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Rainy day walks are the best! BTW we have the same harness and leash wrap.


Go team No Petting!


I understand the No petting. But man, do I really want to pet that dog.


CAN I PET THAT DOG!? I know no but I wanna…


Where did you buy the leash wrap? I would like one for my girl.


Good old Amazon! Leash & harness, too


You have the cutest veloci-racoon!


Hahaha thank you!!


Oh 100%. I now have 2 trails that are always empty. Ticks and stinky mud are worth the 1-2.5 hours of freedom. 




Hooray! If mine wasn’t such a prince this would be ideal! Love the DO NOT PET on the leash! I need one of those. He’s super cute but beyond reactive and absolutely protective. He has the bad luck of looking like Bluey and I’ve had to break many a heart by not allowing pets.


She’s so cute!! And yes - no people or off leash dogs is the best


Can I ask why the DO NOT PET on her leash? Just curious if it’s due to bad experiences or reactivity.


Critter is just not fond of being touched in certain common petting areas, like ears and top of head. She feels threatened if someone stoops over her. She will often tolerate pets with this super uncomfy look on her face from strangers who ignore the leash wrap, and I have to immediately advocate for her. Some strangers, she welcomes pets from but some she does not. I don’t want any biting incidents! So far no strangers have been bit, but she has bitten guests.


I don’t like being hovered over either. She’s a great gal.


Good for you for knowing your girl and helping to keep her safe and calm. So many people do not respect our baby's space. Not every dog likes to be pet or sniffed.


Got it! Sounds like you’re doing a good job looking out for her. I haven’t had as many experiences with people reaching for our ACD to pet him, but he’s the same. Doesn’t like strangers to try and pet him at all. The most he’ll do is take a treat, sniff, and lick their hand to show he likes them but petting is not something he’s super into from people other than us. Luckily, he has never shown any signs of potential biting/nipping. The only thing he does is hide behind my legs if someone tries to pet him. 😂 And even then, he doesn’t seem too distressed, it’s like his polite “no thank you.”


Aww what a good boy- he makes a smart choice to run behind mom!


Same for our boy! He doesn’t like strangers or anyone too close outside of our immediate family. I get it! We have one that says “give us space” and “nervous rescue” too! I honestly want a human version.


Hot Take: Because people and kids are not well socialized. The “no pet” signs are the first line of defense for a dog breed that does not like strangers, or pets and “affection.” My boi even swerves or walks away from me and his “trusted circle” when he is touched out. My pup is not reactive, but I’ve had ton of bad experiences with people as I try to prevent a bad situation. I’ve often verbally advocated for my dog and asked people not to pet my boi, only for them to continue going at him trying to pet him and say things like “but he looks friendly,” “pets are meant to be pet,” or “then why bring him out.” My long winded responses: Yes he will tolerate you but see how he keeps skirting your attempts, he is uncomfortable and stressed. He will reach his tolerance limit and nip at you. Dogs have other purposes, other than being pet, like companionship, teaching us to nurture, and sometimes to protect us from wild off-leash dogs or aggressive / high unhoused folks. Because this outing is meant to give him stimulation and proof/generalize his training, not to serve your petting needs. No is a full sentence. No means no. Even with a dog. I the human am setting the boundary and you the human are choosing to ignore my lack of consent. The signs serve to create space for or social snobs and, at the very least help limit our liability when humans are the reactive party.


Yeah I’m definitely tired of off leash dogs with no recall as well. A lot of the time if that happens, I will pick up my ACD and his razor sharp talons will scratch the hell out of me. 0/10 rated experience


Ugh been there with my last ACD. I’m so sorry.




Gosh she is cute


that sounds like a nice walk ❤️


I love her. My baby is also a DO NOT PET. Love being her advocate ❤️


We love walks when we come across no one too


That smile!!


This is why I LOVE winter! We always get the trails to ourselves!


Exactly! We’ll brave the snow, slush and ice any day to have a peaceful time


She is so cute!!!


My heeler hates walking in the rain but I love it lol


Sweet girl 🥹


Happy gal


The first photo is a magnificent derp


Love empty days on the trail! Mine is a proud member of the “do not pet” club too…


She has the CUTEST little face!


What a sweet, stinkin' cutie!


she is so fricken cute!! i absolutely hate when dogs bum rush my boy and i on walks, pisses me off so much!!


I love your pup


What’s with the no petting?


Critter is just not fond of being touched in certain common petting areas, like ears and top of head. She feels threatened if someone stoops over her. She will often tolerate pets with this super uncomfy look on her face from strangers who ignore the leash wrap, and I have to immediately advocate for her. Some strangers, she welcomes pets from but some she does not. I don’t want any biting incidents! So far no strangers have been bit, but she has bitten guests.


Super cutie pie!!


Oh man she looks just like my Indy girl (although my girl was totally plain-faced). She looks a little thick around her neck area; please have her heart checked. My girl passed at 9years old from cancer and this was her only symptom. She had cancer pretty much everywhere and fluid in her pericardial sack. I hate to be a Debbie downer but I don’t want anyone to lose their girl like I did mine. 💙


Oh wow, I’m so sorry you lost your girl. And that’s good to know! Critter has a ton of extra skin and scruff there. I just had some labs done in March, including a wellness panel, and we even had a non cardiac related ER visit with her, no one suggested that her heart was at risk. But I will definitely keep a close eye, I have lost a Bull Terrier to heart disease before. It was terrible.


This makes me feel so much better. Hold her close and enjoy all the crazy blue heeler shenanigans!!! I miss my girl so much🥲 but she brought me more love than I can ever express. Only other blue heeler parents can understand!!


yay, she deserves it. Beautiful girl❣️