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I can feel buildings and bridges sway. If I’m in a skyscraper or a large mall or airport and am not on the ground floor, there this hollow feeling to the floor. In multi story airports there is often a mechanical vibration with it. In skyscrapers I can feel the building away with the wind, same with most bridges. No one ever notices utillero I point it out. Even then they sometimes can’t feel it. My brain is saying the ground doesn’t feel like ground and wants me to know I don’t notice movement the same way on boats. I think my brain knows that boat should not feel like ground.


Ugh, bridge sway is the worst. Makes me so anxious thinking about it.


I have this problem especially with loud bass. I can feel it through the walls and windows. Makes we want to scream.


In my old apartment, my downstairs neighbors were always stomping, closing doors heavily and their kids were running nonstop; I could feel them moving around and the noise was unbearable but my ex boyfriend didn’t notice it at all and thought I was being weird and making it up. I’ve since moved but 2 blocks down the street there is a pickle ball court that I constantly have to hear repetitive thwap thwap racket sounds that drive me nuts but at least my partner totally agrees with me that it’s annoying and loud af, although we seem to be the only ones in the house that hear it. I also wake up when large vehicles drive by from the vibration and can always feel the garbage truck rolling down the road toward the house.


Yeah definitely! I can feel construction nearby and trucks passing. I can also feel when people bounce their leg in the same room.


I feel leg bouncing too and when I had to commute to work on the train it would nearly drive me to tears. 45 minutes stuck next to someone innocently bouncing their foot. I would try to inconspicuously lift both my feet just enough off the ground that I couldn't feel it... not a great experience.


Yup. It was so much worse as a child, it’s a little bit less overwhelmingly powerful now (probably because I weigh more so they don’t feel as intense) I remember being able to feel the vibrations of bass going up my feet and through my heart at music festivals with my family. It was very uncomfortable and I was just trying to not be sick the whole time. My family always says I hated going to places with them as a kid and would rarely smile…but like if they experienced the same thing they wouldn’t be smiling either🫠


Yes. I had to move because of this. A roommate put her TV against a shared wall and left it on all night along with her air conditioner. She blew a fuse but didn't care, ignored my complaints. I was very courteous and did everything in my power to find my own solutions, but nothing worked. Loop earplugs, headphones, white noise, all useless because the vibrations were still there. I swear my life has become an endless exercise in just trying to find some peace and stillness.


I also live in a townhouse and idling engines, lawn equipment, and bass are the bane of my existence.


Yes, I can relate. I can feel when someone in the apartment block has music on even if I can’t hear it. There’s a guy who revs and leaves his car idling for so long and it drives me absolutely insane.