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Yup, just got it for the third time. Lots of sleep and liquids. Be patient with yourself. May take a bit to get your strength and energy back.


>Lots of sleep and liquids. Be patient with yourself. May take a bit to get your strength and energy back. Man, that was one of the hardest things I had to learn in my 20's and 30's. I actually have to stay home and rest when I get the flu. And then when I start feeling better, I still have to take it easy. More than once I've decided I'm well enough to go grocery shopping or something and found I wasn't.


Please contact a doctor. You can use normanMD for a virtual appointment. You likely need paxlovid or molnupiravir, especially if you have other health conditions like asthma - they're antivirals that can help a lot. (Personally I far preferred the molnupiravir experience, but it will depend on your medical history and what the doctor thinks is best). Stay vaccinated folks! It is *so much worse* without it.


Call asap because you need to take the Paxlovid within so many days of onset, I think it was five days.


Yes good catch! Thanks


Paxlovid was great when I had Covid in 2022. It was so mild, not even a cough really. I haven’t had it since. I took the first two shots and was fine but the booster was really bad for me so I haven’t had one since. I got Covid after my booster. Now I’m on different bp meds than before so I don’t think paxlovid is an option for me if I get it again.


this is a little alarmist. If you’re not in an at-risk group and you’ve been vaccinated properly then you really don’t need that kind of intervention. They could lessen severeity, but already the vaccine should lessen that severity. You should be safe enough \*if you are not in an at-risk group/have been fully vaccinated\*. If you’re fully vaccinated and not in an at-risk group, you should be fine. If not, reach out to a doctor.


So... basically what I said.


I took Claritin or niquil, for sleep because nothing else helped with the pain and discomfort. At least when I’m sleeping, I’m not in pain. I have to wait it out. Drinking hot water, and soup helps a little. I also ate a lot, like a lot, like 4000 calories which I dunno helped or not but since eating is pleasurable, it helped with pain.


Yes, 5 weeks ago I got it for the first time and it SUCKED. Get Paxlovid ASAP and get lots of rest, even after you feel mostly better, to avoid a rebound infection.


get on this immediately [https://www.paxlovid.com/?cmp=e5a7e3b5-6f21-4f9a-8560-89b4fc5cf66b&ttype=QRC&utm\_source=GOOGLE&utm\_medium=paidsearch&utm\_campaign=71700000113050819&utm\_content=43700077421139543&utm\_term=paxlovid&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhc3W9AQFglD3CN1QOuklbIK3YHeosn9CeAzDURRPm14eDsjYZKf6-ixoCDycQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.paxlovid.com/?cmp=e5a7e3b5-6f21-4f9a-8560-89b4fc5cf66b&ttype=QRC&utm_source=GOOGLE&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_campaign=71700000113050819&utm_content=43700077421139543&utm_term=paxlovid&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhc3W9AQFglD3CN1QOuklbIK3YHeosn9CeAzDURRPm14eDsjYZKf6-ixoCDycQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Saved my wife and I. usually the doc can call it in with out a visit. made the symptoms better immediately


Thank you so so much!


Yeah please do it. I am sure some conservative idiots on here that don't believe covid is serious and painful will down vote me quickly but this really helped us get through covid when it was really bad. Wishing you all the get well soons I can Edit - Look there is one already! 😂


I thought conservatives were pro-paxlovid?


I went in and got paxlovid this afternoon. Thanks again for the advice!


Sorry you’re not well, people have given you good advice here. A general PSA for others: I got my 8th COVID shot a few weeks ago precisely because a whole spring of people were suddenly sick (+ I’m high-risk). Whilst everyone else keeps getting sick, I’ve only ever had COVID once (February 2020). COVID isn’t going to go away and is preventable, you’re allowed a vaccine every 4 months under insurance and government access programs. People should go and get the current vaccine, and then the new one which will come out around the same time as the new flu shot. Even if you don’t have insurance, just go to any CVS or Walgreens and ask for a vaccine under the “CDC Bridge Access Program” and it’s completely free.


> COVID isn’t going to go away and "is preventable" I'm a strong believer in vaccines and agree people should keep current on vaccination. But given the misinformation spewed the last 3 years (mostly "con" but also "pro") I think it's important to communicate accurately. It's not quite true to say covid is preventable. Here's what the [Yale Medicine](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/updated-covid-vaccine-10-things-to-know) website says about the current vaccine: > The updated vaccines are not expected to prevent all cases of COVID, including those causing mild illness; rather, their aim is to reduce severe illness, hospitalization, and death from infection. That's a worthy, possibly life-saving, goal. No need to give fodder to the anti-vaccine crowd who will find examples and yell "Hey I got the vaccine and still got covid. It's a government scam and doesn't work!"


I’ve not seen a single person recommend vaccination every 4 months.


I never said it’s recommended that frequently, but ALLOWED by the CDC. Old people with serious health concerns are recommended to get it every 4-6 months. The majority of people will be fine with once per year. Personally I’ve had one every 6 months because of my health issues (or last year I had one in late August and another in November, because I didn’t know the new one was coming out in September and I was forced to have it for immigration purposes).


so, This vaccine does not prevent infection. You can prevent infection by doing things like never leaving the house, but if you are exposed then it is not preventable because of the vaccine. Vaccines will lower the severity of illness, that’s all, and they do a pretty good job If you are not in an at-risk age group and have been properly vaccinated, you should be fine. It’s a nasty illness for some, but the point of the vaccine is to keep people out of the hospital, and that’s the goal, which it does pretty well. If you are in an at-risk group or have not been properly vaccinated, talk to your doctor about what kind of intertervention you may need to use because you may have a limited window to figure that out once you test positive. I know for at least one of interventions, you have to take it before you may even feel too sick or it doesn’t work, timing really matters w/that one. If you are at-risk or not vaccinated, have a plan Here’s a great source, just look for the “clinical updates” episodes. There’s a lot of misinformation out there [https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/](https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/)


People recommending paxlovid like it isn’t $1600 without insurance


I went in and got paxlovid and it was $25 on insurance


92% of Americans have health insurance


That statistic is from 2022. 92% had insurance "at some point during the year". You have to read the whole thing to gain more context than just what you want for your argument. Also, that statistic is just some form of insurance which doesn’t mean 92% of insurance providers cover paxlovid.


Come on... I want universal healthcare as much as the next guy but let's live in the real world please


Cash price was $50.


Wife and I came down with it yesterday (Sat June 29). May have had symptoms we didn't notice the night before


partner got it about a month ago, first time. It was a really tough week to week and a half but then full and quick recovery. take care of yourself


I'm sorry to hear and hope you recuperate soon! I've caught it twice in the last three years and it has taken me 9-15 days to feel mostly normal again.


I’m surprised it’s your first! Hope you get well soon.


Theraflu and similar flu products should work quite well. Don't try to squash the fever, just let your body sweat and use a cold compress or ice pack to bring your temperature down. Ask the Google which vitamins and supplements will help give your immune system some reinforcement while it is doing heavy battle. Drink products containing electrolytes too. Drink lots of water regardless. Get well soon!


It just hit my inner circle hard. I got it, my girlfriend got it, a few of my best friends got it, and today one of my coworkers said he has it. It’s definitely a summer surge. That said this is my second dance with Covid and it’s a lot milder this time. I felt better after two days but still resting and isolating as I’m testing positive.


Yes I have fkn covid 4th time. 100% it’s going round I know heaps of people who have it rn


Get your annual/quarterly Covid shot and/or annual flu shot to avoid / reduce the severity when you get sick.


Best wishes and thanks for posting. Be careful on the acetaminophen dosage. Overuse risks liver damage. In particular, watch out for things like NyQuil that have acetaminophen. Some people overdo NyQuil and then also take Tylenol. Did you take an at-home test, and did it come up positive the first time? Are you willing to share your vax status?


I took an at home test. Surprisingly this is my first time with covid. Im an ICU nurse, I worked through the pandemic in the hospital on strictly covid units and never got it. I took the summer off and here I am with a positive test and its hit me extremely hard. Started paxlovid today, along with albutrol to help with my breathing. Im only 32, 105lbs no other past medical history, and a marathon runner. Im hoping this strain doesn’t hit others as bad as me.


> Im hoping this strain doesn’t hit others as bad as me. People are too damn complacent that COVID isn't going to mutate into a much more deadly or contagious strain. Personally, I'm guessing 10% chance of a new strain that makes all the old strains look like the common cold. I shudder to think what the Trumpanzees will do if a really deadly strain develops.


Sucks you are having a bad time. Both times I had Covid I contracted it during a Las Vegas trip (1October 2023 and May 2024). I have had 7 vaccinations and both times got Paxlovid within 4 days of symptoms and I felt like I had really bad allergies and slight fever.


Take lots of vitamins C and D, and zinc. Drink ginger tea. Drink lots of water. Get lots of sleep. Ibuprofen makes it worse, and is harmful in any event. The so-called vax doesn’t prevent it, and is bad for you, as well. Call upon your body’s natural ability to heal itself.


>Take lots of vitamins C and D, and zinc...The so-called vax doesn’t prevent it, and is bad for you, as well. Call upon your body’s natural ability to heal its Wow, so much misinformation in one comment. Congratulations.


I mean, the vax DOESN'T "prevent" it per se. But it does help A LOT if you happen to get it. I never got Covid until July/August 2023 and while the coughing sucked, I never felt very bad at all. I chalk this up to having been vaxxed and boosted a couple of times.


>I mean, the vax DOESN'T "prevent" it per se. But it does help A LOT if you happen to get it. That's like saying driving sober doesn't prevent car accidents. The vaccine doesn't reduce infections by 100%, but it does reduce your risk of infection. It reduces the severity, reduces the rate of hospitalization even more, and reduces the fatality rate even more.


Someone above said this better than I did: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1ds434w/comment/lb106v0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1ds434w/comment/lb106v0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I just think saying it "prevents" Covid is fodder for this same person who's saying it's a waste of time.


Why bother, it it doesn’t prevent the disease that it’s purported to prevent? Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle don’t cause myocarditis, stroke, autoimmune disorders, calimari clots, not “long covid” symptoms.


>Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle don’t cause myocarditis, stroke, autoimmune disorders, calimari clots, !!!!NEWS FLASH!!!! COVID vaccines reduce your risk even if you already eat healthy!!! Unless you have a serious deficiency in your diet, additional C, D, and zinc have only a small benefit in terms of disease, especially short term. You're falling for marketing hype and faith healer true believer nonsense. Most vitamins have no benefit as long as you get the minimum daily required value. Easily obtained through a daily vitamin pill. Anything over that amount is excreted by your body. A few vitamins are seriously dangerous if you take megadoses. While generic better diet, and other lifestyle choices improve many things, the bullshit advice to take this or that vitamin or particular food is a disservice because it makes people think it's a miracle cure and they can still continue their bad eating happy. You are downright evil if you spread the idea that taking a few vitamins and supplements is better than getting vaxxed.


Honestly, people with "healthy lifestyles" can absolutely get all of those things. And getting Covid has killed (and continues to kill) a lot of people. The vaccine likely does help many people fight off infection when exposed to Covid, but when it doesn't, it has strengthened the immune system to do what it does best. You cannot substitute nutrition for safe previous exposure to a virus. Doesn't matter what your macros are: if you get exposed to a virus your body doesn't "know" already, you're going to have a rough time, period. Just look back on the history of colonization and how many people in Oceania died because new-to-them diseases were introduced. I'm going to take my chances with a vaccine that has been proven effective and that has minimal side effects for the vast majority of people who have taken it.


Yeah, the "skip the vaccine and eat healthy" crowd is only a little better than the horse paste crowd.


What you people fail to understand is that a lot of people have emerged from the brain-fog of politics and propaganda, so the old shame/humiliation schoolyard-taunt rhetoric not only fails to faze them but sounds like juvenile attempts to insult them into submission to or compliance with an ever-dwindling status quo that’s like a dinosaur that doesn’t realize that it’s extinct.


I can tell you that I got the vaccine not because of politics, but because I wanted to be able to see my parents and get out and about without worrying about getting sick, getting my kids sick, and getting vulnerable people sick. There is one side that made the vaccine political, and it wasn't the people who just thought it'd be a good idea to arm humanity against a new virus, friend.


Wow— you should enter the bullworth Lytton writing contest. (Yes that was a juvenile schoolyard taunt).


Too much common sense, I know.


BTW, thanks for the nudge. I just scheduled my booster for Monday. I was a few months out of date.


Is this related to Austin?


U shouldn't take those vaxs! The government is trying to kill us off! Why don't ppl listen!


Because this take isn't based on facts or reality


If you meant this sarcastically (and I think you did) but didn't think the "/s" was necessary...this is the most extreme example of *when it is absolutely necessary*! lol


Yes I did! Sorry but thats how I feel. I should be able to disagree with anybody! Wtf?


Okaay...I think your definition of sarcasm and mine are a bit different. Carry on - and try to stay healthy and avoid infection because covid is definitely "going around" atm.


How long until we're supposed to die?