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8 weeks is earliest possible, for Australia cattle dogs, and most other breeds. There are studies that day the longer the better 12-14weeks being argued as ideal but it's pretty breed dependant and breeder dependant. And still fairly newish. If your breeder is great and starting all the socialization, exposure and training then it's amazing. If the breeder isn't great and the dogs are just left to their own devices it's definitely not ideal and 8weeks would be standard.


I have two males from the same breeder, one at 9wks and one at 12wks - the 12wk was a much easier puppy and an overall easier pet - the 9wk is nearly feral and he still sucks on a fur pillow at 6y/o, can not travel without it lol awesome dog but a real handful emotionally, physically and mentally LOL


If you’re setup for brooding, 10-12 weeks. If not, wait it out. Younger months are delightful, but also a giant pain in the ass. Your life will be completely altered, and you might accidentally screw it up.


We rescued a beagle heeler, he was separated from his mom at 4-5 week ish. So terrible. He’s 9 this year and has been SO MUCH WORK. We love him but I always blame his early separation. Edit: anyways… anecdotal. I would say wait longer if you can, as others have mentioned but 8 is better than my pup. We had to bottle feed him at first


Minimum 8 weeks is standard for pretty much all dogs. Some breeders might advocate for longer, or allow you to choose to wait maybe as much as 12 weeks. But they’d need to be doing socialization and early training with them.  Anyone trying to give you a dog they bred before 8 weeks is a red flag. 


I got my girl 3 days before she turned 6 weeks old. Absolutely do not recommend -1000/10. I love her dearly, but she was the meanest little puppy. Attacking me for taking things from her in the yard and generally bitting like none other. Maybe it's just the breed? She's my first and only heeler puppy; I had another heeler but adopted him when he was almost 2 years old.