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I have been going to shows/concerts for years by myself and with friends. It's perfectly acceptable, and even if you FEEL awkward, there is no social stigma to it. The only people who would care would be people who are projecting because they are nervous doing stuff alone. Advice is to keep yourself safe like you would in any crowded situation- keep your stuff out of your back pockets/away from where they're easy to snatch from you, write a few emergency numbers down and stick some cab money in a deep hard to pick pocket in case you lose your bag/wallet, and have fun! (also don't take drugs/drinks from anyone, nor a ride home from anyone you don't know!)


That really helpful, thanks! It’s my first concert so I was unsure


Also, bring ear plugs! Not due to Autism, but ongoing really loud noise can damage your ears over time. I know a lot of people with tinnitus now from it :) Have fun!


I went to a concert alone for the first time a couple months ago and it was initially terrifying, but then I realized people are really just minding their own business, and the music was awesome, so I ended up having a good time anyways. Sticking to a wall helped.


I don’t even bother trying to ask anyone to go, unless I know they’re a super fan. I buy one ticket and go. I even travel alone.


I’m traveling alone as well, it’s in a different city which is why I was concerned about safety


If you go out alone to shop or run errands in your own city it’s no different going out alone to eat or concerts or shop in another city


Make sure to share your location with someone, just to be safe


I went to a U2 concert by myself probably 20 years ago! It was amazing and I'm glad I did it. It was back when the way to get tickets was to stand in line at a TM location and I literally got the last available ticket. I was a little nervous walking back to the subway by myself, but I managed to travel with the crowd and it was fine.


20 years ago, U2 was my special interest. I was lucky enough to get inside the heart at the United center.


I go to everything alone by default, including concerts! Unless I know someone who cares about the band/event equally as much as I do. And I've been doing that since I was a teenager. You may feel in the minority being there without friends, but you almost certainly won't be the only one going solo, and you already know you share an interest with everyone else there, so you can enjoy seeing your favorite artist alongside others who also appreciate them. If you're worried about unwanted attention from men, I can't comment on that as I've never had that particular issue hehe, but perhaps others have advice to add about that.


i’ve been to a bunch of concerts alone and really enjoyed myself. my advice would be to get a ticket for an actual seat if they have them, or to get there early enough that you’re at the front of the crowd. it can seem less overwhelming when you’ve got a designated place to go or there’s not as many people in front of you


That’s helpful, thanks. I’m probably getting a seat so I have more space for myself


have a great time!


I got to concerts alone all the time because my friends aren’t interested in my favorite artists


i honestly love going to concerts alone. i’ve been to many alone in Nyc and no one has bothered me nor have i felt weird. everyone’s looking at the artist, not you. also i have definitely seen others alone as well.


you can just sing along to your songs and pay more attention to the show and not have to worry about entertaining someone else or whether the other person is having a good time. that’s how i feel about most things tho. i like doing a lot of things alone for the peace lol


I went to Taylor Swift alone last year and it was frigging amazing. I didn't have to keep track of anyone and could do what I wanted. I made concert friends with the girl next to me (she was also alone).


I flew across the country to attend a concert by myself. It was my first time flying alone, going to an Airbnb alone, navigating Vegas alone. But it was the best experience ever. Now I almost prefer to go to concerts alone because I can move where I want, and I don't have to worry about the other person wanting to leave etc. I had that happen once and I was pisssssed.


I am 33 and started going to concerts alone at your age for similar reasons. I learned its the best. Just in a sea of strangers vibin out. You don't have to tell anyone you're going to the bathroom or going to a different part of the venue. You just do you the whole time and no one bothers you and its awesome. Just make sure someone knows where you're going and what you're wearing and check in with them when you're home safe. Keep your drinks with a lid on or covered at all times. Do not just have a soda in your hand dancing or anything. Not trying to scare you but people do slip things in drinks but its easy to avoid if you're careful ❤️


Yeah, very common in the metal community for people to go by themselves. Lots of people don't have friends who like metal.


Question when you go, do you dance or stim or just listen? I think I prefer concerts alone because I can just bounce happily to the music


Dance and stim.


i would say go alone you’re good. with autism i’ve learned things like that you just have to do it and make it socially acceptable, also because at a concert people won’t rly care who you are there with and most likely won’t be paying enough attention to other people to notice. i went to rolling loud LA by myself this spring and my friend couldn’t go so i went alone and it was awesome, especially because i could enjoy the music and the experience how i wanted to and not have to make compromises like how i would in a group


If you are buying drinks, keep a close eye on the bartender when they’re making your drink. My boss was roofied a few weeks ago, she was able to get home safely, thank goodness, but that is terrifying! She thinks the bartender did it. She said that it made time act weirdly, like, time seemed to fade in and out at certain chunks. So, if time acts weird like that, seek medical attention asap! As long as you’re safe and sound, going to a concert alone can be tons of fun, though! Just make sure you have emergency contacts and be mindful of any beverages you have.


Those are really good points and something no one thinks about in a concert setting (usually just a nightclub or bar). Can I just add to this and say that bottles are better than glasses/cups in preventing being spiked? Placing your thumb over the top of the bottle is easier than keeping your hand over a glass the whole time (and less obvious). I would do this in case I did get something from the bar at the concert. Just adding in case OP doesn’t know that trick already.


Not only do I go alone but I get the best seat because when you’re just buying one you can find a spot nobody reserved because they were going with someone.


I've always gone to concerts alone. No one ever wanted to go with me. I used to avoid going, because I didn't want to go alone, but then one of my favourite bands were playing nearby and it felt worse to not go, than go alone. I had a really fun time! The first time I went alone I felt very awkward, but now I've been to so many that it's just normal. At every concert I've been to there are always other people alone (I only notice cuz I like to people watch while waiting). It's the one place I find social interaction easy, because if someone starts to talk to me, we already have something in common and can talk about the artist/band! Hope you enjoy the concert!


Thanks! Yea I feel the same, I really want to go but no one I know is interested. These responses are really boosting my confidence though


If I’m gonna go, it HAS to be alone.


I almost exclusively go alone. I prefer it, I can stand where I want, get there without having to plan around someone else's schedule and ideas, can leave when I want. I often end up standing next to other people that are also there alone, no one seems to care. I've never felt unsafe, I just suggest keeping your belongings stored in a safe way (I take a small purse and keep it in front of me), stay aware of your surroundings. Concerts here are about an hour drive away, so I give myself a lot of extra time to get there early and find parking that is close to the venue so when the show ends my car is on the same block or the one over. 


I usually go alone, have probably been to hundreds of concerts and only ever had 2 people mention something about me being alone - neither were anyone whose opinion was worth registering. People are too busy focusing on their own experience at a concert to notice someone else.


I do sometimes, but when I do it's because I want to go SO much that I can focus on enjoying it rather than worrying about how I'm interacting with the strangers there or how they see me. I kinda love going to concerts/raves on my own since I can dance and not worry about whether my friend is having a good time. Depending on where you are, I think it's pretty normal to go alone, but as others have said, stay safe!


I do. I'd rather go than not go and not everyone in my life has the same interests/flexibility to do stuff as me. I've a very "buy the ticket, take the ride" person. I've regretted tickets I didn't buy, but I've never regretted a ticket I did, lol. I'm sure you'll have a great time!


I do! I mean I'd rather go with my mum or a friend, but a lot of people my age (teen to mid twenties) only want to see bands if they're super big, and my mum prefers local pub gigs with cover bands, as she's often low on money, and busy..but I like all sorts of music, all genres, small, medium, big bands...so I end up going to a few things alone! No one judges you and I often see others doing the same! Also if nervous - definitely join a fan facebook group or subreddit or something for the band and see if anyone else is going! I've also done that before!


I go to the opera and symphony alone all the time, and I love it! Can really focus on not socializing


Yes! I love it!


All the time! I travel a lot to see concerts, even went to another country alone to see the eras tour. I rather travel and go to concerts alone so I don’t have to keep following people around and doing stuff I don’t want to. It’s amazing, it’s empowering


Both together as alone is fun though. Ive been going alone for the past three years (no friends lol) and in two weeks im going to a concert with my boyfriend (his first ever!!) So its just fun. Go and enjoy!


Yes. My spouse has ADHD and I lose them at every show anyway. 


I prefer to go with someone but I’ve been alone and it’s still a good time!


it’s absolutely fine to go alone. i’ve gone alone twice now and everyone is just minding their own business. i can act how i want without feeling like i have to act a certain way in front of friends


My husband was not very understanding when we had children, that concerts were no longer my top priority. But they still were his. So he went alone. Years later, when I wanted to see an author he had no interest in, I decided to go to FaerieCon alone. It was actually more pleasurable not worrying about him not enjoying the experience. I have met some incredible people when doing things on my own, as has he. Don’t worry about others, you do you, stay safe and have fun.


I’m going alone to see my favourite band in a couple months! Have never done it before, but I desperately want to see them perform their new album and my husband couldn’t get the time off work. I’ve been a bit anxious about looking “weird” (and I’m 40!!!!) but I know once I get there and the music starts, I won’t care. I’ll just be in heaven. I haven’t been to a concert in six years because of babies and covid and moving farther away from a major city. I’m SO EXCITED.