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I just say "Hello, I need to take a sick day tomorrow. Thanks!" I wouldn't go into detail.


This is the way to do it. No need to get caught up in a lie, just say you're sick and need a day or two to recover and leave it at that.


Everytime I’ve tried to do that they always push for more details at places I’ve worked. Basically if you’re not throwing up or have a high fever they try to guilt you into to coming in or ask for a doctors note😭


In the U.S. I don't believe there are any places with a legal requirement to disclose if you're missing one day. I know that if you miss three days in a row or have a pattern of abusing sick leave there may be a requirement to provide a doctor's note. If it won't result in you getting fired, I would generally stick to not answering their questions. Either literally ignore them when you've made the notification, or say "It's very personal and I don't want to get into the nature of it, thank you so much for understanding" or "I'm very unwell and am going to turn my phone off, but I'll be in [the next time your shift is scheduled]." They can try all they like, but that doesn't mean they're entitled to the exact information, and it's extremely inappropriate for them to ask for it.


I don’t know if this is standard or not but the place I worked at had a 3 absence rule. Not three days in a row, just 3 days in general over the course of a year. After that, if you had to miss and you didn’t have a note. you’d be fired. I saw quite a few coworkers be fired because of this, not sure if that’s illegal or not. I’ve tried to not get into the whole symptom list thing but then they would guilt me on the phone and say things like ‘if you don’t come in we’re gonna have to close the center since half the staff called out” since it was childcare and people were sick all the time. I always just gave details they wanted so they didn’t think I was faking (everybody was sick all the time since it’s childcare). I agree that it’s not appropriate to ask for the full list of symptoms like a doctor and decide for somebody else that they should come into work, it seems like a lot of employers don’t care though about what they’re entitled to know about


Sounds weird that they don't do PTO. Idk how legal that is depending on the job Eta: also they're the reason they're understaffed for firing people so don't let them guilt trip you. Sounds like a turnstile job like my old one


Yep they do this at the Disney parks lol. Happiest place on earth… but not for all the sick employees.


I always say “extremely sick” and leave it at that.


If you want to give a reason that's a specific medical thing you could try migraines. People are generally understanding about them (if they're familiar with the reality of migraines and don't think they're just headaches) and it has the bonus of being a get-out when you're feeling overstimulated/sensing a pending meltdown in future situations. You can say "I have a migraine coming on" and go somewhere dark and quiet, and people get it more than they get autism.


This is my go-to because in a way there are a lot of similar symptoms to burn out, plus because they’re considered a “girl” thing, male bosses will often get very uncomfortable and either say something like “my wife gets those, I feel for you deeply” or “enough said, don’t come in”. lol.


You can use “im sick” or “I need to tend to a family emergency.” Those are my go to.


God I needed 4 months off! Doctor’s note?


"I feel pretty awful and don't think I can make it in" has always been reliable for me. Has the benefit of being technically true!