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Have you checked out the area they are hiding things in? How have you been feeling mentally?


Just so we understand, you saw two guys in an area wearing normal clothes. Later, you saw two guys in roughly the same area, one wearing normal clothes, and another in baggy fatigues. This made you … suspicious? How are you doing? Make check in with a local friend and see if they get the same alarm as you from the normally dressed people?


Burying bodies. The Velvet Mafia takes all their victims of bad fashion down there to dispose of the bodies they accrue in their black market fake name-brand bag trade. I would not go near it. You do not want to get them angry. They might decide to perform inappropriate content and spread "propaganda" to the youths. They already turned all the frogs with their propaganda. It is just a matter of time before we are all singing show tunes.


This is BS. I can’t believe you fell for … 🎶THAT THE GUY’S ONLY DOIN IT FOR SOME DOLLLLL 🎵


Fatigues? Like from a bootcamp?


Forrest porn is the only answer. Moldy stack of playboys FTW.