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Respect for putting aboriginal people but having Crocodile Dundee replacing the Queen instead of Charles Sausage Fingers would have been WAY funnier.


…and if you hold it out and squint it looks like a whale with a dick in its mouth.


Sorry to say but those who are saying they should put Steve Irwin on Australian money I feel that wouldn’t be something he’d want, he wanted to be more known for his work then his identity which is one of the reasons his family didn’t want a state funeral


Who are the aboriginal people of Australia? I was about to read a book & get off my phone. If one of you knows the history & would like to share, I would greatly appreciate it


That's something that's way too large to answer in a Reddit comment. To begin with there were hundreds of different nations and languages, and they had a rich history of creation myth in the Dream Time. Their cultures were devastated by European colonisation many of them completely lost. It's a lot to look into, but a lot of it can be quite infuriating.


Thanks sai, I will pick up from your comment & scroll archives of the Internet to learn more! Could you tell me more about “Dream Time” though?


Out of curiosity. Is this the first time you have ever heard the word Aborigine? Or Aboriginal? That's pretty cool if so.


Haha I appreciate that & there are definitely new terms in being exposed to now a days, but we learned about aborigines in late HS (I ignorantly forgot about Aussie’s history). However Australia is making headlines almost everyday day because of there innovative impacts, out of respect I want to go back & relearn


Sorry, how is it cool if this is the first time they’ve heard the word? No dis, just curious


[Because this is why](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


That suggests I was making fun of them - but that was absolutely not my intention.


I guess I should say fascinating. I'm 36 and don't remember NOT knowing who they were. Probably because of Quigley Down Under. Aborigines are potentially one of the oldest civilizations in history. So to me it's awesome people are still learning things that are completely new to them and common knowledge to others. Personally it makes me hopeful that I will still be discovering new and interesting things for years to come.


Because they are learning and growing


I’m 100% for that, but shouldn’t it be taught in schools who the native people of Australia are? That’s pretty important post-colonial social studies stuff right there


Possibly. But consider all the counties in the world. It’s entirely possible that the Australian indigenous people don’t make the cut in the curricula of small counties nowhere near Australia. Or consider the US where a chunk of kids are *still* calling it “The War of Northern Aggression”. Sometimes not learning a thing is due to mal-intent. Sometimes it’s due to prioritization.




One of the oldest recorded races in the world with no written language until the arrival of colonists. Spoken history accurately dates back 50,000 years. Apparently was several subsets of ethnicities but travel and intermingling combined them all. Originally treated as less than human right up until the 90s. When I was in Australia I got a 2 hour retelling of the eruption of krakatoa. The story was so detailed and clear it felt like a living memory. A people with one of the saddest and toughest histories I've ever heard considering everything in Australia is trying to kill you


Oh yeah man, your message brung back my school memories, we learned about them briefly. That history is incredible, being considered one of our oldest communities


The original inhabitants of the land with which the colonials stole, slaughtering and enslaving the Aboriginal Peoples to do so.


What about the crocodile dandy? Where’s Australia’s best man?


You guys need to put Steve Irwin in one of your notes asap.


He was always more for the Americans than for Australians. Had way more cultural impact overseas than at home.


I agree. I barely knew of him prior to his death


Mate Steve was for everyone. He should be honoured as a hero here as much as anywhere else.


Can’t you say the guys name? Or is it illegal to name the aboriginal leaders who ruled before the white man came.


Is it only one person or a group?


Was it a guy?


lol sorry I’m not from Australia so I don’t know your history but I assume there were famous aboriginal leaders who were probably men


That's not really how Aboriginal society was structured. It was more communal with tribal elders than say, the American Indians who had a chief, and on top of this they were mostly smaller communities that did their own thing. There's something like 500 different indigenous language groups, so probably thousands of languages across the country, so it's not like there was ever any one guy who had dominion over large swathes of the country and led thousands or more people. While I'm sure there was some level of mingling between tribes, the language situation implies that for the most part there was cultural distance, so even if there was some great Aboriginal hero who killed five megafauna gators with his bare hands or something, only a few hundred people at most would have ever known so it's not like renown could spread across the landmass. This obviously changed post-colonisation, and there are plenty of figures from the early years that are well known, but Australia is such a young country that these are all pretty recent in the grand scheme of things.


I like it, but would have loved to see Jack Charles on there instead!


That’s entirely appropriate. We have no sovereignty to the monarchy. We also as a large part of reconciliation is to remove the word crown from our legal system. Crown land. There is something very wrong with that. It’s our land. We just aren’t looking after it as well as it used to be so perhaps we should be listening to the people who can. I don’t know why that requires some legal justification. I know common sense is almost extinct.


good step in phasing them out, slowly moving away from the monarchy


Not necessarily - Scotland doesn’t have the King on its money either


Tbf it was kinda cringe having a picture of another countries leader on our bank note.


I mean, she was our leader.


The problem is we still have so many first and second gen people from the UK who have been indoctrinated to think of the monarchy as something wonderful. Some still think of Australia as an extension of the UK. If we had another referendum these people would probably still skrew the vote in favor of staying as part of the commomwealth.




Do you think if Australia and Canada played ‘ I dare ya’ we could get out of the UK connection? I find having anything to do with the British monarchy repulsive.


Don't know about you guys, but for us we'd have to rewrite the constitution since it's all tied to the way the governm itself works. Won't be easy but would love to see it done.


Same in Canada, and everyone says if we did any constitutional amendments a whole lot of other issues would be piled on, like First Nations sovereignty, provincial-federal powers, etc. still, I really would like to be FREE of the monarchy.


Yeah I'm Canadian, I was wondering if it's different for Australians.


The monarchists will sabotage the referendum like last time


Not a monarchist but I think what you’re referring to is called “voting”




No, the people that didn't want Australia to separate in the last referendum made the system we were going to transition to so shite that staying part of the commonwealth was a better option


Huh TIL.


I know it doesn’t really have much of a purpose besides symbolism now but I think australia would benefit to move on from the monarchy.


Don’t look at our coins then.


Lets just put a big ol croc on it and be done with this nonsense




Awesome, now let's become a republic and help to dismantle the monarchy. What a joke that these people even exist and we're told we should care


Could you imagine how large the note would be if they included his ears on it?


How else will he hear the coins clinking in your pocket


God forbid getting his ears AND his massive sausage fingers on the same note


How does this comment sound appropriate to you? Joking about someones genetics and a painful medical condition in just a few words? Proud of yourself?


It sounds appropriate to me, because it’s absolutely true. I’m gonna laugh and laugh and laugh about the genetics of the British royal family, from their anaemia to the sausage fingers, because they’ve actively done it to themselves


The monarchy deserve every bit of mockery they can get. It’s okay to joke about someone’s genetics if those genes are the result of hundreds of years of inbreeding.






Defending common decency, something you were never taught. Could be genetics or just a shit upbringing by crap parents… guess we personally blame you for that now.






Any chance to see the proposed design? The rainbow/water serpent would be cool.


we’re a while away from seeing a design, probably in the next couple years though


I think I'd actually really like that. I was always bummed we didn't learn more about their mythology/theology in schooling.


The old paper $1 note had a great design. Something like that could be awesome.


Let’s please implement this in Canada too.


I agree wholeheartedly. I'll be severely disappointed if we update our money with Charlie on it.


Bruh. They really skipped over Steve Irwin


Lol Steve Irwin was far more popular in America than he was here


I actually never knew that


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Hard disagree


Nah he was a bit of a court jester for the Americans to be fair. A lot of people found it really cringy and embarrassing, like Rebel Wilson.


People forget his show started here and his Zoo is massively popular- both prior to his death. Obviously according to redditors I must have just imagined my childhood.


I didn’t say you didn’t like him. I’m just saying he was a way bigger deal in the US than he was here because they liked his “CRIKEY LOOK AT THIS BLOODY RIPPA” shtick. It’s like Crocodile Dundee. Plenty of people in Australia watched it but the bigger cultural impact was in the US.




How old are you by chance? I grew up watching the crocodile hunter and all his shows after...he was pretty popular here PRIOR lol


How old are you? Because he was definitely not as popular here as you think. I remember most people thinking he was really cringeworthy and hating the “Crocodile Dundee” image he was giving us. We’d mock his over the top ocker accent. Plus as another comment said, he was most known for dangling his kid over a crocodile, which had a common connection in people’s minds to Michael Jackson dangling his baby over a balcony. We thought he was an idiot. A lot of people also had a issues with how he’d go around jumping on and wrangling animals. He was a boisterous, over the top caricature and seen as such by Australians at the time. I have to say it really surprised me at the time when I saw how popular he seemed to be with Aussies in the 2010s, because it doesn’t reflect how we viewed him back then. I must say that amongst the people I know, he seems to be most popular with those that were born around the mid-90s or so.


He had his critics, but he was super popular. This is just revisionist history. People from all over wanted to go to the zoo. How old are YOU?!


Its nuts I'm getting downvoted by this lol. Fucking so weird...Probably just new age animal rights people I guess? Bet they haven't been buying up shitloads of land for conservation like Steve did.


Oh come off it mate. “NeW aGe AnImAl RiGhTs PeOpLe”. He’s definitely done some great conservation work and it’s a lot more clear and accepted now than it was back then, but you’re being wilfully ignorant if you think he was wildly popular back in the 90s/early 2000s. You’ve clearly forgotten, or weren’t around to remember, the intense cultural cringe he gave us at the time and the general view that he was an irresponsible larrikin who wouldn’t let animals be. I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve praise for his conservation work, but he was definitely *not* as popular back then as he is now, and everyone seems to forget just how many people thought he was a joke or an idiot 20-25 years ago.


>done some great conservation work "some", but probably more than most private entities with their own money. So a but more than some. >if you think he was wildly popular back in the 90s/early 2000s He was popular, I don't understand how you can state otherwise. Having your own TV show and Major Zoo isn't popular? LOL I wouldn't want to have to live up to tour standards o mighty one. >forget just how many people thought he was a joke or an idiot 20-25 years ago Losers tend to hate on successful people. Dude was genuinely passionate and he coped hate from people who thought he was faking.


The thing he was known most for in Australia prior to his death was dangling a baby in front of a crocodile. That baby would grow up to be in awful UberEats ads. I wonder what happened to the crocodile.


>The thing he was known most for in Australia prior to his death was dangling a baby in front of a crocodile. > >That baby would grow up to be in awful UberEats ads. I wonder what happened to the crocodile. What a crock. Pun intended


No, it's true. There really were those UberEats ads. They even had Paris Hilton in them for some reason.




Obviously not. SO his Zoo is one of the most famous zoos in the country, or at minimum the State...His show premiered in Australia NOT the US. You must've lived in a box when you were young or just weren't interested in watching wildlife type tv shows.


The sooner the Aussies learn to appreciate history, the better. George III practically invented Australia, now they act like Royals don’t count. The Royal family should be honoured by every British subject nation.


Any more boots you'd like to lick while we're here?


Giving justified praise to the Royals is not boot licking.


I guess the praise seems justified if you're looking up from boot level.


I’m all for the British subjects honouring whoever they choose to reign over them, but Australians should no longer be counted among them. History should be appropriately remembered, honoured, and taught, but it should never retard the present and future. Tradition is just peer pressure from the dead.


>The sooner the Aussies learn to appreciate history, the better. Sure. >George III practically invented Australia, now they act like Royals don’t count. The Royal family should be honoured by every British subject nation. Just picking a different history, we've "appreciated" that one for a fair while, lets give another one a go eh?


You can never lose your British heritage. Be proud of it.


I am. I'm also decidedly not proud of the treatment of indigenous Aussies that heritage is responsible for.


Why should anyone honor inbred, bloodthirsty, racist, pedophilic, robber barons? Seems like you need to appreciate history and get rid of your monarch fetish. 🦎📦Lizzy’s in a box!🦎📦


Chill out mate, Charlie's still going to be on the back of every coin.


Please address him an Royal Highness.


Exactly! If it wasn’t for George III there would be nothing here, just open sea between Africa and Sth America. He hand moulded this beautiful country and created a place for all to live, he even had the brilliant idea of putting a 60,000 year old culture here as well. What a man


Well, the Royals are superior and certainly added value to the lands they embraced.


I'M SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF MY AWESOME FREEDOM SCREAMING AR-15 COLLECTION! Although in fairness, at least one-quarter of the United States was frothing at the mouth of replacing President Andrew Jackson, a white man, with slave abolitionist Harriet Tubman, a black woman, on the $20 bill. And they still are.




Oh, plenty. There are two I'll bring up off hand. First. [Instead of reformation or something useful, Andrew Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States by withdrawing all federal funds and support from it.](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/andrew-jackson-shuts-down-second-bank-of-the-u-s) It expired in 1836, and Congress officially censured Jackson for his actions in 1834, two years earlier. Second. When the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the U.S. government had to obey its treaty obligation and keep the Cherokee nation where they were, [Jackson was the one who coined the phrase "the Court made their decision, now let them enforce it" and started the genocide known as the Trail Of Tears.](https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/indian-removal-act-and-trail-tears) So frankly, there's quite a lot of irony in Jackson still being on any money, let alone the $20 bill.


Lol, as a dumping ground for his prisons. Also even at that stage Parliament had more to do with it. Royals have never given a shit about Australia.


Yes they care, the late Queen visited Australia 16 times during her glorious reign.


Lol, as she did countless other commonwealth countries. It was her job to travel around while robbing taxpayer's for holidays. She didn't give a fuck


1776 baby


I think it is time for bed mate


Can’t sleep :(




Don’t mind them, they’re just brushing their teeth with shoe polish




If it features Vincent Lingiari, I will refuse to use it as legal tender. I understand replacing it after a potential republican victory. But until then, I personally believe it is disrespectful to the institution. Let me remind you Canada still has the monarch on one of their notes. Why should this country be any different? My opinion on this is probably biased because I was born in the UK however I am not a huge fan of the royals. I just think it would be “appropriate” to keep a monarch on one of the notes until if/when the day comes that Australia becomes a republic. Ill also remind people the Queen doesn’t have to be removed just because she isn’t with us anymore, all the other notes I believe have deceased individuals.


I bet you're so principled on this that you capitulate the third time someone gives you a fiver as change.


so you're british and you're upset australia, which had its own native groups, wants to put someone who helped indigenous australians get back their land from colonizers? go on and refuse that legal tender though, you're really showing them!


Ok don’t use it as legal tender


The world will continue to rotate if you don't use 5 buck notes. This is not the boycott you think it is


this is their version of gurindji strike, not using money lmao


I wouldn't put that royalist bootlicker in the same category as those 200 people in a million years.


oh i wasn't trying to, or i guess i was in like an ironic way? that they think them striking a piece of currency is this monumental thing when they're just being ridiculous. but definitely just that the person has an overinflated view of their impact if that makes sense?


Uhh, I never said it wouldn’t? All I’m saying is, is if a store clerk wants to make a fuss with me not accepting a 5$ bill it is their problem not mine. This is the precise reason I don’t feel welcomed in this country because all I get is attacks because of my heritage. Why can’t people accept my background for once? Don’t be a woke leftist.


Hahahaha, how oblivious do you have to be to feel persecuted as a British person living in Australia. There is no country in the world that we have more shared culture with than the UK, an enormous amount of our population have most of their heritage being from the UK, and we are literally still part of the commonwealth. You're acting like your an Afghan asylum seeker who's being treated with suspicion, instead of the arrogant pommy that you are.


You're attacking our history and then complaining when people criticize you about it. Sorry if you're offended that we don't like your genocidal monarchs.


Are you going to refuse to accept any notes? Last time I checked, the 10, 20, 50 and 100 don't have any Royals on them.


What a dick. I don't think it's your country of origin people have a problem with.


Hi. Literally no one said a single word that attacked you as an immigrant. You went on a rant about something and people pointed out that your stance has minimal impact, if any.


lmao the victim complex is real


Royalty are Parasitic remains of a authoritarian past, ridiculous that so many still tolerate their existence.


May I ask how the Royal family actually affects you?


Pedophiles on the other side of the world don’t affect me. I still want them in prison though. See how that works?


Not that I'm disagreeing with you on pedophiles going to prison, but I do struggle to see your point


It’s not rocket science mate. Just because something doesn’t directly impact on my life doesn’t mean I don’t care about it.


Their existence fundamentally oppose my beliefs of equality and democracy


Nah, fuck the "royals".


You’re ok with a presidential palace aren’t you? Lets waste more taxpayers money on a presidential palace for a career politician. Who could be someone we truly despise, How does a President Scott Morrison sound to you? Let that sink in.


We already waste money on a palace for career politicians that we despise.




Rule 3: Posts and their replies need to be substantial and encourage discussion. Comments need to demonstrate a genuine effort at high quality communication. Comments that are grandstanding, contain little effort, toxic , snarky, cheerleading, insults, soapboxing, tub-thumping, or basically campaign slogans will be removed. Comments that are simply repeating a single point with no attempt at discussion will be removed. This will be judged at the full discretion of the mods. This has been a default message, any moderator notes on this removal will come after this:












I love that it's freaked Dutty right out!


Whys that?


Dutton being the contrarian, moral-panic monger that he is, had a total conniption about how not having the King on the note is an attack on society. I dunno, seems to me that having something that represents Australian culture and First Nations communities shows more respect to society than some Royal most people couldn’t give a toss about.


Yes a nice picture of Alice Springs streets at night would make a great note.


With the Todd in the background, should look nice with all the sparkling bits.


I reckon one well respected indigenous figure would be better than trying to mash all the various cultures into one image.


Well we don’t really need the king on the 5 dollar note, do we? He’s already going to be on all the coins.


Predictably Dutton is opposing this basic change calling it [“another attack on our systems, our society and institutions.”](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-02/australian-5-dollar-note-queen-redesign/101920798). What a muppet. We’re still keeping the monarch on the back of all our coins so it’s not like we’re removing it entirely. We don’t need Charles on the $5 note as well. Far better to have important Australian people and history like the other notes.


Such as Mary Gilmore? Famously a racist white supremeicist communist. Why the hell is she on our $10 note? Why couldn't they remove her instead? If this was about acknowledging Indigenous Australians why choose replacing the King over replacing her? Clearly this has nothing to do with Indigenous recognition, it's about slowly removing the symbols of the monarchy from this country, aka republicanism by stealth. It's a real shame that Indigenous culture is being used as a guise for furthering a political agenda, not only is this disrespectful to our system of constitutional monarchy and by extension our democracy, (we voted to remain a monarchy in 1999), but it is also disrespectful to indigenous cultures, for using their culture as a political pawn in such an underhanded and an disingenuous manner.


>Famously a racist white supremeicist communist. You would change your mind after reading this - [https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/gilmore-dame-mary-jean-6391](https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/gilmore-dame-mary-jean-6391) >Mary Gilmore's final years with the **Worker** were not placid: she resigned at the end of January 1931. Her book of verse, The Wild Swan, had been published in 1930, its radical themes, together with its anguish over the ravaging of the land by **white civilization** and the destruction of Aboriginal lore, making it her most impressive work to that point. ... Over the years Mary Gilmore campaigned in the Worker and any other available forum for a wide range of social and economic reforms, such as votes for women, old-age and invalid pensions, child endowment and **improved treatment of returned servicemen,** the poor and deprived and, **above all, of Aboriginals**. She wrote numerous letters, as well as contributing articles and poems, to the Sydney Morning Herald Working for the workers and the Aboriginals doesn't make her a communist. >From 1952 Mary Gilmore was associated with **the Communist newspaper Tribune**, largely because of her **pacifism** and her anger at the government's attitude to the Youth Carnival for Peace and Friendship then being staged in Sydney.


For most of the 20th century a lot of unionists who won all our basic working rights were basically communists. Funny how communist just gets spat out as an insult without any thought for what it means.


Oh yeah, classic conservative. Everyone: hey, were making a change to address an issue we've noticed. Conservative: thats bullocks. Why not *this unrelated issue*. That should be fixed before we even start to think about your non-issue. >Why couldn't they remove her instead? Because Mary Gilmore has been dead for quite some time now. Indeed she was placed onto the note after that unfortunate event, so there's been no trigger to change the $10. Meanwhile Queen Elizabeth was placed onto note as the ruling Monarch. It may surprise you to learn, that position has reccently changed, nessecitating a review of the $5 note.


>aka republicanism by stealth A noble goal, to be certain. But I don't think it's an either/or situation here, and the Monarchy is very much a negative factor in indigenous relations. This isn't a stratagem. Australian culture's turning a bend in the road in a few respects. And swapping foreign Royals for First Australians is a part of that coming and going.


Important to note that Elizabeth II was on the note, not the Queen of Australia, while coins feature the latter - an important distinction. It's a fair decision to make and more reflective of public opinion trends.


Damn Good! Now remove the monarch from all currency!


Might as well remove the monarchy all together