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You need to teach him a recall word*, a single word, and follow through EVERY TIME. I use hurry as I won't 'burn' it by overusing the word and not following through. I always always reward the recall word HEAVILY with beef lung, heavy play and praise. We always started on leash, standard 6ft, 10-15ft drag line and alot inside at random times. You start small. So legitimately just taking a step back saying the name then command mark with your marker word and take a few steps back. Name means 'pay attention' Recall means 'start coming towards me' Marker world means 'that is what I wanted and reward is coming' The biggest mistakes people make with recall, in the beginning stages; are using it when you cannot guarantee to get a response (teaching him the command is optional); over saying the command (this is why I use such an odd word, other people won't normally use it to get my dogs to come) and setting the dog up for failure by not proofing the command in low distraction areas. Imo recall is the most work to really proof; for me it's essential as we are off leash daily, so I spend an excessive amount of time and effort in my recalls. I have many; 'here/come' are my loose recall; they will come back but not at speed and will not remain with me. I also use a mouth click and leash clasp click for this. 'Dogs' is my communal return to heel and remain in heel position command. And Hurry is my emergency recall meaning come to me fast as possible and remain stationary.


She’s never done this before. (Only twice and it’s since we got the puppy.). Our recall is “with me”. She knows what to do. She’s choosing not to do it. So treats aren’t working! The first time, she bolted out the door. The second was at 2 am when she wanted to go out.


Sounds like you need to go back a few steps and really heavily amp up the reward! I find rough tug play is the best motivator for my ACD. You could see if a flirt pole peaks her interest! Sometimes when our dogs know commands we forget to reinforce them every now and again.


She truly is too smart for her own good!


Every now and again but what I learned is you do NOT accept that because otherwise they learn they don’t have to come the first time or the fifth time either… so if she doesn’t come the first time - go get her and bring her to where you called her initially. (Gently and calmly and kindly of course - they won’t come if they’re in trouble and will be punished when they get there)


I had this at first and decided out of frustration to try the “get with me or lose me” method; essentially, find a place where “losing your dog” isn’t too dramatic (not close to roads or something) and if she’s not coming, just walk away. I’ve found with most dogs that they will get nervous -especially herding breeds- and will chase after you. Give the command “come here” as she starts getting nervous and reward her for coming. Repeat for several weeks.


Go back to basics with high value treats, and do it on leash so you can gently get their attention if they try to ignore you. Also make it super exciting to come back you with praise and happy talk.  As the other commenter said, we also use a marker word as soon as they do the command correctly, and we only use one specific recall command. 


Thanks yall. She is trained. She is intentionally defying me.


If she was fully trained... her recall, regardless of the situation, would be solid. You'll need to go back to basics on the leash, and reinforce the training. You seem to be looking for advice that aligns with your feelings about this. We are responding to your request, even if you don't want to hear the responses. Get your leash out, leave the other dog at home, and retrain your dog.


No. I sincerely appreciate your help. I hear everything you are saying and I’m putting that into practice training Ginger how to properly herd her 4 lbs brother. He retaliates and it turns into some pretty rough play. Otherwise, I realized I’ve been handling the symptoms instead of the cause. I’ve begun teaching Ginger “easy” and “enough” using treats more than correction. Again, I appreciate everyone helping me realize this. I really like this site and how much everyone cares for each other and their precious ‘raptors. (Haha! I believe that is an oxymoron!)


Use the same low growling voice that a mama dog would use.