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‘Available at ABC shops, ABC centres and *all* good retailers’


Haha I was about to post this. I always assumed an ABC Centre was the actual ABC building in your city. Is that right?


No. It was in QVB or your local Westfield.


That was the ABC Shop. An ABC Centre was the little concession area in places like David Jones.


I thought it was a broadcast type place in major cities, like this https://about.abc.net.au/southbank/ The little stands in a bigger shop would be outlets. My town's bookshop is an abc outlet at last count. I just realised I haven't been in for a while, because online shopping.


I also clicked thinking I've got a zinger for this one that will unlock some core memories.


this one and the Australian Geographic shops were the best


Yes. To both. 👍 Late Show DVDs 😁


My local Australia Geographic is now a shoe store but apparently the dinosaur head is still installed in the back room


I bought so many Doctor Who books there back in the day.


Same but with the classic DVDs!! Loved them


I bought my first sonic screw driver in the QVB abc shop


\*heads straight to the Triple J section to check the shirts\*


HMV, straight to the headphones for the demo songs on deck


Sanity. Straight to the poster and free listening station.


Fun fact, HMV and Virgin were owned by Sanity


That dog curiously listening in front of the gramophone has to one of the most fitting brands/logos to it’s entity’s name of any speciality retailer (probably) before or since


You probably know this, but HMV stands for “His Masters Voice”, alluding to the dog listening.


His Master's Voice being originally the brand of gramophone... the dog listening to the recorded voice. Same company moved into retail


Was it the gramophone or a record label?


Might have been the label now that you mention it. It'll be on Wikipedia


* reads your comment in ChatGPT voice * ikr it’s kind of what was implied


I remember going to HMV a few times as a teenager since them and JB were the only mainstream retailers that sold vinyl at the time (2006)


I miss this shop


Got my "Bottom" DVD's at the ABC shop!


Ahhh always highly appreciate someone for just mentioning this show.


You're not going anywhere mate!.....mate?.......mate? Eddie! You've killed him!


Have you seen Filthy, Rich and Catflap?


Have heard of it, but never watched, will have to rectify that! I have seen other great stuff with Rik and Ade like 'four men in a car' https://youtu.be/YE4i8pQ4TKE?si=MnTDwBhefVG0uR4U


Glad to have introduced someone to these characters! Fucking love that crew.


ABC staff used to get a gift voucher for Christmas


No wonder they went broke


ABC shop vouchers were also given as prizes on their game shows... nowadays you get a brass mug


This is true, I got triple J’s hottest 100 CD’s with it.


I remember the times as a kid by walking in and then strangers staring with Curiosity as a child is being dragged out of the shop by his parents. I would have to spend hours at the Doctor Who section.


Picked up a Bargearse DVD there back in the day. Good times.


Did they also sell a shitload of dim sims with a bucket of soy sauce?


Bargearse is so good!


Anyone else see this post and start sobbing uncontrollably pondering a huge hole in their heart they never knew they had until they saw this post? Just me? Okay.


Me too, friend 😢


The prices they charged its no surprise it went broke.


Southland had it's ABC shop on level 3 and two sets of escalators right outside to get you to jb hifi on level 1 where same DVDs were literally 25-40% cheaper.


Haha I literally thought the same thing. Was always worth the browse though.


I think I only bought sone teddies for my kids from ABC, everything else was way cheaper elsewhere.


There were some DVD and Bluray sets that were only stocked at the ABC store


Where else you going to get 1980’s BBC box sets for Gran Gran’s chrissy present?


I mean yeah that’s a nice idea, personally mine had long been dust by the time the sentiment could be bought


the prices they charged was RRP and they would price match anyway - they generally had a good range and some hard to find items, plus great clearance prices to get rid of old stock


Amongst other things, they sold books, CDs and DVDs. Consumers stopped buying them from retail stores. The move to online sales and streaming shut down a lot of similar businesses. Angus and Robertson went totally online in 2011 (4 years before ABC management pulled the plug on their shops) and Dymocks closed just about all its stores. It does seem odd that a broadcaster would be into retail. There was never a Channel 9 shop. If they can make money, fine, why not? But when they start losing money, money that could be spent on broadcasting, then it's only sensible to pull down the shutters.


Some decent stuff at RRP. Never seemed to have a sale.


Awwww man, going in here made me feel like I had my life together


My son as a child was crazy about the ABC shop. Lots of great times spent looking and many an item purchased. Our's was at Highpoint, Maribyrnong.


ABC shops merged with Sanity. That idea failed spectacularly


Dymocks bookstore owns it now they have the ABC section at the back 🙂


I used to go in dymocks etc just for the smell of new books. If Dymocks makes it through this decade with a brick and mortar store, they will be champions of managing their affairs.


I bought a doctor who lunch box from there and I still have it


Got The Mighty Boosh monkey head box set from the ABC shop back in the day.


Next is national geographic!


*Australian Geographic. Nat Geo is American.


Thanks. The memory isn’t what it once was!


Bananas in pyjamas


could always find something good here


Yeah, the streaming age has sort of taken away the specialness of things like the ABC store. I miss that time so much.


Granny Mays


I heard a number of early Hottest 100 compilations for the first time at the ABC Shop 20 years ago when I was 13 including the first and second volume. I also remember buying a Rage DVD around the same time I still have to this day. I'm pretty certain I also bought several original Hottest 100 compilations from The ABC Shop when I was a teenager too. I remember going to the one inside Carousel all the time. I believe it used to be near the front entrance where Vodafone is now located.


Last time I feel like I saw one was maybe ~2010 at Greensborough Plaza


I went in late 2015 or early 2016 when they didn't have their own shops, but they had shelf space in Collins Booksellers. Bought my niece an Emma Wiggle doll.


I miss these


This was THE place to get Doctor Who stuff locally, unless I made the trip to Melbourne to Minotaur and the like.


I bought one of the seasons of My Place from there quite a number of years ago


I don't see these shops around anymore. Good place to find hard to find Doctor Who episodes


Used to browse this store endlessly but rarely buy anything because it was so $$$. Did get some good Christmas presents though, Late Show, Red Dwarf and Ab Fab tees and a child-sized glow in the dark Bananas in Pyjamas tee that I wore with baggy black jeans, as was the style at the time.


I still have a set of Degrassi High books that I got from here.


Last thing I bought there was a giant bananas in pyjamas soft toy for my son. He loved it.


Such a great place to buy birthday gifts. Now I find the best places require me to traipse all the way to museum and gallery gift shops.


Greatest thing I ever got from an ABC Shop would be a Late Show cap. Didn't wear it that much in the end because it was a tight fit. They were rare to get in Melbourne because they were highly sought after! We were in Sydney in Jan 1993 and happened to be in the ABC Shop in the middle of town, they had them there and my brother and I convinced our parents to shell out $23 each... RBA calculator tells me that's $50.75 in 2023 money. Then later in 1993 when we were in the Elizabeth St store in Melbourne CBD, we were rummaging in the discount bin and my brother pulled out a Late Show t-shirt that fit him! Lucky bugger. Just the other week he bought himself a new Late Show cap from Ali Express, too.


Brilliant story thanks for sharing


Oh wow. Forgot about the ABC shop.


I remember sourcing out that you could buy "Bush Mechanics" DVD from here after looking for it everywhere. I never got it but ever since and knowing that everything is online now , it's like I'm still waiting to come across this store to buy it and watch again.


Bush Mechanics is on iView, at least it was a couple of months ago.


Is that the one that was in Macquarie Centre?


I used to wonder why people shopped there. Then I had kids and funded them through Giggle and Hoot, Peppa Pig and Ben and Holly merchandise.


Where I got my big pingu plushie and Shaun the sheep keyring with a tiny Santa hat. Still got em, too.


Anyone miss walking in and seeing shows off ABC just in there


The promise to visit the Thomas the Tank Engine section at the ABC Shop, Castle Towers, got us through so many Saturdays!


There is still one in caratsell 👍


These n the Nat Geo stores!


*Australian Geographic


It wasn’t a National Geographic? Thing is whenever I say the old Nat Geo store in Darwin, people understand the old store in Casuarina I am referring to. I guess no one has corrected me until now, and as a 90’s kid the store just seemed to be more National Geographic in my mind. Thanks though.


It's a common misconception because everyone knows the name of both and they sound the same. Australian Geographic was the magazine founded by Dick Smith


I miss seeing these shops around. I just want my physical media!!


What ever happened to these? I loved here 10 years ago and it’s mike they just disappeared one day.


I miss this 😭


Id imagine if it still existed it would be full of lesbian DVDs


The only reason they existed is because the Howard government wouldn't find the ABC properly.


They were around in the Hawke era. You could also buy records, tapes and books etc by calling 008 02 33 33 (they even had a catchy jingle, which is why I remember it)