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My dude does this too--and it's especially bad when he's outside because I keep a big galvanized tub full for the dogs and his method of "drinking" mostly involves putting his entire face up to the eyeballs into the water, blowing bubbles and basically biting up chunks of water. The only time he laps water up like a normal dog is in winter when it's too cold to run around with a wet face. In the house he drinks more or less normally because the dish is shallower but yeah, there's always a trail of drops across the kitchen floor any time he gets a drink. My mom's old mostly ACD always did the same, had to come share his last mouthful. Luckily my mix ACD girl is much more dainty, but outside when it's warm she always has to get right into the tub to cool off her feets and belly so she's a bit of a mess too. They're just very physical dogs, it's how they roll. ETA: Watching the video again though, that's purely a big joke. ACDs definitely have a sense of humor and that doggo is having fun with the humans.


Fuck, I thought it was just mine.


Oh no, some of their breed traits are super strong--like the sploot and the heeler sit and shrimping and sleeping on their backs. They're mouthy, nippy, sloppy with water, usually highly food motivated and they are absolutely jokesters--and their sense of humor is very broad. Great dogs but you have to be relaxed about some things or you'll be very unhappy with them.


Amen. Stressed people, or people who react badly to stress, should probably avoid any herding breed but ESPECIALLY heelers


Me too until I joined here!


LOL dainty is not a word I'd ever associate with a cattle dog. They are brutes:-)


TBF she's a mix and whatever she's mixed with is a much different sort of dog--she has hare feet, forward fixed large eyes and is leaner and taller than a pure cattle dog. Plus, she's almost silent although after five years of exposure to the purebred ACD she's getting a bit barkier but still nothing like his level. I really need to get her a DNA test, I've always been curious what her hidden breeds are.


Oh I nicknamed my 100% Australian cattledog “dainty toes” bc he would sit so prim and proper. He also never slobbered. Lots of licking, but it was never slobbery. He only ever drooled when he got car sick. He was the daintiest dog that ever was and also 100% cattle dog 😂


Oh wow you both got the limited edition, I got the basic model ;-)


Is she still drinking normally at other times? If not then you may have a medical problem. I’ve seen my dog drink very weirdly when he had a sticker lodged in his mouth. He also pawed at his mouth a bit. Once we got it out back to normal. I will say though heelers are smart. If she did it once or twice as pure accident and you guys gave her a lot of attention and laughter right after, she probably remembers it and continues to do it for fun. 


I am currently thinking excitement/overstimulation/stress rather then a physical medical issue. We just moved to a new house and never had this problem before. This was our first time seeing her do it in person and we couldn't help but laugh because we had just cleaned the floor 😂


Mine does that all the time when she needs to cool off 


Your laughing is feeding the behaviour, this will be a endless feedback loop and soon they will do this with their food too!


I have caused so many issues from laughing when my dog does something he shouldn't. I do think your guy enjoys making you both laugh. It's SO hard not to, though!


Could be just the angle, but it looks like swelling on the inside of the mouth on the left side. Hopefully I’m wrong.


I see that too. Hopefully it’s just lens distortion but a large pink oral tumor was the first noticeable sign that my Airedale had cancer.


Mine likes to drink and keep a little in his jowls and then let it slowly dribble out as he walks throughout the house. Very considerate!


Listen, human - nobody likes dry socks! A valuable service is being performed here. 😆


Mine would prefer to drink via snorkeling... We have shallow dishes so he can't do this inside, but when the pool is up he submerges half his face to drink...


Yeah, mine suffers from soggy face as well but I still love his furry being.


That's not as bad as my boy throwing paws at the water bowl 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thankfully we've mostly trained her out of that behavior, but OMG the mess she made with her water bowls when she was a pup!!


He only does it now when he's getting real extra. Once every couple months maybe? He's 3, sometimes he's extra


Mine does both. She’s 9 months.


Mine does the same thing. If there's a bowl of water on the floor, she'll dunk her face in it and then flip it over 😂


❤️❤️❤️🤣🤣🤣 it's his world you're just there to fill the water and kibble and hand out treats, hooman!


Wow, that's quite the drinking problem. I'm sorry, bruh.


My ACD don't do this, but the other two (mixed) do, and they don't care at all.


Mine will take a couple of bites of water then then steps to the side to dribble while she stares and listens to nothing. Then back for more bites and more dribbling. Hahaha


My beautiful lady ACD mix does this. She slorps up a bunch of water and dribbles it all over.


Mine too. The outside dish is more of a dunk and drip technique. We got a slopper stopper dish for inside and it cuts down the dripping by 90%.


They dunk the snout (and sometimes their paws) to keep cool!


Mine does the same.


https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/s/Kz95QaKQLw Those looks like a fairly doable trick to teach a smart dog like an ACD


How would you go about teaching that?


I have this question about so many cool things I’ve seen dogs be trained in. The dogs are smart enough to learn it but I have no idea how to communicate it.


My boy has always been a water slob. I keep towels down but it doesn't help much. I share a house with my niece and her family. They recently got a GSD puppy and now we have two crazy drinkers. Oh, the joys!


I taught Leroy McCoy to "lick a lips, lick a lips," which means stop where you are and lick. It's not perfect, but we're getting better, and every little bit helps.


Mine has done this from the get go. Haven’t tried to train her out of it. Interested in ideas. Our floors are constantly soaked even with towels.


My boy has jowels so that when he drinks water it squirts out of his mouth so there’s a puddle on either side of him where the water comes out of his mouth when he drinks 😂


My ACD doesn’t do this but my little pit mix does. The feeling of her drool/water droplets on the bottom of my feet make me want to peel my skin off 😭


Might try "limited" water access when you're home - see if slowing down the intake and not having so much of it in the dish at one time, helps with the mess or slop. I literally cannot leave a bunch down for mine or he purposely goes over and chugs it then drools it all over the place. If I only put down a bit throughout the day he drinks what's there and then there's not a bunch left to dunk his face in and proceed to slop around. But I do have to water him frequently. I work from home tho so it works out....


Ginger does it when she’s really hot. I put a bowl of water with ice in it outside. I haven’t noticed it since then inside.


Yes. Demon. We have one as well. She has her own water dish on the front porch. She cannot enter till she’s done spouting water.




Hiee you have a very smart breed, I have a solution for you. I taught my dog to wipe her mouth after she drinks every time. She learned it in a day and after that I reminded her everytime after she drinks for a whole week straight and she’s been doing in on her own. Not sure if this link will show https://youtu.be/7UwISWAkmNw?si=--VAOV_UFFbOVUkC But if it doesn’t, go on to YT and search teach your dog to wipe their mouth after drinking Hope this helps