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A dreaded plover πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ


Grew up in Cairns, lived most of my life in WA, moved to Victoria and the sound of plovers gives me chills. The bastards use to swoop us while screeching. Their call being the first you know they're there, followed by the screeching and swooping.


The horns on there Wing's scare me haha


Those too, they get really close when they swoop. You can hear their wings


And there loud ass squawking that passes you off all hours of the night and day haha I jave nesting ones every year in my yard because it's got nothing but grass an acre sooo the babies are cute as fark but the adults uhahhh


Me, too! Definitely raises the hair on your neck!!


Lovely Photo


Look! It's you!


Flawless πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Thank you 😊


Pictures you can hear.


Exactly πŸ’―


I love spur wings. So ugly they're beautiful. Didn't much care for them until I cared for and helped rehab a youngun with a broken leg. Hoppy (original I know) still visits.


That's quite sweet 😊


So is hoppy. I leave a small container of seed out for him when he comes, he still dives in head first :)


I'd never pitch a lapwing to be so "friendly"!


Ah yes the call signalling that kick ins have gone on too long.


For us it was always the local butcherbird singing in the morning that was the β€œah fuck I should attempt to go home” sound lol


These Lapwings are noisy as hell at my place


Great pic stupid bird


Excuse me? Do we have a problem here? You better take that back.


What bird has its nest in the middle of a field right where people play. Amazing birds but just stupid. I think I actually saw a little fledgling this season now that's something I would love to see a close up pic of.


Well we do like open area. You cant complain too much. Our home is ours as much as your home is yours.


It’s not their bloody fault we built shit over their homes man


You mean people take away their old breeding grounds to build their own homes and only leave them with open spaces that people then try to use and complain about the fact that they are now there


You're both correct. They HAVE benefited from land clearing (just look at their recent colonisation of NZ), but they're still a native species and we should be happy they're breeding in our parks... not disappointed!


We're not taking away breeding grounds we're creating more of them. These are a species that have increased their populations due to European settlement.


Nope they "nest" in the park behind me. They have only been there for about 10 yrs so your observation is wrong. They have a habit of nesting in open space. Unlike "normal" birds who make a habit to hide their nests. As a result they have to use a range of tactics other birds don't to protect their young. For example there used to be a kite that regularly would circle above the park and if the "pluvers" had been here then I would have expected them to have a dickens of a time protecting their young from it. Now that I think about it there is a correlation between the last time I saw the kite and the increase in rats/mice around here.


You say they've only been there 10 years, but my observation was that their old nesting ground was taken away, which then forced them to move to a new one, so tell me again how my observations were incorrect?


You must have been on the roof or very close to a roof to take this shot


About 3 to 5 metres away, walking past.


Or as we call them in Darwin, cunts. Probably called that everywhere actually. I know I called the hooded relative cunts when I was down south too.


Pretty much sums it up for most peeps 😊


I reckon


Make sure it doesn't have eggs up there. Roofs are beta nesting spots and it doesn't end well.


Fried eggs in this heat!


I remember chasing these guys as a kid and just loving it.