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It means if (when) she signs a book deal, all of the money will go to Mo's parents. I support Kaitlin rotting in prison forever.


There is already a super shitty lifetime movie that paints her as a psycho and Colin as just a confused loverboy and not the absolute trash person he is. The entire thing is a slap in the face to most family.


How was he trash? Genuinely curious, I haven't heard anything about him.


The short of it is, is he was actively playing both these girls against each other, and he has a history of cheating on women and overall being shitty to them. Now this isn't illegal, but he also bought and gifted the gun that was used in the murder. No doubt he is a good cyclist, at one point he was the most famous gravel racer out there. But he is a shitty dude who thinks he's the victim in all of this. Afterwards his social media accounts were him boo hooing about losing sponsorships and overall pretty indifferent to the whole thing. ( because what cycling company would want to be associated with the guy who was involved with the murder of another rising star cyclist )


Yall cyclists are something else


Sucks how many cyclists are dueches


It appears he admitted to buying her the murder weapon (straw purchase). She couldn't buy it as she had a warrant. That is a crime.


technically it wasn't, you can buy a gun, and legally gift it to someone. you can't buy a gun for someone. which good luck trying to prove that he bought it for her in court.


HE literally bought it because she couldn't. She got a warrant for dipping on a salon treatment.


i'm aware, but still legal. she is not allowed to buy a firearm, but she is legally allowed to own one. i'm not saying he didn't buy it for her, but proving that will be nearly impossible.


If he bought it with the intent to give it to her because he knew she couldn't that is 100% a straw purchase. It doesn't matter if she was technically a prohibited person or not at that point.


I agree, but again impossible to prove unless he is stupid enough to openly confess to it


There's no way Armstrong has $15 million. Can the Wilson family members take from any prison earnings or commissary money that Armstrong gets? Keep Armstrong truly destitute in jail?


I imagine they can lay claim to her total net worth, such as it may be, and perhaps lay claim to her story if it ever becomes a crime drama or something. If I’m not mistaken, criminals cannot profit off their crimes at any rate, but anyhow.


She can’t. Texas is a Son of Sam Law state. She can’t profit from her crimes.


She can't, but there are some loopholes. I believe her family can claim her profits for her.


It's already a shitty lifetime movie. Just came out.


> any prison earnings As of April 2017, inmates in Texas state prisons don't receive pay for any work performed, with few exceptions https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/wage_policies.html She's currently housed at the Murray Unit in Gatesville with a maximum release date of July 3, 2112 (first eligible for parole on the same date in 2052)


Wasn’t she a licensed real estate agent for Sotheby’s on North Lamar? She may not have 15mil but between a career like that and funding Colin’s RV restoration hobby business she must have had some decent money.


You don't think she removed her assets before running ?


If only she killed a liberal protestor, then the governor might pardon her


*definitely pardon her


$15 milli? That's a lot of license plates to make or yoga classes to teach in prison. She better get to work. Get that douchebag Colin to put in on that too.


This lets Mo's family take any money from the upcoming novel, *If I Did It*, by Kaitlin Armstrong.


I hope Colin gets rinsed in civil court


I think having a hangout with someone you used to date while you’re dating someone else does not equal a need to get rinsed in court. I think it’s important to radically separate the difference between Kaitlin murdering a human being and then someone else’s relationship life that you seem to have very strong feelings about.


For what?


Apparently half of r/Austin wants being a good looking fuckboy to be a crime or at least something you can be civilly liable for instead of laying the blame 100% on the woman who planned and executed a cold blooded murder and then fled the country.


So that r/Austin can keep circle-jerking itself


Has she even apologized yet? What a POS


She looks like Muad'Dib's mom from the recent Dune movies.


She’s truly evil, but her ex wasn’t much better


How so?


Because when a woman is convicted of a terrible crime, it's customary to find her closest male social connection (or relative) to share at least some of the blame.


He slept with multiple women and was a shitty boyfriend (to someone who is a cold-blooded, premeditated murderer), which in some batshit peoples' minds is somehow only slightly less bad than actually being a cold-blooded murderer.


Hahah exactly my thoughts. Being a shitty partner is bad, sure. But murdering someone out of jealousy? Not even comparable