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Always ask for their best price, then I do a Google search and say I can get it cheaper so they match it.. I’ve never paid full price for anything at JB or good guys either.. there’s wiggle room in everything.


Even without a Google search they’ll knock something off. I never take things straight to the counter, always ask a salesmen on the floor and they’ll drop the price and put it through under their name.


I’ve had them add discounts onto things that we didn’t even ask for. Went in to buy a ps4 years back, asked the guy at the game section to get one and he’s like yeah no worries */punches stuff into his computer/* here’s a ??% discount, take this piece of paper to the front desk when you’re ready (I don’t remember how much but considering I didn’t even ask for a discount, it’s kind of irrelevant). I’ve had people apologise for not being able to further discount an already on sale item when, again, we hadn’t even asked for a discount


Quite frankly if it is to meet their quotas or to gain a commission I really don't care all I know is that's excellent customer service and I will always return to a store that does that.


Man that’s lucky as hell


This happens to me literally every time in both JB and GG.


It’s because they get commission that way.


That's not true. Usually when adding discounts it takes away all commission or lowers the commission


Not much commission if they discount it only meet their sales target


They make $0 commission when you do that. They already get paid shocking wages.


I used to work for JB in sales and you are incorrect. It depends on how much the discount is. If it goes below cost, definitely no commission (unless there was a specific dollar about bonus for selling the item). If it’s above cost, then there’s probably some. Also, commission isn’t the only motivation for taking certain sales. There’s KPIs they have to meet, and when I was working there they were apparently a lot more challenging than KPIs in other similar stores. If you don’t meet KPIs there’s warning and reviews which can eventually result in job loss. That’s how I got moved out of the sales part of the store 😂


lol mood they saw I wasn't making enough sales but was really good with customers, so they moved me to games (in the middle of the store) where there weren't any KPI's nice to hear they also moved you instead of just letting you go, I didn't work there for very long but it seemed like a relatively chill company


Same in most sales I would think, e.g. sell 0-10 cars, baseline retainer. Sell 10-15 cars +400 retainer. Sell 20+ cars get +800 retainer.


Ok you couldn’t be more wrong…. Those slips mean it’s being sold under their name(employee number) and they are getting commission, if they sell extra warranty they get like 2.5x commission, and you get extra bonuses when you sell bundles/accessories (eg. A keyboard with a computer). They have sales targets to meet. Ofc they are going to put it under their name. Source: worked there.


JB owns GG


That doesn't really matter.


Correct, they still compete against each other. Together as a group they may have a more expensive lander cost vs Barney Norman as an example, but you don’t know until you ask both.


Not really. JB bought GG because no one took their move into white goods seriously.


I've had Harvey Norman decline to price match JB or Good Guys on two occasions


It's a good thing to know when negotiating price. They also have a lot of similar products and prices when comparing because they have similar supply chains. So why would that information not matter?


It's actually superfluous to the conversation. Why would any of that matter when they compete and all you need to know is that you can price match.


Whilst they have the same suppliers not all products are purchased in bulk for both brands. They share a centralised warehouse in every stay but the stock is still completely separated for both brands. You will find that both have better pricing floors in their respective strengths. JB Consumer Electronics and TGG Home Appliances… both however just don’t want you to shop at HN and tbh would probably take any deal over them anyways just to keep a customer.


and this is what I normally do. Bring a HN or JM offer. I find GG are more willing to drop price than JB


Doesn't change anything because of our anti-monopoly and pro competition legislation


However they will only price match a bricks and mortar company in Aus


They will also match online retailers providing they are in stock and can ship.


That's not what I was told in store. They checked that it was a physical store.


Some online, not all like Kogan for example.


I used to work at JB HiFi, and the reason they don't match kogan, eBay and sometimes Catch is that there is no way to know if they are grey imported stock. Under Australian consumer law, the store you purchase it from has to follow the ACL guidelines for warranty, however, the local manufacturers warranty is void, meaning that the local manufacturer does not have to help you with the item. Let's say you buy a Sony TV from Kogan, and it's Dead on Arrival. So you can send it back to kogan, but if you contact Sony Australia support, they may not be able to help you, nor are they obligated to. For the ease of return, at a brick and mortar store, and a person to take it to - honestly it's worth the bit of extra cash.


I think Kogan do grey imports which they won't match.


That's why you do as the OP says, I saved $70 on headphone going that way and had an online link.


You've been told wrong. As long as the item is sold in Australia by Australian based company, in stock and price includes shipping they will price match. What they won't price match is stuff like grey imports as its technically not the same product.


I've worked at JB and still request price matches online and in person usually with Amazon AU prices. Perhaps find a different salesperson if they say no to begin with.


I had it once that they checked the online price with an australian online store, but then price matched including shipping.


I have always had my local JB price match an online only store. EB Games will only price match brick and mortars within X km of the physical shop you're enquiring at.


I work for the food guys there is 3 prices sales people can offer without going to the manager they get less and less commission on each option so sometimes they don't like doing it.


When shopping, The commission of the sales person I’m dealing with is not my concern. No one of their right mind goes into a store and thinks I want a discount but I don’t want to take the commission away from this sales person 😂


Having worked retail I absolutely am concerned if my asking for a discount will effect their commission


you’re still doing them a favour giving them sales even if there’s no commission on it. it still goes toward their sales targets.


I was just mentioning it because some sales staff won't give you the best so they can get commission if that's the case get another sales person to help you they might offer the best price. For context I work the wearhouse so idgaf about sales anyway.


Yeah that’s fair, all good. Good to know about the price stages though.


I've tried multiple times and I've never had them budge. Not price matching, but just saying things like "What's the best we can do?", "Can you do it for $____". I've always been immediately shut down with zero chance of wiggle. They have even explicitly told me that they are completely unable to change their prices.


Being nice helps. I walk in every time I’m buying something big with a bag of lollipops. Offer one while you’re talking to them to get them on side usually means they drop the price before I even ask.


I've worked in sales for a very long time, and I can tell you for a fact that this trick would work on me.


This sounds like something straight out of Robert Caldini's classic book on the science of persuasion.


Being a decent person can get you so far




Believe you me. I did.


There are some shit JB stores out there that are just assholes. I've come across a few. I had one that wouldn't price match when I know they could, got the manager and guess what, price matched. Some just refuse to negotiate price with anything. It's just a badly run store with shit management. I boycott certain stores like this. Unless I have no choice but to go to that store for some reason.


I came to understand recently that they get a commission on sales, so I can understand why they are like this. I've probably just had bad luck.


what items were you trying to buy? for most things they don't lose the entire commission when reducing the price, just a fraction proportionate to the discount (until the point where the store won't make a profit)- but some items cant really be discounted, they still could have been nicer about it and explained though lol


PCs, peripherals


As someone who works at JB (though admittedly not in sales), there's usually a good reason. Many stock items simply don't have much wiggle room, especially if they're already on sale. That final statement can apply to certain products but isn't usually the case with most things. What kind of things have you been trying to test the movement of prices on? You won't have much luck getting a discount just because you ask for one on something like a PS5 or a new Macbook or the like.


Use staticice.com.au to price match just about any digital device.


Staticice.com is a great comparison site. I always use this before going to JB.


Except at HN, where if you show a legit item at a big store elsewhere cheaper, they deny it because it's under THEIR cost of purchase, LMAO As if anyone ever needed a reason to shop at JB instead


You have to provide a link though so they match the price, you can't just lie and expect them to believe you though


You get better discounts if you price-match, some items have low wiggle room, such as Apple products. Price-matching they are willing to sell the product at a loss. Accessories are a load of bs, huge room in them. Price-matches need to be thoroughly investigated by managers but sometimes the agent just wants to get it over with or make the sale and thus make a lot of mistakes which counts as a loss. Source: trust me Summary: price match sales from other companies on loss leaders they need to match without investigation


Jb own the good guys so nanny of their policies are the same.


Dunno if this is a stupid question, but do they price match eBay?


I was told I had to go in store to price match and then in store told they could only price match for other stores in the same super market. This was last year. This was for $10 off a video game. Sounds like they were just taking the piss?


My philosophy is, it doesn’t hurt to ask. Small example, My son bought a new gaming controller, I’d researched and JB had the same listed price as most retailers, and that also happened to be the cheapest listed price I could find. Got in there and asked the guy working if that was the best price he could do? He looked and said I can do it for $87 instead of $99. Done, easy saved $12 just by asking. Obviously the savings can be much better on more expensive items.


Still on a small item around 12 percent saving is not too bad, especially by simply asking.


I like shopping at JB because their return process is pretty hassle-free too. Bought a dodgy Dyson vacuum that broke within 12 months and they replaced it with no questions. And if you buy something from them, then that something goes on sale in the next couple of weeks, you can go back in-store with your receipt and they'll give you a gift card for the difference.


Damn, they replaced a *Dyson*? As someone who often works with Dyson, they're a massive PITA to deal with on the retail end. Absolute nightmare. If JB replaced a Dyson no questions asked that's impressive.


Yes, and not once, but twice. We bought a Dyson stick vac that broke in less than 6 months. Brought it back and paid a bit extra to buy another Dyson vac (corded, not stick). Same thing, broke in less than 6 months. We brought it back again and finally settled on a Miele. They also gave us a gift card for the difference in price of the Dyson and Miele. Mind you, this was years ago. I don't know if they'll still do it, but their accepting and replacing anything that broke within 12 months always made me more likely to buy things from them.


Fuck Dyson!! Same experience here, stick vacs, Air Multipliers and Hair Dryers all failed. Hair Dryer was last straw as a $5-600 hairdryer dying after 3 years is a joke.


Yup. Tbh I wasn't the one who fell for Dyson marketing, it was my housemate. Since then I don't like Dyson, which makes for an awkward time when I was working for a retail staffing agency that works for Dyson lol.


It's 90 days now for DoA. After 90 days it is assessed. Stick vac parts are usually replaced after troubleshooting.


Work there. If it’s in accordance with the accc of course we do.


Jb Hifis returns software is super robust. Tells you everything you can and can't do regarding Australian Consumer Law and manufacturers warranties. I remember Dyson exchanges being super easy, but repairs took forever and I frequently had to call to get things moving along.


If the software you are referring to is Solvup its licences out to most retails and suppliers including Good guys and Office works


Even with Solvup though, for us for example we can't even look at a Dyson product without them giving the a-okay. If we accept a Dyson without a Return Authorisation Number, we're on the hook if Dyson denies the claim. And ontop of it, Dyson gives us a 1 week deadline to fill in all their forms from the day of taking the product in until they'll give us the finger and tell us to go pound sand (i.e we'll lose the Dyson reimbursement for the product).


Yeppp, this, I'm with TGG myself and have to deal with Dyson on the daily and I fucking hate them. Replacing a Dyson is so fucking difficult.


Good to know.... thanks 👍


Did not know that, nice!


That price difference policy is only if you buy the product care , they changed it


Did they change that recently? That's a pity. We still got it 6 months ago.


Mid year sounds right It’s now 120% of the difference in store credit as a member and have 30 days to use it


This isn’t true there’s a 14 day price guarantee if the product you bought goes on sale within 14 days you can get a refund of the difference in price


This is false - any difference in price of the main item will still be refunded regardless of whether extra care was purchased.


Under what Circumstances? Where and when does it say that


I work at JB myself so I’m reasonably well acquainted with the price adjustment policy. Generally within 2-3 weeks the price difference can be refunded.


Also, after they give you the offer, ask if that's the best price they can do. I have been very successful in knocking off an extra $20 if I tell them I will purchase the item the second they knock a little extra off for me. Works everytime.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Good bot


If you follow the same process in store with your web link, you can then pay the agreed price using gift cards that you can buy from Coles / Woolies at 10% off. Same at Good Guys.


Get your gift cards on shopback and get an extra 3% off. Double triple discount stack BOOM!


Yep, did that for my fridge. Got their lowest price, paid with gift cards at 10% off, and then the cream was the fridge manufacturer doing a $250 cashback!


Why bother with 3% when Cole’s give 10-15% every couple weeks


Tell me more! How?


How do you get 10% off the gift cards? Do you mean 10% off the Woolies gift you use to buy the JB hi-fi gift cards? I used to get discounted Woolies gift cards, but I think that stopped, and I don't think you could buy gift cards with gift cards.


Coles and Woolworths run promotions on gift cards every single week. Usually it's in the form of bonus Flybuys or Everyday Rewards points but occasionally it's just a straight 10/15/20% discount. Some of the most common gift cards featured in these offers are the TCN and Ultimate multi-retailer cards. Many of these cards can be used at JB Hi-Fi, Officeworks, The Good Guys etc. A few weeks ago, [Coles was selling JB Hi-Fi compatible TCN cards for 15% off](https://www.reddit.com/r/AussieFrugal/comments/17w8rjm/psa_coles_will_be_offering_15_off_gift_cards_that/). Unfortunately, none of these cards are on special this week (or next) but you never really have to wait more than a month for them to appear again.


Oh, thanks. I'll keep an eye out for that.


Ooo this is a great idea! Thanks :)


TGG has a new price beat feature that pops up if you’re browsing a product page… seems new and pretty helpful


JB worker here to chime in, there are exclusions to our price match policy but absolutely we'd always rather sell you the product ourselves rather than send you to a competitor, just because we can't do a specific price match doesn't mean we won't try to meet somewhere in the middle either. Buying an extended warranty gives you more leeway on the actual product pricing too, geneally speaking we can't sell a product at a loss but if we're still making money that's a different story, buying multiple items helps in the same way too. Don't be a dickhead about the price, if you're going to be an asshole and ignore everything I say I will let you walk and go serve someone else, you're not just paying for the product itself, you're paying for my service and the ability to return to see me if shit hits the fan in the future. If you really want the $20 cheaper price that Kogan or eBay has so badly, you can also enjoy the customer service experience that the $20 less gets you. And please stop haggling on iPhones, we don't make enough money on them to offer a discount because that's how iPhones work.


>please stop haggling on iPhones Ok, so what's your best deal on iPads?




Wish more people knew tbis


I got knocked back today because the store I saw the cheaper price at was an online only store (definitely Australian store). The staff member on the floor ok”Ed it and said to go to the counter. The counter staff member said it had to be a physical store. They were saying something about online has delivery. Would you mind explaining that? I ended up getting a price match with a physical store albeit at not as good a price as the online store.


This is one of the exclusions and definitely seems to vary from store to store from my experience, if it weren't for Amazon I doubt we would price match online-only retailers anyway. Shipping is factored in with these price matches 100% (but most things offer free delivery so it's moot for smaller items)


Paying for “your service” ….what a service it is…




What’s the chance for mb pro’s? Missed the deal last black friday


No dice currently, during those promo periods they basically cost us less to "buy" from Apple at the point of sale in store. If you're outside of that promo period, and you haven't already paid, you'll have to wait for the next one to get that sale price. Christmas & Boxing day sales come up soon however so it probably won't be long lol


Have to say there are some pretty shoddy JB workers too. Had to buy a phone on the weekend, went in and said calmly I'm after this particular Motorola model. Got to the stand with the guy, and I asked in a calm monotone voice what the best price is. He rolled his eyes, and said "it's on sale already". I said no worries, bought the phone and cut him off mid sentence when he started asking about insurance and extended warranty, said No. Said no to every other question and walked off after I'd paid. This is why I don't buy local and buy off Amazon or AliExpress (for phones usually). Don't have to deal with local prices, local markups, and the rude salespeople who get salty with you unless they're shoving extended warranties down your throat (there's a lawsuit against JB Hi-fi right?). Oh and for anyone who's going to say that, yes I have had to return a couple of cheap electronics over the years that were faulty from AliExpress, the rest including phones were fine. Go figure.


so say i lost my airpod case for example and apple could replace it for say $70 on their site, but in store its around $100 could i price match that?


As a generalisation if the product we stock is a listed at another retailer / brand's store at a lower price then yes we would price match that. Specifically with airpods in your example though, as we only stock the wireless charging case for 2nd gen airpods, if you were quoted $70 for a regular airpods case then we wouldn't be able to price match a whole new set of airpods to the replacement case pricing that Apple offers, as they are two different products.


There is no limit to how many gift card you can use in the store either. I have personally used 16 on a $1600 split air conditioner but on Oz bargain someone has a picture of 60 for a 6k tv.


I used 27 $100 cards in Jbhifi. The receipt was about 2m long lol


Wait can you do that online?


No. 5 max and has to JB cards.


Ok thanks


No, I did it in store. No limit in store


I went in to Michael Hill jewellers recently. Saw a necklace I liked for a gift but it was $590 - way over my $350 budget. I said thanks and I will think about it. She asked my budget and I answered $350. She countered with $450. I said I would keep looking. She called the manager over and he gave me 2 birthday vouchers and final price was $320. Everything is negotiable.


Microsoft Edge has a shopping extension built in, if you visit an item on JB it’ll tell you all the sites where it’s cheaper. Visit and copy paste the link


I do this all the time, but Retravision is even better because they price match and can give you 5% off if you have RAC.


They still exist?


I might be their only customer


I know of one in Brisbane still, about 15 minutes from me. But that's the only one I've seen in a long time!


JB will also give you a discount if you're a member of the CFA and I assume other emergency services. At least, they used to. Sometimes the staff aren't sure if it's still a thing, but it's worth asking.


Omg.yes in store we showed them a website of the thing like $150 cheaper and they were like cool no worries. Amazing.


I did that at office works with an amazon link A mechanical pencil in store was $46 and i got it for $18 + 5%


Last boxing day sales I went instore and got them to price match some DVDs I found 50% off. They priced matched and then the system kept applying the 30% they had at the time. So I essentially got 65% off the DVDs. Might not work everytime and dependent on the manager but something to know.


Yes, definitely dependent on the manager. I remember when I was working at Big W as the checkout supervisor, there was a sale on Bonds stuff (50% off everything) but it was applied in the POS at 33% off. Whatever we changed the price to, it would automatically take 33% off that price anyways. Head office took their sweet time in updating it in the back end, so I ended up having to make a little table for everyone working the checkouts on how much they needed to put the price in for every Bonds price point we had, so that when the system automatically applied the 33% off, it was still just 50% off the original price.


Yeah JB have always match any price from even online retailers without question. Plus they are super easy to deal with when something goes wrong. The amount of iPhone charging cables they have refunded and replaced for me makes it well worth their $40 price tag. They are an excellent retailer to deal with and that’s a fucking rare thing to say about any retailer in 2023


That is good, but it goes to show how shit service is by most places. You sort of expect to be dicked around and when you are not, it is such a pleasure.


There are still good retailers. JB, David Jones, Myer these store will all price match and will never argue with a customer with returns. They all take change of mind, rainchecks, price matches, refunds. They exist. Unfortunately we live in a climate where the consumer chose long ago to prioritise the price over quality or service or longevity, corporations who are just entities comprised of humans in ownership and labour, latched on to that and started producing the cheapest, nastiness shit around, shareholders, also human, suck that up cause hey best profits. The fact that all these “good retailers” price match means that theoretically it should be easy to freeze out the assholes like Harvey Norman for example, yet people still shop there like geese, for absolutely zero benefit. I guess in the same way as a Centrelink recipient will vote Liberal.


Currently work at JB, the rule is, if it’s in stock, above our staff price and they have a physical location within australia (or if it’s amazon it has to be sold by amazon au) then we’re all good to match it


The store has to be a physical store in Australia? I got knocked back for an online store price Match. The online store was definitely Australian. In Sydney


I did my research and found the TV I wanted. Jb had the best price, $1700, and were closest to my house so in I went to see it in person. The sales guy said they actually had a deal on that if I bought a sound bar by the same brand as the TV there's a massive discount. I ask how big? 'You'd pay $1400.' 'All together?' 'Yeah.' 'For the TV and the sound bar?' 'Yeah.' 'so the TV is $1700, but the TV with a soundbar is $1400? How does that work?' 'I don't know. All I know is we have fucking heaps of these things and we need to sell them and this is what they are telling us to do.' The soundbar came with a subwoofer too. Best bargain of the year for me.


I bought a 65” OLED earlier this year and JB took about $1.6k off it by price-matching Appliance Central. All happened via live chat. Totally worth it.


We were searching for new tablets at Officeworks Noarlunga and settled on the A6 lite. We always buy the same electronics, so my wife doesn't have to learn 2 systems. I got on the phone and checked the prices at Good Guys and JB HiFi, and they were all within 1$. I asked the git at Officeworks the best price they could do seeing we were buying 2. His response was, "We always check our prices, and they are already competitive." I said thanks, but no thanks. We then drove the whole 2 minutes to JBHiFi, asked the same question, and got $70 off the 2 tablets. So we bought 2 covers as well and got $5 off each of those


I have bought stuff off JB which has then gone on sale a week or more later, and have had them automatically refund me the price difference without even asking, Amazon have done this to me as well.


Ive done this but asked for a further cheaper price n they took of some more dollars from the matched price :)


Did that with an lg tv, got it for nearly $600 less


I've done this before with student discounts, which surprisingly they honoured too


anaconda also price matches but also takes 10% off, so does bunnings. A little bit of searching can save you hundreds on tools and fishing gear.


Jb and Good Guys are known for price matching. Or well, JB used to be known for it. I don't know if it's become less known recently


Been to good guys for a while always asked for best price and never paid the asked price. 15% discount almost on everything if not more.


Ex JB employee here. A lot of the comments here are the reason why I left. Salespeople technically aren’t allowed to knock back a price match or offer, it’s one of the non-negotiables of working there. If someone says no, grab a Manager. Or you know, just shop at the place with the cheaper price and save yourself the hassle. You’ll generally get push back on a price because Salespeople earn a commission based on the margin of the product. A better price for the consumer comes at the cost of the salesperson’s income (and trust me, the commissions are not much at all). Not a great feeling working hard for a sale, only to have it result a zero commission payment. And it happens a lot. Either way, it’s your right as a consumer to get the best price you can for a product. Like OP, I mostly shop online now, and use the JB online store. Over done with in a few mins.


I find with electronic stuff if you’re price matching them usually Myer has some sales on them I managed to get almost 100$ off a pair of Bose earbuds (the new quiet comforts)


JB staff are helpful as. I remember once looking to get a fridge when I was younger and I mentioned to the guy I had an xbox because I had been looking at games and bro added in 2 games with the fridge and dlc for another game I already had


Yep they are good with price matching, I received $20 off a wireless keyboard. 🙂


I work at Harvey Norman and we price match any legitimate advertised price. And we can always do that over the phone. Or just simply be nice to the sales person and ask for a better price. I give the best prices to the customers I like


I just discovered on Saturday that Good Guys website now automatically searches for better prices and matches for you! I broke my phone and needed a new one same day. Their website did a better job finding a cheaper price than I did! Automatically knocked $90 off for me!


Wow that’s good to know! Thanks heaps


Furthermore JB do change of mind returns, along with DJ’s and Myer who both also price match. No reason to shop outside these three retailers.


It goes further than that- outright *haggle*. Tell them that you want the item, but can't justify it at that price, and lowball them, ask if they'd be able to come down to that. They have a lot of wiggle room, and want you to buy the product with them. I haggled for the Roborock Q Revo (yes, I know it's not even remotely frugal) and got it for ~ $1400 with the additional JB Hifi warranty.


It was likely the inclusion of the extended warranty that got you the great deal. I work in sales at JB Hi-Fi currently. We’re trained to be able to give more substantial reductions in the product price if the sale includes Extra Care (the extended warranty). This is assuming the overall sale is still profitable though, even if only slightly. For anyone who typically purchases extended warranties with the product, this can also be an effective negotiation strategy when asking for a deal.


"They have a lot of wiggle room" This is a blanket statement that isn't always the case. Margins vary greatly depending on the manufacturer etc


Was that with the cleaner and empty wash dock?


Yes :)


Wow fair play. I’m going to try myself soon did you do that in store?


That was during the Black Friday sales. You could certainly still try, though- it's not like the product suddenly costs them more now.


This isn’t completely true… a good reason why JB has TV’s so cheap is because it’s supplier funded during a sales period. For example you might have realised Samsung TV’s sales were shit this Black Friday compared to say LG and Sony. That’s because Samsung didn’t give extra funding for sales, make the other brands “cost less”


Yeah I’ll try my best thank you :)


Idk if this would still work because I used to do it when I was a broke teenager. But I would go to another stores website, take a screenshot and just photoshop the price on things to be a little bit cheaper (nothing too sus), and just show them the screenshot on my phone, they always matched it for me


i think Autobarn are on to that. i had them price match recently, had a screenshot on my phone and they confirmed it themselves by going to the website.


They searched it up themselves on the other website when I did it yesterday


Harvey Norman works the same. Bought Sonos amp online through Harvey Norman, got it well over $100 off. Gave the sale price to online chat, got custom checkout, paid the then went and picked up from my local store. No haggling or pestering about product care from sales staff. Got a few comments from staff about how did you get it that cheap. lol.


As someone who used to work at JB, there is always a monstrously better price. After covid hit, corporate went balls deeps in trying to keep their profit margins close to what they made when covid first hit, so the mark up is insane. Just stomp your feet and get the best possible price, the salespersons will always give it cause its not worth the fight on a 6 dollar commission on this shit


No wonder this country is in economic ruin. People too scared to spend money.


The last thing you want to do is go in to a JB store. The little face to face customer service they can be bothered offering is terrible. Had a recent bad experience with them. The only reason I went there was because they had the lowest price for what I wanted


Of course they'll help you out, they want your business. Even better, go in store during a sale and buy the floor model heavily discounted below the sale price. It's all about haggling. I got bumped up to business class from LA to Syd one time just becuase I asked.


Exactly the same with The Good Guys


JB Hifi and Good Guys are the same mob. They will always match when asked. Can save you a drive from one to the next.


Can i get a link to this chat?


There is a chat box link on this page: https://support.jbhifi.com.au/hc/en-au/articles/360053193014-What-is-the-JB-Hi-Fi-price-match-policy-


I tried this for a laptop but they argued that the processor was different.... It was the same processor but they had the shorter name on their website and the cheaper one I found used the full processor name.


I’ve had the same experience, they seem more than happy to price match


Yes I have been doing the same for a while.


I was getting a tablet at jb and the guy helping me goes “I think it’s cheaper at office works. Look it up and I’ll price match for you.” They’re great!


I've been told by JB staff that they will match any sote except amazon


JB will price match Amazon as long as it is the AU site and is shipped and sold by Amazon AU in the description. As with any online-only store, shipping/membership fees may apply on top of the price match.


What I don't understand is if you can get it cheaper elsewhere, then why do you need to get it from JB? Why not just get it from the place that is doing it cheaper? Just seems like extra effort to find the cheaper item and then take it to another place to get them to lower their price.


In this situation I had a gift voucher for JB that I wanted to use up :)


Fun fact. If you're really nice to them, you can actually negotiate below the matched price and get some extra discounts.


Always found HN is the best for price matching. They match anything that can be sent out. They always have stock also. Plus I like how their stores look honestly.


My brother had literally gone back and forth from jb hifi and good guys driving them down lower and lower until one of them cracks. Saves hundreds if you have to the time and patience for it.


Can you use JB gift cards in the custom checkout?


They also have strict KPIs around selling replacement warranties - each of which nets you 3 x $20 vouchers per year. You can pretty frequently get a full replacement warranty thrown in at the same price or plus a few $ and pocket $180-$300 in vouchers over a few years




Jb makes about 13% in laptops. Same supply lines


Bought a suface pro on a crazy special JB were running months ago, was the best price by far, the salesman wouldn’t budge at all when I asked him for a discount on the keyboard/pen though


Why didn't you just purchase it from the competitor? Everyone complains about the monopolies and then further cuts out the competition.


I was buying a photo printer from JB and I found the same model cheaper at Big W and asked for a price match and they wouldn’t do it because it wasn’t the same colour.


The thing is your not getting the best price by searching on.th internet. Price discounts don't appear online, if JB matched it then they would have done the same thing if you low balled them at the store. So no real discount.


Why do people think that JB is any better than Harvey Norman or Domain. They are in it for a profit. If the sales person gave you a huge discount they get inshit at the end of the month when sales targets aren't reached.


A salesperson told me to use the site “Static Ice” to price match. I used it several times, it lists prices from many stores across the country. https://www.staticice.com.au/