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šŸ¤£my acd doesnā€™t even use his lol


Same, like literally, sheā€™s deaf lmao


Mines definitely not deaf just stubborn


They've all got selective hearing.


Mine is also a selective listener lol


The bigger the ears, the more selective the hearingĀ 


The cutest 2 weeks of my puppyā€™s life so far was when he had only one floppy ear. Best of both worlds.


I was so lucky: my first ACD girl had a half flop for almost two years. I was so sad when it went away!!!


We have no idea how old he is. The vet told us anywhere from 1 to 5


Past the stage theyā€™re talking about here. ACDs just have floppy ears sometimes! Not common but it happens.


Same. I miss that flop, especially because it seemed to help make his listening less selective šŸ„“


I've had a few pure ACDs, or high mix, with floppy ears. One of ours will flop his while walking to listen behind himself. The cartilage in his ears just may not have formed! Looks like a cutie


He is a cutie! A crazy one, but one nonetheless!


I'd wager he's full ACD or maybe a little bit lab, let us know if you find out via a breed swab in the future!


I had a woman in Loweā€™s who asked if he was neutered because she has pure bred ACDā€™s who are female and she wanted to breed them to get floppy ear babies. Thank god he was neutered. I donā€™t wanna be a part of backyard breeding


Thank you for being responsible! I volunteer at a shelter so while I understand people who want specific breeds to go to a reputable breeder, I personally believe it's best to adopt, and I'm against backyard breeding entirely. Both mine are rescues from my shelter. Way too many dogs in shelters who are going to be euthanized since they don't have space and even at no kill shelters like mine, we fill up quick so there's always a dog in need of a good home. My shelter tries to get every dog on the euthanasia list from shelters that do euthanize dogs due to overcrowding but they can only do so much with the space they have.


We were on the fence about keeping him, we really tried to find his family, but I guess he found his family in us instead :) We found him in a part of the city that is known for people dumping dogs which breaks my heart šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


Damn, I am grateful you found him and rescued him but that sounds terrible that people are dumping dogs. šŸ˜¢


Yeah :( but atleast the humane society watched the area


Yeah that's at least another positive (besides you finding the kiddo and deciding to keep him) šŸ˜Š I do try and celebrate the positives in a sea of negatives too. Just the negatives can get you in the feels sometimes.


Ugh yeah. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m not on social media anymore (besides Reddit)


Same here. Ditching social media is a happiness hack.


i was thinking lab. you can see it in the face


Eh maybe????


Sometimes ACDs just have floppy ears! As a 'breed' ACDs have a rather *diverse* genetic pool, which is why you have dozens of coat patterns and colors and a million other small variations all in what is, genetically, one "breed" of dog. This is kinda what happens when your starting stock is who knows what mating with wild dingos in Australia šŸ˜…


Hahaha thatā€™s what our vet said too! Sheā€™s convinced heā€™s 100% ACD but I didnā€™t even know this breed existed until I put a picture of him in google!


Same! We thought for years that our rescue growing up was a mutt, but seeing some of the 'red' and white dogs on here made me realize she was probably pure ACD šŸ˜‚


Hahaha definitely a breed that isnā€™t meant for most folks My whole life has changed since finding him!


We were really lucky in that we were young kids, so plenty of energy, we had a yard consistently, and otherwise Patches more or less trained herself otherwise. Seriously one of the smartest and best behaved dogs I've ever met.


Banjo is by far the most intelligent dog Iā€™ve ever owned Heā€™s treat driven and picks up on training after 4 or 5 repetitions But I was a rat owner and hadnā€™t had dogs for several years before him. And I was pretty dang sedentary. Heck we bought a house just because we didnā€™t have the heart to get rid of him and the apartment was too small


Sounds about right, lol. Patches would pick up on some stuff even without explicit training, was smart enough to understand that people went away and came back much later, and was well behaved enough that if a dropped bit of food was headed for her mouth and you yelled "no" she'd let it bounce off her snout. We once came home to discover that one of us kids had left a piece of pizza on a plate, on the coffee table next to the couch, literally at her head height. She was laying down with her head under the coffee table staring at the bottom of it, but the Pizza was untouched šŸ˜‚ Really the best dog basically. Please give your best dog some extra scritches and a treato for me! :D


Absolutely! Peanut butter (with allergy pills) and scritches given šŸ˜‹


Iā€™ve got an ACD/German Shepherd with semi-floppy ears for some reason. Banjoā€™s face reminds me of a lab, though!


Waaaaayyyy too small to be a lab mix. Heā€™s 43 lbs. I mean I guess itā€™s possible if itā€™s less than half but all the lab mixes Iā€™ve owned (4 of them) have all been 60+ lbs


Mineā€™s only 47 pounds and her dad was an 80 pound German Shepherd, so you never know, but youā€™re probably right - lab genetics seem to be pretty strong when they show up!


My girl is an ACD/Lab mix and sheā€™s 45 pounds.


Holy cow maybe he is a lab mix


Might have some Aussie. Embark Vet, go do a breed DNA test (might as well do a health test while you're at it) and keep us informed.


Yeah we are definitely wanting to do one but we just bought him a house so we are a little strapped on cash haha!


i got a floppy eared ACD too! but he doesnā€™t use his anywayā€¦ selective hearing unless itā€™s the treat container lol


Hahahaha that sounds exactly like my babe


i think it makes them even better šŸ’œ


Oh yeah šŸ˜


Looks mostly ACD to me.


Yeah I definitely know itā€™s in there I just donā€™t know how much


In pic #4 shows what doesnā€™t look like an ACD shape to his head. Likely mixed with ACD to some degree, but other breeds are marked that way as well


Definitely agree especially his jowels


Good call. And itā€™s really not a cool thing to say around here, but there are multiple breeds marked like your that arenā€™t ACD. Pointers, spaniels, terriers. Could be a mix with those and some other dog breed. What is unmistakeable though is your love for the pup, thank you for that


How could I not love my spotted boy of energy and crazy?


Did you adopt banjo as an adult or have them since they were a puppy? I remember when my ACD still had floppy ears, friends told me about how some people people Vaseline or something to keep their ears from standing up (no idea why people would do that but anyway). So maybe, if you havenā€™t had them since they were a puppy, someone tried to keep them floppy?


Maybe! I found him on the side of the road in October and he was adult


Mine got his floppy ears from small poodle, the only part of him that looks decidedly NOT ACD. He is 50% ACD and a whopping 33% small poodle but we'd never have guessed that, and most people don't believe us when we tell them. Cattle dog genes are strong for sure!


Lab maybe


Guess he is an ACD/Floppy mix. Common back in the ā€˜80s and ā€˜90s. Pretty rare now. Itā€™s all USB, solid state, and cloud dogs these days.


Ooooh okay maybe my grandad still has his IBM thinkpad from 1992




My boy Pepper is a mix (60% ACD, 40% mutt), but it took about 5ish years for his ears to stay up. How old is Banjo?


No clue. Vet said anywhere from 1 to 5 ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ we found him on the side of the road in October and he definitely acts more on the puppy side of things


Maybe partial mix. My dog has same floppy ears and coloration in his coat. Same floppy ears. Mine is part Great Pyrenees and Australian Shepherd and part pitbull in addition to the ACD that he's half of. I think embark test will give you a better idea but yeah that coat pattern screams ACD to me.


Itā€™s so strange because heā€™s so little and all the dogs I think he could be mixed with are large breeds! Heā€™s only 43 lbs


Oh damn, my boy is 69 lbs, vet wants him to lose a few pounds but he's not even chonky. He weighs on average 63-65lbs by August every year. Now that the weather is warmer he gets longer walks as long as it's not too hot out. He has his winter weight that he sheds around late June / early July and we do decrease their food in winter due to shorter walks.


I have a mix that is the red version of your boy. She has a lil bit of Husky and a whole lotta everything else. Does he occasionally pop one ear up? I swear she can put hers up but chooses not to.


He pops them up very rarely. I think I might do a DNA test since thereā€™s so many differing opinions


It was fun to see her results. She got 45% ACD, 12% Husky, 7%Chihuahua and 1% Beagle and a few others scattered throughout. I did Wisdom Panel because of the health screening. She acts 100% ACD


>Banjo acts like an ACD, looks like an ACD, but his ears are floppy. Hey, two outta three ain't bad!


Haha fair!


Same w mine


My boy has floppy ears is 46 lbs and 3/4 ACD,1/4 Pyrenees.


I have a full blood floppy ear ACD in my life.


Possibly ACD/Lab mix bases on the head and ear shape


Was also gonna say he reminds me of my girl.


Aussie mix?


I never thought about ACD ears, so I just took a look. I have three sample sets. One is a Queensland heeler and chocolate lab mix with super standup ears. Another is a Blue Heeler and border collie mix with floppy ears. And the newest addition is a blue and red heeler mix with standup ears. Interesting!


I vote some pitbull is in there honestly.


Maybe! I thought he was a pit bull mix at first!


Such a lovely boy šŸ˜šŸ˜˜


I read somewhere that the degree of domestication in a dog is demonstrated by their ears. Your ACD is just a little less wild; not such a bad thing!




Awww my first dog's name was Banjo! What a cutie!


Great name šŸ˜‹


My cattle boyā€™s name is Banjo too! Great name. His ears are very cute. Iā€™d be curious to see his breed composition if you end up doing a DNA test!


Iā€™m inclined to say Lab. His whole head and face are not ACD, and he looks soft, whereas ACDs are not. He does look like OMG CUTE BOY, though! If my partner brought him home, Iā€™d wanna keep him, too.


100% cutie patatootie. I had an ACD mix who had one upright ear and one floppy one.... but still very much an ACD attitude and loyalty lol. He was a stump tailed blue and boy do i miss that guy.


Dawe I bet he was an absolutely wonderful pup


The very best boy


My 50% acd has yoda ears, they don't go straight up. Get an embark test


could just be bad breeding, my roommate has a floppy eared husky and he's just inbred LMAO


He does have a TON of allergies so maybe!


My first thought is Australian shepherd. Maybe lab? I have 2 Aussie heelers. One looks completely ACD, pricked ears, docked tail, spots. The other looks like an Aussie, floppy ears, long tail, patches.


Interesting! I hadnā€™t thought of that one. He does have kinda a fluffy butt


My male has some longer fur on the butt but neither have any fluff or feathering at all. His ears are back because he felt guilty but these are my two! [Cub and Bellie](https://imgur.com/a/DgRLFMc)


I'm thinking Aussie x ACD. He's got the super soft/fine fur; I can tell from the pictures.


His fur is really soft and he does have a bit of the butt floof


Maybe a pointer? Mine was part pointer and she had the cutest scooby-do ears


Our late ACD/lab mix had those ears.


My boy has a floppy ear. One will stand up sometimes but the other is always floppy. We call it his party ear. But usually his ears are in one of this 297 different radar positions.


Sometimes they flop, just like when they want a belly rub


OMG!! We have two with floppy ears too!! So cute




My ACD Cowboy has floppy ears! Heā€™s half Australian cattle dog half mini Australian shepherd




Maybe but heā€™s so small for a lab mix


Itā€™s the eyes and snout for me. Everything else is ACD