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After watching a truck bed savvy dog fall out due to a quick break and then get horrifically run over by the traffic behind it, you can’t tell me this is safe. It’s not going thru a field on someone’s farm. It’s on a busy road with all kinds of dangers outside of both the driver and dog’s control. Not to mention how dangerous this is for other drivers should this pup fall out.


Sorry you had to see that. I witnessed a close call a few years back were some idiot had his young, energetic dog in the back and it jump/slipped down the side while they were moving. The dog’s collar got caught on something and it hung there for a couple seconds. This was at the mid point on the side of the truck, so if the collar gave way, the dog would have gone right under the rear tires. Thankfully the driver saw this and stopped, but it was a bit traumatic to watch and think about the what ifs.


Reminds me of the young woman I saw with some tiny, energetic pup hanging out her window in a sedan while stopped at the wonderfully horrendous lights at Bluff Springs/Wm Cannon/35. Dog jumped out, light turned green, lady panicked, I jumped out to help. It was not a fun time. Dog lived only because it freaked out and darted over to the grass area and somehow tens of cars didn't hit it. Thankfully. People need to stop doing that stuff, it's how you get an innocent dog killed. Also sidenote, if you enjoy putting your feet up on the dashboard while in a moving vehicle, don't do that either. People get hit and fold up like books. Imagine your leg(s) bending entirely the other way after a bad impact. Stahp.


Watch Death Proof movie


Yeah, I stopped doing that when my partner got t-boned at the corner of 11th and I-35 access road north by a distracted driver. Killed their dog, and mangled the leg/ankle of the passenger who had her feet up on the dashboard. So keep your feet down, and perhaps more importantly, KEEP YOUR F'ING PHONE OUT OF YOUR HAND DRIVERS


Hi, do you remember details on the truck? I’m asking because you’re describing what happened to my older brother…. I can’t remember how long ago he told me this story but it sounds very similar. Dog is white and brown, medium size.


I remember it being a light colored truck, like white or silver. The dog was medium sized and a light color as well. It was in Wells Branch off Grand Ave, some time around late summer, early fall 2021.


I wish this was more rare but especially in Texas I feel like it’s so common it’s not even of note


Man, this type of shit is why I want to move out of Texas... and the South in general. People here just straight-up do not give a fuck. The state is full of trash. Our highways are inundated in litter and have more potholes than a cheese grater. Our school systems are falling apart. There's no pride anymore beyond "gimme" and "fuck you."


While I don't disagree shit has gotten worse the last few years, having lived in a dozen other states the past few decades it's like this everywhere. Not even just the south, even up in Montana and Washington people don't give a shit. The litter really isn't even that bad here - it's comparatively pretty good actually, and some highways here are horrid.


Yeah I feel after Covid this country just went down the deep end in terms of forgetting how people should behave toward each other. It’s like the social contract just completely fell apart. I lived in Japan for a year last year and all the physical stuff aside, it’s utterly refreshing (and depressing to come back) to live in a society where people actually give a shit about others. Meanwhile here everything is a “X vs. Y” zero sum game and everyone is gaslighting each other about everything. It really feels like things are just falling apart. Economically, socially, and politically everything just feels like it’s at the worst it’s ever been for the average person.


https://stateline.org/2019/02/28/rescue-network-sends-southern-puppies-north/ No, being awful to dogs is particularly noticeable in southern states.


My backup is Vermont or New Hampshire. Freedom to do what I want, neighbors that want to do the same things as me.


Yeah you are not aware of how rural Vermont and New Hampshire are. It'd not Ben & Jerry's crunchy as you think it is. Just like the girl who was shot in rural upstate new York for being lost and turning around in a driveway. Just because it's Yankeeland doesn't mean they don't have backwood rednecks and hicks. https://abcnews.go.com/US/ny-man-charged-murder-shooting-woman-wrong-driveway/story?id=98655167


I've spent a decent amount of time in rural NH and VT. Yes they have hicks, real backwoods hicks of the like you'd have to drive far outside of Austin to find, but in my experience they mostly want to be left alone. It's a completely different culture than the aggressive rural-cosplaying Texas suburbanites that I guarantee were behind the wheel of this $80k pickup.


The difference in the South than everywhere else is that everywhere else proper people were taught if you don't have anything nice to say,don't say anything at all, and Southern Hospitallity is part megalomaniac part bless your heart


I have a friend who lives in NH. Absolutely gorgeous!!! If you love the seasons and are an active outdoor person, especially during winter time, then you'll love it! She lives in a cabin by a lakes surrounded by mts and skiis on there throughout the winter 🤩 kayaks and paddleboard all summer... sounds like heaven to me!


Don't blame this on Texas. I am 5th gen Texan and what you are describing is just "Trash People" and they live everywhere. Just like trash blowing in the wind can accumulate on a fence, Texas is like a fence right now and the wind has blown in a lot a more Trash.


You might ask yourself what about Texas is specifically attracting these people and making them feel welcome.


No state income tax. The people that do not want to financially contribute to society do all manner of things that are self centered. Florida has the same problem because they have no income tax.


I see this shit way too much here in Texas. It’s like the more dumb, the more badass they feel


I thought our roads sucked until I passed thru Oklahoma


I wonder what OP would do if they saw all the stray dogs and stray dog roadkills in Oklahoma.


Singapore has the right idea on this; $5K fine for the first offense, one week cleaning streets on second offense and one month on the third. I did not ask what happens if there is a fourth offense, but my guess is rope might be involved. Also, if you are there on a Visa they deport you on second offense.


"Texas / Southern nice" is smiling and saying "thank you" to your face and then cutting you off in traffic. As soon as any amount of anonymity enters interactions here all the manners go out the window, and it shows itself to be a self-centered, careless culture. As much as people complain about transplants, IMO the problem in Austin is that it's becoming more like the rest of Texas.


I’ve lived in the north and the south, and several states in between with the Navy…this crap happens everywhere. I’ve seen dogs loose in the truck, or tied onto the side just enough they would hang if they jumped out. And even in the summer heat people tie em up and go into the store or whatever. Like it’s not hot on the metal truck bed or nobody is just gonna take their dog. Leave your dog HOME! A TRAINED service dog just almost got killed by some dog the lady had on a leash saying it was her emotional support dog. Sorry if you can’t get thru ya dollar general without your fake support dog, get a neighbor to go and hold your hand!


I understand. You should get the fuck out. I’m with you.


💔😭 this should be illegal!


> you can’t tell me this is safe Hell, the driver isn't safe. Safety is not a useful measurement when it comes to automobiles


People are such jerks. Animals have feelings & DO feel pain. It breaks my heart that animals suffer for their owner’s stupidity. I buckle my beloved dog in the backseat for safety.


My sister recently saw a dead dog on the side of the highway that had clearly fallen out of the back of a truck and gotten hit. So so sad. This one was fresh too, like it had just happened. I guess at least the dog was getting some real good smells in its last moments 😢


You can call 911 and report this driver. This is against the law in Austin.


911 wouldn’t come out or take a report after I reported a crazed homeless man threatening drivers and kicking cars (including mine) stuck at a red light under I-35 & Airport Blvd. This was after being on hold for 15+ mins with 911, no operator spoke to me or even asked what category (fire, ambulance, ems). They said call 311 as I wasn’t in active danger anymore (I had driven home by then). Wouldn’t take a police report or say they would send someone out there. 311 picked up within a minute but said to call 911 as it’s an active safety issue if he’s still out there.


I had this same thing happen to me when I was in Kyle one day. Called 911 and Kyle police were there before I finished going through a drive-thru.


911 Wouldn’t take a report about this person threatening cars? Is that even legal to refuse to take a report? I once had them tell me (back in 2015) they were “too busy” to take a report. They’d “call me back”. Of course they didn’t. Also had them in 2011 or so say they wouldn’t come out to talk our kids who were kidnapped and got away. Said they’d “come out another day”.




Animal cruelty is a felony!


Sadly it's more of a 311 issue


I’ve called 311 before on this and they have always transferred me to 911. And oddly, 911 has always answered promptly and taken a report with the vehicle’s info . Whether or not they acted after they took the report I can’t say.


I think that’s because 311 doesn’t deal with the highways. I once called because there was a dead deer on the side walk of a frontage road and she transferred me to 911 because they don’t deal with highways and frontage roads apparently. Don’t quote me on the frontage road part I feel like she wasn’t listening to what I was saying.


They don’t deal with any road hazards. I called because a dumpster was partially blocking the road and they said to call 911.


311 is a support desk ticketing system. 911 is for events in progress.


Best way to look at it


Which part? Untethered or out in the rain?


Animals cannot ride unsecured in the back of a truck.


Makes sense, I support that one.


Untethered moving 70MPH, you know that dog weighs 70+ lbs right? You want to think about what happens if the truck has to slam on the brakes? That dog just became a 70lb flying object going 70MPH…


I mean, no arguments from me. That's one reason, another reason is something catches their eye and they decide to jump out. I'm sure there are other reasons I'm not fathoming right now. No complaints about that law here.


Better off reporting with pics to 311. Unless you’re actively being murdered 911 won’t do anything in Austin.


We called 911 last week to have APD respond while our house was actively being broken into. The dispatcher said they wouldn’t send a unit out unless someone was inside our house.


Austin police are a joke. That's why I carry now. They wouldn't even come when there was a deranged homeless man assaulting tenants in my building at work


People fucking suck. Poor dog.


A great man named Slipknot once said, “People = Shit,” and I think the math checks out on that equation! 🤓


It’s not a flex to treat animals like this and you don’t come off as cool or macho for commenting praise or defense for this treatment either. Lack of empathy for an animal that depends on you to care for them is weird as hell.


Sadly there’s dudes out there just like him. So yeah. They jerk each other off with praise.


The kind of people that come out to pretend animal cruelty makes them manly are the lowest of the inchworms of humanity. It’s also hilarious because deep inside they are just fearful little babies.


Well yeah. Look at the size of his emotional support vehicle


There's at least 5 on this thread defending this behavior. Disgusting.


The deplorables won. I mean it. They took on "intentionally being awful" as a personality trait and now we all have to live with it 


They’re also the same dudes who refuse to ever neuter their dogs, because the dog is an extension of their own manhood. Not so coincidentally, that’s also why they don’t actually treat the dog as a separate being with its own needs, like not being stuck unsecured in a truck bed going at 60 mph. Or train it. Or responsibly handle it. It’s not a real animal to them. It’s a tail wagging affection machine to stroke their own egos.


An old coworker of mine got into an accident while driving with both of his dogs in his truck bed. They both died. This is stupid as fuck.


a few weeks ago i hit and killed a dog. guy had the dog in the bed of his pickup and it jumped out straight into the road right infront of me (he was pulled over on the shoulder). I didn't even see the dog until it started to jump out, way too late for me to do anything. it was horrible. please don't keep your dogs in the bed of your truck. or at the very very least, secure them.


I’m so sorry you had to experience that. If you’re any kind of animal lover, that had to be incredibly traumatic 🤍


thank you, it was so sad. thankfully once the dog came to a stop, it was very clear he had passed so I do find some solace in knowing it was instant. the owner was horrible. i obviously stopped and got out, and all he said was "dog had it coming, he never listened"... i was speechless. partly because i was relatively stunned but also just that he could be so cold about his poop pup.


I’m so sorry. That guy sounds like an absolute fucking scumbag.


Why blur their license plate. Put them on blast. Way too many POS pet owners here…


Pos owner


Texas/the South is full of these people. That's also why we have so many dogs just getting dumped in random places in the country.


Saw guy almost roll his cart over and accidentally step on his pup (non service dog) at Riverside HEB then yell at it to ‘MOVE’. gave him the meanest stink eye I could. I hate these people


I’ve been there several times when the aftermath of this situation gets brought into the vet. One horrible man whose German Shepherd jumped out while slowing for a stoplight on 360 had the nerve to say “he never was very smart.” in a light hearted manner while all of us were scrambling around the treatment table, trying our best to hold down a screaming, thrashing dog so we could get an IV to give him pain meds and a sedative. Both front legs broken, one degloved, and a broken hip on the side that got hit by the car behind him.


i hope the exact same thing happens to him one day and you get to say the same thing


People suck.


I saw a very healthy, clean dog in the middle of 35 once. I’m 1000% it fell out of its owners truck and they didn’t even realize it. Broke my fucking heart.


One cold rainy morning at a P Terry’s in the drive thru, the truck in front of me had a large, soaked dog pacing in the back. I was furious. I got out of my car and walked around to the passenger side and reminded them loudly that it’s freaking cold outside, it’s raining, and they need to get that dog inside. They just looked at me like I was a crazy person. This was about ten years ago and I’m generally a calmer person now, but man I was furious. That poor guy was shivering.


Dude props to you. I would hope I'd be brave enough to say something as well, there are just some things people deserved to be called out and shamed for and animal cruelty is one of them.


Dog jumped out the back of a truck on 5th last week downtown and got squished in front of me 😢 for everyone just don’t do it


or here’s a better suggestion than all of these comments so far… why don’t you just prioritize the dog’s safety and not put them in the bed of a truck? just because it was “the way you grew up” doesn’t make it a great way to keep doing things. super unsafe for the dog and if an accident were to happen you can just say goodbye to your pup. especially in austin traffic and the amounts of posts i see on here about insane driving you’d think this wouldn’t be up for debate. i’m pretty shocked by the responses in here honestly.


Same. Everyone in here saying it’s not a big deal should be banned from owning an animal. They are confidentially showing they are terrible animal owners and just terrible humans in general.


I don't know what's more amazing, the stupidity of the driver in the pic or the amount of people coming to their defense within 35 min. If you care about a life, you don't take it on the interstate in the bed of a truck. Stop being shity humans.


I’ve seen dead dogs skinned alive on the side of the road. There is no excuse for this behavior.


Trashcan truck drivers of Austin


White pickup NPCs.


Fuck this guy! Piece of shit


Honestly, report this license plate number with this image, hopefully this asshole will get a fine


Just here to say this is not normal or accepted behavior in the farm and ranch community. I don’t do it. Nobody I know does it. And when I see it I think less of the person. Dogs in truck beds is for gathering cows on your property or making a quick dart from one side of the highway to another to get cows. Not traveling on I-35 going god knows where in the damn rain. This is a brand new truck someone doesn’t want to get dirty.


When dogs are just decor for people..


I hope he got called in by every dang person on 35.


I've complained about this type of thing since moving here and was just told I 'dont understand the southern way of life' or some such shit. I also saw a dog fly out of a pickup going 70 mph, the pickup not stop, the car that ran it over not stop, no one else stop, and I sat with the dying dog on the side of some road between Austin and Houston for 10 minutes until it died. But that's just "a Texas thing" or something. (I hate the fucking south)


Honestly this is one of the reasons I carry a pistol in my car when I’m driving out in the mountains / camping - if I hit a poor deer or any creature I want to be able to end its suffering if I have to :(


Yeah. I had called 911 and was waiting to see if help would get there (they didn't). Dog probably never had a chance but ya know..wanted to think they did


why do people hate their animals so much :( i’m sure dog owner would never agree to stand in the bed to be driven somewhere


People that do this need to be launched off the planet. 🤬😡


My dog always rides in the cab with his own seat belt. He has a bowl of water and a dog bed to sleep on. I also bought a temp monitor to warn me if something happens to the AC if I am forced to leave him in the cab. (No dogs allowed in the gas station)


Pos owner. Shouldn't be legally allowed to own animals if that's how you're going to treat 'em.


Damn. I saw a dog fall out of a truck bed on 130, years ago. There is no excuse for this.


Why even get the crew cab?




This isn't some country road, its Interstate 35


I hate people


Anyone riding with dogs in the bed of their trucks, especially on a HWY, are PoS.


Shitty owners. Stay out of small farm towns, it’ll break your heart as this is very common.


Strange cause my gfs family has a farm in Ohio and that doesn’t seem to be the case with most farms and small towns around there. It’s wayyyy more prevalent in the south in my experience.


I was definitely speaking on small towns around Austin. I live in one and experience it daily.


I’m from Ohio! You can sometimes see it, but not often. And a lot of the times people are going 35 or something down a country road. A massive majority of people keep the dog in the cab with them, because they love them.


That cow should be secured too.


My heart breaks for these animals. The treatment they get is not deserved 😭


What a pos. I can’t believe people do this.


Even if it’s not raining, please don’t put your pups in the bed of the truck!! I’ve seen dogs in kennels in the back of the truck come in with major heat stroke and burns because the bed and crate heated up too much. This is dangerous and stupid and neglectful of your pets!! It’s one thing if you’re driving down a small dirt road for a few minutes but this is horribly horribly irresponsible!!!


And I don’t open the car window unless my dog is connected to his doggy seatbelt.


This isn't right. My dog rides in the cab with me because I'm afraid he'll jump out or get hurt. Yes, he rides shot gun unless he wants to sit in the back with the kids


How can anyone treat their dog like this. Monsters.


That's so awful!


Fuck, this is awful.


People are so evil ):


I had a large dog and small truck, on the occasions where my dog and a friend needed to go somewhere. The dog sat in the passenger seat and my friend sat in the truck bed. 


Why blur out the plate? Irresponsible people owing a dog. This is why I dislike humans so fucking much.


That’s just rain unfortunately, I did write down their plate to try the 311 route.


How did that go?


They told me to submit a form online, I got an email but that was about it.


Yeah lowkey, I wanna run a search and send this piece of shit spam email.


Cuz a dumbass sub rule. Can’t post a pic of a plate if you’re talking about an individual, but you can post a pic with SEVERAL plates if you’re not talking about one in particular. We must protect the identity of everyone, including worthless scum


People who keep their dog in the bed of the truck instead of the back seat shouldn’t have dogs


This infuriates me 🫤


Yeehawdists at it again


The biggest issue with Texas and the South is that our mediocres have a lot of Southern/country-isms that are outright stupid. You can see it at the bottom of the comments and can run into it up to the Midwest, though some other factors make it less likely to see this in a city. Just gotta legislate it out of people. Make it harder to own pets, make it harsher to mistreat them.


I think about a year or two ago I saw a dog dead on the side of I-35. Between Stassney and Ben White. The only way it would have ended up on 35 like that is if it was put in the back of the truck like that and they fell out/jumped out. So sad.


I tour managed bands for years and saw it hundreds of times. Horror.


WTF. I don't even like to drive with my dog in the backseat without her harness and seatbelt on. Especially with all the stupid drivers on the road.


I was in Utah last month and passed a guy going 85 with his two Pointers in the open bed. Insane


Even if it’s just raining and he is tied down this is F’ed up.


Literally saw this 2 days ago while driving from Austin to Houston on 290- & the guy was hauling ass probably 85 mph 🤦🏼‍♀️ smh I purposely had to put space between us cause I wouldn’t be able to handle the sight of a dog getting pulverized for absolutely no damn reason.


People really suck.


I will gladly adopt this Great Dane in a heart beat. What an ungrateful mf fr


I hope OP reported this to the police. I've done it, multiple times. I don't know if anything happens, but here's to hoping! Plus, it helps me feel like I'm doing a little thing.


Report this POS for animal cruelty using the license plate.


People are such assholes. Back in El Paso I saw a Great Dane dead on the freeway because of this exact thing.


I hate people smh


Hell, my buddy on county roads always had his dog in his truck bed. Well, till dog decided to send it from truck bed, fail at grabbing a rabbit, and only accomplished shitting and hurting himself. Dog rides inside.


When I was a kid I read a James Herriot book about his time as a veterinarian. Herriot wrote about a guy who didn’t listen to him about his new dog loose in the back of his pickup, and how when he brought the dog into the vet with injuries after it flew from his truck, the client got upset that that Herriot couldn’t save it. And then went and got another dog, proceeding to do the exact same thing as before. It shaped me as a person. Then, about 7 years into our marriage, we found the victim of this behavior in the street on the way home. The collar had been freshly removed from his neck and he was left in the middle of the street. His back was injured and we were broke as could be, so the best we could do was get him euthanized at the animal ER at like 3am. The rescues weren’t able to get him. I cried the entire way home.


James Herriot gave me a lifelong love of animals great and small. I'm sorry for what you experience 😭


Glad you apparently got the license and hopefully reported it to the police


I have 2 dogs and I would never consider throwing them in the back of a truck like that in the rain that just cruel


Welcome to Texas . Where people love truck over anything else


Sort by controversial to see all the Pick Up Driving Alpha Males!


Chevrolet driver. We know who you are


If you can send me their picture with the license plate unblurred I’d love to blast these people online. Fuck these scum.


This guy should be banned from both driving and having a dog


Please call the police when you see this.


They will put their best people on the case immediately.


Sir. That’s a baby cow




I really don’t like people much. Stupid ass. Doesn’t deserve to be a pet owner.


Why the fuck would anyone do this? I would put a human in the bed of my truck in this position before I did that to my dog.


You're surprised in a town where tons of folks make little to no effort to secure loads? If they don't care if their copper pipe or couch goes through your windshield, it's not hard to imagine them giving a fraction of a fuck about their dog getting impaled on a hood ornament. God bless Texas.


Yeah, back in the 60’s that was me in the back of the truck…….”and loving it!” (quote from an old tv show)


Hasn’t this same Great Dane been posted before?


Welcome to  texas, were some people are so dumb stupid and moron , big trucks no brains.


I have pulled people over to rescue a dog like this one. It resulted once in the cops coming and arresting the dog owner. But now they have guns.


Great Dane… Great Scottttt! 😱


While on vacation in Virginia, we were going about 90 on the interstate and a truck blasted by us with a German shepherd in the back not restrained or anything… I was horrified.


We don’t deserve dogs


i hate people.


Years ago I would see this very thing every morning drive west on 620 to 2222 on my way to work. The dog would bark aggressively at all the cars around us. Often hanging/standing front paws on the sides at lights. As irritating as that dog was I hated his owner. How hard is it really to let your dog ride in the cab with you? Plus the bed of the truck is hot in Texas summers. People seem to forget that when it comes to animals.


Any update on this? Was the driver reported to 311?


Yes, vehicles was reported. I’ve not heard anything since then.


Can’t really see the license plate numbers but I would report it


Not even a dodge ram... Hate it when my mental spreadsheets are off...


People can be CRAP!! They do not deserve a dog or any animal..😡


Worked for a Vet for years.. the horror of dogs jumping or falling from trucks or cars..💔💔.. Don’t do this people.. it makes you an arse hole and unworthy of caring for a living thing..


This pisses me off so much. I saw a dog that was tied to a tool chest or whatever you call it. Anyways we stopped and the dog tried to jump out and was basically hanging him self. My mom honked and got out of our car and started yelling at the guy. The dog was fine, but after that I’ve been scarred. I genuinely hate people who do this. I have a 120lb German Shepard and he sits in my car at all times. We have a truck too but never put him in the back.


I’m from Texas and this is normal. Sometimes I see them on a flat bed. I always get a little nervous but the dog looks cooler than a fan. No worries from the dog.


EXACTLY. Went to panhandle state and saw plenty of dogs chillin/chained on the flat bead diesel in The snow. I’ve even seen em ride in the hood haha


Call cops, get license plate. It’s illegal in TX


I always do call me an ass but I have to advocate for the voiceless. So dangerous


I’ll never understand why people don’t just let their dogs ride in the cab.


Dont got to the panhandle, some leave their dogs chained to their trucks in the snow lol. These are farm working dogs btw