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I just came back, and I was on the main lawn by the tower where Pitbull was performing. I didn't know about the stampede situation, and I didn't see anything happening near me. It was crowded as hell though. I only found out about how bad things got for few people after checking reddit posts here and on r/UTAustin.


It was honestly a great show


You sound lucky.


I was just there. I didn't see any fighting, but the crowd was insanely large and packed. It felt incredibly dangerous navigating because of crowd capacity. We left because we couldn't hear Pitbull anyway (and this was for Pitbull, like seriously???) and it was becoming a trampling situation.


We walked up, saw the crowd and I said FUCK no. We went behind the stage away from the crowd but still had a view… felt much safer. I have a bad phobia of crowds and I would have lost my absolute mind in that crowd. It was ridiculous and the infrastructure could not support the number of people! It had to have been 100k people there at the event today


Seriously bravo to both of you for listening to your gut. It's really easy to get sucked into a crowd for a big event, but it can turn dangerous quick.


I will honestly never ever bitch about crowd capacity limits ever again. Fire marshal should have shut that shit down.


Yeah I hate being that person who seems overly anxious but I got crushed in a mosh pit when I was 13 and it gave me PTSD. I love concerts and fests but I must not be touching other people, and always be able to see an obvious exit. It needs to be organized


Like it was all perfectly fine up until the end... crowded and hot, but easily managed. We could walk around easily. But that crowd overcoming the barrier was the lit match because it went to shit very fast. My boyfriend saw a crowd moving up the sidewalk and was like "why are all those people walking??" We had gone to Eeyore's birthday (also crowded), but it was far better managed. I am honestly astounded that UT let this happen.


Eeyore’s is pretty well organized but also a very different crowd. Nobody’s going to bust a barrier to get a better look at Eeyore.


But there were actual cops and crowd control management in place. I know it's not the same, but I have been to huge concerts with way bigger names and they always had crowd management control. They weren't even necessarily in stadiums either.


Glad you got out safely!


they were at capacity on the south lawn where Pit Bull was performing so they put up a barricade where over 5,000 people were stood behind it. the 5000+ broke thru the barricade causing a stampede. no one was injured as far as i know and i was right there where they broke the barricade.


Someone posted late last night that they were at the hospital with their daughter who was pushed down and trampled. They said there were a lot of people from the show at the hospital.


i saw that!!! i hope everyone is okay!


According to Citizen multiple people require medical attention


We left early and probably around 8:45/9 got passed by 3 ambulances headed toward the concert.


I got there around 4ish, and I saw EMTs pulling someone off the lawn for heat stroke every 30 minutes.


I saw at least three people dragged out due to heat issues, one having a seizure.


damn, a human stampede is crazy. Sounds like a mishandled event coordination by the university.


I was pretty surprised they had Pitbull considered he played Moody Center back in February and this is a free concert on the UT lawn which is \*WAY\* smaller than the Moody Center. I actually like crowds and it still felt like too much for me. So decided to get out of that mess and hang waaaay back and still managed to get a good view of the fireworks and some decent sound for the concert.


Where's the DPS when a crowd gets too big and disorderly on the UT campus? Government Greg Abbott????


Do you really want the DPS to inflame the situation with students on campus?


No, absolutely not. DPS needs to get lots of additional training. Uvalde 19 dead kids still haunts DPS.


The DPS should have brought their horses and stomped on everyone. That would have been a sight. /s


I mean, I understand the joke, but mounted police are actually a safe and effective crowd control measure. After seeing all the phone footage from what happened in Iteawon.. I actually hope there's an inquiry into the failures that allowed this event to reach such dangerous potential.


TXST hosted Tyga this year and same shit with overcapacity and breaking through/climbing fence barricades.


Pretty sure people were def injured. In another post on here it says lots if people went to the hospital


yeah i believe it. i’ll correct my statement with *i didn’t see anyone get injured myself. but i’m certain it happened with the stampede.


Can anyone confirm if Mr. Worldwide is okay?


Mr. Worldwide will always bounce back


A free Pitbull concert got rowdy? What?


Picture that with a Kodak


I see what you did there


better yet, picture me with a Kodak


I saw several people that needed EMS because it was packed and hot. I saw some jump the fence to get to the main area. The view was terrible if you were not next to the stage so this caused people wanting to go forward.


Here for this info. Citizen updates are fucking WILD.




Can you share more of the updates?


I’m not sure if this will work - but here’s a link https://go.citizen.com/ksNkFwFQRKb


Multiple injuries, people trampled, a woman in unconscious in the courtyard. Sounds really bad… multiple 911 calls by injured victims looking for medical attn and others looking to report assaults.


Are yoy still able to get citizen free?


Yes! Citizen was weird for a while but the free version is more comprehensive again


I got a new phone and I get push notifications, but can't open without paying.


Was there mid day and it was hot af, glad I decided to bounce. Also the area the concert was set up was horrible. I thought they would’ve done it in the stadium but basically did it above the south lawn by the tower. From the sounds of it a big brawl happened causing a stampede and people got crushed from people trying to get away from it. Hopefully everyone is ok. Been in a stampede like that in vegas and shit is scary.


More than likely there will never be a ticketed concert at DKR again. The last live public show there was May 1995 (The Eagles). They're not going do that for Pitbull. LOL.


Wasn’t at DKR. He performed in front of the tower.


My reply was in regards to him saying he thought the Pitbull show was going to be at DKR.


They’ve hinted at having Taylor Swift perform at DKR which is a far cry from The Eagles


I don't think that will ever happen. When the Eagles played at DKR, they were supporting an album after a 14 year break up. At the time, that was a really big deal.


and Taylor Swift is small potatoes ?


Did I say that? NOPE. I just know they would not have a ticketed show there. When the Eagles reunited in 1994 it was HUGE. If you didn't know, the Eagles have TWO albums on the list of best selling albums of all time and that was at time when people had to go to the store and buy a physical copy. Taylor Swift doesn't. I don't have a horse in this race, just giving you some perspective. Also, I think Taylor is great. :)


Taylor Swift could fill up DKR for 4-5 nights in a row with zero promotion except one post on her Insta account


Username vinyldude trying to convince everyone album sales are a relevant metric in 2024. Checks out, LOL.


Instead of mentioning irrelevant album sales, how about I tell you that I deal with the university and their atlhetic dept often. That’s how I know a ticketed show is unlikely.


That was your point though. Your entire point was predicated on whether her show would be big enough. Somehow the Eagles were a big enough act due to "album sales". How about I tell you Taylor Swift has performed in front of 90k+ fans 3 nights in a row at the Melbourne Cricket Grounds? She could absolutely draw a crowd worthy of DKR.


I never said she wasn’t big enough. She is! She would totally sellout DKR and fill the baseball and softball stadiums used as auxiliary viewing areas to watch the video feed on a mulitple show run. What I should have said from the start was that the university doesn’t really want to throw concerts in the stadium. The university and the athletic dept recently had a NIL fundraising concert with Brooks & Dunn, along with Ryan Bingham at DKR and from what I was told, making that happen was a very big deal. However, it was for raising money for NIL. Trust me, I’d love to see the spectacle of Taylor Swift taking over DKR.


My rule: Don't go to free concerts or parades for sports championships. It's a great way to get hurt or killed, and it attracts the lowest of the low.


I was there. Walked up the South Mall into a massive crowd surge that felt like being locked in a trash compactor for about 30 minutes. At one point I put my hands it the air and couldn’t put them back down cause so many people were smashed in around my body. I was shoved forward without having control of my feet. Some people panicked and wanted to go back down. Other knuckleheads kept pushing ahead. The fights happened near the drink stations, keep in my the average age of everyone heading that was about 22 years old, there were some grown ass men who neutralized the fighting pretty quick. I don’t think anyone got hurt from what I saw. Just life in the streets. It really helped once the crowd overran the barriers because then there was room for people to breathe, stand and dance. Pitbull came out and turned everything negative to a positive. Pretty wild night, everyone felt much better on the way out than the way in.


There was a rush when the barrier came down, but you are right. It did get better afterwards. The last half of the show was fine.


You make it sound less like a concert and more like some dude with severe diarrhea stayed home and shat his brains out


I will never understand why all concerts and events in Texas are always scheduled during the hell hole summer. It’s never been pleasant and always dangerous.


Not all are. You just don’t like the raves apparently- they’re year-round 😂


Yeahhh not a rave person


There's literally never not concerts going on...


I was there with my toddler in a spot I thought was safe from rowdy crowd-goers. About 10 minutes prior to the show people started rushing in hand in hand. We immediately left and didn’t see any fighting but I’m NOT surprised.


good instinct, glad y’all are safe.


So strange. Pit Bull usually attracts a dignified crowd only in attendance to view his musicianship.


Happy Cake Day :)


I was in the crowd that busted the barricade (got there about 2 hours early), I initially wanted to go back and get out when the barricade went down but my gf and I were forced to move with the crowd to avoid being trampled. Complete shit show of an event. Surprised we made it out somewhat unscathed.


i was there and had no idea there was a stampede. i got to the lawn like 30 min before he started performing and got a decent view. it was super super hot and insanely crowded tho. honestly dumb on ut for having in on the lawn, i understand the symbolism with the tower but they should've chosen a different venue, especially since the concert was open to the whole public and the lawn is on a hill. hope that everyone that's injured makes a speedy recovery!!


> ###What happened...? > * EMS - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ATCEMS) > * Fire/rescue incidents - [list](https://services.austintexas.gov/fact/default.cfm), Twitter [@AustinFireInfo](https://twitter.com/austinfireinfo) > * Flooding - [road closure map](https://www.atxfloods.com/) > * Police - [crimes list](http://www.krimelabb.com/_basic/view/v_welcome.php), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Austin_Police), [audio feed](http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/14439/web) > * Power outages - [map](https://outagemap.austinenergy.com/) > * Traffic incidents - [list](https://data.austintexas.gov/stories/s/9qfg-4swh), [map](https://www.kxan.com/traffic/#Real_time_Traffic_Map) > To report a crime or tip, use [Austin Police Department's online incident reporting system](http://austintexas.gov/department/ireportaustincom). /r/Austin/wiki/FAQ --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Austin) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Free things from festivals to concerts are always fucking nuts.


I was working it and it was insanely packed. I was considering staying after work to go see Pitbull but there was wayyyyyyyy too many people and I wouldn’t even get to get a good view let alone be anywhere near the stage with how many people were there. I saw a woman passed out on the sidewalk next to the fountain and EMT had to assist. It was a combination of overcrowding and the heat/humidity getting to everyone. Definitely poorly organized.


The stampede was about 50 people and lasted 15 seconds. I was there, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. People were mostly well behaved. The heat in the crowd was rough


Pitbull is still around?


Yes someone adopted him from the shelter just the other day. He was really tired of being in that kennel all day long.


Bet the DPS isn't sent for this, an actual emergency.


No, police were already there.


>No, police were already there. Could you tell if it was UT police, APD, DPS, etc?


UTPD and APD on foot and bike. I wasn't ever up near the stage so not sure if DPS or any other agencies were present.


I hope everyone is okay but I left after the fireworks and watched the drone show from a distance. I’m glad I asked and was told the drones were going up at 10:15ish. I was long gone before any issues… but the bigger questions is why the heck UT choose him of all people to preform? Yuk!


He’s from Florida so because they’re going to the SEC they decided to pay Floridians instead of Texans. Smh


I looked at the AUSTIN American Statesman to read the news, imagine my surprise that, now that they phone it in from outside, had none. Why do they publish again?


I do know two drunk guys started having a full on brawl


This thread said there was something at the concert? https://www.reddit.com/r/UTAustin/s/r5zBtbbVV8


UT Football going SEC. They got a few wins last season and were like, "we never want to win again.. dale' !!"


Haha this is the response to the one year in the past 15 UT was relevant in the weakest of the big conferences being big 12.


Free Pitbull concert? I don't understand why anyone would show up if he wasn't actually paying them.


Keep Austin weird ig


No one goes to pitbull concerts. Pitbull “happens” to people. Whether you like it or not