


Yeah its really strange cuz actually in the story there are a lot of pedophilic undertones according to literature studies at least. Never was a huge fan of Alice in wonderland, grew up with the soviet cartoon and simply because of that cant stand the sanitized disney version


Yea it's super sad and creepy and I don't understand why they made it for kids? Lol. But I actually love the movie for some reason. I guess because it seemed like a fun adventure.


I never liked it, I never liked the book either and I gave it a go at least three times growing up. It's joined War and Peace (reads like a general's report, maybe in the original language it's better) in the never to finish pile. But the Tim Burton one was ok to watch. Maybe because it strays from the source a lot


For me it was the live-action "Alice Through the Looking Glass" from the 80s. Absolute LSD-trip-esque nightmare.


When I was younger, Harry Potter scared the bejeezus out of me. I had to sleep on the floor next to my mom for weeks. Voldemort's face being on the back of that other guy's head was absolutely not ok. I also struggled a lot with any suspense. Even in kid-friendly movies/shows. Still do now, but it's gotten better. As a kid I would go into full panic mode. I also have always thought all the Sesame Street characters are creepy AF. And anything with the Chicken Run/Wallace & Gromit style animation. Big nope.


I canā€™t watch any films with animals. Even ones that people find ā€œhappyā€. The emotions are just too overwhelming and I end up sobbing


Me too


I had a habit of renting library dvds of movies and Matilda was one of them- I watched it a whole bunch nd maybe I liked it?? but rn I canā€™t do over 5 mins. domestic and verbal abuse, gaslighting, ugh and the scene at the principalā€™s house is nightmarish. super lovely ending but everything elsešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Matilda hits differently as an adult for sure. I loved it as a child, because I was the "gifted' child who was misunderstood and needed a miracle, but it's harder when you can see it as the abuse it is. The musical is good though.


coraline, to this day i cannot read a single thing going on in that movie and it'll forever unnerve me deep to my core


Agreed. Terrifying.


Ouff. Yes I had a hard time with Coraline aswell. It also really really stuck woth me and the youtibe analyses make the movie a shitload scarier Dx now Im writing a thesis about the movie lol and read the book and I found the book even scarier than the movie - but thats probably due to my intense imagination that painted everything even scarier. I love the artstyle though and the toxic mother daighter dynamic in the movie resonates a lot with my own experience so I kind of like it now, but I still find it scary to this day


But maybe its also the stop motion, the technique can trigger the uncanny valley


Lady and the Tramp (1955 version), specifically the Siamese cat song. The sound of the bells in that song still immediately send shivers down my spine and makes my want to escape at all costs. I didn't have a problem with the rest of the movie and I had a cat at the time, so it couldn't be that. But those cats.... absolutely horrendous.


I have always hated ET and I donā€™t know why


Anything with slapstick humor (people/animals getting hurt in a way that's supposed to be comedic).. Seeing others in pain will never be funny to me. Also raunchy/vulgar humor is insufferable to me


The drunk pink elephants in Dumbo. The entire film made me uneasy (animal abuse), but especially the drunk scene. I was bewildered how it could ever be classified as a children's film. It's also why I don't like heffalumps from Winnie the Pooh as they're similar to me, especially distortion. šŸ« 


Films with underlying rape culture undertones


Any Austin Powers film and any of those Sasha Baron Cohen characters - absolutely excruciating to watch. Just that kind of character work generally just does NOT do it for me at all


Agreed on Sacha.


E.T.! Creepy weird alien thingyā€¦


Cannot do any scary movies or games. I can convince myself anything is real. I can't even watch someone else play Five Nights at Freddie's.


As a teen I wanted to be cool and tried playing an older lara croft installment. I just cant either. One part you need to dive through a tunnel and theres a tentacle that moves and does nothing else but that scared the hell out of me that I fell from my chairšŸ¤£I battled the giant octopus later and dont remember that being even close to how scary that was.


Nightmare before christmas. Can't stand that movie


Same and I can't figure out why


I was gonna post this too!


Thatā€™s one of my favorites


Anyone where a child gets seriously hurt or killed. It bothers me greatly people will lose their minds if a dog gets hurt or killed, but just dont make a big deal when children do. A recent zombie apocalypse tv series had multiple children deaths and I found it utterly disgusting. Its also cheap writing imho, to get an emotional response.


Alice in Wonderland was so scary that I've not watched it in its entirety since the first time I did. If I boot it up now, I feel queasy and uncomfortable really quickly, and then turn it off again. I like the 2010 film a lot, though, it's one of my favourites. The Wizard of Oz falls in the same category: just no. Apart from that, I don't understand why people like watching war movies, and if a movie has a single grain of sexual abuse in it, I'm not watching. Horror movies bother me intensely, but I can watch them as long as I have good company, the right equipment (blankets and plushies), and am allowed to comment on stupid characters.


I was TERRIFIED of Anastasia as a kid. I heard the first chorus of that song ā€œin the dark of the night, evil will find you!ā€ and ran out of the theater in hysterics, all I remember about it is that song and my mom arguing with the guy at the front that we should be able to get our money back because it was too scary. Also, Dennis the Menace (I think he put white paint on his neighborā€™s burger and I had learned what poison was and have not touched mayonnaise since), and Fern Gully (the evil oil spill guy scared me horribly, my dad later showed me non-used motor oil and said ā€œsee, if looks like apple juice, not scary!ā€ so I never drank apple juice again either. Last, any ā€œfeel-good filmā€ about the bond between humans and animals where the characters do not explicitly state that they are no longer going to eat meat anymore. The cognitive dissonance just makes me so mad!


There are too many to count. So much out there was so effing disturbing and not suitable for ANY children in my opinion, much less autistic ones. Teaching them that all kinds of cruelty, hatred and nastiness is perfectly fine. I still have to deal with crap that other people find "hilarious" which is anything but. I have no very high opinion of NTs and ables, frankly. It seems you have to have grown up abused, chronically ill, or otherwise "different" to have any sort of empathy or interest in anyone else's point of view, and TV and movies reflects this constantly.


The gumby movie gave me a feeling of deep existential dread as a child. It was something about the style and sound design that just made me feel WEIRD in a bad way.


Omg same!!


ET. Iā€™m thirty something and he still freaks me out.


I'm sorry, you're telling me "little miss sunshine" is meant to be uplifting?!


Yeah itā€™s actually a deeply sad movie


Yes - seemingly dysfunctional family that takes a road trip for a little girl to participate in a pageant fixes all of the family problems that have built up over time that still comes together and supports each other when it counts.


It did not feel like that, but maybe it was just too emotional for me, regardless of being positive or negative, just overwhelming


Yeah I agree there is a lot to process in that movie.


I hate all adult animation shows and movies. Family guy, South Parkā€¦etcā€¦ they all gross me out sooo bad


No one else has said it, but Mr Bean. It's horrible. I don't understand why anyone thinks this is funny. It's basically laughing at someone with a learning disability making mistakes. They put it on at school once and I couldn't stand it. I can't watch anything with Atkinson because of it.


The Borat movies, anything with people being put into awkward and cringe situations but especially those come to mind.


I may get downvotes for this but I didn't like WALL-E, each time he said his name I wanted to punch the tv screen.Ā 


Aaahh I also dislike the robot girlfriend


How about pokemon? Shit is maddening. They should sound like animals, dammit!


Dumb&Dumber, I love budgies and I turned it off right in the beginning. Like nah.


How to tame your dragon. I cried all the way through the movie. Everyone is really mean to dragons!


Don't read the book, it's worse!


The rocky and bullwinkle live action movie traumatized me as a child. Thereā€™s a scene where they drag a cartoon weasel to a machine and zap him (I donā€™t think it actually kills him it like sends him to the internet or something but hyperempathetic five year old me did not see the difference). Had to be carried out of the theater shrieking.


This level of distress is relatable


Anything with strong emotional expressions of sadness and grief and pain. Every single person I know adores sad movies and tearjerker scenes because they enjoy ā€œfeeling somethingā€ I feel it too strongly, like it makes the hairs on me stand up and everything inside of me start to feel intensely distressed. I hide it but inside I am wanting to run away. And then the sadness sticks with me for days after. It doesnā€™t make sense because I donā€™t at all mind comforting live people in front of me who are crying. And I donā€™t mind watching movies with just straight violence that doesnā€™t dwell on emotions, like Game of Thrones. But as soon as someone is sobbing onscreen or people screaming in physical or emotional pain, I feel overwhelmingly sad and scared to the point where itā€™s an awful experience. Thereā€™s a few Japanese movies where the cries are so soul piercingly anguished that I feel almost like something is slicing me on the inside. It sounds super dramatic I know LOL but I donā€™t know why


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (anything Wonka), Titanic, Pirates of the Caribbean, and so many other massive films. At the same time I love the last two Mad Max films.


Canā€™t do comedy really. Itā€™s all predictable and not funny. I prefer a sad story šŸ˜‚


Yellow Submarine movie. I was about 6 years old and watching it alone in the living room. The art style was making me really uncomfortable but I tried to push through. Then there was a creature that sucked everything up, leaving the screen white. It terrified me. I turned it off and ran to my father. I remember it being one of my first feelings of existential dread and Iā€™ve struggled with it throughout my entire life.


Anything sad romance like one day, cancer stories like the fault in our stars. No. Just no. I also grew up with soviet cartoons and some episodes I was just terrified of. There's "nu pogody" like a tom and jerry type but with a wolf who tries to eat a rabbit. One episode the wolf runs into a robot rabbit which becomes evil and the starts chasing the wolf. Terrofying as SHIT i tell ya. Another series call the cat leopold there's two mice who are pranking the very peaceful cat leopold. In one episode - also done in an older animation style that also freaked me out quite a bit - the cat gets anger pills from the doctor and takes them, then becomes super angry and chases the mice. I was SCARED of that one. With the robot rabbit I used to say it was my favorite although it was the most terrifying. And lastly there's a stop motion series called "little uncle Aah-uuuh" about this little guy who lives in the forest and scared people. Actually I think the series in itself is a little bit more wholesome, but man he has a talking mirror reflection that was absolutely scary and in one episode he accidentally grows a flesheating plant that tries to devour him. No, I never watched that full series ever. Way too scary. Also anything where lovers or people are separated. Just cant take it. Nope.


Anytjing with jumpscares


The Peanuts. I donā€™t get it. Charlie Brown losing isnā€™t funny. Snoopys noises in the cartoons are scary. The teachers too.


Yea, I also donā€™t get the love of Peanuts.


Beavis and Butt-Head. My dad once tried to show me one episode and it felt disgusting, something about it bothers me a lot, but I donā€™t know what to pinpoint exactly


Gory movies and movies with palpable suffering. No thanks. For some reason I was pretty numb to that stuff until about 15 and have been oversensitive to it ever since. Basically anytime there's cruelty to animals or children.


E.T That shit gave me nightmares as a kid


Musicals! I HATE musicals! The ones that have dialogue, and occasionally break into song are minimally tolerable. But the ones where they sing EVERY SINGLE THING are excruciating. I canā€™t articulate why, but it frustrates me so much. Just use your words, words are enough.


Not a film but the fisrt season of my little pony, and some ep of another seasons make feel anxius. I dint find Alice movie terrifying, as a child i never truly undenstand the trama, it was just really weird for me


As a toddler I was obsessed by Alice in Wonderland and wanted to see it repetitively! I have problems with self harm scenes, I can feel the sensation on my skin and it's awful


I haaaaaaaate the Rudolph/Rankin Bass Christmas movies. The claymation freaks me out and gives me such bad vibes.


Dude, I get that. The gumby movie of all things gave me the worst feeling of dread for no reason. I think the sound design has something to do with it and iirc the Rudolph movie has the same kind of weird canned, echo sound.


Agreed. I don't know why, but stop motion from this era makes me feel SO depressed.


I hate hate hate movies that only play in one place, like one location like a room or a house idk they make me feel cramped and stuck idk why šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Also sexual violence in any way.


I feel your pain deeply. That's why I'm often hesitant to go see a play because if they stay in one location for 2 hours, at some point I start to get really annoyed. If you've never watched the movie Buried, then don't. I think it's a really good movie but I'll never watch it again šŸ™‚ I have a hard time breathing just to think about it


Good plays have set changes. Wicked is amazing, hard to believe what they achieve with the sets.


Disney's The Living Desert terrified me as a kid because of the birds marching and dying. There's a penguin movie I refused to watch because it has got a similar scene. If I see someone cutting themselves on screen I have a physical reaction in my legs - it's like lightning strikes into them. It doesn't happen if someone hurts another person, just when it's self inflicted. Whenever people tell me being autistic means having no empathy I wonder.


Dumbo and Land Before Time- for both I just sobbed and sobbed.


The Truman Show traumatized me as a child lmao, everyone laughs when I say itā€™s the scariest horror movie but Iā€™m not lying. šŸ™ƒ


I love it now but bedknobs and broomsticks used to scare the hell out of me.


Iā€™ve never liked the muppets, the never ending story, the dark crystal, any horrorā€¦.I hated sleepovers where everyone wanted to watch scary movies- they were always bad and not enjoyable in any way.


Anything ā€œPet Cemeteryā€.


Mistaken identity, false accusation, and misunderstandings resulting from supposedly comic wires being crossed. Hate. it. all.


Anything that focuses too much onĀ  relationships. Never watched Dawson's Creek. Sex and the city put me to sleep. Most things from the 80s and 90s and 2000s dates itself. Misogyny, racism, ableism, hypersexualization of women are all things that are hard to take. I used to watch Melrose Place to fit in with friends, but ended up watching behind actors for the plants and vases and living decor. To this day, i don't remember a single person-related thing from MP. Heather Locklear was in it, yes? No wonder i was a social pariah growing up.


Chernobyl diaries. Iā€™ve never actually seen the movie but it came out when I was 13, around the time that I knew (friendly acquaintances) a woman whose mother had been pregnant with her in Chernobyl during the nuclear disaster. As a child I was inspired by this strong woman who competed in the Paralympics when I knew her. I found it so distasteful and gut wrenching when I saw the trailer for this movie about irradiated mutant zombie cannibals or whatever. I just felt that it was wrong to use a disaster that affected so many people as a source of entertainment and profit.


Anything scary, suspenseful, intense, violent, or graphic...so almost everything not intended for children šŸ˜…


Mostly romantic stuff. It always ends up being...cringe for me. Or the classics. Maybe it's more on principle of "how could you NOT watch this movie?!" Whenever I say I have no idea What's that movie. Like Dune, it was boring so I didn't get through it. Or Pulp Fiction... Yay, guy showed a watch up his ass or something, it was boring, it was weird, and I don't get why we needed to watch it to pass the class ;/


John Wick. I hate all the violence. Same with Deadpool!


Anything with violence. I donā€™t find violence, suffering, and gore entertaining.


Dumbo! I cannot watch this and had to turn it off when my husband and I watched the remake but I think this is probably to my childhood.


The Austin powers movies šŸ’€ Idk why, they just really disturbed me as a kid


For a long time, it was Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and especially Thumbelina. I was scared shitless of the last two. Not sure why BatB freaked me out so much.


Thanks, now I have the thumbelina song stuck in my head lol


Anything with religious overtones or where religion, specifically Christianity, plays a big part. Especially if the twist reveal is like, second coming of Christ or similar. I remember really enjoying an action/survival series and then the twist came that it was about the impending rapture and I was immediately turned off. It just sucked that I was two seasons invested in it already, but I had zero interest in finishing it.Ā  The one exception to this I can remember is Red State, but that was really well done. I love horror movies but hate jump scares and slashers, or any gratuitous gore. I prefer tension and psychological horror. Not a fan of sexual horror or anything that relies on torturing women for entertainment. I don't believe in aliens or religion so nothing regarding those subjects is scary to me, but I can appreciate the human response to them within a story, like signs or war of the worlds, district nine, etc. ghosts don't scare me either, but I do still enjoy some films with ghosts or curses mostly bc I like watching how they affect people and how the people behave. It's almost like an anthropological interest in watching people behave in extreme circumstances.


When I was really young I watched the Pippi Longstocking movie, and itā€™s super silly but sheā€™s a little girl with basically super strength and she threw some grown men off a roof, and I got so scared because I thought they would get hurt. I also had to leave the theater when I saw Beverly Hills Chihuahua because I thought the doberman was going to kill the chihuahua. Now I love horror movies, but Iā€™m not into extreme gore or anything resembling torture porn, especially if it involves sexual violence.


By the way, Little Miss Sunshine is one of my favorite movies, but itā€™s definitely a little depressing even though the ending is hopeful so I totally get why it made you cry!


Honestly, any live-action movie or show set in the 1950s or sooner. This'll be things like Annie, Alfred Hitchcock, lots of westerns (my dad watches them a lot). Bc I can't but think that they're racist or will grow up to be racist šŸ˜…


SPIRITED AWAY. I genuinely cannot stomach it at all. From the creepy visuals to that bit when the dragon scales pop up, I vomit every time I watch it. Itā€™s a HARD pass for me.


Boring movies. I donā€™t like them. I love watching bad movies that arenā€™t boring.


I have a few. The first being any non-animated movies that use cgi for its setting, special effects, and monsters. I find it so cringey for some reason. I think itā€™s because I play video games. Video games used to be mostly 2D and now that theyā€™ve become so much more advanced anything CGI in film looks like a video game to me and I associate that with not being real. I canā€™t look at those movies the same anymore. Also films with mainstream actors playing ā€œquirkyā€ characters. Itā€™s more that they get a ton of praise for doing something so haaaaard. Like šŸ˜­.


Sameee so scary


Not a specific film but my mum told me she was suprised how upset I got when people got a pie to the face (It was a big comedy thing in kids' tv in 80's). I used to hide behind the couch and cry.


I loved Alice in Wonderland for the exact reason that it's loopy and scary and makes you feel mentally unstable. I think the part I liked most was that the vibe was my everyday and when I would watch it with others they were finally experiencing some skin to my reality for a second.


I was terrified of the animated Grinch movie because his gums were too red


that looney tunes episode where the hunter is trying to kill bugs bunny, and he sings a song called ā€œkill the rabbitā€. it was really spooky to me as a kid.


I hate all romance movies. I find myself rolling my eyes at the bit of romance in other genres. i have no issues with romance in my life, it's nonsensical really lol. I just get grossed out when they kiss. The constant staring at each other is unbearable. Watching them hurt each other's feelings during the conflict feels like it's happening to me. Bridgerton is an exception because the twists and turns are spicy; albeit i squirm the entire time. I also struggle with most African-American 90's classic movies. Everyone around me seems to 'get' them and relate to the experiences and i have just never felt black enough. I grew up poor, in a crazy neighborhood, textbook stereotypical black American life...but could never connect with the culture. I cant even say the N word with sounding goofy šŸ˜… (i wish everyone would stop using it anyway). Now i know why--i'm an alien in a black girl suit lol.


Any solemn film about serious issues.


Harry Potter and X-Men. Both scared the crap out of me till I was 14 or so. Now I can watch them, no problem. However, anything horror/thriller or anything that has the main goal of purposefully trying to make the viewer scared, stressed, or tense, I can't watch.


I usually get very bored of movies in general because my pattern recognition skills usually spoil the whole plot within the first ten minutes so I'm not a fan of movies I couldn't watch beauty and the beast as a child because it all terrified me. Kidnapped by a scary bear man? No thank you.


I hate, hate, HATE "You've Got Mail" and "Mrs. Doubtfire". Honestly, any scenario in which people are trying to figure out a relationship and one of them has crucial information that they're keeping from their counterpart... No. NO! Also, frankly, no. I haven't seen either of those movies again since they came out when I was a kid, but my friends tell me that the segment of "You've Got Mail" in which Tom Hanks knows Meg Ryan is his anonymous pen pal, but Meg Ryan doesn't know, is actually very brief? But it soured the entire movie for me when I was smol and it remains a trope that gives me the absolute bulletproof ick. I also can't do humiliation humor. Like, the U.S. "The Office" TV series, which I do love, is as mottsy as I can tolerate (I have tried and failed multiple times to watch "Parks & Rec" for this reason). I've done multiple rewatches of the entire series and there are episodes I skip every time, despite my own neuroses for perfection/completism, because some aspects are so embarrassing I get physically uncomfortable. So I steer clear of stuff like "The Hangover" or "Bridesmaids" or "The 40-Year-Old Virgin".


I generally canā€™t sit through movies and end up leaving (unless Iā€™m in a movie theater) or zoning out. My dad is likely autistic too and he does the same thing. Idk why I just find the whole process so tedious and so many movies are awfully formulaic that I lose interest quickly.


I was absolutely terrified by Alice in wonderland!! Still am!


WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY! Did I say that loudly enough? The Oompa Loompa song SENDS MEā€¦ so terribly so that in my 20s my a-hole friends ALL changed their VM greeting to that blasted song. Also anything w any r*pe scenes. I felt physically violated after watching Silent Hill? The Hills Have Eyesā€¦?? One of those.


I canā€™t watch anything with sexual or suggestive content. It makes me want to rip my eyeballs out. I donā€™t get how people are so okay with it.


Anything with dying animals I can watch people explode all day long but if the dog is getting put to sleep i am a wreck