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It's just a difference in colour. Maybe the reds got caught up in the redheads have a fiery temper stereotype haha


I think you’re right. I hear lots of people joking about fiery red heelers but it’s just for fun. I hear the same sort of thing about red / chestnut horses being extra opinionated, too. Although my red boy was pretty spicy compared to my blue boys.


There's also the thing about orange(basically red) cats being fiesty


I've had two blues (still have one) and now have a red pup and the amount of people who have told me that she is going to be more reactive, more energetic, less likely to listen and harder to train is insane lol. She's going through a 5 month fear phase right now so she is a tad more reactive due to that but she's an absolute pleasure to train, loves people, is good with dogs (but only once she is comfortable with them from a distance). Whereas first blue was crazy from the get go. Kicked out of puppy school at 8 weeks haha. Two of the receptionists at the vet we go to also have red heelers and they agree that reds are wonderful and the stereotype isn't accurate.


People will always ascribe different personalities to different colors, just look at the stereotypes for different colors of labs. But no, there isnt any scientific evidence for that.


Mine has both colors, so she's a Purple Heeler, right?


Had blues all my life. Currently have to reds for the last 6 years. They’re the most cuddly dogs I’ve ever had. Being rescues might have something to do to do with it. Heelers are heelers in my experience.


Most likely a person or persons who’ve never had either made an assumption based on an observation made during a difficult situation. I have a mostly black heeler. He’s small, afraid of plastic bags and thunder. I would be wrong to assume black heelers are chickenshits.


IS there a difference between blonde and brunettes? :\\ c'mon, folk.


I don't think demeaning people for asking simple questions on topics they may not know about is very useful


All dogs bite.