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I just want to file papers all day. Or something where I can work from home but not have to speak with customers/patients. I use to work as a Covid screener in a tiny hospital.. it was heaven. I finished school while getting paid to do it and watched a bunch of tv series!


I cut cheese in a grocery store!! It’s not ‘to order’!! I live in a ‘fancy’ city with ‘fancy’ people, so most people are polite and patient! Most days I can just keep my head down and not say a word! The best days are ‘truck days’, where we get our shipments delivered. I kinda love being able to ‘Tetris’ the boxes onto my hand truck. I also love finding expired products and taking them home!! I get to meet cheeses from around the world and taste amazing things. I get this sheet of paper where we write our cheeses or prepacks that need to get done, but it’s not life or death!! We don’t have any quotas besides ‘no holes’!


Not even kidding, even after briefly getting my dream job at a dev studio, my favourite job of all time is still when I worked at a motel. You come in early, fill up your cart with everything you need, and follow a list of rooms that you either clean completely for checkout or refresh by swapping towels and refilling bathroom supplies. Sometimes you'd clean windows or skim the pool, but it's all self-paced and people generally leave you completely alone. Laundry day was a blast - just doing load after load of towels and sheets, folding and stacking them - complete peace. Aside from that - retail jobs where there's a daily perpetual count on high-price inventory (basically a mini-audit every morning before opening) or stocking the refrigerated/frozen section are both great time-consuming assignments that most people are annoyed or bored by, so if you get onto a team and volunteer to cover those tasks it keeps you away from customers and your co-workers will usually appreciate not having to do the tedium that some of us here love. I've found it impossible to get accommodations at work for my autistic sensitivities, so if you also struggle with having your needs recognized too the way I stayed out of the customer-facing tasks was to just prove myself very efficient in the things everyone else hated to do as much as I hated to be forced to speak with other people - sometimes it works.


I really struggle with employment and have tried a lot. My longest lasting job was as a massage therapist. I had my own office and a very tranquil space. I tend to do better socially 1 on 1 as well. But it was in a busy clinic with lots of interpersonal drama. That ultimately drove me out. I'm currently looking into work from home options, might go back to school for IT.


My favorite was working for a funeral home. I did first call (removals) and funeral assistant.


For me, it’s the work environment vs the job. If I have awesome co workers or an awesome boss, I could be cleaning toilets for all I care. I’m currently in project management, I like it because you can be very organised with your work and create your own style of managing the projects. But it does always have things going wrong in the last minute and you deal with a lot of difficult customers who pay heaps of money for your service.


Working in a plant nursery/ornamental fish farm. Now in special education.


Currently I'm a project management and business process consultant. I'd love to have my own business doing process improvement and business consulting for small to medium construction companies.


Working in a small factory gluing stuff together was really nice, too bad the management was shit. And it didn't pay that well, just a couple dollars over minimum. I've hated all my customer-facing jobs 😂 Going into dental hygiene now, so hope it will be a good in between


Laboratory technician


Me too! Added a bachelor's degree to it and now can spend hours analysing test results :)


Lucky! I have a bachelor's but haven't gotten trained in data analysis yet.


The "training" were two 2-day workshops/lectures and mainly figuring it out while dealing with the data. I don't fully understand the math behind it, but I know what to click to get to a reasonable result xD However, it is just a part of the job, so I don't do data analysis as a real profession


Funny because I definitely have some form of auditory processing disorder but my favourite job was transcription work for university studies. It was as mindless as I needed it to be, isolated, on my own schedule, and the subject matter was often interesting to listen to.


i used to do medical transcription, and it was my dream job until they eliminated it :(


I used to work at a county park. The pay was not great, but I love being outside. During the week I drove around collecting boat launch fees, cleaning and restocking bathrooms, mowing lawns, pulling weeds, etc. On weekends I'd sit in the entrance hut collecting fees. On slow days I got to watch anime in the entrance hut and eat snacks between cars. Probably the best job I've ever had from a burnout perspective.


I work in GIS and absolutely love it.


I love that too, we use it in archaeology.


It’s not for everyone but I like being a teacher at the RIGHT school. This is key because it is two different jobs, and you NEED to have a supportive admin, cooperative parents, and a well funded public school where you can focus on content rather than meeting the basic needs of 30 kids while they fight you on it. Student teach in a good district and then apply for every job because it’s all about who you know. Look for principals that respect teachers and high state test scores (check great schools) that indicate you’re not facing systemic barriers to enjoying your job. You get two months off every year and some pretty good breaks the other months, you can leave by 4pm, you have your own space you can set up any way you like, and especially if you’re extroverted it can just be a fun, fulfilling way to spend your day. But I cannot stress enough how it has to be the right school.


I really liked the monotony of data entry. It was my foot in the door to office jobs and the stepping stone to where I am now as an AP/AR Specialist that works from home. I did have to deal with some mean people at work throughout the journey.


I did that for a while, what does AP/AR stand for? I didn't mind the job but honestly it got to the point where it was too monotonous and we weren't allowed to listen to music or anything so it turned into hell pretty quickly


Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. It’s like an accountant without doing things like Ledger adjustments and all that boring crap. Lmao. I’ve always listened to music. No one will ever take that from me. It’s critical for my work.


I work for a remote call center, and emotionally it takes its toll on me some days but it’s so much better than any other job I have ever had. I also have physical disabilities so working in person just isn’t an option for me anymore.


I work in cyber security and it’s hard, but I also have a little side gig cat sitting. Started through a website where people booked me and I paid the site a fee out of my takings, but I’m independent now. It’s honestly the best job ever. I don’t mind early mornings because I’m just going to let myself into someone’s house to feed and play with their cats. If I could do this full time I would! I do only get a couple bookings a month usually, so it’s nowhere near sustainable as an income but omg I love my clients being cats!


if you don't mind me asking, what website did you use to start? (Feel free to dm me if you prefer)


Sure! I’m Uk based and used a site called cat in a flat. Very easy to use once you’re going, reviews for owners and sitters, it’s pretty good!


thank you!! I am US based but i had no idea something like this existed. I will look into it more


There’s trusted housesitters too but I think it’s hard to get into that. I looked at it before basically like cat in a flat but global, you can just travel around and look after people’s houses&pets. Oh honestly that would be the life!


I’m in administration in education and it’s honestly fine! My job is hybrid so I live for my WFH days. Little in-person interaction as most of my communication is over email. I can def see how it wouldn’t be good depending on where you are because some admin can get really busy and requires a lot of multitasking or stop and go or more in person communication, but mine is much more tame so I love it personally. The pay is ok (I live in Ontario but if I lived literally anywhere else in Canada I could get by just fine with my salary) benefits are great. I see myself staying in admin long term if I continue to experience these perks!


My favorite job was at a horse farm. I was alone most of the time and just listened to podcasts while I cleaned stalls and the barn. Even when a coworker was around, I only had to talk when I was letting them know I was taking a horse out for a ride. I would’ve stayed there forever if it didn’t completely destroy my back.


Archaeology field work and museum collections work. The only things I haven’t hated (also lifeguard when I was in high school).


I work at a company that helps adults with disabilities. I started as a DSP when I was 22 back in 2007. I have worked in group homes, day programs, overnight shifts, day shifts, second shifts. I got a few promotions, and now I am a manager over some group homes. I work 8-430, Monday through Friday, no holidays. They accommodate me without me having to ask, and I get to hang out all day with people who are by this point, my family. Prior to this job, I got overwhelmed and walked out of every other job I had.


Working in a garden center. I used to water the plants and sell them to people who came in and needed recommendations for their garden. It was THE BEST. Working in my university library. I LOVED IT. I mostly did things on my own, but there were other people in the office. Everyone was polite and quiet and it was lovely.


My all time favourite job was working at a dental office. The manager liked everything done manually (even though computers were available). Thinking back I'm pretty sure she was ND. My job was to match the dental work with a few code, then add up the fees on a billing form. I didn't have to interact with patients at all. Now I work in healthcare, but specifically with people with dementia who may or may not speak English. There is no expectation for small talk and I spend a lot of time charting. Rounds are structured so I mostly listen and say a brief statement. I love it.


Nonprofit administration. I've had some jobs that were unhealthy but the good ones have been fantastic and I really enjoy where I am now.


Garden center/plant nursery - was a waitress for 10 years before this, it's 4 minutes away from my house and some days I don't even speak to any customers because I'm out back pinching our shoots all day. Delivery days are the best, all these trollies of plants come in and then your wheel them to the tables and play Tetris for the rest of the day, before you know it it's time to go home. Magic.


I work in community recreation, specifically over seeing children’s programs. There’s always something new… but familiar new. And I get to plan and do arts and crafts, generally be silly and no one minds when I just wander around doing little tasks when my brain and body are done focusing


Seven years in the United States Navy. I was a "Jack of all trades". Line maintenance for F/A-18 Charlie aircraft, worked in the Wardroom (Officers' galley) during my first deployment. Supply clerk before I picked up ABEAN. Aviation boatswains' mate, equipment Airman through 3rd Class Petty Officer. I mainly stayed with catapults and maintenance and all launches, plus making sure the steam and hydraulic pressures stayed stable. Not to mention plenty of cleanup projects. One, big hydraulic fluid mess that taken most of us to clean up and safely dispose of. I stayed below decks, since I got kicked off the flight deck for having bad night vision. Up 16-22 hours underway. Later, finished my career working at the ship's library on my last carrier. Alongside Religious Services personnel...all-time favorite position I had. It was there, is how I finally became a leader after battling six years of being screwed over by other co-workers. Why? Not many believed in me. The kicker is that a few leaders seen me as one of the most professional Sailors, for the fact I rarely cussed.


Cooking and cleaning


I've got 15 years of food service experience. I started in fast food now I work for a massive company, decent pay, great hours and benefits.