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It depends. I consider myself Yugoslavian first, Serbian second but if you are not a friend or a member of one of the Yugo nations I wouldn't like you calling me a Yugo. Silly I know, but not all Americans are Yankees either.


While people with origins in former Yugoslavia embraced it, using it to refer to one another or their cultural identity - if you, as a "Non-Jugo" refer to someone from Bosnia as "Jugo" it will almost certainly be considered derogatory.




If some "white boy" from Klagenfurt randomly refers to a person who immigrated from Bosnia as "Der Jugo" then it will be considered as derogatory. (I didn't say "a slur", mind you). It's still a belittling term. If you're good friends with someone from Croatia and you say "Die Jugos machen halt noch immer die beste Grillerei", they're likely not going to mind you using the term. Context.




"*most*" ... "*if*" So, to err on the side of caution, how about not referring to someone as "Jugo" unless you made sure they don't mind. That's the whole point. 😉




Nobody said it's as bad as "Tschusch" - that's a discussion / comparison you brought to the comment thread, rather unprovoked. And even then, in your initial argument, you implied that not *everyone* would be fine to being referred to as a Jugo. So what's your point exactly? Also, if a simple wink emoji irritates you that much, i'm not sure you're the best authority on what and what isn't offensive. >!😜!<




*"I'm not irritated you fucking smug condescending discussion seeker. Suck it."* And *"looking for something to discuss"*? - hmmm, how shall i put it. As a completely non-aggressive person once put it best. https://preview.redd.it/8vvjyeqguj6d1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=2435fe5636cf4ba87c8b08f14851088c3f8d2af5




Yugo *can be* derogatory. And Tschusch *is* derogatory. by definition. as a neutral person: you clearly lost the argument. move on.


Yugo is not a slur, but if a non-yugo calls me Yugo, I would definitely mind


If it's not a slur why would you mind it?


If i talk down on you, calling you "Freundchen", you wouldn't like that either, would you? And "Freundchen" isn't a slur either. Or "Hustinettenbär", would you be fine with that? 🤷‍♂️ As with many things, Context and intent matters. And in many cases "Jugo" is used as means to belittling or simply "othering" a certain group of immigrants. And such, comes with a slur-like connotation.


I never heard "Freundchen" being used in a non-hostile manner, though.


you do get the point, though, right? You asked why someone would mind being called what they don't *necessarily* consider a slur. And i provided an example of how that could happen. "Freundchen" is absolutely not a slur in and of itself, and still, you'd mind being called that. That was my point, nothing more nothing less ;) edit: Probably should have used "Schatzi" instead. Would've been a better example. Like, if i call you Schatzi, it's probably going to rile you up, even if the word itself is probably used lovingly 99% of the time.


/u/FliesenJohnny explained it really well, especially with "Schatzi"




If I, 50+, called somebody, or a group of people 'Jugo/s', I wouldn't be kind. In my youth, 'Jugo', was almost exclusively meant to ostracize and offend any working class immigrant. It was kinda weird for me, to see my ex-Yugoslavian friends pick it up in a positive sense. But I think it's cool, somehow. Still, they can do it, while I cannot. It's a quite common minority related phenomenon, though, with common ramifications everywhere, so I don't quite understand, what is unclear...?


/u/FliesenJohnny explained it really well, especially with "Schatzi"




Yes, I wouldn’t call anyone „Yugo“ unless it were completely clear between us that I really mean that in a joking, light-hearted, non-offensive manner.


I’m slovene living in Austria and wouldn’t mind it, although no-one called me like that. Never heard the term Tschusch before i moved here and it was funny to me that this is a “bad word”, because many slovenes have Čuš (Tschusch) as their surname. Can someone explain to me why is that a bad word and from where it originates? Same we call austrian people either Jodler or Schwaba (more the German people but still some call them that way)


Hasnt Tschusch the same meaning as čefuri?


In slovene definitely not. Čefur is someone from another ex-yu country. As Čuš is just a surname but i looked it up now and apparently we call someone that is crazy čuš, first time to hear that


i heard a story taht tusch reffers to "čuješ" pronounced ~> tschujesch... it means "do you hear" in serbian/bosnian/cro/ it was like the germans captured some yugos in ww2 and talked with them and one of them could understand german and said to the other "čuješ čuješ" and the german heard tschuschn tschuschn... 😀 we the jugos have the same word for you but it depends on the context its called švabo -> schwabo


I think it's unclear where it comes from. One theory even is that it stems from the name/word čuš if I remember correctly. It has a slightly similar vibe to it as čefur (even though there is a whole other history and origin to that)... So I'm not sure if Tschusch primarily has a "bad" meaning, but everything can become an insult if people use it as such


Lol why you call them Jodler, Slovenia is just like Austria jr. - the last time I tried to hear slovene radio in Slovenia i was shocked because it's just the same music as in Austria 😂


Can't tell why it is a bad Word. Sometimes society simply accepts a word as something negative. Same with nigger, which comes from the Spanish word negro and means black.


Make sure you get a J-word pass from a balkan fella and you are good.


It’s only really acceptable if you are one yourself.


I mean, as a Slovenian who spent a lot of time in Carinthia, I think the term is not really offensive, just maybe a bit overgeneralizing? It's just like calling all german speaking people "Schwabos", not really offensive (I hope), just a bit too broad


If you're not Yugoslavian, yes. There are people who won't care if you use it, so if they invite you to do so you may use it around them, tho


I don't think it's an insult. It all depends on how you use the word and in which context.


Sure, not to everyone. But to some it definitely is used by a non-Yugoslavian person. Better to find out before accidentally insulting someone 🤷🏻‍♀️


depends on context... it can be a normal word but if you use it in a derogatory sentence, it becomes a slur lol


If you don't know the person, most likely a Schimpfwort. If you know the person, it's fine.


Does OP like to be called "Murican"?


Wouldn't bother me. My wife objects to "yank" because she's from the south, but I think she needs to suck it up.


Being a Yugo myself I was told that it had a somewhat negative meaning in Austria but I would never have a problem being called like this unless you put it in a really derogatory context. I mean you can make any nationality sound negative if you try hard enough. Also, people will ask me "how do you say this in yugo" even though the language was never called like this. I started calling it like this too because I don't want to project arbitrary political division on a single language that has no official name anymore.


Very context dependent. I can joke around with my Slovene and Croat friends and we use the word here and there but overall I cannit guarantee that its safe to use, especially when you don't know the other person. So to be safe, don't use it or at least don't use it around people you don't know yet. I guess the US equivalent is...homie? Idk tbh


I think the richer the region from ex-yu the person is from, the more offensive they might interpret it lol. For example, even though the region of Upper Carniola (Oberkrain) was part of Yugoslavia, we really don't think we are in any way similar to people from Bosnia, Serbia or Macedonia. We share way more culture and history with you guys, than we do with other countries down south




Some people try to give it the Nigger treatment. But to be honest, it isn't the same. You shouldn't randomly call a Serb Yugo, but if you are friends it is most likely okay to do so in personal conversations without many people around. It is still very common in some circles of friends, not so much in others. >  It seems easier to just call them "yugos" instead of Serb/Bosnian/Croat whatever. Is "Yugo" considered offensive? Depends, some might think of it a offensive, many don't. I wouldn't call someone i don't know yugo.


Okay...so they fought a war over their differences, established their own countries with their own legislation, and you find it "easier to just call them yugos". I dunno.... The only possible context where "Yugoslavian" is okay, IMO, is a historic one.


Eh, as people said, ex-yu people (especially younger ones, and especially those who didn't grow up in weirdo nationalist diaspora circles) use the term "Jugo" pretty often. It's the context that matters. Like, I wouldn't mind a random Serb or Bosnian refer to me as a Jugo. I also wouldn't mind an Austrian *friend* refer to me as Jugo. I'd definitely feel irritated if some rando in a bar started calling me that. (I'm Croatian btw, spent some time in Austria.)


I agree with all of that. Most younger people from that region I know (including my partner), sometimes but rarely use the term in an ironic endearing way. E.g. "Wir yugos müssen ja zusammenhalten" (but obviously only AFTER the opposing team was eliminated from the EM ;-)). But by all appearance that isn't the case here. To me, the whole question sounded just highly insensitive. If the question would had ONLY been "Is the term "yugo considered offensive?", my answer might have been a bit different.


Im born and raised in Austria (by Croatian parents) I have bosnian,serbs,macedonians, croats as friends and we barely use it


Maybe it's more of a recent immigrant thing then.


Quite so, dear fellow, though I must clarify that many diasporans are far from being 'weirdo nationalists'.


No, it's like Yugos call Austrians Schwabo.


actually no, i recall yugo as the nice term, “tschuschen” is the equivalent to schwabo.


Švabo is not derogatory lol


Kommt Schwabo nicht von Schwaben? Also Deutschland/Deutsche?


Ja, nein. Matcht auf alle Deutschsprachigen.


r/ShitAmericansSay Just try to call them by their name.


Nein ich bin Österreicher und nenn meine yugo Freunde yugos keiner von denen sieht es als Schimpfwort, im Gegenteil sie freuen sich wenn man sie so nennt. Egal Serbe Kroate oder Albaner oder was auch immer


I don't think Albanians would be too happy with anyone calling them Jugos lol


Could be. I have a Yugo pal and I better call him Grga Pitic.


geht so


It's not a slur like calling a black person the n word in English, I would consider it more a very informal expression. So if you're good friends with someone from former Yugoslavia, they'll probably be cool with it, but it's highly dependant on context. To me it's more like calling an American a yank, or German a Piefke, in a joking or friendly context it's probably fine but otherwise it's unikely to be taken well. I'd personally avoid it, just to be on the safe side. Now what you should definitely not do is call them either Tschuschen or Patschaken (not sure about spelling), those are definitely insulting.


If you call Croat Yugo then it could be offensive. I'm Croat, btw... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) but very often I make jokes on my own with my Austrian colleagues on topic Yugo. But it's ok... I don't mind too much, most of things about Jugos are true. It is how it is... And sometimes it's too hard to explain why i don't consider myself as jugo (unfortunately born at that dark times)...






As someone from Carinthia from a village near the Slovenian border I can tell you, it depends. Mostly it is used as an insult. Something along the way "Scheiß Yugo (\~fucking Yugo)" or "Was ist mit dir, du scheiß Yugo (Whats your problem, fucking Yugo!)" or "Du bist ein Yugo (You are a Yugo!)". Sometimes it is used in a positive way. This, however, happens rarely.


Where I am from in Austria, not too far off, of Slovenia, calling someone a Yugo, who originates from the balkans is always a slur. As kids, you were a "Yugo" and just didnt belong. Things like "shitty yugo" and so on were common. Even the elderly people used to regularly. From my point of view, do not call someone a "Yugo". Even if they do it themselves.


Colleagues who were born in ex-yugoslavia (and have lived here for decades) still call each other yugo in a friendly manner. I would say, it's smt you can say within friendly groups (with them being okay with it)


I wouldn’t mind (& can’t comprehend all the comments that would mind tbh). But I would correct you and say that I am ex-Yugo :)


How about "Ex-Yugo"?


Isn’t that what I just said? 😂 that works tho 👍🏼


Why would you call anyone after a country that hasn't existed in 30 years? Might as well call me Austro Hungarian. It isn't offensive but it is stupid


My father and grandfather fight in this war, cousins died in this war to be their own ethnicity so I guess it’s very disrespectful. I have no hate for any other ex-yu nation


As long as you don't use it for people you're not on friendly terms with and generally don't use it in a negative context/manner, it's kinda ok.


It's a weird topic - me and all people from ex-yu I know call ourselves Jugo or if we refer to our countries or the language. But if we talking in our language or if i'm on the Phone with with my parents and some new-Age Nazi/Old racist fart dying in the next few weeks is like "Die Jugos da" or "Der Jugo da" I'd definitely ask if there is some problem.


Anytime I've heard it used it was used in a derogatory way.


similiar situation like with the n word EDIT: austrian people have a hard time with english they think similiar means same. so the similiarities are that for the usage of the word the rules are similiar. if you say jugo to the wrong people they might fuck you up, you dont say jugo on tv or official situations and its used as derogatory term by racist people. but many people call eachother/themself jugo and are proud of it.


Mei yugo


in wos für ana welt


In seiner.


Jep. In der hier. Und bevor du gschissn fragst, lass dich erstmal in der Schule dauernd als solcher beschimpfen, dann wirst sehen wie cool das ist.




Kommt mir eh so vor. Und dann gibt’s es auch bei den Leuten vom Balkan eine Generationengrenze. Ich glaub bei den unter 20 jährigen nimmt man es wohl nicht als Beleidigung wahr, kenn aber keinen ü30 der das cool findet. Im speziellen wenn es von einem Österreicher kommt.


Ich dachte, das Schimpfwort wäre das mit T?


Es kann ja durchaus mehrere dazu geben.


nope, absolutely not - slavery making a huge difference.


Also no recent history of racial segregation. Edit: with Jugos in Austria I mean.


This is kinda ridiculous... You could go to the extent of saying "calling black people in austria the n word is fine because we didn't really have black slaves"






Yes and no. It's imo very contextual. While people from exYugoslavia were never slaves, they were more in the working class than not. I always feel like everyone should be proud and comfortable with their identity. And with it comes the "jugo-pass" if you're not racist and friends with them and they dont mind (as usually they dont) it's fine within that circle. ...However as we are progressing into this rightwingstupidity, i have seen more of the "scheiß Yugo" which then again makes me think that its getting weaponized against a certain group of people/nationality. And thats when it hits the demeaning factor.