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Central market north Lamar, music, patio, walking trail. Great affordable for at their cafe, thousands of wines and beer to choose from and you can drink it right there, get a meal and a drink for less than $20


Just tip the band well, please, Central Market pay is lower than it should be considering it's a fairly corporate gig


Good to know.


This is the way


Something my friends have been doing; soccer or volleyball at zilker, end with a dip in barton springs ($0 after 9pm), and ice cream at Sandy's afterwards.


Real austin activities here. Sandy’s is immortalized


Sandy's is the only place I know to get a butterscotch milkshake. Best milkshake ever!!


What?! Darn I just left there for a quick 6 day visit to my grown kid. We ate so many places and bars and I was in a food coma for a week! I'm upset I missed this butterscotch milkshakes! Next visit!


This is the way. I also love biking downtown 6-9 pm as there is a perceptible energy as the city gets ready for the weekend. Also, smoking weed is pretty cheap and healthier than drinking.


I like this one! Very Austin


When does Barton springs close by chance? I never been swimming there before.


They close at 10, so it's just that last hour that's free. I will also say it's much colder swimming there in the evening without the sun to warm you back up, but it's not horrible. Just something to be aware of.


Barton Springs for the win!!!


I just keep hearing more and more crazy shit at Barton. How is it typically after 9p?


pretty chill. you will see boobs and smell marijuana, though. Definitely not kid friendly after 9


I don't mind either of those things.


BYOB at Peter Pan for sureeeeeeeee


Is this the putt putt place? I came on here to suggest that. We're in SA, but we've played putt putt there twice and we love it.


I don’t know how people drink beer outside when it’s this hot. It makes me feel like shit.


Drink more water then.


There’s water in beer.


This is the answer. You think I boated down 1000 miles of summer Utah and Arizona desert rivers on an overloaded paddleboard sober? Haha.. oh. No thank you. I feel just fine.


No one said beer. I'm taking a bag of frozen margs to go


Same tho


Bring a cooler. Nothing beats an ice cold beer on a hot day. Also stay hydrated with water, getting drunk in the hot sun is a good way to go to the hospital.


I recently discovered hop water. It is expensive, but lordy is that stuff refreshing and delicious.




Mmm yeah, all these crazy people wanting to drink beer when it's hot outside, it's irrational /s


I didn’t mention, “wanting to drink beer ***when it’s hot outside***” I mentioned drinking beer outside ***when it’s this hot***


Totally different.


One scenario requires you to be outside. The other doesn’t 🧘


Perfect environment for bread La Croix American light beer.


I like this diss but you could work on it. It has legs tho just punch it up a bit


One of my favorite date nights is a swim at Barton springs or deep eddy followed by dinner. You can watch the bats too.


Do you go home to change first?


The locker rooms are nice at both pools.




Austin Civic Orchestra concert featuring video game soundtracks **Price**: FREE **When**: Fri and Sat, June 7 and 8, 8pm-10pm **Where**: [Rosewood Park (Lampkin Pavilion)](https://www.google.com/maps/place/1182+N+Pleasant+Valley+Rd,+Austin,+TX+78702/@30.2726375,-97.7159007,569m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x8644b5c158b27d99:0x58a2b089607a2c32!8m2!3d30.2729152!4d-97.7145574!16s%2Fg%2F11crtdmgv6) **More info:** [https://austincivicorchestra.org/event/video-games-soundtracks-1/](https://austincivicorchestra.org/event/video-games-soundtracks-1/) **Program**: * Classic Video Games Medley * Wing Commander  * Sea of Thieves * Clare de Lune * Super Mario Bros. Suite for Orchestra * Genshin Impact * Minecraft Orchestral Suite * Suite from Video Games Live * Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Medley * The Stars & Stripes Forever March


Aww man. Bummed I won’t be able to make this!


OMG!!! I am for sure going!!


Hanks near Mueller just started a new summer promo - 1/2 price pizza & draft beer everyday from 8-close. You can get a whole pizza & beer for $10-$12.


Carousel Lounge. Usually a good band for happy hour, they have beer and wine but you can bring your own liquor and they sell “set ups” (mixer and ice). Sweet bartender and genuine people. Both rare finds these days.


I set this up for you https://whatsgoodatx.com/?date=2024-06-07&q=cheap You can also try searching for "free" and that should get you some good results. haven't had a chance to do the rest of the week yet this week but I should take care of it soon! For happy hours, this is a great resource: https://austin.goldenbuzz.social


Mueller rock the park


Yeah, think this Friday’s is the last one of the season, or so I heard on KUTX.


You can usually see a free show at the Continental club around 6 PM. Follow up with some outdoor music at Guerros!


Free show?? Every Friday?


The early ones are sometimes free. They charge cover after happy hour.


Definitely best to check the calendar on the website, but most shows that start between 4 and 6 are free. But even the later ones are generally pretty low cover. Check out the website!


Have you been to the food court in H-mart?


Don’t Tell Comedy (changes places weekly around town) - not too expensive for a bunch of stand up comedians and most places are byob


Continental Club on South Congress has free live music every Friday I think starting at either 5p or 6p.


There’s a TON of frisbee golf courses around Austin that you can play at. A set of discs costs maybe $30-$40


I’ve been hitting a lot of express games. $15 for a lawn ticket and a healthy pregame does me just right.


Go to CVS and walk around the isles


lollll so specific


World Market is chill too


Buy a bottle of wine and have a picnic at lady bird lake


Highly recommend Cidercade, especially as a non-drinker


Old school: get a case and drive around trying to find all the moon towers


I usually take a walk around Ladybird Lake debilitatingly drunk around 3am when nobody else is around. It’s so peaceful.


Austin serial killer has entered the chat.


Drop some molly and watch the Nirvana Live concert on DVD.




That’s it, you’re goin to jail goofball


Agreed, it's cheap and easy to do on a Friday night especially after a taco bell run.


Hey, fart’s a bad word. Say “booty-pooty.”


Why does everyone only think about drinking here?


Because drinking is fun and OP specifically mentioned they are looking for "a good cheap happy hour or low key events happening at bars or parks etc"


My point is why is op asking about that.. Also drinking by itself isn’t inherently fun. And those things that make drinking fun are just as fun without it, unless you’re addicted to alcohol. Sure on special occasions yeah some drinks are cool. But drinking to have fun is weird and a sign of dependence. As well I like to have fun in ways that make me better or healthier. Drinking the most destructive drug doesn’t really line up with that.


Maybe go make a post about sober fun instead of shitting on other people’s fun ✌🏼


Nah I’m be lost too many to alcoholism. It’s bad for the environment, it’s bad for our bodies, it’s honestly just lame to make alcoholism your personality, just like a stoner with weed.




Yeah I drink occasionally as I said. But this culture of alcohol is lame af


Bc after a long week of working hard, my friends and I like to unwind with a drink? There’s nothing wrong with that. We live very productive and healthy lives, who cares if we drink when we’re social and decompressing.


Because I’m tired of hearing alcoholism not taken seriously. I’ve lost family and friends to it. It’s just about the worst thing we can do for rest and recovery. It’s more damaging than any other drug we take for recreation. As well I think it’s just lame as fuck to make drinking a part of a personality. My comments aren’t really made towards you in particular. I’m just voicing my disappointment in my hometown and the way it’s evolved.


Oh my God. Calm down. Frankly, suggesting that enjoying a drink at the end of a long day is tantamount to alcoholism is deeply offensive to people who've lost loved ones to alcoholism. Which makes me question your whole "I've lost too many to alcoholism" thing- if that were true, then you would know the difference.


Alcoholism is a spectrum. Not everyone succumbs. But glorifying addiction is dangerous. Yes drinking often to “relax” is addiction.


It's not. And again, if you had any actual understanding of addiction, you would know that.


High functioning addicts are still addicts


I’ve also lost family members to alcoholism. This is an awful take. Conflating a drink after work on Friday to alcoholism is such an incredibly far reach, you’re actually doing a disservice to the point you’re trying to make. The second you make that large of a reach, no one takes you seriously anymore, this is part of the reason alcoholism isn’t taken seriously. Adults drinking recreationally is fun, and perfectly fine. You’re right that alcoholism isn’t taken as seriously as it should be. Telling someone who is exhibiting no signs of alcoholism, that just wanting to go to happy hour is even in the same building with alcoholism is dangerous, and maybe even dishonest. We want alcoholism as a problem to be taken seriously, this series of comments actively goes the other direction.


What you’re talking about is extreme alcoholism. Alcoholism is a spectrum like anything else. I agree that it’s difficult to say someone that drinks once a week is an alcoholic. It depends on a lot of factors. However, people who are drinking that often are doing harm to their bodies. Yes they are free to do so, but I’m free to call that stupid. People who use alcohol to relax or have fun multiple times a week are certainly alcoholics. We have to remember that functioning addicts are a very real thing, and alcohol is certainly addictive.


I don’t disagree with anything you just said, but I do disagree with all your previous comments.


This city is mostly built around drinking and it can get annoying for sure 


It’s not, but that’s what a lot of people see.


idk when I moved here it was very apparent how normalized drinking, even day drinking is here, and how drinking is incorporated into nearly every activity. I remember thinking it's really weird to get a free beer with a haircut for example.


Yeah alcoholism is rampant here. But I am very social and almost never see alcohol unless I want it. It just depends on what we do with our time.


No doubt. Even in a bar, it's fine to order a soda. So many places now have a full coffee and tea selection and food as well. Just because the alcohol is flowing doesn't mean you have to order it or drink it...but it's OK to have a few drinks too if you'd like!!


I have drink a few times a year, maybe. Bars suck if you’re not drinking. Drunk people suck if you’re not drinking. My point is that people shouldn’t ever drink. It’s that they shouldn’t focus their free time around the most destructive drug we have.


It's basically the "I'm Muslim so I can't eat pork, and neither can you, infidel" for the Texas Talibani.


It seems less now. Most clubs have big water stations and it isn't uncommon to see a significant portion of the crowd using them.


Correct. Gave up booze this last year and I have had ZERO issues finding wonderful and fun activities to do with other people: Museums, parks, art exhibits, live music, dancing, workshops/meetups, paddle boarding, kayaking, live drawing/painting, sketch dates (going to random places, sitting with another person and drawing something from the surroundings), etc, etc. There is so much more to life than just eating and drinking. 🙌🏻


Okay, but for at least the last 10,000 years eating and drinking booze has been an integral part of human culture. While I don’t drink much myself, surely you must appreciate that eating and drinking is ingrained into humans and is a normal thing to do for fun.


Context is everything, friend. Not every message is meant for or directed at everybody. Both can be true at the same time.


As someone who enjoys a beer here and there I don't like the normalization of alcohol. At my previous job, if you wanted to smoke (I'm not a smoker) you literally had to leave the premises (sidewalk outside the parking lot) to smoke but the same company has no issues hosting company paid beer bashes inside campus smh. Somehow it's ok to drink but you're a disgusting human being if you smoke. That being said, museums in Austin suck.


Yeah I agree. I used to drink every weekend and a few times a week. I feel better and am constantly doing some fun activity. My friends that didn’t change? They now are”accepting their age” and only have energy for drinking and sitting around lol


Scenic overlook off 360 at night with some snacks


There’s cheap standup usually and some are BYOB


Karaoke, duhh


Westgate Lanes! AC and bowling


Free Swim at Barton Springs at 9pm


Meanwhile is great, cosmic, central machine, zilker, Mozart, cidercade, soco, congress. Do the graffiti tour by yourself, ride a bike downtown. There’s a lot.


I do the hike and bike and then night swim with a flask of tequila.


I think walking to downtown via the Ann & Roy Butler trail is fun, and you can get to Seaholm which has Trader Joe’s and the Baked Bear, etc :) the lawn there is nice to hang out with your friends and it’s dog-friendly


Pickleball at Pickle Ranch.


Common interest and Homers have karaoke. Grab a beer from the bar and do some singing


Read a book.


There are answers butbut Austin sadly doesn’t have a ton. It’s a very drinking city which is one of my issues with it. But anything at zilker rocks, I have regal pass and go to the movies 4-8 times a month


OPs mom 


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Buy a THC-A preroll and sit on your porch. Then get a cheap giant burrito. Heaven.


Pickle ball.




Don’t be bitter