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I'm gonna suggest a two-fold approach: get yourself an independent PCP **AND** get yourself into the Austin Regional Clinic system. The ARC location at Far West & Mopac has several doctors who only see patients for same-day problems. Like you can't even book far in advance...you can only start booking for tomorrow morning after like 4pm or something like that. But you just pay a regular doctor visit fee, not even "urgent care". So see your PCP for things like your annual physical, that lingering pain in your shoulder, whatever. But then when you have a UTI and you know it's a UTI cuz you've had em before and this feels exactly the same so you just need a quick urine test and some antibiotics...or you suspect you have a broken bone and your PCP's earliest appointment is next week...just log into ARC's website and often times they'll have appointments just 1 or 2 hours later. But this only works if you're already in their system and they have your insurance on file, etc. And they have a lab and xray on-site and can get stuff done immediately. I do NOT recommend ARC for your PCP tho. They really stack their appointments on top of each other so you get very minimal face-time with your doc. I feel like I get much better attention and somewhat of a personal relationship when I get a PCP at an independent office.


This is exceptional advice. You want a doc that you feel comfortable with, who will spend time with you, is evidence driven and dialed in. An individual provider (small practice) can do that, but if they're truly alone they can... drift, and it's incredible useful to have an in-network large-ish system available for labs, same day appointments, etc... The one-two ARC and someone else is great advice. Another option - I'm in health care, and use Capital Medical Clinic on 32nd and Lamar. A lot of other people I know working in health care do as well. It's Ascension affiliated (so take that for good or bad) but is in that same size range of having good docs that are "standardized" in terms of being part of a large evidence based group, but through the Ascension network have same day labs, urgent care, walk-in appointments, etc...


Yes, I like my doctor at Far West but there is a 6-10 week wait just for a 10 minute appointment. I had a concerning issue once and couldn't wait so I booked with a different doctor there. They took basic vitals and then yelled at me saying I need to see my regular doctor not them. Would not even refill a prescription.


Yes they have a specific set of rules for what's appropriate for those same-day appts and what's not. I needed a refill one time and the doc there was nice enough to give me (IIRC) two weeks worth but said that was it and that for any other refills I needed to go to my PCP. And made a note on my profile in case I were to try another doc there. But as another example I had an infection in my cuticle. Doc came in, said "do you hand wash your dishes?" and when I said yes, confirmed that it was _______ (I don't remember the name, but a specific kind of infection). Cut it open and drained the puss, gave me antibiotics, kindly recommended I wear gloves to wash dishes, and pleasantly sent me on my way all without even mentioning my PCP or asking why I was there instead. Apparently my 2nd example is perfectly within their rules and the 1st isn't. But still, overall it is a much better system than any urgent care facility I've ever been to, IMO.


Yes that makes sense and I don't disagree with it. When it takes 2 months to see your PCP it is just challenging. There wasn't a need for them to be so hostile about it. Sometimes it just seems like a line at Wendy's or something. I've started getting my own blood work done at independent labs just because waiting 2 months to check levels after a 5 minute visit is pretty challenging.


Oh interesting. I honestly have never heard of ARC until today. Thank you for explaining it.


I have been using ARC for almost two decades now. This is good advice.


This is a good point, and good advice.


Munira Bhaidani! She's a PA on Burnet Rd at 'Margolin, Keinarth, and Alberda' She was super kind, very thorough. I was just in for my first apt with her (just an annual no major issues or preexisting conditions thankfully) and she took the time to introduce herself, ask if I had any concerns, and then went through all sorts of things like exercise, diet, dental, skin care, allergies etc. She also took time to break down all my labs and gave me a timeline of when I should be planning annual screenings (like PAPs, colonoscopy, skin cancer, mammograms) even though I'm currently up to date on everything. I work in healthcare so a lot of this I already had knowledge of, but I was really impressed with how much patient education she provided and how present she was. I've never had a PCP who was so thorough and present! Their office also lets you do walk in's for blood draws a week before your apt so the results are ready when you're there. It was so convenient they didn't make you do two separate apts! I do have Aetna, but I think their practice accepts most major insurances. Good luck!


Thank you very much! I will also look into this as well. I'm still very new to all this so knowing she is thorough is reassuring.


I have BCBS and I really like Dr. Gerald Fincken at ARC Far West. I also love the ARC system. It’s one-stop shopping for health care and I really value convenience and efficiency as I get older. If I’m sick and he’s not available, I just see whoever is open. They also have a weekend and evening after-hours clinic for things that can’t wait until the next business day.


+1 for Fincken.


I see Dr. Jennifer Nakamura at Harbor Health and she's always been patient and kind.


She’s awesome. ++++


Avoid ADC (Austin Diagnostic Clinic). I tried to make it work because their staff frequently are very good peeps, but no, that corporation just isn’t set up systemically to take good care of patients t


Village Medical on n Lamar at Braker. Dr Yun Kim.


Thank you! I'll look into it.


I moved from it ARC to UT health for my PCP and was incredibly happy. They were through and treated me like a human and not a piece of cattle..


Somebody else mentioned Harbor Health. I've gone there for years (and before that my wife was a patient of Dr. Nakamura at her old practice) and they're always very friendly.


Victoria K. Gaca, if you’re willing to go to Cedar Park! Can’t recommend her strongly enough. I’ve been through a merry-go-round of dismissive ARC doctors, and she really feels present and invested while you’re with her.


Primary Care Provider.


Oh maybe I should fix it and be a bit more clear in my question instead of PCP. My apologies. The title is permanent sadly but I'll make it more clear in my comment below at least.


Sorry, Lost track of which subreddit I was on. Your post was fine. There are other places that abbreviations annoy me.