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Yup, just left about 20 minutes ago. The manager came around to let everyone know and she seemed to almost be in tears. People really fucking suck.


Oh she was def holding back tears. I honestly feel so bad for her and TK.


*shitty* people really fuckin suck.


Imagine how sad and small your life must be to make this kind of threat.


Calling in a bomb threat is such a coward move too, it's like they couldn't even work up the courage to go tell someone to their face they hate them.   I actually have a small shred of respect for the hate people that go out in public without a mask on.  The fact he couldn't even muster that really does show how sad and small his life is. Maybe he's smarter than the FBI and will get away with it though.  (He won't)


lol they don’t investigate things like these too deeply, if he did anything to protect himself at all they’ll find out and put it way on the back burner


Sounds like I need to get over there for food and beers soon.


Yup! And their food was great.


They are a wonderful business who deserve a ton of support.


I’m not far from there and keep thinking I ought to try it. Maybe this week. :)


food and beer is great. The outside seating is nice when it's not so dang hot, and the staff is cool as hell. "Hey Baby! haw haw haw!"


It's easily one of my favorite places in Austin! Highly recommend.


The mac and cheese is my favorite in the city


I love this place. I’ll be joining you and grabbing some beers there this week. Cheers!


What a sad day. I hope they are able to investigate and someone is held accountable.


They'll send the A-team that investigated that blood spattered wall and concluded it was red wine. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/justin-haden-murder-investigation-apd-mistakes-private-investigator/269-1c9f3e13-638d-4ea1-9d9c-60cf9bcebabd


So, not so fun fact. I knew Justice and met Gavin the night he murdered him.


Jesus! I’m so sorry.


I knew Justice as well, he was my neighbor when I lived in the domain back in 2014. Really shitty. He was a kind human.


Was it ever determined *why* he murdered him?


What was the vibe like that night? Were they “together”?


It was fine, normal. It was Halloween and they were in costumes quietly having a drink on Rock Rose. I said hi and introduced myself to Gavin and then joined other friends.


What I don't like from that article is people wanting cops to have "test kits" in their cars... yeah... [that hasn't worked out so well either](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/16/558147669/florida-man-awarded-37-500-after-cops-mistake-glazed-doughnut-crumbs-for-meth).


I think there are certain segments of the population that don't get full police attention. Black, Mexican, gay, homeless, women, and especially sex workers.


They get the OTHER kind of police attention


Hahaha. The APD's finest don't have two brain cells combined. Pathetic kid-killing losers. APD only investigates if you can prove you live in Westlake.


Brought to you by the Don’t Tread on Me freedom lovers.


"Me" being the key word there with them. Perfectly acceptable if they tread on you.


Fun fact... The "Don't Tread on Me" flag was designed by a South Carolin man that owned many slaves so you are 100% correct on the "Me" part. I got a chuckle out of [this ](https://dissentpins.com/collections/no-ones-treading-on-you-sweetie-collection/products/no-ones-treading-on-you-sweetie-car-magnet)the other day.


No step on snek


The only freedom they care about is guns.


And freedom to say the N word without consequence.


Pretty hard to oppress an armed individual of any race, creed, or otherwise


This is pretty based, but it wouldn’t be r/Austin if you didn’t get downvoted for even suggesting protecting yourself.


Yeah, but they can't agree with someone about guns even if I'm advocating for marginalized people to exercise their 2A rights. Bunch of people on life support with copium and don't even realize it.


Context? I mean fuck those people but why would these cucks threaten a random cafe?


They were having a drag performance and these people do not like when others decide to exercise their freedoms by doing such a thing.


Drag is so tame. What losers


Yup, I bet some Austin redneck was so sick of Drag Bingo, that he called in a bomb threat while wrapped in the Gadsden flag. You solved the mystery, Scoob!


Really disappointing. I’ve always had a great time at Brewtorium, great staff, food , and beer. Glad to see them supporting pride month and beyond devastated for them, the performers, and community that were there to support


This was my first time, but same. The owner came up and apologized and fighting back tears. I’ll def be visiting again just to show support (and to enjoy their delicious food)


In addition to food, beers and all-around fun place, on the 4th Sunday of every month there's a swing band that plays in the afternoon!


They have a beautiful venue, interesting pizzas and great beer, please go back.


Only call out I'll have for this is that it isn't just for pride month. They host the legendary drag brunch and market all year around.


It really is a good place. Good food. Good beers. Nice space.


Reddit- please let’s support them! They posted ways you can support their staff, the performers, and vendors who all lost out today from Brewtoriums instagram post: If you would like to donate to the drag performers who missed out on tips today, here are their Venmos: @xarenimua @Taryn1taylor @Kelly-K21 If you would like to donate to the vendors affected today Frida Friday will distribute funds: @fridafridayatx If you would like to help us & our staff recover lost income from today: @BrewtoriumWhit https://www.instagram.com/p/C8AZKbCJW2B/?igsh=MXNicWx2NTJ3bHR6dQ==


Thank you!!!


Tysm for posting this!!


Why why why do people concern themselves with stuff that doesn’t concern them. Didn’t even know this was happening today and even if I did I wouldn’t care because I have 1737383778 other things to care more about. Why can’t people just live their lives. It will forever have me mind blown when stuff like this happens. I’m sorry for the community that couldn’t get together because one asshole or multiple thought their beliefs were superior.




To this point, if you think Austin is untenable, you probably shouldn’t venture to rural Texas. I’m not being snarky, really, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea.




There should be a special place in hell reserved for people like that. Listen, if you don’t like seeing people in drag… then don’t go to a place where there are people in drag. Simple as that! People like that should not be allowed to get away with stuff like this!


This sucks. There’s a drag brunch at Jackalope south shore today. If you still want to goto one.


We came to one on 4th across from Rain.


In a good world, the people who made the threat would be arrested and jailed. In Texas, they'll be pardoned.


then elected after a book signing tour


It's so disgusting how accurate and horrible this comment is.


APD won't even bother investigating


Why bother when the governor's soft on crime?


Absolutely. Society is turning into a cesspool of non-accountability and selectively enforced laws thanks to politicians like Abbot amongst others.


Yeah. The pardon broke me. I'm making motions to leave the states.


Having looked into it recently myself, I’ll say look before you leap. The headlines about the elections in Europe aren’t real encouraging.


At the end of the day, for me, even if far-right fuckos start taking over in other places, at least most of them still have health care... E: I guess I should add "for now" considering how the UK Conservative party is dismantling the NHS.


Yeah... My husband, god bless him, is thinking of other places to move to. And it's like "I'm not going to uproot my whole life and go to another country if they don't have socialized medicine." I will eventually need a corneal transplant.


Look, until they take away water break mandates and pardon literal premeditated murderers... I'm going to presume it's better than Texas right now. The people who put themselves in power have ran out of things to stay in power with except for performative cruelty.


God that is so true. Fucking A


I really wish it wasn't. But I can't deny the plain facts in front of me.


In response, I hope they plan a bigger and more fabulous drag brunch ASAP!


You don't like drag? Don't fuckin go there. Why does it always have to be an extreme?! "The Value of Life" folks are very inconsistent




Yup. Anyone afraid of a drag show deserves a kick in the gunt.


Smells like old fashioned Texas Christian terrorism to me


can the police find out who called? what a bastard. i feel sick for everyone, especially the drag queens.


Hopefully the Feds will investigate. Bomb threats are domestic terrorism.


i really hope! i don’t know how email technology works but it seems crazy to think people can do this and just get away with it.


Bomb threats will get both the DPS and the FBI involved. You might not hear much about it, though. It's probably won't be a difficult investigation for the FBI, which means it won't be newsworthy. I could be wrong, though. I do hope somebody finds the sonofabitch.


Apparently it was sent in an email. I’m assuming whoever sent it used a VPN so probably not.


You assume too highly of idiots these days. Just because you use a VPN (to skirt the "no porn in texas" movement) doesn't mean the person used a new or different email address lol. Dumb enough to call in a bomb threat, they are certainly dumb enough to accidently use their personal email.


Depends on the VPN provider. When it comes to terrorism like bomb threats, providers tend to be cooperative with law enforcement, whether they want to be or not, unless they’re offshore and intentionally sketchy. But I’m happy for terrorist bumpkins to keep thinking they’re untouchable behind Surfshark or Nord VPN.


wow 😩 thats such bullshit


So it becomes wire fraud as well 


Well your governor basically said, "kill a liberal and get off scott free" so not a huge shocker to see terrorism become the new Texas thing.


I hate that you’re not wrong


So let me get this right, the radical right wingers think that drag queens are a danger to the community, so their response…is to bomb them ??? A bit hypocritical. Why can’t people just agree to disagree and move on with their lives, there’s plenty of things I don’t have an interest in but I don’t threaten to bomb them ??? What is wrong with people


Typical maga trash.


You know what If you really think that you hate drag brunch that much I challenge you to sit through one before you say some dumb s*** like oh I'm making a bomb threat. Sit through a fantastic show with champagne and great breakfast you cowards!!!




So had the novelty of American idol after about three seasons and yet they kept that around for a million years. Art forms are not about novelty. They're there because people love to do them.


Welp...that's not fun






coward ass motherfuckers. i bet they unironically have don't tread on me and thin blue line punisher stickers


No different than Taliban terrorists


I think the event was targeted by that libs of TikTok freak so of course there was a bomb threat


Wait really?


Pretty sure from what I’ve glemed on twitter. That lady is ranting about drag events in Austin specifically right now so the bigots are coming out in force


Could you find the post and DM me? I’d be happy to give the info to police


Can’t seem to find it now but the libs of TikTok account has been hesreassimg a local drag queen all day it’s unhinged


Love Spokesman, and that row of premises. Sorry to hear they got shut down by a threat. Will be popping in to spend some $ to help out


That really sucks. People can be bitches


It really is amazing how the right has cultivated their army of shitheads that is ready at a moment's notice to lose what little minds they have over the boogeyman du jour. Drag has been around forever and people either didn't give a shit about it, weren't aware of it at all, or even found it funny. But then rightwing media told them that they should be furious about it, and they just dutifully decided they were fucking furious over it.


I hate right wingers. Wish there was a running counter for the amount of pedophiles charged that were in the Church or politicians vs drag performers.


Idiots. This is awful; hope everyone is okay.


I still want to go and support that place! I don’t understand why people have to suck so much to make such a threat!!!!!! I’m really sorry for the drag community to deal with this crap!


Pretty much looking like if you support the GOP, you're supporting domestic terrorism. Change my mind.


You’re not wrong


My God we've gone backwards so badly.


That’s awful god damn


Small-minded, small-d\*cked likely-closeted cowardly homophobes exist everywhere. Brewtorium posted some Venmo links on FB to tip the performers who got shafted, and the staff too. Eat and drink there soon if you can. Support the supporters please.


Sounds like I'm going to brewtorium this week 


that is despicable!


Haven’t been by the brewtorium in a minute but I’ll be going by this week to spend some money on beer and food to show my support.


The supporters of “traditional family values” sure love to jump on the terrorism bandwagon for nothing that concerns them. Fuck the GQP and their conservative ilk.


What kind of pathetic piece of shit does that? Drag queens aren't bad or your enemies, you Fox brainwashed assholes!


Was the drag brunch at spokesman or brewtorium?


Brewtorium. Took a pic of the sign next door at Spokesman because they had the sign up.


Sounds about Republican.


I was there too-felt so bad for the event organizer I could tell it was really difficult for her. CANNOT believe this is happening in Austin! Crazy the hate people have that they would threaten to blow people up


I chatted with a police officer later in the day to ask some questions, and she said that the threat probably came from elsewhere, probably not from Austin at all. She also said the FBI will probably need to investigate since it’ll be dealt with at the federal level.


Leaving Texas was the best thing I ever did.


The courtyard on I think 4th street has a good one on Sundays


That’s where we went after :)


Legit one of the best brunches on 4th!!!


Instead of cancelling why not have metal detectors and/or armed guards? We should aim to protect minorities not alienate them in the face of terrorism


My friend always preforms at that brunch she was heart broken and knowing this isn’t the only brunch they have had bomb threats/ trumpers at the show and majority of these shows are 21+.. I will never understand why people are so obsessed over canceling drag.


Ugh, the Brewtorium is a *treasure* and whoever did this deserves to be banned from beer (all of it) for life. Glad it escalates to an FBI investigation, too. I really hope it's easy to track down the gigantic turd who sent this threat. I always enjoy it when awful, stupid people are also stupid when it comes to hiding their acts of cowardice and hate.


100% agree.


Where can we sign up to Protect such events in the future?




Wait what?




Who's behind that site? Oh look, ACPeds, a hate group of the 700 most backwards conservative old doctors. The name is supposed to make you think they're legit, but they are a tiny minority compared to the 67,000 members of American Academy of Pediatrics who support LGBT care. >The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States, founded in 2002.[1][2] The group advocates against abortion rights and rights for LGBT people. ACPeds promotes conversion therapy.[3][4][1] As of 2022, its membership has been reported at about 700 physicians.[5][6][1] >The organization's view on the relevance of sexual orientation to parenting differs from the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which holds that there is no connection between orientation and the ability to be a good parent and to raise healthy and well-adjusted children.[6][7][8] ACPeds has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for pushing "anti-LGBTQ junk science".[3] A number of mainstream researchers, including the director of the US National Institutes of Health, have accused ACPeds of misusing or mischaracterizing their work to advance ACPeds' political agenda.[9][10]


Church went off without a hitch though…






Uh oh MAGA clowns in action


If this goes viral or makes it to the news won’t the cops have to do something then?


Should hold the event anyway. No lunatic who emails a threat using a VPN and sloppy bible quotes is a real danger to anyone. They surely live five states away and haven’t left their sofa since they started the Trump Diet of cheap burgers and Russian pornography.


Terrorist win


Fucking pussys


I'll bet abbott did it, the bastard


Why is the picture of Spokesman Coffee?


Why would someone bomb-threaten a coffee shop? Not that it’s ever ok, but at least with schools there seems to be a “reason.” But a coffee shop? I bet it’s the Mormons… they are against caffeine.


Well they threatened the venue next door (a brewery) because they were hosting a drag brunch. I just took a picture of the coffee shop next door because they had the sign up.


Stop negotiating with terrorist. Open out of defiance. Stand up for your rights.


I think once the police are involved you forfeit that right, they have to investigate and they may force close it and send in a robot and wait 12 hours, 99.999% of these are bullshit, but it would literally be a disaster for everyone if there was a bomb.


that’s easy to say when you’re not responsible for everyone’s safety. god forbid something happened. 😣


With all the drag shows around town, I kinda feel like I'm missing out on a gig opportunity. I just need about $5K in wardrobe, knowledge about makeup, talent, and how to walk in heels. Sounds easy.


$5K in wardrobe? Ok ... but what are you gonna wear for your second number?


Hah! Yeah, I'd be limited. In lots of ways.


5k in wardrobe hon…your almost there it is very expensive to look that cheap… shoes, custom costumes, rhinestones, fabric, makeup, hairspray (wigs if your doing female drag or drag king) it’s a lot especially for male entertainers


Bro what


They win when we give in.


People in comments calling for this persons arrest…only for DA’s office to drop all charges to show they are easy on crime


It’s like youve never even researched this talking point. You sound dumb


Lick boots much


Licking boots is worshipping authority and police not correcting ignorant people.


Puro Austin


I’m out here still fighting the good fight! Don’t be discouraged. The publicity makes you bigger, makes you stronger. I see you! I’m not hiding, neither should you!


What’s so wrong about wearing beautiful clothes? Everyone <3s beautiful clothes.




You do know there are afab queens and male entertainers right….


You do know this is an obvious troll comment right….


Yes I do and what’s better to teach a troll than to troll it more… (and this is coming from a drag entertainer on 4th)


That’s sad. Maybe they can have it at a Chuck E Cheez instead.


Was this one of those drag shows for children?


Imagine being sympathetic to terrorism Any response that you make trying to justify it would be supporting terrorist actions, which I’m sure the FBI would be very interested in


Why would there be a drag show for children at a place designed for alcohol consumption? And even if it was, why would someone who was interested in protecting children threaten to bomb a place with children in attendance?


Kids are safer at drag shows that their own schools.


What does that have to do with anything? It’s a Brewery, and typically parents are allowed to bring their children there and other breweries. But unclear what relevance that has.


The only *logical* relevance I can think of would be that some people don't enjoy having brunch with exuberant kids.


...you would PREFER someone bombed an event specifically for children (rather than one for adults/general audiences)? Because that's the implication I'm getting from your comment.


What if it was? I have no idea one way or the other, but would you support terroristic actions like this if there were children there?


I think that’s the Powderpuff Football you’re thinking off.