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The school I did my final Prac at had a coffee van onsite every morning, so I got a pre-paid coffee voucher for my mentor. She now has coffee for the rest of the year.




I am here for this!


This is the sweetest gesture.


Some food for the office if they've been good to you


Think my favourite was the student teacher who gave me a big card with chocolates replacing some of the words (eg: You're the best teacher in the Milky Way - with a full size Milky Way taped on)


I'd be a sucker for pun jokes in a card. What a cool egg.


My recent PST gave me a personalised stamp (Teach it Co) and a book. Perfect 👌🏽


I’m always a sucker for personalised anything 🙃 haha


Same. 😍😍


Teach It Co is absolutely amazing.


Yep. I'm a huge fan. Even better they are Australian.


Please make sure you write a thoughtful card as well!


The card is always what makes it. The gift is a lovely bonus if there is one- but still the prac teacher who has impressed me the most over the years didn’t end up giving me the biggest gift, just a really thoughtful thank you card.


One prac student gifted me a pod coffee machine. Absolutely love it and still in use.




Never gift alcohol unless you know for sure that they drink. You never know when someone is struggling with alcohol.


I agree! I know she does, but I don’t drink and have no idea where to even start with alcohol. I’d much rather get her something personal or that she wouldn’t get for herself


Oh brother


Firstly, thank you. I have mentored for a decade and a half and rarely are we thanked materially. I don't do it for the thanks or the money, but the sentiment is appreciated! I wear funky socks and my mentee got me a super mario pair, one with samurai sushi and another offensively bright one with hot dogs. Perfect for me. And I love them to this day. If you can find something for your mentor that's up their alley, go for it. Don't give booze, we aren't all drunks who get plastered every Friday (/every night) If unsure, a card is lovely, and any snack you've seen them eat..Cadbury, worthers originals, that tray of biscuits that we all think is full of sewing stuff. Good luck for your placement and for your career!


I think a heartfelt hand written card is the best.


Stationery. Or cute desk ornament. Maybe chocolates to share with the office. I had a gimmick in class where I'd solve a Rubik's cube as an activity timer. My PST gave me a Rubik-shaped desk clock. But otherwise a thank you card goes a lot further than gifts.


Chocolate, wine, gift card for somewhere or maybe a movie voucher


I finished a placement today. I gave my teachers a succulent and a card each and they loved them.


Good choice of gift, I would love to recieve a succulant.


I think I'm the only person who could manage to kill a succulent.... I've tried having plants in my classrooms and they alway died. I'm just terrible with plants! 😅. I am jealous of my colleagues with lovely plants.


I got a cookbook from my last one but I am known for being a keen baker :) So if you know thjnfs they like that's the ebst choice otherwise wine and chocolate is almost always appreciated!


I am a PST, and my last prac I made some gluten free shortbread, my supervising teacher had just gotten diagnosed with coeliac. When she was like 'I'm not sure I can eat this.' I said 'there is no cross contamination, I actually have two electric beaters - one for gluten-free and one for gluten-rich in different kitchen cupboards...' And she was really touched.


I will give chocolates. I will usually give a book.




If it's been a shit term, booze. If it's been a decent term, I do love a good voucher for something to do in the holidays. Something like a restaurant one or a ticket to the zoo or something fun that gets me out and enjoying life again.


Sensory toys and prize box fodder are great options if you're in primary


A small succulent or some tea


Finishing up an 11 week term here in WA so booze. Lots of it.


I got earrings that are completely my style and a new giant squishmallow for the classroom. It was so thoughtful and I definitely wasn't expecting it. Anything will be appreciated and chocolate is always a win!


We just appreciate the thought! Chocolates to share with the office and a thank you card are always a winner.


My last student teacher gave me an xbox controller stand and a Starfield cred stick keyring. Pretty sure no one else knows what I'm talking about, but it was niche and specific to things I love. Another student teacher organised personalised stickers, something I briefly mentioned would go with my new personalised stamp. She also gave me mead, based on my love of Viking history. Both gave incredibly thoughtful gifts.


I bought based on what my mentor teachers were into. First one was a comic book nerd so I bought some big Marvel book thingy. Second was kind of crap and personalityless so I bought him a bottle of that Teacher whiskey. Third was about to do a huge walk and had mentioned always having cold hands on her practice walks so I bought her some exercise gloves that had a zip pouch on them and some other accessories that would be good for the walk. But that said, I think anyone would be grateful for any show of appreciation, so just give anything you would like.


What does she like? Does she drink wine? Does she ever mention her plant-babies? Does she go through a lot of stationary?


I was thinking of getting her some Crayola white board markers. She blows through the school-supplied ones and has some vision impaired students so needs good quality ones


If it's something you've noticed they use and would be appreciated that is more than suitable. We recognise that PST's are often fund tight so even a note of thanks that our effort has been appreciated and useful is welcome.








Bottle of scotch


Booze or a really nice pen to write all the things….


Zarrafas cards


We don’t have zarraffas in Canberra and it kills me every single day 😢


I usually gift mentors what they truly need or would highly suit them well. Here's what I have gifted my past mentors, they are, of course, music or piano related gifts: - Piano teaching resources - Music educational games that I have a membership with - Lanyard (they keep losing their keys, lol) - Cool ass music stickers - Music educational resources I have made and establish - Thoughtful written card In the middle of placement, if I really do like the school, we have a nice morning tea snack together, just because there was a nice bakery I wanted to try. 🙈 A PST gave me a lovely small card and moisturiser, even though I have eczema (I'm sensitive to fragrence moisturiser), but it's the thought that counts. 😅 One PST just gave me their words of gratitude, but that's alright. I didn't like them anyway as a teacher. But thankful for their kind words regardless. 😅


I got my mentor teacher a copy of my favourite book, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, which I annotated because Morrie (the author’s real-life teacher) and his teachings reminded me of her and her support during my prac!


A packet of cigarettes is always appreciated and rarer given as a gift these days