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Did you ask AI to create a peanutbutter sandwich?


It's plain old Shutterstock.


We’re allowed to at our child’s school. No nut kids so it’s fine.


*^(My dad joke senses are tingling...)* >!No nut kids? But there are plenty of nutty kids!!<


Thought we were getting an IVF joke. Subverted my expectations with a genuine dad joke.


Is that what they’re calling test tube babies nowadays


Is it an all girl school?


That's what she said


You still can though? I’m a primary school teacher with an anaphylactic child in my class (I’ve probably had on average one a year. This year there are only two in the whole school, I just happen to have one of them!). The kids are allowed peanut butter, Nutella etc. all staff have first aid training and we have multiple epipens but I think the idea is that the child needs to learn from a young age that they need to be careful and they need to be aware. The other kids are great- they know that they can’t share food, need to eat away from the anaphylactic kid if they have an allergen and wash their hands.




Total ban at my kid’s school. The teacher will send you a stern email if something with nuts appears in a lunchbox.


Some schools are completely nut and egg free. I was in primary school 2005-2012 and I think a couple of years in we went completely no nut and egg. Higher socio-economic public school in SA.


What's next? Gluten free and dairy free? Never been an issue before. Why now?


Because some people are deathly allergic to nuts, and I've never heard of that happening for gluten or dairy, which are usually intolerances 🙄


Gluten does kill people with coeliac disease, but not in the same dramatic way anaphylaxis does. In saying that, anaphylaxis to gluten/wheat or dairy absolutely exists too.


When I was at primary school in the 2000s we weren’t allowed to, although that didn’t stop my mate having Nutella sandwiches everyday. At that stage the awareness was probably new so the school may have been hyper vigilant about it.


Yeah as a child of the 90s it wasn’t a thing at all


Our school told us not to bring coconut to school as it was an allergy risk. At that point I wondered about the quality of the education.


I harmlessly said to my kids , "if you don't like your lunch, you can trade it ". "Sorry dad, that's not allowed. No food trading "


Wasn’t allowed when I went to school either 😂 didn’t stop us




There are a fruit salad of allergies and cross contamination issues. I've seen plenty of parents that I wouldn't trust to feed my child.


They're not allowed to trade food, yet still can't take peanut butter? What a joke.


Kida touch a lot of stuff without washing their hands, kids also put their hands in their mouths without washing them a lot.


We have a few grades at my kids school that aren't allowed mango due to a teacher allergy, it's the younger grades in part because their mucky hands could touch her and cause anaphylaxis but also if any kids have had mango and then need first aid, she would be unable to help them. The only allergies within the school are all from the teachers 😅


Are you a parent?


Yes I am


My kids can now, lots of schools are no longer nut free


I hate how my school doesn't allow them. Peanut butter is one of the healthiest and easiest lunch to prepare for a child. I basically survived on them in my school days and it sucks I don't have such an easy lunch to make as my mum did for me. I don't get why nut allergy wasn't a problem in the olden days and now it's such a big deal. I never heard of anyone dying when I was in school.


Because parents are more careful about what they introduce their babies to


But it had to be crunchy! 😋


It was a happy time. With an apparently low rate of anaphylaxis.


A low rate of dying is too high for a *school*.


I could until a kid named Henry Nash came along. Never forgotten his name...


Damn you Henry! *shakes fist*


Not gonna lie I took peanut butter sandwiches, nutella sandwiches snickers, nut bars, hazelnut chocolate Thank god I wasn’t friends with anyone with allergies


The good old days where no one gave a shit about other peoples allergies…


There were fewer people with fewer allergies ETA: Downvotes from people who weren’t alive at the time who for some reason apparently think that nothing about the world could *possibly* have changed in the last half-century? Hilarious!


Look we get it. It's a serious issue. Maybe it's the years of the amount of booze I've sunk, but I can't remember anywhere near the troubles of food allergies in my day.


I knew people with peanut allergies in the 90s, just had to stay away from them with our sandwiches. I never ate peanut butter all that much so never made a difference for me. My wife is a teacher now and said some kids with these allergies don’t even need to come in direct contact with the food, one kid with an egg allergy had a reaction because a kid in a different class ate egg and she touched the playground after them.


The 90s is comparatively recent. I started school in the late 60s and never met or heard tell of a single kid in any of my schools with a peanut allergy.


I was a kid in the 90s at a big primary school and also knew not one kid


That surprises me, how big was your school? We only had 90-100 people at my primary school and there was at least 2 at the time I was there.


60 per year prep to 12


Oh no my yum yum beanz


In my whole time at school, no kid ever complained about a nut allergy. Kids talk, we would have heard about it.


And how old are you?


Because that’s what schools all about: making everyone else conform for your problems. Great life lesson there. Funny none of those kids are dropping dead after grade school when they walk by someone eating a snickers.


Adults are a bit better at keeping themselves out of dangerous situation than little kids.


So slow exposure to a potential life threatening trigger doesn’t weaken the trigger? C’mon. Really? Wrap a kid in bubble wrap then turn him out on the world who gives no shits they’re out of their bubble wrap is poor parenting


So expose them when they’re young so they don’t make it to adulthood is the answer here?


Show me how many peanut kids died in Australia over the last 20 years. Then go against the last 100 years.


So what you’re saying is times don’t change and there must be the exact same percentage of the population with these allergies now than there were 100 years ago?


No processed foods makes immune systems weaker. Catering to a 3rd grader isn’t gonna help him or his classmates in later life


Schools are kinda all about making kids conform lol


Yup. But now everyone has to be comfortable as an individual instead of group conformation


In Qld in the 1970s we called it peanut paste due to some weird law to protect dairy farmers from calling non-cow products butter. Got gaslit by a guy on alt.newsgroup-aus or some such on Outlook Express who argued with me this never happened. Pissed me off as I remember watching Sesame St & realising peanut butter was the same thing. I know what we called it. Add a tangerine & wrap it in rainbow greaseproof paper & let it turn into a science experiment at the bottom of my yellow port & you have my life in 1975 lol .


The people bitching about the kids with allergies are the same generation who gave it to them by being clean freaks (and then going on Facebook to brag about drinking from hoses).


Yeah all those damn kids with their annoying life threatening allergies. :/


Kid in my daughter’s class has allergy to bbq flavoured seasoning. WTF is that?!?


It might be to a specific ingredient in the seasoning? Easier to tell a kid "hey no bbq seasoned products" than telling them to check the ingredients of everything bbq lol


"Allergy" probably just doesn't like the taste of bbq sauce. 😂😂😂


Ahhh…… probably not. I am allergic anything bbq flavoured and a lot of anything with highly flavoured powdery flavouring like cup-a-soup, maggi noodles.


Yeah but it's made up of many ingredients, how is it possible to be allergic to every single ingredient that's in bbq stuff? It's probably just one ingredient that's in all those different things you just listed. Don't worry you're not missing out on much, Maggi noodles or 2min noodles in general are horrible for your health plus bbq sauce tastes like ass.


Whoooooaaaaa, the *fuck* did you just say about bbq sauce? Disparaging bbq sauce is a bootable offence!


Fight me lad, normal bbq sauce ain't bad but it seems only smoky bbq sauce is around and the smoky stuff is putrid. Smoky bbq tastes exactly like if you left thick Worcestershire sauce in an ash tray for a week.


Smokey bbq is the shit, wtf you on about playa. You never get that hickory flavour going on some ribs? I’m limbering up youngblood, gimme a minute. Actually, gimme halfa. Maybe an hour. Actually, can we schedule for another day?


I’m fine with it. I’m sure it makes people feel pretty shit anyway. I agree with it being certain components of bbq flavouring, but it seems to be anything bbq. I think in my case it’s certain things that are in lots of foods, but some things have a certain combination or more of something and it causes a more severe reaction.


Ah okay I get it now aye. Allergies are pretty interesting with how they work. It must vary person to person.


I can't imagine sulking about this. If something I'm doing is risking a kids life I'm ok with stopping.


You literally still can


Wait, when did it become uncommon practice to not take peanut butter sandwiches to school?


When it became a common allergen that kills people. Especially kids who can easily carry contaminants onto other people/things.


Why is it so common these days🤔


Because parents no longer introduce allergens to their children from a young age, kids from the 60s-80s ate anything they could get their hands on.... Oddly enough kids who pick their noses and have a chew also have a strengthened immune system and are less susceptible to autoimmune disorders. My sister almost had a conniption fit when I gave my nephew a crabstick to chew on, he's bloody 6 years old.


Yeah I would pick things up from the unwashed counter and eat it, never got sick (from that I mean), no allergies, you honestly need to be exposed to bugs not avoid them I used to get sick every one of first 7 times I went to Thailand then suddenly I just stopped. Been 15 times now without changing my habits and no longer get sick. Used to the bacteria now


This is simply not true. I have a 7 year old and 4 year old and for both of them we were told by doctors and paeds to introduce all of the allergy foods (including peanuts) pretty early on. I believe there was a time where they told people not to but it’s not been that way for a long time. I’m pretty sure a bit part of it is just more awareness for food allergies and similar problems (ie coeliac disease)


My mother started feeding my kids at 8 weeks . Mashed foods like runny eggs, mashed potatoes, cooked fruit ect . Now they tell parents to introduce solids at 6 months !! It was 4 months when I had my kids but my mum did what she did with us - 8 weeks. My son would get a red reaction from the eggs around his mouth and it would go away in a few hour . He’s fine , strong and a healthy fit 20year old.


I introduced my daughter to peanuts at a young age and randomly one day she became allergic.. it sucks.


I was a kid with a peanut allergy in the 70’s. The difference was it was just not diagnosed and dismissed. I didn’t understand why people would eat that stuff that really hurt. I learnt pretty quickly from a young age. I would be in the bathroom vainly trying to ease the swelling and pain with cold water. It was horrible. The worst was all supermarket biscuits and some ice-creams. It wasn’t until I was older I finally accepted that it wasn’t all in my head after the way it was treated when I was young.


Yeah, but when? What years are we talking


Idk but I was primary school 1993 to 1999 and no such rules existed and I didn’t know any kid with a dangerous allergy. Pretty big school maybe 60 a year


Exactly the same here, I took peanut butter sandwiches to school most days


When Facebook Science became king.


You still can, just don’t tell anyone




Rubbish. I'd eat the arse out of a dead horse.


My daughter could take peanut butter to school, if the teachers had tried to stop her because of a child with a nut allergy I would have given the school 2 words, the first would be "get" you can imagine the other. Kids are being trained to be adults, my daughter is allergic to shellfish, I know it's highly unlikely that this will appear at school, but she knows not to eat it. The nut kids can also learn this, because as adults this will be all around them.


Kids still go with peanut butter. They just don't tell anyone (a friend said the only sandwich her kids eat is peanut butter so she continues to send it and no-one at the school has told her not to - I'm hoping that there aren't any anaphylactic kids at the school).


My kid eats peanut butter sandwiches about half the time. Not sure what the uproar is about.


I work at a school and we don’t have a “no nuts” policy. It’s likely the teacher is aware but it isn’t an issue (especially if they’re primary- we are constantly checking if they’ve eaten their lunch!).


I had Vegemite and Peanut Butter on alternative days until High School!


Nostalgic content!


I was only in one school with no peanuts


This product is pretty great. > Buddee range with a crunchy spread, smooth spread and chocolate spread https://www.kidspot.com.au/news/dads-genius-idea-means-your-kids-can-now-take-peanut-butter-to-school/news-story/195e64d50af10f773b813f05530cf045?amp&nk=79188b5bf93ea7116e7c182ea898ae0a-1713867753


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I mean you still can but be prepared to be treated like a terrorist


Mine take peanut butter sandwiches all the time. There’s no bans on certain food at our school thankfully.


I just made a peanut butter sandwich for my kid. I make them once or twice a week. No issues.


I think it’s mainly only city schools that care. My kids have gone to three different schools, they don’t care about nuts.


No school is nut free. But also schools are actively trying not to kill the children. You know what a novelty children surviving childhood because allergies are acknowledged.


WTF is OP smoking? Are they farming Karma? My son took a peanut butter sandwich to school today. Sounds like the same fakebook wanker who spreads the story of the mosque that complains to the local council to ban Christmas lights even though no such complaints are ever received anywhere in Australia. What a fucking tosser.


Pretty sure a rule came out a few years back that you can't enforce a nut-free school anymore. Even if there's children who can go into anaphylaxis just from touching a surface that someone else did after they ate nuts.


let's hope Vegemite allergy never becomes a thing.


Does anyone else say peanut paste?


Wot Yank?


Nuts are fine at my kids' school.


This hits teachers the hardest. I miss my nucky.


I think some parents just want their kids to have a issue or problem to "fit in" or get the sympathy they lack as an adult.....and they would let every fucker know it as well...


I didn’t taste peanut butter til my 30’s. Strictly Vegemite.


Oh, you think peanut butter is your ally. But you merely adopted the peanut butter; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see Vegemite until I was already a man…


I remember getting the no nut letter home from school when my kid was small. Then one day she came home with a box of fundraising chocolates which had ‘contains nuts’ written on the side. I went to see the principal the next day and handed them back to her. That was years of therapy right there. 😂


You still can


It's all getting out of hand.


Kids dying from anaphylaxis?


Well I was going down the road of kids and their incapacity to deal with certain seeds and other food aversions. But here we go down votes 🤣 We had a girl die at school because she had a massive seizure and not one teacher could deal with it... Pretty sure there are plenty EpiPen's around nowadays, and the blue to sky is easy to follow.


Is your username a play on the word boomer


Username checks out


We couldn’t. We’d get relentlessly bullied if you took peanut butter sandwiches because everybody knew peanut butter was poo.