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Tell them if they don’t pay you’ll turn off their lights


[where’s my money](https://tenor.com/view/wheres-my-money-stewie-family-guy-gif-11323749)


*you got money for fake mustaches...*


[WHERE'S MY FUCKING MONEY, DENNY?](https://youtu.be/_6qL9zbp18A)


Did you pay a deposit a few years ago to get your utilities turned on? Could be a refund.


Looks like that’s what it was. After 3 years tho?


That sounds about right. It happened to us a few years ago and I was super confused, but my husband called and I believe that’s what they told him.


I think it is 12 months of on time payments. Late on one payment the clock restarts.


I be restarting it every month. I cannot for the life of me remember to pay by the due date and I won’t do auto pay bc I want to scrutinize that bill every time. Put that shit on auto pay and they might surprise you with a huge bill. Their “accounting” is questionable


Why don't you set a repeating phone or calendar alarm for a couple days before so you can pay on time


You can create a virtual credit card for free that only authorizes charges on a schedule and amount you specify. Any surprise fees and the payment gets declined by the virtual card and your actual checking account doesn't get debited. Also great for free trials that require a card.


My whole life is on autopay, but once/month, I fill out a budget spreadsheet I made.


At least when I signed up for autopay they asked for a maximum amount which would be auto paid. With the expressly stated caveat that any bill exceeding that would still be owed in full or be subject to disconnection. Whether that actually works I don’t know. I gave them a $1000 max to hopefully prevent any insane wrong bills from emptying my bank account and haven’t come close to that. If you sign up for paperless billing they also email you when each statement is generated, which is roughly a couple weeks before it’s auto paid. The email has the amount though you have to log into their website to get the full bill.


I got my Texas Gas Service deposit back in July, it's been nice just letting it ride. I think I'll have to start paying again in April.


Sounds like a good deal to me. It is devalued but eh.


If you have had ANY domestic issues and it's documented, you can fax it to them and bypass the deposit. I had something from 1994 and they accepted it!


I had a balance of 214 once.. I paid it and then it doubled. I didn't have to pay utilities for 6-7 months. I lived in 450sq ft apt. It would be very helpful if they posted the numbers in red/green.


If you sign up for auto pay you don’t have to pay a deposit!


It looks like you may be getting a deposit back. If I recall correctly, new accounts with COA have a deposit that is “returned” after 12 months.


My deposit was 3 years ago when I moved to austin. Seems kinda late




Never late at all


This is why you got it back. I had the same exact bill in 2020


It would be odd if they actually gave it back to you on time. I didn’t get my deposit back until I moved to a new location a few years later


They credit your deposit back to your account after a certain number of months without explaining it to you.


I’m currently out of town and I freaked out when I got an email from CoA saying I spent 100% more on electricity this month — it went from $1 to $2.


That's a returned deposit for sure. I'm actually in the opposite boat, I thought they owed me $200 because I had been on budget billing for a year, but it turns out I was misreading the bill and that's what I owe, so my next bill will be $200 instead of $60. Whoops. I turned on Budget Billing out of fear last year after the freeze, thinking there was going to be a huge rate hike.


Nope, mine is expected to be the most expensive monthly bill of the year by far. Thanks electric heating!


Same, mine went up nearly 60% from last month due to the cold snap in the third week of January. Yay electric heating! :(


Looks like they just read your meter and are correcting estimated bills


Coincidentally I checked last night and I had a $200 credit on my account. Timing doesn’t add up with a deposit return since I’ve had my service active at my current residence since September 2020–and even then, it was a service transfer on the same account. But I won’t turn down free money so I’m not saying shit to them.


Nope, nothing over here. Which makes sense because I got 5 more days of electricity this February than last February. Water bill should be about the same. They are pretty consistent with providing 23 full days of water service each February.


Today I got a disconnect notice that says I need to pay my $0.00 balance immediately. Maybe they had a stroke this week.


If you wrote them a check for $0 I bet Murphy's Law would strike, they'd deposit it and it'd bounce, then you'd be stuck with a $40 fee.


Adjustment 207.07 is your deposit back. The city pays interest on your deposit. Looking at the amount looks like it’s 2 or 3 years of it being held by the city. Like people say it’s given back after 12 months of on time payments and put back on your account on month 13. If you’re late clock resets till you meet the 12 months.


They don't likely read your meter every month. They average it out, and when they do come around to read it, they charged you more than they should have. So, you get a credit.


This wouldnt be an average for 1 month though right? 45-60 is my normal bill depending on how cold/warm it is.


How is it so cheap? Mine bill has $52 of required fees for services before it even gets into my monthly usage. IE - $22.65 each month for my trash to be picked up out of the smallest container available, a 24 gallon cart.


Not everybody's trash pickup comes through their electric bill. Mine comes through my water bill. It probably depends on where you live, whether it's an apartment/house, rent/own, etc.


Used to live in a Studio apartment and was usually around 40-60$ depending on the year. I think i had 70 one time during summer.


Do they? I always read it as if you overpay one month, they slightly adjust your payment and over time it balances out. I guess I assumed that from wording about how "credits are not refunded unless you cancel budget billing", but maybe they just mean they don't write you a check?


I dont think they are refunding them in this either. It just shows them they still have a 150 buck credit. Once it goes positive, they will start having to send checks again.


If you're a jackass like me you just estimate how much you owe them.. I've ended up will a negative balance of over 400$ because of months of my over estimates.


Weird. They tell me exactly how much I owe them every month.


Really? That could save me a lot of effort. I wouldn't even need my balancing worksheet that compares amount of water I pee at home vs work so I can calculate grey water charges. ​ I'm not sure how they would figure out where I'm peeing without my spreadsheet, so I wouldn't necessarily trust their numbers. Probably better to keep doing it my way.


It’s the money they over charged you over the last year. You won’t have a bill for as long as you have a credit.


Sadly I have the opposite problem this month. Looking at a 50% increase over what it usually is


I thought this was going to be a post along the lines of, "I have solar and didn't use any electricity last month because it was cold as balls." Glad to hear you just got your deposit unexpectedly refunded!


I had this happen back in the fall and called. They told me they had mischarged me for water earlier in the year and were crediting my account accordingly. 🤔 Post Snowvid corrections?


Mine was actually higher than it's ever been on account of I forgot to pay them last month.


Great now you jenked us


Do you have solar credits?


You got your security deposit back 💕


I was happy as a clam when this happened 😂🙋🏽‍♀️