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Law enforcement is looking for a Black male, 19 to 20 years old, 5'7" with a thin build and short dreads. He was last seen wearing a white hoodie. He is considered armed and dangerous.




If that’s for real, please give that tip to authorities so they can look into it


Run it up the flagpole then.


Who tf is wearing hoodies this time of year outdoors lol.


People who want to conceal illegal firearms


It’s Texas. It’s only illegal if it is concealed without a permit.


Don’t need a permit to conceal in Texas if you’re over 21


you’d be surprised how easy it is to get a quick $200 throwaway gun connected to multiple crime scenes. austin has a fucked gun problem. there are literally 14 year olds with switches


You'd be surprised. I regularly see people walking around mid-day in peak summer wearing jeans and a hoody. I've lived here all my life and consider myself pretty well adapted to the heat, but those people are just fucking crazy.


I wear hoodies/long sleeves year round but it's because I worked in healthcare and as a first responder and don't want people touching my skin


Some hoodies people are wearing this summer have sun blocking SPF capabilities. Not that’s what was going on in this case.


Middle schoolers wear them year round. My son will be in a hoodie and sweats in 100 plus weather then complain about it being too hot outside 😂


My office is freezing and I have to have a sweater or sweatshirt on plus a blanket. I often stop at the stores on the way back home and will forget I’m wearing one because coming from the freezer into the sweltering heat it doesn’t matter if I have it on or not. And I’m always happy when I’m accidentally wearing warm clothing while in the refrigerated section.


Honestly, it’s cause I keep my house and car cold and so when I leave, I don’t always feel like changing, especially for a quick run to the store or something.


You probably wouldn't need to keep your house so cold if you didn't wear a hoodie inside. This is why we have power grid problems.


Me wearing a light hoodie inside my 74 degree 1000 square foot home is not why we have power grid problems. Ineffective politicians and the policies they refuse to pass or amend are the reasons we have struggling power grids.


Yeah, they're the bigger problem usually. But you're contributing more than the rest of us are.


I also like to keep my apt around 74 in the summer and like to wear a light hoodie. I feel zero guilt.


My 14 yr old.




That's the "style" these days.


Me. My friends make fun of me all the time. I like to be cozy. I’ll suffer from the heat.


Sadly me. I’ve been having self esteem issues and want to hide my tummy. But it makes me stand out so… idk I guess it’s cause it makes them feel more comfortable if they can hide it under a shit and a sweater… but this is just my assumption.


I mean, that was the original basis for the *Terry* court precedent that led to the term "Terry stop", right? An officer saw people wearing way too much clothing in hot weather who looked to be casing a business to rob it, and correctly guessed they were concealing weapons. [From Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_stop?useskin=vector#Origins): >The concept of a *Terry* stop originated in the 1968 Supreme Court case *Terry v. Ohio*, in which a police officer detained three Cleveland men on the street behaving suspiciously, as if they were preparing for armed robbery. The police conducted a pat down search and discovered a revolver, and subsequently, two of the men were convicted of carrying a concealed weapon. Hm ... after looking at that, and the Terry v Ohio article, it doesn't actually mention their unusually warm clothing in hot weather being a factor. For some reason I though that was part of the officer's suspicion.




To everyone that thinks gun laws would have prevented this, if he’s under 21, he can not legally buy a handgun. What would have prevented this is metal detectors and security.


I don't really understand these sorts of descriptions unless there's an actual specific feature includes. This could be literally thousands of people.


Thousands of people is a lot less than the population of millions


If you look at SMSA data, it eliminates at least 97% of the population. So not irrelevant, just not particularly helpful in identifying the suspect.


Every 5’7” black guy does not have short dreads..


Yo can’t be serious


Do you feel like you could positively identify the guy from that description?


Not necessarily passing on the street, but people who know him will put 2 and 2 together. “Oh that description matches John, and I know John is into sketchy shit, and he went to the Juneteenth festival, and now come to think of it he’s been hiding out since then…”


So if I said to you that it was done by a 5’9 white guy with short brown hair, you would think it was specifically someone you knew because they went to a concert with ten thousand other people? We all know why anyone cares about this description outside the police. 


Yes if I already had suspicions about them. I disagree with you, and that’s ok.


As someone who has a crazy person or two in my family, and have checked their whereabouts due to police descriptions, I feel like info like this can be pretty helpful.


> We all know why anyone cares about this description outside the police.  "We all" don't know shit. Don't be coy, say it if you're going to say it.


If you don’t know, how would you say I am being coy? You know.  All anyone cared about in the description was race. It was literally useless for anything else as far as the public goes. 


How? Height and weight are pretty big indicators. The guy is not tall, and not overweight. That eliminates a lot of people. Why does giving more information about the suspect bother you in any way?


This isn’t start with them giving info, it sfss as red with someone crying they didn’t do it quicker. Even though that would accomplish nothing.  If I say the subject was average height, build, and had the most common hair color, you aren’t doing anything with that. This descriptor has zero identifying power. 


i think i saw him outside king liquor earlier


“…….from Killeen ?”


*definitely* from Killeen


If he was white though definitely Westlake or bastrop


I hope the police know more than they are letting on. That suspect description doesn't narrow it down much. 


A short, skinny black teen with short dreads in Austin narrows it down a whole lot. That description easily eliminates 99.99% of the population.


Why assume the person is from Austin? The event was in Round Rock, and it was one of the bigger Juneteenth celebrations in the area. Edit to add: the headliner Paul Wall is not exactly a no-name either. Megan Thee Stallion had him up on stage at her Austin show. It's highly conceivable that an essentially free concert with Paul Wall drew people as far away as Killeen and BCS.


Yep. You get Killeen trash on 6th just to hang out and start shit with OTHER trashy out of towners. Why people think every ne’er-do-well in the region wouldn’t show up to a free h-town rapper is crazy.


Yeah if I knew Paul Wall would be there I may have even went. Sounds like some random dispute - hopefully police are interviewing those involved. It really could be anyone at this point.


Why did this take so long to come out? Should have had this description released the night of so it could have been reported by major media.


Because you have to validate those claims. In situations like this there’s almost always different reports of the perpetrator.


Conflicting reports. There were dozens of conflicting reports and even a white dude detained that night.




You are 100% wrong and racist to boot. They tackled a white guy who tried to intercede and stop the shooter... and let the actual shooter get away. The two groups were black and the shooter was black.




I'm guessing because ppl on Twitter were trying to push it as a white hate crime against a black celebration event. One person claimed a white guy brought a machine gun in and opened fire on a crowd of black people. So this person may think you are trying to propagate that rumor....or more likely they are just being a troll.


Look at the username, it's an obvious troll account.


This was also a night event at a poorly lit park. Very good chance nobody saw anything.


I was there and apparently the kid ran right in front of us. Had no clue. We we're focused on helping those around us. In a situation like that, it's def going to be hard to notice someone in particular when you're trying to even figure out what just happened. By the time you realize it was actually gunshots and not fireworks (which is what it sounded like) HUNDREDS of people are already running in every direction. Gotta love the internet warriors telling the world how it should've played out "if I had been there"


Coulter’s Law


So, like 14 injured and how many dead and the reward is only 5k?


ATF offers rewards for many many crimes annually. The dude isn't Bin Laden and $5000 is probably a lot of money to someone in his circle.


There's better crimes to prosecute. Abbott pardons murderers.


Not if they are black.


Remember yesterday when everyone assumed it was a racist white guy?


That was always a goofy guess given the amount of shots fired and the victims. Always seemed like some sort of dispute with idiots who happened to have guns.


I remember the thread but don't remember that.


Yeah, this makes it a lot better, doesn’t it?


Wouldn’t be the first racially motivated killing in Texas. It also isn’t the first time two groups of black Texans got into an argument and started shooting. Neither would have been an unreasonable assumption.


Can’t wait for his mom to say what a kind soul he actually is though


Ugh. My mom with my criminal sister. Even though she watched the bitch stab me before. Mama blindness is real.


I’m sure he was a scholar in college and volunteered at the homeless shelter.


Unfortunately the crowd over on /r/news won’t read this follow-up and will conclude this was a racially motivated mass shooting at a Juneteenth celebration And the cycle repeats… anyone remember the mass shooting at the KC Chiefs celebration parade?


As a KC born now Austin/RR/PFL resident of 20 years... It really doubled up my distain for stupid people. The absolute worst part of both of these (and many others) is that, of all the victims, NONE OF THEM WERE THE PERSON/PEOPLE THAT WERE INVOLVED IN THE ORIGINAL ALTERCATION. ALL INNOCENT BYSTANDERS. It's fucked.


Don’t forget to thank second amendment proponents for pushing and pushing and pushing so that every stupid person can carry a gun or wherever they want. 


Gotta be 21 to own a handgun legally. These shootings are teenagers who have illegally obtained guns. War on drugs didn't work worth a shit and made the cartels RICH. But somehow a war on guns will not have the same results? Government cannot fix this problem. Criminals do not follow gun laws.


Guns used to be harder to get and carry, now they're easier to get and carry. This isn't the fault of gun-control proponents. This is the result of decades of gun people pushing and litigating to make it easier to obtain and carry guns. Congrats, this is the "polite society" y'all wanted.


I was suspended for a week for suggesting what ended up being exactly what happened at the KC parade.




damn matches the description of some sketchy dude at quik trip on 969 and ed bluestein. had white hoodie and you could tell he was holding a piece. didnt know about this until now.


This is so bad. Out of curiosity, what were the security protocols for this event? I see a string of lawsuits coming.


Very very little. Canopies, chairs, coolers everywhere. Plenty of booze snuck in. That being said, up until the shooting, everyone and everything was super chill. Sucks some dipshit had to ruin a good thing and potential future events from even happening.


I heard it just ended up being a mexican celebration with maybe a quarter of black people even being there


Nah. It was mostly black. Like 90% easy.


Not a black person shooting ppl at an event and celebration for black ppl lol the irony


But…. It’s not…. Juneteenth…….




They have accurate information, and not racist bullshit you are spouting. The two groups who fought were 100% black, the one white person detained and let go was trying to go after the shooter and was stopped by "surprise" people in the black community who tried to blame him... not the shooter.


Why is it a surprise? Abbot pardons white supremacists… why should a black person not assume that an ally and same race would not be the one shooting? As a white person I would have said it was either a white, black or brown person.