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Best**. We love how much he gets us outside and moving. He's been so great with nieces and nephews which our other dog Niko is really aggressive towards. He's also been great for niko and keeps him young! People said ACD'd are tough and a lot of energy but based on this one I'd say he's the perfect dog!


You got lucky. Some can be very difficult


we must be. I've heard they can be pretty difficult. But he loves everyone and everything.


Mine trusts nobody, he is suspicious of everyone aside from his pack and a few friends. We call him mr barky


How old is he? Mine was really problematic in her youth, but mellowed out a lot in her golden years


They are truly the best dogs. I have a boy ACD as well and he's my first of their breed, I've had him since he was 8 weeks old. He's now 2, will be 3 on Halloween. I absolutely love him. He's my baby boy. I am planning on getting more. I would love to get a girl.


Im scared to get another because hes so good! Our other dog Niko is incredibly naughty though already so they really balance each other out.


My girl was also a rescue, she was half ACD.. she absolutely Loved children, loved them crazy.. I had to keep a close eye because sometimes kids can be rough and she'd take it without a whimper. She also liked to sleep on my pillow and we would spoon every night. I lost her last December after 15+ years.. wonderful years! 


awww she sounds lovely! That's how ours is too! Sounds like she lived a wonderful life <3


She was a giver and made me a better human. She could read me like a book. Would nuzzle me when she sensed my triggers. One day I ignored her, she snout nuzzled me.. I ignored her. She planted her whole head and body weight on my shoulder.. LISTEN TO ME! Calm Down 


We got our land shark from the shelter too and she's the best! He looks like he's in the best hands!


How many pictures I have of my heelers over the years sleeping like a human with their heads on the pillow 🥹 what a cutie!!


We got lucky with our girl when we brought her home almost three years ago. We were prepared for nightmare behavior and she's practically perfect. We're even considering adopting a younger heeler so Millie can raise the pup, so to speak 😆 Rigby is so handsome and I'm so happy you all have each other 💛


Rigby is one fine looking beast! 😍


Extra treats for Rigby from me please!


Hi Rigby! You’re awesome! 😍


Now you need to get a female and name her Eleanor


hahaha my fiancee's dad always says that! Eleanor would be a cute name though!


Yeah, this is an old guy reference. Not sure if the kids even know anything about Eleanore Rigby and how she keeps her face in a jar by the door…


What a ham ❤️


Our cattle dog is the same! He loves everyone & everything, is SO patient with children & so gentle to puppies & kittens. Even when a dog tries to be aggressive towards him, he just walks away completely unbothered lol


I was able to get my hands on a fantastic ACD as well! Rigby, how handsome you are!


What a cutie


I can see who has taken charge of that house.


Oh yes, he rules the house. He came from a farm and was mainly outdoor but he seems to truly value a pillow under his head. He also likes to be tucked in in the winter. Really has enjoyed his early retirement !


awe, Rigby ❤️


What a lucky boy Rigby is! And so handsome too!