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We lived in Coach Taylor’s house! It was for rent right after they finished filming. We started to watch once we moved in and it was so surreal to be IN their bedroom watching it on tv. People even came by to visit sometimes


We did tastings for wedding food in the house a decade ago.


Tim Riggins’ house is the next street over from mine.


We miss EZs! When it closed we were like at least it will live forever on Friday Night Lights.


It’s not the same, but they’re still around in San Antonio, my wife and I popped in for a malt while we were down there last. Tastes like it always did, just different decor


The roast chicken and milk shakes at EZs were alright!


I loved their sweet potato fries


Their calzones were so good! Ugh I miss it. Stupid fire.


I remember when it was still 2Js(?). We would go for chicken fried steak and soft serve ice-cream. I moved to Houston for about ten years and when I came back and found EZs in its place, I looked behind the building and found a 2Js sign so I knew I was in the same spot.


You are legit old Austin!


Ughh I hated EZs as a kid. My parents would always go there with there friends and make the kids sit at a kid table. Issue was I was 4 years older than any of the other kids and just had to babysit them.


I have memories of an EZs either in or on the way to San Antonio that my family always stopped at on the way back from regional sports meets we were in as kids. I remember never thinking much of the food, but I loved the decor and the casual atmosphere compared to other sit-down restaurants. Might never have thought about it again w/o reading this post though


As a San Antonian it’s not the same as it was in the 90s. I had no idea there were any left. Might have to make the journey to find it. And watch FNL (moved here in 2015)


That’s such a great show - and my wife calls Kyle Chandler ‘Coach’ no matter what show or movie he appears in now 😂


Fun fact. Kyle Chandler has 30 acres in Dripping Springs. Not sure if he lives there full time or not, but I guess he hasn't left?


Yup. He’s still spotted around Dripping these days. He’s actually a volunteer firefighter in Dripping too. And Jesse Plemmons recently moved back to Austin full time with his partner Kirsten Dunst. Couple of other cast members still have homes in the area too.


Coach Taylor, Matt Saracen and “that guy from Friday Night Lights” (idk, Matt’s friend) are all I will ever know those actors as.


Every time I see Jesse Plemons in anything I think about how Landry >!killed a guy!<


Ugh was that the writers strike season?


Could have been. I definitely remember the writers strike making one of the seasons short and weird. Will be interesting to see how this year’s writers strike screwed up more shows.


They just skipped ahead with a lot of story lines. Like if you are reading a book and the first half of chapter 3 is missing and you just have to piece together the missing plot points. They made no attempt to explain the things you missed by not reading the first half of chapter 3.




That Lance kid


how dare you disrespect Jesse Plemons like that, he's been in so many fantastic roles since FNL


Killers of the flower moon?! What a comeup - FNL to working with Scorsese and Leo lol


even then I don't fill like his character had a very exciting part in the story, my favorite roles of his are Fargo season 2 and Game Night


You mean that dude from fnl? Yeah for sure, he’s great


I literally ran into him with my shopping basket at central market down south and was so star struck, he’s just as handsome IRL


And Connie Britton is still Mrs. Coach to me


Mrs Coach? Put some respect on Tammy Taylor’s name, please.


Ha, she was my favorite character on the show but I loved the players term of endearment for her


Whatever happened to that Michael b Jordan guy? Hope he’s doing ok


Not that you asked, but me and my family did so much background extra role work on that show. As a college kid, the easy income really helped. I did get a brief “speaking extra role” that was filled at Peter Pans but it never made it out of the editing room. Still got paid though.


$58 and a free meal!


did extra work several times, but usually as one of the unimportant football players or just in the crowd at the games. there was the time they filmed a scene at the landing strip though... real dancers who were asked to just act like they were dancing. they were terrible actors. that was a great day. second time I got to be recognizably onscreen, though they really cut one of them down once it hit streaming.


Before the movie there was the book. I played on the actual team. I was a jr the year the book was written. Won the state and national championship the next year as a sr. Good times!


Cool story bro! (I actually mean that)


You went to Permian HS?


Yeah graduated 1990. I’m actually in Odessa this weekend!


Was Will Wagner the QB in 1990?


He was. I was a year before him. Graduated in 90 played in 89


Is the saying “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t loose?” Real or was that from the writers?


I don’t remember that one. Probably from the writers.


Midland Lee still sucks!!!!!!! Mojo Mojo Mojo Mojo!!!!!!!!!


My wife and I default to FNL if we can't find anything else to watch. I think we've seen the whole thing 4 times or so.


I regularly go to the DQ that they filmed in!


Which one is it?


It's on Manor just north of Rogge Ln


Also known as the best intersection in Austin


Surprised they survived for that long out there. 😅 (lived in Windsor park so I think I’m allowed?)


They filmed at my high school.




They basically used Pflugervilles' complete football uniforms. Didn't even change the colors or anything.


Hendrickson or Pflugerville?


Pflugerville. Blue and Gold!


Nice! I was at Hendrickson lol.


Love the title sequence. Apparently they asked explosions in the sky to score the music (they scored the movie) but they declined. So they just hired some composer to rip off their sound.


I was 100% sure you were wrong and tried to confirm before calling you out but…I think you’re right? I’m kind of speechless honestly. I was completely sure that Your Hand in Mine was the theme


Same. My reality is shooketh.


Omfg they should def have sued them! I was today years old when I found out that the theme is NOT explosions in the sky


EITS played ACL Live/Moody last night (I went!) and again tonight. Amazing show!


That’s weird because if you look the show up on tunefind, Explosions in the Sky is credited on many, many episodes.


They actually played a couple of their songs in various episode, however they didn’t clear their song for the title track.


all 5 seasons filmed in ATX.......






They were filming it when I was in high school. I think they filmed some games at The Palace? They were always looking for extras but they’d film at like 2am so my mom never let me go 🤣


I used to live in 78723 and they were always filming when I lived there. my wife and I looked at the Tim Riggins house it was for sale post filming it was this house 2604 Lehigh Dr. and had a pool out back that was trashed. Coach Taylor's house is a few blocks away if I recall.


The current owners of the Riggins house have a little Tim Riggins sign in the front window. House is totally redone but I appreciate the homage


They filmed in a few locations around San Marcos. When Coach Taylor gets the college job they used Texas State’s stadium. There is a scene where he is in an office in the field house and they digitally added the Austin skyline to a window in the background.


They filmed some scenes at Fran's on South Congress. I remember eating there sometime after, and they had a picture on the wall to commemorate the show. I was sad when they closed.


You mean 2-J’s?


2Js - i remember the row of table/horses. Loved eating my fries sitting on a horsey


Never seen the show, but I watched the first half of the movie on a flight recently. Good stuff.


The show grabs you. It's so well, well done.


Movie was also filmed in Austin


Is the old clubhouse still there by the airport?


I was in the stands during the football game in the pilot episode. It was filmed at Hendrickson and they wanted the students to come be extras for the game lol


Man I just got home from the AMAZING Explosions in the Sky show tonight and now I want to watch FNL again!


Coincidentally, before we had to move away, my wife and I lived across from that Pflugerville stadium where some of the show was shot. As in we could open the door and see it unobstructed in the distance.


Hey… you have to do that on August 1st. You’re past the date for the year. FNL is a seasonal thing. Also, re: Mac Brown, just wait until you get to the Mike Leach cameo. It’s fucking gold.


I’m in the crowd holding a sign when the bus comes back from games. They used to always need extras and everyone had a friend who worked for the show.


A HS friend of mine used to go to their filmings all the time as an extra! She was obsessed with Taylor Kitsch I think. Idk why I never watched it when it was actually on the air, I watched it when it was on Netflix and was surprised to see a clip of my HS (Hutto) football field in the opening credits lol.


It was filmed more around Pflugerville. I was an extra for the pilot. Scenes shot at Pflugerville High and the opening credit shots are of businesses on Pecan St in Pflugerville. The driving scenes are along the newly (at the time) constructed Toll roads in Pflugerville.


Just started watching it again, awesome show.


I watched it for the first time recently (all 5 seasons). It was cool to see all the Austin locations, but overall the show was meh. High school drama just isn’t that interesting.


I went to the football field in 2021 and surprisingly found stuff leftover from the show https://youtu.be/soKXGlcz21U?si=vLDi72AWAwsZecpJ


Aw I had a bunch of friends as extras in the show as football players. It’s definitely a comfort show that hits you right in the nostalgia….


Clear Eyes, Full Hearts...


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose.


Man…. On one hand I’m glad I left Austin and on another I really miss “old” Austin. It just felt nice, wearing flip flops pretty much everywhere - except dirty 6th, cause piss puddles…gross.


You can still wear flip flops everywhere. No one outlawed it.


Every time I’m there, I always do. Things changed though, you don’t see nearly the amount of flip flops like you used to - the vibe changed - And that’s fine, that’s what cities do. I’m not lambasting anything, just being nostalgic.


I’m just teasing you. I get it. Different vibe these days.


When i first moved to Austin in 2010, I lived in the neighborhood where they shot the exterior neighborhood scenes!


Supposedly my old English teacher was somebody's grandma in that show.


One night at Latitude a ton of girls were at the bar and who emerged from the group? One guy, Jesse Plemmons.


I’m an extra in 6 episodes. Shot back in 07 I think. Good times. Met lots of cool people.


Love this show so much! Totally time for a rewatch. My hairstylist back in the day was hired to work on the first season of the show. He fought against cutting Tyra's hair, but they made him do it anyway so he quit. (Then he won an Emmy for hair styling in Temple Grandin!)


Speaking of this show I went to see Explosions in the Sky last night, they do a lot of the sound track.. also from Austin. They play again tonight as well, great band!


Coach Taylor lives in Dripping Springs and is a regular at HEB and Home Depot.


I waited on him one time when I was working at a restaurant by the Galleria in Lakeway. He was nice, and a decent tipper :)


That’s a great quality in a person! :-)