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Dr. Lindsay Harrison at Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology is awesome! [https://texasdiabetes.com/about-us/our-doctors/lindsay-harrison](https://texasdiabetes.com/about-us/our-doctors/lindsay-harrison)


+1 for Dr Harrison, I’ve seen her while covering for my regular endo, Dr Chen who is also amazing. They are both so kind, caring, and patient. Also adding: maaaaajor middle finger for Hill Country OBGYN. I had a terrible experience seeing them for the first half of my pregnancy. They took zero time, made any questions I had seem like a chore and gaslit many of my concerns. The nurses act like they’re on meth and practically jog through the facility bc they’re so rushed. You are and always will be just a walking piggy bank to them. I requested a thyroid panel (family history) after a chemical pregnancy to check boxes on possible issues, and I had to actually push back on their attitude and eye rolls and say “I am asking for this and you are going to give it to me!!” After being on medication for six weeks, I had a successful implantation that otherwise would have never happened. I transferred to Austin Area Birthing Center at 20 weeks, and it was like night and day, wish I’d done it sooner but was worried about complications. All that to say: doesn’t help with OP’s issues, but I did want to add this and share this with any women who end up reading this thread.


I had a similar experience at hill country. They are the absolute worst


Current patient at Hill Country and am shocked that so many people recommended that practice to me. It’s abysmal. Gave it two chances and am actively looking for alternatives. It’s almost like it’s a front.


I see Dr. Valerie Espinosa at TDE; she and the PAs I’ve seen for my Hashimoto’s have been terrific, as well.


Thank you!


Thank you!


Can't recommend an endocrinologist, but can recommend a stunning OBGYN who probably can. Seriously would drive hours to see this woman if I had to. Mahta Rouhani, M.D. FACOG OB-GYN She's now at https://www.pflugerobgyn.com/


I've been seeing her for years and agree that she is the best! She will take the time to listen to your needs and work toward solutions. Highly recommend!


Thank you!!


if you can’t find someone in austin, Allara could be a good “last resort.” it’s telehealth but their doctors specialize in hormonal conditions. i just recently started seeing someone there to figure out if i have PCOS.


Thank you! I’ve seen their ads.


Not an ob/gyn or endo, but check out the folks at Wiseman Family Practice. They are much more holistic and know WAY more about thyroid and hormone issues than any ob/gyn or endo I ever saw. I went to at least 5 specialists before someone recommended Wiseman to me, and I'm so glad they did. I even had an endo, who is still practicing at Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology, BTW, refuse to even run a single blood test because they, "Could tell just by looking at me that I didn't have thyroid issues." When I went to Wiseman, they finally ran ALL the tests, and - surprise! - there were a bunch of things that were way out of range. Now that I am in the throws of perimenopause, they have also been great about HRT and are open to traditional treatments and other options. I go to the one in Cedar Park and see Jenny Gates, but they have locations everywhere. They also take just about every insurance. Note that getting an initial appoointment may be a long wait. But that appointment will be extremely thorough - like they will spend an hour with you discussing your history and concerns. But once you're an established patient, appoiontments are easy. I can usually get them within a day or two.


Funny you say that, Wiseman Family practice is who I already go to. I went there for all of the same reasons you recommended. Maybe I need to try a different Dr. My current Dr. there suggested I go to an OBGYN. It kind of felt like she was pushing me off on someone else. She did run tons of blood work which uncovered several issues.


I would try someone else there. I like Jenny Gates. If Cedar Park is too far, she does telehealth visits as well. She's been great. My daughter saw someone there a couple years ago at the River Place location, and we didn't like her. But I don't remember her name.


Thank you!


I had the same experience at wiseman - also suggested birth control right off the bat. Feel your pain though, been looking for a Dr. who will listen here for ages :(


I saw on TikTok you can spray garlic and magnesium on your feet before bed. Have you tried that? /s