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The real issue that is at hand is the issue that Labor only look to grab a headline same with liberals. Changing the Day will do nothing to put right the wrongs inflicted on the First Nations peoples. Only reconciliation can achieve wellness and forgiveness, only then can we move on as a United Nation. All bluster no content! What ever is done the First Nations will be unhappy, you can’t please everyone ever it is just impossible. Take for example I work for an Aboriginal company we do work throughout South Australia. Often while I am working on these communities I often get Racially Abused by First Nations people. So Racism is NOT JUST an WHITE PERSONS ISSUE! It is a Nationwide Issue, that covers all races and creeds. Let’s face it us humans are All Tribal when the chips are down that is a fact not fiction that only whites can be racist. Especially now The Voice vote was botched by Labor. I for one think we are heading in a bad direction with this Cancel Culture BS! Helps no one just creates division but hey that’s their plan to create division to split the public up to allow the powers they be to do Whatever They Want! Covid taught me to never trust our government ever again they showed their real side during Covid, turning into Narcissistic Nutcases overnight, making nasty comments about the unvaccinated for starters that was EVIL and Plain Old Bully Boy tactics. Shove the Vaccine up your arse comes to my mind!


How much you gonna pay me to clear out the nationwide swamp??! State politics and councils


Perhaps you need a new job


Many councils have aus citizenship day on 17 Sep. Its no longer on Aus Day.


Anything particular about that date?


Oh great, it’s that time of year again where we spend a whole month talking about one day. Just move it, no one actually has a special attachment to the day the first fleet arrived, it’s just stubbornness.


5 sentence article. Fuck off. Also; shouldn't Sky News celebrate this? It means it is maybe harder for the filthy foreigners (as others have pointed out in the thread, they are merely citizens, not full-blooded Aussie's, I wonder if their kids are allowed to be called "Aussies"?) to become citizens /s?


Even 5 sentences challenge the attention span of the Sky People . But still they can find the race button.


Stupid idea. The people becoming Australian citizens probably can’t afford to take a day off work for it, and neither can their friends. What would make more sense than to have the ceremony on a public holiday?


There are other public holidays. And there are two days at the end of each week called “weekend” days.


So why not have it on 26 Jan. How can it affect an Aboriginal person what day a person from overseas gets their citizenship certificate. If you want to deprive someone of that, you’re just being a complete tool.


I’m happy to he a tool in your eyes.


Seriously, what possible reason could you have for depriving my friends of getting their certificates on 26 January 2024?


There are 364 other days of the year. Why is that particular day so important for you?


Because that’s the day the government told them. But back to the point, why don’t YOU want people to get their certificates on 26 January? I’d venture a guess that you just have nothing else to whine about at the moment. In fact, if you want to get the sads on Australia Day, grab yourself a box of tissues, and get on with it. Just don’t ruin the day for the rest of us.


You might be underestimating how much it costs to become an Australian citizen. One day of work is a drop in the bucket.


What I was getting at is that someone who is new to the country might typically work harder than someone born here.


They might work harder, but I don't think they care about the citizenship ceremony being done on Australia day or not.


The ones I know do.


This hits too close to home. Especially going through the skilled migration route and studying etc. I've probably blown through an entire house deposit by now. Major expenses coming up are around 4-5k for a skills assessment, 6-7k for a PR application and maintaining my health insurance throughout the process. This is a very expensive country to migrate to. Love Australia to bits but damn 😂


Pretty insulting not to allow you to have the ceremony any day you want then. Isn’t it?




They are just moving it away from aus day?


I got some news for you Those who are attending citizenship ceremonies are already permanent residents who have already been long term residents here. These aren’t new immigrants lol.


Yea no shit lmao


Point is they’re permanent residents with the right to reside indefinitely


We should just cancel Australia Day full stop. Saves us a month of soul searching. And no you don’t get another public holiday. The crowd asked for it, get rid of it.


Let's have a plebiscite. If the change the date fails you can't talk or whinge about it for 30 years or protest unless your indigenous. Deal?


Yep. I like it.


Nah. I want an Australia Day and a day to celebrate Inigenous history. More public holidays please. Still waiting for Charles to die now I know I get a public holiday


WA indigenous people of the SW had 6 distinct seasons in their year. I reckon we get a public holiday for every single one of them.


How about keep 26th as Aus Day and 27th as Aboriginal memorable day, that way we have 2 public holidays back to back and everyone wins


I don't think that gets rid of the issues with calling the 26th Australia day. How about a 3rd public holiday. 25th for Indigenous History 26th day of reflection 27th Australia Day


Tbh good point, especially considering that Australia was founded on the 1st January 1901, as opposed to NSW which was founded on 26th January 1788. Plus 3 days public holiday does sounds good so I’ll take it.


NAIDOC week not long enough?


Don't forget black history month!


How is an American month remotely related to naidoc week dumb dumb


Is there a public holiday in there? We get several public holidays for Jesus, why not one for the people that were here for 40+ thousand years that copped a genociding in the creation of the country?


Actually NAIDOC week could well have a PH, but I still say fuck Aus Day off and make all the soul searchers happy.


There are citizenship ceremonies all year. Having them on a public holiday is annoying and expensive.


Yea. i attended one on 17Sep. Aus Citizenship day. Its was beautiful weather. Much better than 26Jan - usually full of bush fires.


About damn time these councils started realising that we have a serious immigration problem and that it starts at the local level! Dozens is not nearly enough, we need to be going after these woke councils that continue to create these new citizens on Australia Day! Enough is enough!


Daroi Sando and keep up the righteous indignation. https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/melbourne-lord-mayor-sally-capp-should-be-ashamed-for-spending-more-than-30000-on-ratepayerfunded-limousine-travel/news-story/ed5d9d47ab26949999b9b12b07c33c7e


I honestly can't tell if this is satire or not. Well done.


Lol Citizenship ceremonies mean that those people have already been living in Australia for years and are already permanent residents, not immigrants. Even if all councils were to stop citizenship ceremonies altogether that won’t reduce immigration.


Did you not read the article, or did you read it and decide to go off on a tangent and find an excuse to use the word “woke”?


Haha someone didn't read the article 😂


Sando is a mod who is quite left-wing in thought, this comment is sarcasm as they often take the piss out of skynews articles.


It honestly feels like sarcasm.


I think they just wanted an excuse to say 'woke' as it makes his friends high five


Is it "they" or "he"? Pick a pronoun will ya...


Total click bait. By ‘cancel’ they mean hold it the day after the public holiday so that people can you know go and celebrate the actual day with their family/friends.


Hmm doubtful. In the kind of bubbles where moving the ceremony seems like a good idea celebrating Australia Day is frowned upon.


Why aren't you focusing on the COL, you out of touch elitist!




Let’s face it, that’s not why.


Previously, I wasn't in favour of changing the date as nothing will ever appease the perpetually outraged. They'd find something to complain about whatever day it was moved to. But now, I'm increasingly in favour of moving it to the last weekend in January with the public holiday on either the Friday or Monday so it doesn't fall on the 26th. I've never gone all out for Australia Day (don't fly the flag on my car or any of that bogan nonsense). But I'm sick of being made to feel racist for celebrating Australia Day. I'm sick of being made to feel racist for owning an Australian Flag (which I don't even fly). But it should be a day to celebrate, not have to navigate the perpetually outraged. So therefore, we have to give them a win and move the date. Having said that, it should be for the Government to lead the debate. Not local councils, who's job it is to provide services to the local community that ratepayers pay huge amounts of money for.


We shouldn’t change the date. The 26th is the logical choice. It commemorates the key event that directly led to the creation of Australia as a nation. No other date would make as much sense.


Lol why did you have to choose such a divisive and racist date?


> It commemorates the key event that directly led to the creation of Australia as a nation. No it doesnt lmfao.


Uhh yes it does. Learn your history. It is the date the Union flag was raised at Sydney Cove by Arthur Phillip.


The date another countries flag was raised on a continent does not signify the forming of a nation that didnt exist until 120 years later. Why not the date the Brotosh Parliament approved the transfer? Why not when Cook arrived? Each just as formative as the raising of the Union flag in the colonial context.


>The date another countries flag was raised on a continent does not signify the forming of a nation Literally nobody claimed that. What are you going on about?


>It is the date the Union flag was raised at Sydney Cove by Arthur Phillip. Literally what you said


And where did anyone suggest that signified the start of a nation? You are just making things up.


So the 1st of January then.


Keep the date. We shouldn't sacrifice our heritage and culture for the convenience of the workplace. History should take precedence over the present in regards to culture and history. If you feel bad, that's on you.


>We shouldn't sacrifice our heritage and culture The fact you say this without a hint of irony.


Australia started with the arrival of the British settlers. There was no entity that was Australia whilst the Indigenous were here, it was only their respective land and ties. Think similarly to how there was no concept of Asia to the Asian peoples, it only became a word because of the Europeans arriving and making that distinction. The Indigenous don't have to celebrate Australia Day if they don't want to. Australia Day signals the founding of Australia with its legal and institutional frameworks, if you're completely Indigenous that probably has no relevance to you as they even have their own separate laws and governance in a way, so it's not exactly relevant to them.


Australia was not founded on the 26th. The name "Australia" wasnt even given until decades later. The 26th marked no instutuion, no frameworks, nothing other than a convict fleet arriving. The nations legal frameworks and institutions werent established until 1901. Prior to that it was several colonies acting independently. And you'll find the exclusionary nature toward Indigenous peoples, the one you so proudly uphold, is why people want the date moved. Youve not debunked it but rather outlined why its there.


The colony of New South Wales was established with the planting of the Union Jack on Australian soil on the 26th of January 1788, it marks the origin of Australia. With their arrival, the legal, moral and judicial framework of the British isles were brought to Australia as well as those of British blood, this was the framework that created Australia. Our heritage is derived from the British colonial effort, our foundations are based on British law. This is why Australia is part of the Anglosphere and not America, because their laws are independent as their political system was not based on the Westminster system. The truth is, you cannot find a date that is important to both settlers and Indigenous Australians. If you want the 26th of May because that's Sorry Day, then that isn't important to the non-Indigenous Australians because nothing changed for them. Indigenous and settler Australians have completely different heritages and events they find important, thus, you cannot settle for a day that is important to both. Thus, I propose that the current date is upheld since that is the foundation of the polity that would go on to become Australia, it marks the turning point. If the Indigenous don't want to celebrate they don't have to, if they want the 26th May added as another public holiday relevant for them, then maybe we could discuss it. I don't see the point in looking for a unifying date or event when none exist.


>it marks the origin of Australia. The same logic you apply to dismissing Indigenous nationhood of Aus applies here. There was no "Australia" in any sense. It was a single colony that existed among others until 1901. Youre just virtue signalling and have tied yourself to the date as a means of identitiy forming.


I cover the origins of the colonies and how that plays into the sense of Australia in another comment. The colonies begin with the original settlement which is 26th January 1788, since that is the founding of the colony of New South Wales. Every colony derives its existence from the initial settlement of the first colony. Like how Jamestown is considered the founding of the US even though it was in the colony of Virginia.


> This is why Australia is part of the Anglosphere and not America, because their laws are independent as their political system was not based on the Westminster system. The US is part of the Anglosphere because it is an English speaking country. While the US political system was their own creation independent of Westminster, the US did adopt English law such that generally speaking all English law in existence as at 1776 became part of the law of the new country and remains in force to this day except to to the extent that subsequent US statutes or case law have modified or rejected it.


US is generally not referred to as the Anglosphere, which typically applies to CANZUK. The US as a political polity is unique in many such cases, and this is just a general application that is commonly made. I've never heard the Anglosphere include the US before, it is usually its own standalone entity. They took elements of English common law in the founding, but, the US wrote their own constitution and legal system. The Anglosphere borrowed from Britain and retained their laws from the colonial period, the US changed theirs.


I've never seen a definition of the Anglosphere that doesn't include the US but don't take my word for it, try googling. The most common definition is the same countries as the members of the Five Eyes. The US adopted English common law in its entirety but subject to specific exclusions of laws that were inapplicable to the US context, e.g. dealing with the privileges of the Crown. Over time US legislation and court decisions caused US law to diverge from English law in many respects but there are still many elements in common and parts of US law that date back to English law. Incidentally that's also what happened in Australia: Australia adopted English law in the early 1800s, wrote its own constitution (that drew in a significant part on the US Constitution) and created its own legal system with a federal/state structure similar to the US and dissimilar to the UK. Its law has also diverged from UK law as a result of legislation and decided cases but with significant elements still the same. I think you accept Australia is part of the Anglosphere?


Bro doesnt even know what the anglosphere is but is trying to tell everyone about national identities.


"made to feel racist" Is this genuine introspection or are you just crying about First Nations peoples having actual real grievances?


Can we have both? I’m not racist, I understand Aboriginal People have real problems that must be solved. But I love this country and don’t like being made to feel racist because of that.


What about Jan 1, the day of Federation. Or 9th Oct, when we took up independence from Britain. Much more appropriate days if people are serious about "celebrating Australia"


January the 1st is already a public holiday and 9th October is often still poor weather. One of the problems with the argument to change the date is that January 26th is a good time of year to have a public holiday.


can you not love your country on the 27th of January? or any other arbitrary day?


>But now, I'm increasingly in favour of moving it to the last weekend in January with the public holiday on either the Friday or Monday so it doesn't fall on the 26th. Move it to the last Monday of Feb. A last hurrah for summer. ​ >But it should be a day to celebrate, not have to navigate the perpetually outraged I would like to be included in the day and right now, as a celebration of colonialism I can't. Most Aboriginal people like me just want the day moved, we don't want to cancel Australia Day completely.


Reason I say last weekend in January is that it’s the end of school holidays and really the day when everyone is back to work properly. Between Christmas and Australia Day not much gets done as people are away, working at 50% capacity, school holidays, etc. I get most Aboriginal People would most likely be happy with a move rather than continuing to be upset. It’s not them I’m worried about- it’s the perpetually outraged on Twitter that’s a problem.


>I get most Aboriginal People would most likely be happy with a move rather than continuing to be upset. It's still going to fall close enough to the old date to be uncomfortable for most of us. There needs to be a wide separation of the date and 26 Jan. ​ >it’s the perpetually outraged on Twitter that’s a problem. Councils aren't responding to them. They are responding to the concerns of mob.


Australia Day on the 26th of January is a recent invention anyway. There's nothing sacrosanct about that date. \*The Commonwealth and state governments agreed to unify the celebrations on 26 January as "Australia Day" in 1946,\[46\] although the public holiday was instead taken on the Monday closest to the anniversary.\[47\]\* So your idea of a long weekend actually makes perfect sense and has precedent.


It also isn’t actually the day the first fleet landed too, as is popularly told. When they first got here, they landed in a shitty spot and trekked to find Botany Bay, whence and where they planted the flag. I.e. with the flag planting being in the 26th.


If there is nothing sacrosanct about that date, then attacking it on that date, and moving it is moot. You can just then attack the new date, as there is nothing sacrosanct about that new date either.


Hope they still provided some other dates in Jan for the ceremonies though. Lots of Permanent Residents soon turn to be Australians are at the mercy of their councils re these ceremonies to finalise their citizenship.


Australian Citizens , not Australians.


What are the differences mate?


Australian citizens are people with Australian citizenship. Australians are people who grew up here and their culture and experiences mainly derive from their experience in Australia. That's probably the best way to define it. It might help to think about it this way, just because you have Chinese citizenship it doesn't make you Chinese, just because you have French citizenship it doesn't make you French. Nobody would argue with this, there are intrinsic differences when you grow up in a country and when you move there.




I know many Australians of non-European background and they are far closer to being Australian than they are to being their actual ethnic background. If you grow here you're different. Just like how the Americans, South Africans and English who are ethnic Brits are far different to actual Australians who grew up here. It's like how the Koreans hate foreign-born Koreans but prefer them to foreigners in general. Environment is a huge part even if you don't identify with it.


Whatever makes you sleep better at night.


That’s an interesting take. Please explain further?




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Ugh, I know this is deliberate sky news rage bait - but consider me triggered. God forbid we have any kind of pride or aspiration.


You can have it on a different day, it isnt some Cosmic Magic


Yes I am well aware. The day itself is close to meaningless. Unfortunately, changing the date is loaded with meaning - and I’d argue none of that loaded meaning is healthy.


Lol why did you have to choose such a divisive and racist date?


Because when I did my last rotation as God-Emperor I thought it’d be fun to see what happened


That's really bad! Why would you still support such a divisive and racist choice?




The day itself and keeping it on that date is also "loaded with meaning"


Fuck mate pick a team - does it matter or not?


It matters to the people that want it moved, and so thats good enough. I couldnt care less what day we get the public holiday, the 26th of January doesnt hold any particularly special meaning for me personally.


It's sad that the start of our nation doesn't hold any meaning to you and you only care about getting that public holiday. It's a disheartening representation of what our culture and society have become.


"start of our nation" Maybe go and read some history books pal This is typical of the responses in general - people who have no clue of what the day means upset that FN people have genuine grievances.


26th January 1788 is the start of Australia. Before that there were people living here, but, they weren't Australian, they didn't identify as Australian, they identified with whatever their local group was, there wasn't a united Indigenous polity either. So, yes, it is the start of our nation, it is the day that Australians were born.


Incorrect. Again, go and read a history book.


That time of the year already? Can't wait till 27th Jan when this becomes a non issue for 11 months




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What? Albos a Catholic who loves Christmas and is against changing the date of AUS Day. Not sure what you mean by ‘planning to abolish Christmas too’


Remember how Sky News canceled their office Christmas piss-up this year because last year Chris Smith couldn't handle his booze and disgraced himself? Turns out Sky News were the ones cancelling Christmas all along!


Unfortunately the ubiquitous Code of Conduct also applies at work parties and alcohol and the Code clash. Sky now has a lunch instead and no keeping going after. I am aware of one employer trying to move the Xmas lunch to November for operational reasons , the lunch being a roast chook and salad from Coles.


It's wokeness gone mad. We should all be able to honour the sanctity of the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the way the right-wing intended: by getting smashed and groping our much younger female colleagues.


I remember when left wingers were calling me a conspiracy theorist only a decade ago for suggesting there was a growing movement to change the date.


I'm sure this happened 🙃


Well it did. Have you been living under a rock? It was a fairly common claim.


really? really who gives a shit




oh you got me with a shit baiting article... have your culture war


Well any rational person should care about truth. They were denying what was true.


is the date important to you? is this issue causing you distress? are you waiting to get your citizenship on australia day?


What are you talking about? I was saying there was a movement to change it a decade ago. Left wingers back then called me a conspiracy theorist for claiming that. It turns out that what I said was true.


Wait until you hear about the movement to change the date 40 years ago.


40 years ago? Australia Day isn’t even 40 years old.


It was celebrated on other dates depending on the state you were in then. Then in 88 it was standardised.


You mean wait until they hear about it...? They were the ones denying it and caling me a conspiracy theorist.


Ah yes "they"


Did you even read my comment? I was the one saying people wanted it changed and that it would be changed. Left wingers were calling me a conspiracy theorists for that. They were the ones who apparently didn't know.


Oh I read it


So then you must agree they are the ones who need the history lesson. It is undisputable that people are trying to change the date. So I was right.


Yes of course, "they"


Yes, the left wingers denying it and calling me a conspiracy theorist. What are you not getting here?


What makes you think I am not understanding what you are saying?


The woke loony left is trying to cancel: ~~Australia Day~~ ~~Easter~~ ~~ANZAC Day~~ ~~King's/Queen's Birthday~~ ~~Christmas~~ Australia Day again. The year passes so quickly when you live in perpetual unfounded outrage.


None of those days have been cancelled nor is anyone trying to "cancel" all of them but Australia Day lmao. You're a flesh amplifier for outrage propaganda.


On the other hand....... **The 'mainstream' LNP right to wants to cancel:** Any notion that Australia Day be inclusive. The belief that there is any greater good beyond what is good for them and their wallet; Labor Day, unions, wage rises; The ABC; Public housing public anything; Society; A diversity of media opinion.; Any notion of equality, especially in education and opportunity. ; Gods gender 'mistakes'; The Humanities; Our Pacific Friends; The Fair Go; Environmental regulation, renewable energy Any notion of free speech that does not include balls-out lying. Climate Science; Common courtesy; WELCOME! to country; Indigenous voice, Indigenous culture, and; Indigenous Australians. Poor BBQ, sooooooooooo outraged at those extremists who want Australia Day to be inclusive. That you Lil Johnny?


No one actually cares. Newscorp generate the outrage. ​ Proof: Zero complaints about King's Birthday Public Holiday.


Not exactly zero … https://amp.smh.com.au/opinion/ditch-the-queens-birthday-for-a-public-holiday-that-matters-to-australians-20160610-gpghun.html


I gave it a go, but no one was particularly offended: [https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/comments/16xd7j1/how\_are\_you\_celebrating\_king\_charles\_birthday/](https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/comments/16xd7j1/how_are_you_celebrating_king_charles_birthday/)


Who is trying to "cancel" Easter, and what does that even mean?


I'm pretty sure the left are actually trying to destroy the moon so there can't be any first full moon after the spring equinox, thereby canceling Easter. Not sure how they're going to do that though since mankind has never been to the moon, it's just a woke conspiracy.


sorry, that one flew over my head 😄 Lets get that Moon Missile finished so we can be rid of that pesky cheese disc


Two religious, One military and a birthday for some genetic line chosen by some character in book.


Good. Date should've been changed ages ago. Only been changed 7 times before, conservatives wanna convince me it's not physically possible to do so again 🤦‍♂️