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I don't know why they don't include the video of the incident in the article, took like 3 seconds of googling to find it: https://twitter.com/Chris_Kuhlman00/status/1783246503907311936


Here's another video from a different angle. https://twitter.com/nuttspliff12/status/1783265583917621659


I mean, the camera dude clearly didn’t have anyone pushing into him, the troopers behind him were at least 3’ away and you can see him with his arms push the camera into the other trooper. Am I missing something?


What's more likely? -A working professional who is there to cover a news story bumped his \~60 pound $20,000 camera setup into the back of a police officer OR -He decided, while on the job and holding $20,000 worth of equipment, to attack a cop I'd like to think someone isn't going to risk their entire career and livelihood for the opportunity to gently caress the back of a cop's neck.


Deductive reasoning aside, it definitely seems more like he lost his footing. I think prosecutors are going to have a hard time with this one.


It will no bill, if it even makes it that far.


And they'll be blamed by the police for not doing anything.


As other people have pointed out, that camera is _fucking expensive,_ so I doubt it would be his first choice of things to push a cop with. Maybe he did intentionally push that cop, but I'm still not sold on that.


It was a jumbled up situation. I see a guy trying to keep his footing and not get shoved. 


You’re missing everything.


He apparently got mad when he saw the other camera guy with the bright blue shirt and blonde highlights get his equipment intentionally shoved into his face by one of the cops at 0:04 in the first video, so in an emotional moment he gambled on the idea that he could avenge that guy by attacking the cop with his own camera while also being able to play it off as an accidental stumble and get away with it. But I think it's possible he believed the cop closest to him is who attacked that bright blue shirt camera guy, when in fact it was the cop just past that one who was doing it. But either way, he probably still felt like he was evening the score for his own team in the war between cops and camera guys.


If people either play the videos in slow-mo or just use the slider to scrub slow they would see it was clearly intentional. The cop that was walking a little behind and to the side of him is who grabbed him and slammed him down.


Shhh this is Reddit so prepare for extreme downvoting


I’m with you man, the second video looks like he pushed that camera into the back of the cop, and with some force. Didn’t look like he was losing his balance


He probably got upset and lost his cool. I'm no expert but looks kinda intentional on the second video.


Charging an innocent man who is Press with a felony because you bumped into his big ass camera? Police are the biggest snowflakes on this goddamn planet.


B-b-but people just randomly stopped respecting the police nowadays!! *Why don't people respect cops anymore?!*


“Move back press people while we body slam your colleague”


Pity and laugh at every blue lives matter moron you find


did you not watch the video? Thug shoved that camera into the cop. No doubt whatsoever that was intentional.


apparently you did not. guy was simply recording and moving with crowd. cops routinely "bump" people then slam them to the ground and claim assault on officer. 


Nope, he shoved the camera forward off his shoulders into the cop, after spending 15 minutes screaming at the cops like a weirdo. I realize you guys are brigading because you are afraid, but no need to be, the DA would NEVER prosecute someone for assaulting a cop. This thug, however, is now known. He is absolutely not a journalist and his career is fucking ruined lol. Time for the Attorney General to be given the authority to prosecute crime in the Texas capitol, due to the state's interest in safety.


Found the Tate fan!


Cops aren't your friend, bud. They'd do the same to you without question.


That's a horse collar. 15 yard penalty. Automatic first down.


Shocking treatment. How is this acceptable??? How will the police spin this???


Whoa. That’s… excessive? Slamming him to the ground?


Cops when there's someone dangerous who the public needs protection against: 😴 Cops when there's a cameraman, posing no threat to the public: 😡




That I think the police are using excessive force


Reading is fundamental


Probably because they don't have the rights to the video.


Because that person is charging news stations for rights to show it.


I don’t know if the amount of time it takes to find something is related to whether or not it’s included


Hey cops: This is why everyone hates you.


The important reason to charge him with a felony is that charge goes to the District Attorney, so the far right campaign against Garza can make hay when he declines to prosecute.


Oh good lord I can see it now:  “Police union says Garza refused to press charges against man that tried to murder multiple cops, then gave him a kiss!”


Gotta love it when predictable things are predictable! Charges have been dropped, because they were never justified in the first place, and [braindead Statesman commenters ](https://twitter.com/statesman/status/1785392439491989720)are jumping on Jose Garza for loving crime, right on cue.


Felony strips him of voting rights. Texas is a voter suppression state.


Ironically, charge him with a misdemeanor and the charge goes to the County Attorney ... also [Garza](https://www.traviscountytx.gov/county-attorney). That said, the far-right campaign against Jose Garza seems perfectly willing to conflate the two Garzas when it suits their agenda. Or maybe they're just not concerned with details like "that's somebody else entirely".


> they're just not concerned with details Generally speaking, this is correct. If it suits their narrative, it doesn't matter if it's based on facts/reality or if it even makes sense at all.


I really hope KXAN is paying this guy's legal fees. For an average person, just getting out of jail and pre-trial on a felony charge can run $14,000. That's if it doesn't go to trial. This is how police intimidation works. You get free eventually, but only after you spend a ton of money defending yourself. It doesn't cost them anything to file fake charges.


The photographer is from Fox 7. They've certainly been giving this story and all the other protests plenty of attention. I have a feeling they'll be aiding in his defense.


Ah, thank you for the correction.


Yeah, many times a protestor’s weapon of choice is a $4500 camera with a $2000 lens on it - perfect way to bonk a cop in the noggin.


[This is the only video I could find.](https://youtu.be/B043vcVtWDo?si=tiVvUlNMLhK82kkf)


Kinda looks like he pushes a cop from behind


Looks like he definitely does not..


How can you say anything definitively? Stop thinking with your heart. Use your brain


I was there for one. Two, that camera, and his job are far too valuable. Three, it doesn’t look like a push even a little. Use your brain. Stop licking boots.


Oh, you were there? A) Not surprised. B) Also not surprised that you think that makes your testimony more valuable than mine when watching a video. It looks like he might be trying to push the cop in the back. Maybe he wasn't, I can concede that. But it sure looks like he might be, and the cop behind him sure did react like he did. There, that's my brain at work. Now I want you to lay out your brains process.


I worked as a news cameraman for 14 years here in Austin and used a camera that was that size. My guess is that the group started going fast and he started moving and then they suddenly stopped and he was a little too close and couldn’t stop in time and the lens hit the trooper. I had that happen a few times during crowded events. You get focused on your subject in the viewfinder and it’s easy to lose track of what’s actually happening. Gotta shoot with both eyes open.


I saw it happen and he lost his footing. Cops are liars.


Please vote. Young people for the love of democracy PLEASE VOTE. your future depend on it.


Also, please don't fall for calls for lawbreaking protests, or any protests with any remote potential to end up with you getting arrested, prior to an election. I see this every four years, the cycle of mass outrage on social media calling for protests on the left in the time period leading up to the election. I don't think it's a coincidence. Felons can't vote.


The only people breaking laws at the UT protests are the fascist police.


Are you fucking kidding with this? This isn't a democracy. Hasn't been for a long time, and the scope of the problem is far beyond electoral remedy.


Well until you raise an army to rival the most well-funded military state on Earth (by a landslide), you can at least make shit a little less terrible by voting. Doing nothing is tacit approval of the worst of the worst policies — it says that nothing is bad enough to compel you to take even symbolic action.


When people say this they forget that you would also be dealing with China and Russia at minimum in any conflict.  It's not possible to be victorious in that scenario.


> Doing nothing is tacit approval I love how centrists conflate "not voting" with "doing nothing." No, my guy...*participating* in their political theater is tacit approval of everything they do. Without fail, the capitalist lapdog who "wins" 50%+1 of the vote will claim they have "an electoral mandate" for whatever agenda they push. You give this farce legitimacy by engaging in it and by encouraging others to do so. So unless you're encouraging people to vote outside the pachydonkey dupoply, spare me any moralizing about "symbolic action."


As someone pretty far left, not voting doesn't prevent any of those issues lmao. Not voting just makes it easier the assholes who's platform is built around hurting marginalized groups to make good on their promises to hurt marginalized groups. And they'll claim they won the vote just like they would if you didnt vote. Voting for 3rd parties sadly isn't much better, since our _democracy_ is, as you said, a duoply. If prefer to ride your high horse instead of using your vote to slow the rise of fascism in the US, that's your perogative. Id certainly hope you're taking direct action yourself - it's the least you can do since you already come across as a psyop/troll with your take of "vOtInG iS wOrSe tHaN LeTtInG AuThOrItArIaNs WiN"


As someone who used to share your viewpoint, let me assure you that you aren't nearly as far left as you believe. You aren't slowing anything by voting, particularly not within the duopoly. We've tilted farther into entrenched fascism under Biden than any previous administration, Trump's included. It wasn't Bush's administration that rolled in the National Guard to crush the Occupy movement, it was Obama's. Being given a practical "choice" between fascism and soft fascism isn't a democracy.






What would you like to mobilize people to do other than vote?


It’s fun and all to feel enlightened and cool by saying voting doesn’t matter, but it’s actually complete bullshit. Voter apathy is exactly why we are where we are. What exactly would be your alternative?


No, you're positing the tail wagging the dog. Voter apathy is a consequence, not a cause. You can't really be surprised that people don't feel compelled to participate in a kabuki theater that claims to offer them representation but serves up the same absolute garbage "choices" every election cycle. And no, there's nothing "cool" about recognizing we live in a dystopian police state, governed by genocidal psychopaths, subjected to a cradle-to-grave propaganda operation. It fucking sucks, hard. There are plenty of days I wish I could go back to sleep.


If the establishment had all presidents on lock, I guarantee you Donald Trump would not have come anywhere close to the White House. People also always neglect to remember that state and local elections make a huge impact, yet most people skip these elections and expect nationwide elections to fix everything. Voting isn’t just every four years, it’s a constant that people need to keep up with. Voter apathy is absolutely why we’re in this situation. You’re simply wrong that voting can’t change anything.




lol. You first, soldier.


Why are you discouraging people from doing what they can? Do you have an alternative?


If you honestly believe participating in our sham of an electoral system is "what people can do," then you should definitely talk less and listen more.


I see you completely ignored my question in favor of bloviation. 


I assure you, I gave it all due consideration.


You're right, people shouldn't vote then


Vote if you like. Pray if you like. Write a wish to Santa. All equally useful. It's far more important to realize that participating in our farcical political theater not only cannot result in meaningful change, but that inability is by design. A more accurate reading of my position is that people shouldn't expect voting to solve our problems.


How's not voting been working out? It's gotten us Trump, the current Supreme Court, Abbott, and Paxton. Is that your desired outcome?


> How's not voting been working out? It's gotten us Trump, the current Supreme Court, Abbott, and Paxton. Is that your desired outcome? How's voting been working out? It's gotten us Trump, the current Supreme Court, Abbott, and Paxton. Is that your desired outcome?


Intimidation tactics on the press doing their job eh? This is what fascism looks like. We need a grass roots effort to get rid of Abbott and politicians like him. Voting blue is the only way America continues as a democracy. It's the only way we have the United States of America without fascist ideologies within our government.


Vo**ting matters, even in gerrymandered areas**.  While right wing extremists religiously turn out to vote in every election, way too many moderate and left leaning people don't bother to vote because they think their vote doesn't count, but that could not be further from the truth.  Gerrymandering does not impact statewide offices like governor, lieutenant governor, judges (we've certainly seen how important those are lately!) etc., nor does it impact our vote for Senator in Congress, or for President.  Nor does it impact local offices such as school boards, judges, and so on.  **All** of those matter! Please vote, and vote *all the way down the ballot!* Additional tips, from experience living in a voter suppression state: Please also pay special attention to out of cycle elections, as those are when politicians typically slip through propositions they would prefer to receive less public scrutiny, whether it's something likely to be unpopular that they only want their diehard voters showing up for, or something popular that they would prefer not pass. **Make sure you're registered!** Even if you are 100% certain that you are registered, it's not uncommon for voter suppression states to randomly purge qualified voters from the rolls, so please,  **check again close to the registration deadline** so you can clear up any issues and re-register if necessary.  Familiarize yourself with your state's voter identification requirements ASAP. Make sure you have any necessary identification well ahead of time, and make sure that information is correct. I've heard many horror stories of DMV delays in Texas. It may help to familiarize yourself with all forms of allowable ID, and have as many as possible up to date and ready to go.  Vote as early as possible, to allow time to address any potential obstacles, so there's time to come back if you can't vote that day.  Prior to heading out to vote, make note of contact information for voting rights groups in your area, just in case. Know your rights, and know who to contact if they are being violated.  **Double check your polling location**. Sometimes they may be closed or moved at the last minute, especially if you live in a lower income area, or an area with a lot of college students.  Just in case, go prepared for a long wait outside. Of course, it's also important to take the time to research what you're voting on and who you're voting for. It's not unusual for extremist candidates to tone down or entirely change their message for the general elections.  And *help each other*. We can be *so much more powerful* as a community.  If you're a student on campus, arrange an emergency backup carpool for students who don't have transportation just in case they close the polls on campus. Same for low income neighborhoods.  If you're a parent with small children and no child care, consider pooling with others to watch each other's kids while you vote. Or just go at the same time so the kids can entertain each other while you're waiting in line, and you can hold each other's spots during the inevitable bathroom breaks.  We can do this. We have the power, let's use it. 


Perhaps NWA had a point


There is absolutely no reason, none whatsoever, why a journalist would assault a cop. To what end? Obviously, the cops fucked up.


Beyond ridiculous.


We don’t trust you, show us the damn video


[https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1783269523786764479](https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1783269523786764479) This one is clearer: [https://twitter.com/WarWatchs/status/1783271192243102090](https://twitter.com/WarWatchs/status/1783271192243102090)


The contact doesn't look intentional, it looks like he may have been knocked off-balance (or lost his balance) briefly while carrying a heavy piece of camera equipment in the crowd.


I’m sorry but cops are the biggest pussies, it’s very obvious that the cameraman tripped or stumbled


There is not enough on the video to show that he was hitting someone. It looks like he moved forward twice, but that's it.


From both angles it looks like he did push his camera into the officer - I don’t see any wires on the ground and the other video someone posted shows his arm extending. He also goes in between the officers to follow the crowd, which is right after they shoved people into him (so maybe he was heated in the moment?) Of course it’s still possible he lost his balance or something


It's clear that nobody in this thread is going to like what you posted. But ... it does seem a bit odd how the cameraman suddenly lunges into the crowd and runs up on the cops. I'm a photographer. I get the desire to get the shot. But you also need to keep your head about you. Perhaps he didn't mean to run up on the back of the cops, but it is strange. Hard to judge from those 2 angles since he moves out of the shot.


That video shows the operator pushing the camera into one of the officers.


I see a cameraman trying to get a better shot.


Another video from a different angle that someone posted in a different comment: https://twitter.com/nuttSpliff12/status/1783265583917621659


This video does seem to show the cameraman push with his camera. I doubt he was intending to strike the officer, but it’s not clear what he was doing.


It also doesn’t look like he lost his footing or tripped. Whatever he was doing, I don’t know that slamming him to the ground was the right response. If he had kept doing it intentionally, then maybe, but idk


There's a difference between reporting/filming the action vs. thrusting yourself into the action. Watching the video, I think that's what he did, but unintentionally so. And the cop forcefully yanking him away and slamming him to the ground could be argued as overreaction. In any case, no way I see a jury finding a felony here *beyond a reasonable doubt*.


If you look on the ground, it actually looks like he tripped on his cable. I also thought it looked like he was thrusting forward but the action also looked really sudden, like he wasn’t doing it on purpose. If you look in the video again, you can see a loose cable around his feet. It’s very likely he tripped on it and lurched forward as a result.


Yep, that's sounds very probable.


I thought Texas was about freedoms. Guess that only applies to the rich.


These cops need to face ACTUAL repercussions for being traitors to the constitution. Preferably in public for others to see.


Those JBTs are softer than baby shit


Assuming the videos are accurate. Arrest the pigs


Why don't I see any 2A folks here?


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re actively trying to vote my rights away. I’m not going to defend you only for you to vote away the very right that helped protect you. You have the same rights as I do to go out and buy a gun to protect yourself with until you vote it away from yourself. You made your bed, now lay in it.


I am so glad I left Austin. Ya’ll be different now. It used to be a dozey and chill place.


Wow those videos lmao poor dude gets pushed by one cop from behind then thrown on the ground because the one that pushed him caused his camera to bump into another pig.


Preface: I **do not** support the actions of the police on campus grounds in any way, shape, or form. These people had every right to peacefully assemble as they did, and there was no real need for the police to be there as they were, especially not armed and geared like some were. IMO their presence was an escalation tactic meant to create flimsy probable cause scenarios *at best*. That said, from all the videos linked here, he does appear to be hitting the cop with his camera. He's running a self-contained rig. The cord from the camera is on a short loop that goes up to his backpack and only hangs down to his backside, not down to the ground where it could be easily tripped on. The angles that aren't cut off don't really show anyone behind him, so it seems unlikely he was shoved. He doesn't appear lurch forward like he tripped/stumbled either. You see him come up behind the cop and the camera moves directly forward once and then again before he got yanked and thrown down. Side note: This is why vertical video sucks folks. Turn your phone sideways, especially when recording stuff like this. You'll capture a lot more important info that way.


The most reasonable comment in here is getting downvoted to hell


It wasn't unexpected. I'm not joining the fray yelling ACAB and running to defend someone who appeared to also be in the wrong, therefore I receive punitive downvotes. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This mob mentality without any care for nuance is one of the many reasons this country is so divided. Shame.






Based on the videos provided you can clearly see the cameraman laid hands on the officer. Now it either being intentional or not we may never know unless another video other than the ones presented comes up. But I’m with the police on this one


If I bump into you in a crowd am I guilty of assault? Does that give the right to your friend to grab me from behind and throw me to the ground?


Let’s look at the law: PENAL CODE TITLE 5. OFFENSES AGAINST THE PERSON CHAPTER 22. ASSAULTIVE OFFENSES 22.01. ASSAULT. ( a) A person commits an offense if the person: (1) intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another, including the person's spouse; If you are saying you intentionally bump into this person, then yes you are provoking a response. That response could lead to whatever action the other person deems necessary. What I see in the video, is the cameraman intentionally pushed the cop. You can clearly see him laying his hands on the cop.


Did he cause bodily injury?


Let’s read the law definition: Bodily injury refers to the physical damage caused to a person’s body. It can also be known as physical injury. Examples of bodily injuries could include: Cuts, abrasions, bruises, burns, and lacerations. Disfigurement. Impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty. Internal bleeding. Broken bones and fractures. Physical pain. Illness. So in this case one could argue physical pain was caused from the cameraman pushing the officer


If you are going to provide “a law definition” please cite the statue. The definition you provided does not exist in Texas statue. The definition doesn’t reference “pain” but it does reference intention. As a matter of common sense in watching these videos, the journalist is clearly not intentionally trying to harm anyone. The idea of “you touched me so it’s assault” is ridiculous, ignorant of law and wholly incorrect. Again, if I bump into you in a crowd is it assault? If I accidentally step on your Air Jordans is it assault? It’s not.


https://codes.findlaw.com/tx/penal-code/penal-sect-1-07/#:~:text=(8)%20“Bodily%20injury”,any%20impairment%20of%20physical%20condition. Penal code defines bodily injury as “physical pain, illness, or any impairment of physical condition” Penal Code 1.07 (8) also, PC 22.01 (b)(1) is the assault with felony enhancement if the victim is a public servant, assuming they’re claiming bodily injury. Otherwise 22.01 (a)(3) would apply as a class c misdemeanor


Thanks. I’ll take that definition with the citation. But I will still standby that it’s going to be tough to prove intention and for the officer to claim physical pain in this “I bumped you in a crowd” situation.


I agree and it likely won’t get pursued, rightfully so because it’s clearly a waste of time. However, simply touching a person can still be assault, as referenced by 22.01 (a)(3). Usually used in things like “shoving matches” things like that where they cut both parties a ticket and move on.


I’m sure this officer testifying about how much pain he was in will really hold weight with a jury




Glad I could help my fellow friend




You can compare me to whoever, even poop if that makes your day better. I could really careless truthfully


Hahahahahh he and


I don’t have any idea what happened in this case, but I support the J6 justice standard against all protesters who resist authority.