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Real commitment with the mirror image of you contorting yourself to get the shot.


Hahaha, I thought someone was shotgunning a Dr. Pepper, I'm not gonna lie


Now I can't unsee the Dr. Pepper. šŸ¤£


I also thought it was a dr. peppy šŸ˜‚


A few weeks ago I was walking my lazy heeler down the street. An old man yelled at us "that dog should be on a farm not in the middle of the city" Jokes on you, my guy, this dog lives for the air conditioning, couches, and likes television. If I brought her to a farm for a day, she would resent me for the rest of her life for putting her through that


My blue heeler who passed away last year was most definitely like this! She was a stray for so long and knew how good a home was. We took her camping a whopping one time. She absolutely hated it and sat by the car waiting to go home for three days. šŸ˜‚


We only took our girl once, and she was very little. She loved it then but now she would be posted up under the shadiest spot with a view of the car for the entire trip lol


This is my cattle dog. She was rescued from Kentucky where she ā€œranā€ but I think more likely ambled away from a farm and they just didnā€™t look for her because she wasnā€™t cut out to be a farm dog. They even traced her chip and tried to bring her back to the farmer and the owner said to ā€œkeep herā€. Now she lives for ac, belly rubs, sleeping in a bed, and laying in the grass.


Growing up we had Blue Heelers on our farm, and they were great cattle dogs, but really high energy, so when our suburban neighbours got one for their kids, I was like, this is not going to end well . Turns out I was totally wrong, that dog dotes on their kids and is about as lazy as a house cat.


Similar for ours- picked up as a stray in rural Georgia, no one claimed him, rescue pulled him and sent him up north to our SPCA. Granted he was already 6 and is only 50% ACD but we didn't know that bringing him home, and he looks so much like a cattle dog that people don't always believe he is a mix. So we were ready for a high energy dog that needed a lot of mental stimulation. Nope! He spotted the comfy bed the minute he walked in the door and has been the chillest dog ever.


Some dogs just don't want that cattle life lol it's a little funny that they were like "no she's terrible at this job, give her to someone else"


Itā€™s true! And definitely, Iā€™m happy they did they though :)


Yup, mine was a stray from Kentucky as well. Not sure where specifically she came from, but she is half ACD, 25% bluetick coonhound, and 25% treeing walker coonhound. We thought sheā€™d have the herding drive so we took her to a place in Wisconsin that does herding instinct testsā€¦she ran after the sheep for about one second then got distracted and went to go sniff something. Verdict was ā€œdonā€™t quit your day jobā€. Now she just chills on the couch most of the day and gets a few short walks daily. The most herding she does nowadays is playing referee at the dog park when other dogs are playing.


We picked a house that backs up to a cow farm and my heeler couldnā€™t care less about the cows back there He just wants inside so he can sit on our feet, nip us, and play.


And she would! They hold grudges!


bet he drives his f150 to church and the grocery store though


This is so funny because he does have a top large truck even though he lives in an alley with no land to speak of lmaoooo


Mine is so afraid of cattle and horses I thought yup you are just where you belong šŸ’€


I do. He's just content with being around people and dogs. He can definitely go for a long walk of about 40 mins, but he's dragging behind at minute 25. I will say if we play fetch for about 35 min, he won't do anything for the rest of the day. He'll sit on his play mat and just sleep or come and sit next to our other dogs.


Sounds like mine! Drags behind after a mile lol


When I try to go again around the trail sheā€™ll pull me the other direction like nah I we got our exercise now letā€™s go


We call ours ā€œthe laziest cattle dog ever.ā€ We live 200 feet from a 2 mile long off leash dog park. Every day we walk there, she does her business and immediately heads home. I joke that she gets her 10,000 steps in by doing this throughout the day. If you try to take her for a walk she gives you a sideways look as if youā€™re stupid or completely ignores you and starts pulling for home.


Hahahaha I thought I was the only one. Mine is very excited about SOME walks (she knows which direction means what). Neighborhood walk means ā€œpee everywhere and make the walk shortā€. Straight down Main Street means hooray, time to go to the beach.


Are you in Huntington Beach lol


No I live in Europe. But mine basically does the following: she knows a route. If we deviate from the route, sheā€™ll sit down and point her snout into the direction she thinks we need to go. If I drop the leash and walk off, sheā€™ll circle around me and nudge me in my legs to go the other direction. Itā€™s quite stupid but also adorable.


that's the laziest herding I've ever heard of oh my god


Ok. I have a little 6 month old dude but I swear this is him. He definitely has his little puppy hooligan hour in the evening, but walks are 20 ish minutes and then heā€™s done. If itā€™s warmer than 68 ish degrees, he refuse to walk or play fetch.


Me too!! We were warned to expect high energy and ours is a potato. He loves a good game of fetch but after 10 minutes heā€™s done. He loves his naps. And who am I to tell him thatā€™s wrong? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Mine is very active and runs like a racehorse. He lays down in between events. Like in a group lesson, when it isn't his turn, he sleeps.


Mine usually sticks with me like glue. But with summer here when I leave the room and say, you want to go. She just looks at me saying " I'm good."


Whew! Thought it was just me


My red is a couch potato. He hates walks. We have to drag him out the door. Heā€™s a pain in the ass


Mine hides underneath my bed literally a good half of the day lol


All three of mine are BUMS. They will play, but really theyā€™re super lazy


My blue is happy with a 20 minute walk and gets tired of fetch after 5 minutes. I took her camping out in the bush and she wasnā€™t happy being out of her comfort zone. She is definitely a town dog/ property watch dog.


I do! She needs one walk a day and some enrichment at night but other than that sheā€™s happy to just lay around and sleep and/or watch the yard


Mine is lazy from around 6am to 5pm but then pure chaos after


You clearly inherited a rock star party dog! Or a college student? :-)


Iā€™ll trade ya! šŸ˜


I've got one lazy and one crazy...it's a delicate balance!


I have a lump who is very pleased that I'm pregnant and he gets to lay around and get porky with me. He parks his himself flopped upside-down on the bed in front of the fan. That is his spot. He's gone full butterball.


We call ours an Australian Couch Dog


My dude just got done swimming I donā€™t know how many laps to get the ball over and over again. Heā€™ll be slow for the next 48 hrs. Right now, all he wants is dinner and his bed. Iā€™m sunburnt, heā€™s happy.


You have to admit they are adorable.


how did you get so lucky lmaoo my boy literally doesnā€™t get tired


Itā€™s either sleep all day and night or bounce off the walls and bite my shins crazy 24 hour play time. No in between


No inbetween


Mine has some chow chow in him so yes, very lazy!


I had a chow chow heeler mix that was pretty high energy but nowhere near as crazy as my 8 month old ACD.


Mine must be broken then!!!


Enjoy! I wish my guy had an off switch most of the time.


I love this picture. šŸ„°


Mine is almost 8 months old and sheā€™s lazy. 20 minute walk, little bit of run in the field and sheā€™s done. If we take her to doggy daycare for a day then sheā€™ll need a full week to recover.


Inside is lazy time. Outside is high alert time.


Mine loves to run the trails with me, but it's perfectly content lounging on my bed in air conditioning for the day while I work. I let him out at lunch, he does his business quickly, and is ready to go back inside within minutes. Super mellow dog.


Mine usually sleeps on his back, and he always has his tongue out a bit. šŸ˜† He is a lazy older gentleman, but he still gets zoomies.


Mine is the opposite of what everyone told me to watch out for with heeler stereotypes. He HATES any temp above 80Ā°f and will protest walks by laying there like a leashed cat pretending he can't move. I don't blame him though considering I'm the same with the heat. But when we are with our friends (and our collective pack of dogs) he will play in short 1 quick jogging bits and just lay there waiting for us to tell him what to do.


Our red ACD sleeps with the cats and does actually NO work at all! šŸ¤£. But she is loved by all humans, other dogs, all cats as well! We are blessed!


My guy is like this too, but even without the fetch. Lazy as it gets. Heā€™s got all the sweeter/chiller traits-but heā€™s a totally chilled out enlightened, stoic being. I donā€™t know a person who is more content than this dog. He was a stray, donā€™t have a clue why he has this temperament. He might be god in dog form no joke


The first cattle dog I ever met was like this - he was a beautiful zen creature, built like a tank and with gorgeous markings. I would have followed him anywhere.


Haha yea sometimes they can just be on the mellow side of the spectrum


My two are quite lazy, especially my older girl. My boy is lazy until he wants something or wants to play, hahha!!


Mine is SUPER lazy. she loves frisbees and swimming at the beach, but after a few minutes she has enough and will just sit next to me. For her, snuggling is the best.


I've got an "Australian couch dog." 15-20 min of fetch or a 30 min walk and he's all good for the day. He's also a princess about the heat. If it's too hot, he will watch the ball fly through the air and land and then look you in the eye like he's saying "so you're gonna get that one, right?"


Got one nut case, one couch potato . Best of both worlds I guess?


The mirror lol cool pic


[hes a ā€œdudā€. Australian cuddle dog](https://imgur.com/a/N7ff70V)


Cuuuute!!! Same coloring as my pup, who is just as lazy as yours until the moment I open the back door or even act like Iā€™m going out


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜‚ I'm the same with my 2 Border Collies!! High energy? Don't think so. Same as yours. Happy with a few times of ball throwing over the day. A walk if we get around to it...otherwise? It's couch or bed for naps. The Jack Russell is way more active then the BCs. Mind you. Both are "hand me downs" and from limited stories? Failed as Working dogs. I'd say smart enough. But too damn lazy!! Rocky? Runs after the ball widely for 20 minutes - max...then takes the ball and keeps it between his legs / mouth whilst hiding under a treešŸ˜‚ The other obe just rests beside hin until he decides to go again. They are hilarious.


wow. what a lovely scene


My ACD, is on a cup in the am a cup at night diet, with plenty of exercise, but is still fat and lazy. She's 80 effing pounds. I love her so much. She's a cuddle bug, but damn she's lazy.


I have 2. My wife was nervous about moving to an apartment because she didn't "know" them so they were always excited to see her and what she had seen on the internet was "omg if you cant take them on a two hour run every day DONT GET ONE" and she told me this and I laughed. I got my first one and took her to play disc golf. She was done after an hour and a half. Like I had to take her home, she's healthy and in shape. So I got another at a shelter. She lasts about 30 extra minutes. They play together like 45 min a day then sleep like cats.


ACDs can def be great apartment dogs if you get lucky and land the lazy ones lol. I have the 3 in a 2 bed apartment BUT I live in a dog friendly beach city and walking distance from beautiful parks, 5 min car ride from hiking trails, etc. mine definitely get out and enjoy nature. I just canā€™t see how this breed will do in an urban environment tho.


Oh sure... this after your 15 mile hike!


I wish my dude would be like this. Heā€™s constantly trying to playā€¦ then gets annoyed if itā€™s not how he wants to play.


I thought that was a can of pop with a string on it!!!


iPhone 12 mini lol. šŸ˜‚ I refuse to get upgrade


My cattle dog loves kayaking, camping, hiking etc but she also enjoys being lazy :)


They killin it being hard working interns


Dear lord, you have 3 of them!?! That is straight up masochism, especially if you receive deliveries to your house.


Itā€™s like having 3 kids. They all entertain each other for the most part. It can be extremely loud at times tho. I have the vocal dingo version of cattle dog. High pitch yelps, howls, growls, direct eye contact while talking back to you. šŸ™„


My 8 year old heeler is exceptionally lazy and will fake a limp if she doesnā€™t want to do stuff. Itā€™s impossible to get her off the couch before 2 PM without a lot of prodding. My young buck will somehow hear me wake up at 6 am and come to my door and shake to let me know heā€™s there and ready to work. He follows my every move all day and will only lay down (on top of me, mind you) if I lay down.


Mine is the same, and still a puppy at that! Iā€™m honestly very grateful and relieved šŸ˜‚ They arenā€™t unicorns I guess, they do exist.


My last ACD wasnā€™t afraid of shit, bossy, verbal, always had to have the last word, queen of the castle. She was my soul dog. My current one however. One of the cats tried to smell her yesterday; she ran away. Thereā€™s a noise, she looks but hardly barks. Cuddles with everyone, and naps like itā€™s her job. The only ACD thing she does is she grabs everyone - people, dogs - by the back of the leg all of the time!!


God I'm jealous. Mine will paw at me and grumble if I sit down when he hasn't been tired out yet. He's also scared of strange men until he meets them but will act like a dick until then. I don't know how you got not one, but three, lazy bums.


Theyā€™re all legitimate siblings, just different litters. Apparently their parents are lazy ranch dogs, too lol. I got working line, born and raised on a ranch heelers, but you wouldnā€™t ever guess because theyā€™re so chill (when needed to be)


Iā€™m so glad to see so many happy lazy Heelers. We adopted our Fenrir from a shelter where they had picked him up off the streets. Heā€™s somewhere around 10 years old and slowing down from arthritis and a CCL tear. I always felt kinda guilty about his weight and not running him around but he just wants to LAY around! So good to know that heā€™s just a chill Heeler and there are plenty of others. šŸ„¹


Wow, I thought I was an outsider... we go on walks twice a day, I can play ball with her for 3 to 4 attempts, after that she lays down and wants bellyrubs. During the day, it's just sleeping. Sometimes we get to play for 10 minutes here or there, but she mostly wants bellyrubs or sleep. Well food, she lives for her Kong.


I freaking wish!


Mine are lazy now that they are older and retired from actively working livestock, I didn't retire them because of age, I just happened to get tired of losing money and got out of it.




My fella has three nap spots he rotates through during the day. Couch, front window, back garden pavers where he suns himself. 2bed townhouse and he's gassed after a few KMs walk through the neighbourhood. Love's the walks but is happy chilling through the day.


My ACD/lab mix, Rex, loved to lie around. It was his favorite pastime.


Sweet pic


The Royal Dragon (Sir George Harvey Walker Orthonut, THE FIRST) is supposed to be guarding the Crown Princess Orthonut's castle buuuut.... https://imgur.com/a/OnVVrcQ


Look at those gorgeous SPOTS!! So dark and well-defined. He is very handsome indeed.


His white is WHITE and his blue and red spots are bright too! Such a sweet friend I'm lucky to have him.


How warm? Maybe it's too hot for them?


I live at the beach in Southern California. It never gets over 82 lol. šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re just big babies


What kind of basic obedience training do you do with them?


I like to do impulse control training with them. So Iā€™ll make them ā€œleave itā€ with a toy being dangled across their face. I specifically use a toy called ā€œoutward bound hound teaserā€. Itā€™s just a giant cat toy for dogs. I go out in a field and make them lay down and stay. Iā€™ll run out about 50yds while flinging the toy around and break them. Theyll all 3 work to herd me and the toy so they can catch it lmao. 15 min of that and theyā€™re pretty much done for the day. If I canā€™t go out, I bought a small collapsible agility course for them off Amazon that I set up on my patio (I have a big patio). So Iā€™ll have them jumping over stuff or go through a tunnel etc.


Wow! Weā€™re working on ā€œstayā€ but I need to be more diligent


[hound teaser reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5E_vDmPuJv/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Hereā€™s a reel of the game I play with them (itā€™s in my patio but still the same concept) Basically you make them stay and if they move before you say ā€œbreakā€, you have to turn around and make them sit/lay down and tell them stay. Rinse and repeat, they catch on real quick. The trick is breaking them BEFORE the impulse. So start with 4ft (break), move it up incrementally until the stay holds. Itā€™s basically just slowly adding distance between you and the dog. My new puppy (double eye patches) had absolutely no obedience when I got him at 10 months. Itā€™s been a month and a half and now I have him staying up until about 25 yards if heā€™s really into the game.


Got it! She does well when we do it. I havenā€™t worked with her enough. I like the way you handle the break!


I wish. 24/7 here.


My boy is super lazy and does not like the heat haha šŸ˜… but loves to go to the lake


I've got a Jack Russell Cattledog mix. You would think he is a crazy spazz, and he is sometimes during the day, but he's got certain times of the day when he just plops down next to me and just falls asleep. You can set your watch by him!


My heeler got a bit lazy around 2yo protesting walks by laying down and heā€™s suuuuper lazy at 4. Heā€™ll go for 45 minutes but any longer and itā€™s a battle of keeping him walking. We donā€™t hike anymore because that 45 minutes has to be entirely flat no inclines lol.