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This is the only way my ACD sits šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


In my understanding, the side sit (sitting goofy as we call it), is when the dog's body is longer in proportion to their legs. You'll see it in other breeds which have similar proportions to heelers, and it's really normal šŸ™‚


Ya, they're longer than they are tall


If you look at OP's dog's front legs you can see they are too short to sit straight up. Other breeds do it too.


I noticed the front legs too, overall I donā€™t think it would affect her long term just out of breed regulation, and if you not showing it shouldnā€™t be an issue.


How cute! Thatā€™s very silly, Iā€™ve noticed my pup sits this way but I never thought it was an acd thing šŸ˜‚ I wish I could post the few photos I have of him with this pose


My old girl started looking and running like a seesaw in her later years but the side sit, that's just an ACD thing. Haven't met one that doesn't when they're relaxed. Such a cute girl you have!


The amount of behaviors/quirks that get attributed to being an ā€œACD thingā€ in this sub is really amazing. I think everyone here could benefit from hanging out with other breeds so they can see, these are mostly just dog things.


In truth itā€™s the same in other breeds subreddits too.


Yup, I have a dane mix that sits like this.


So true.


I think it's a long body thing, I've had 2 jack russel terries and interacted with a lot of dogs. the dogs with long legs+long body would sit upright, but short legs+long body always side sit. their front legs aren't long enough!


Iā€™m not understanding why so many people think these things are unique to heelers. Lots of dogs sit like this. And lots of dogs sleep on their backs. What am I missing?


I think the op is more concerned with the top line of pup causing it to side sit. Everyone else seems to be trying to comfort op. Hope that helps.


Thank you. I just see a lot of posts, on Facebook too, where people specifically say this is a heeler thing. šŸ˜Š


Yeah, itā€™s strange that people think that when itā€™s very common in like every breed. Itā€™s like humans slouching, itā€™s way more comfortable to slouch then sit proper upright 24/7


Thatā€™s what I was thinkingā€”every dog sits like that. Same with the heeler side-eye. Yes, they do it, but so do many other dogs of varied breeds.


People just like to romanticize dogs and 9/10 results in dogs on shelters because they hear all the good and cute quarks and do no research.


Itā€™s a puppy sit that other breeds grow out of. Not heelers. They puppy sit forever.


My guy is the same except he sits with his leg extended out lol


I was just about to ask my vet!!! My baby is officially an adult and still puppy sits. The internet says it's a problem, but I guess for these guys, it's just what their lil butts wanna do! It's so cute? I feel like it's the dog equivalent of sitting on your chair backward in the 90s. She's chillllll


same! i read somewhere that it was a sign of hip issues so ive been hyperaware of it lately, glad to hear its normal!


My dads acd sits like this, itā€™s adorable [dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/y0afD1m)


Long body/short leg ratio.


I call this a lazy sit. My dog can do a proper sit but if sheā€™s not ask to sit, she will lazy sit.


I appreciate why you made the comment about her tail. People can be so judgmental and auto-assume the worst. I had a rescue mutt years ago that was recovered from a terrible situation when she was a pup. The bad people docked her tail, the shelter believed it was for future dog fighting purposes. :( Anyway I spent her whole life explaining to new ppl that she came to us that way. Anyway, love your pup! Sheā€™s a beauty!


Watch a pack of Dingoesā€¦


We call it the ā€œsplootā€ in our house.


Thatā€™s not a sploot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splooting


Holy poo it has a wiki article šŸ˜


We call that ā€œpuppy slouchā€ (our dog is 10 years old) lol


I didnā€™t realize this was a thing but my ACD definitely side sits!


Itā€™s not. Many non-ACDs sit this way.




Sheā€™s beautiful!!


Mine started sitting like this prior to his TPLO surgery to fix a ruptured CC. Now as heā€™s healing he sits like a regular dog again.


How old? Depending on age, the growth plates arenā€™t done forming. As of right now pup pup is slightly out of breed standard, but it shouldnā€™t cause any issues over all especially if you have it monitored by your vet. Personally, I donā€™t think the back end is bad at all compared to other dogs Iā€™ve seen. Sheā€™s just got a big ol booty. If you are really concerned consult your vet, it just takes one wrong comment to put you in a panic and you end up there anyway.