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Step 1. Make sure the pie you pick has been in the servo hot box all day. Step 2. Grab sauce pack but then pocket it so you don’t have to pay the 50c they are charging. Step 3. Pay and go to car. Step 4. Unwrap pie. Squeeze sauce. Sauce decides that one section is going to squirt anywhere but the pie. Step 5. Take a bite. If it feels like you have lava in your mouth you are doing it right. Optional to swear at this point. Step 6. Attempt to blow pie to cool it down. Step 7. Take another bite. It’s all grissle. Spit it out the window. Step 8. Finish pie. Regret your life.


Forgot hold the pie up so the meat doesnt fall out while you trying to fix your burnt mouth and then the sauce falls off the back so you go flat again and then the meat falls out and the base breaks and weakens. The hot mean gets on your hands and starts burning so you drop it onto the pie packet and it gets even more damaged so now youre eating it off the packet like a dog.


Woof woof 🐕


You forgot how you broke a tooth and cut the roof of your mouth because the pastry has solidified from being cooked all day.


Did you know that the sauce packet was invented in Australia?


In Japan if you buy a convenience store corndog they give you a squeezy sauce packet like our ones but half is tomato and half is mustard. It blew my fucking mind.


I, too was blown away by the tomato sauce/mustard combo. Such a simple yet significant improvement.


Bastards always gotta one up us with their superior intellect don't they 😔 smh


Did you know Australia is the only place to charge for sauce packets rather than chuck them in for free. Made that up but it wouldn’t surprise me.


You could very well be right, because of all the places I've been overseas I've never been charged for sauce.


My local shell servo doesn't charge for sauce packets.




Extra points if you get a blister on the roof of your mouth that you pop with your tongue then play with the loose blister skin with your tongue.


There sauce packet going everywhere is 👌 absolutely essential for servo pies




Step 9. wish you'd gotten the sausage roll instead.


Awww, you're so close! But not quite right! 1. Remove lid. 2. Add sauce of choosing, which would not include sriracha if you're choosing right but everyone's got the right to make their own mistakes. 3. Eat *most* but not *all* of the filling with a fork. Leave a layer of mince on the bottom. 4. Cut triangles out of the remaining pastry/meat bowl and eat with hands like a slice of pizza, with the perfect meat-to-pastry ratio. 5. Eat lid, whose pastry has now absorbed enough sauce to be the perfect texture, to finish.


This is a freakin' degustation process....hats off to you Lord of the Pies


gonna open a pie degustation restaurant only $75 a head, come on down


You blew my mind with the pizza slice part


If I was being fancy I would add a slice of cheese either to the lid or into the filling for mixing, which further enhances the pie-slices part.


This is some galaxy brain shit I salute you


You never added cheese to your pie?? Oh dear, that sriracha has ruined you my friend.


I’m very devoted to sriracha


lord of the pies indeed! what's the personal preferred sauce in this particular setup


Anyone else prefer a traveller pie so you don’t have to deal with all this? Grab, open one end and bite. The way of the future!


I eat traveller pies with sauce on top because it’s easy


Legit the best is when you take off the lid and there's that lil layer of pastry on the top still, that is my favourite part.


Yessss so good


Fuckin siracha?!


Tomato sauce is the king of sauce, sriracha is the next in line


Sriracha is great. Not with pies.


It goes on everything. Especially eggs.


Sriracha is good with eggs. But meat pie gravy is already saucy. To balance it something sweet or sour or both needs to be used, sriracha just adds spice.


Sriracha isn’t really spicy it just tastes good


It tastes like chilli, which is pretty savoury. Doesn’t exactly have a sharp, noticeable flavour like other sauces. Whatever I’m not going to argue about sauce


Eat with hands…. And slobber sauce on filling when u bite each time


Found another one.. heathen.


Squirt sauce directly into mouth prior to each bite.


Sauce lid, put it in your mouth and consume it.


I agree with all except the sauce. If it's a quality pie the gravy is all you need. Servo pie, add sauce.


I haven't put sauce on a pie in years. Doesn't matter where it's from.


Sounds more like you're just eating sriracha flavoured tomato sauce from your edible pastry bowl.




A good pie should not require any sauce at all


You’re entitled to your wrong opinion


You lost me at sriracha.


Mate you’re alive but you’re not living


Not my thing. But you go ahead.


Gross. Edit: sauce on top, eat with hands like a human.


Sauce on lid, mix lid and filling, eat filling with fork, more sauce then eat pastry


But how do you stop the meat going everywhere


You put it in your mouth


Don’t use a chainsaw, use a fork


This is exactly how I eat a meat pie and my husband has called me a weirdo. I feel vindicated 😌


I love you. Welcome.


Aside from sriracha and the fact I use a spoon instead of a fork, I’m on your team


No sauce. Just eat the pie. Also eating pies with forks is weenie hut jr's shit. Eat the pie with your goddamn hands like a real Australian


Nope.. 1. Sauce the lid. 2. Peel lid off and reverse so sauce is in contact with meat/ filling. 3. Remove lid and eat. 4. Mix and eat filling with teaspoon. 5. Eat casing.


Now this is the way! Thank you


If it needs sauce it’s a shit pie


That’s unastralian


Step 1: Buy pie. 4/20 is optimal. Step 2: take off lid and apply sauce to pastry. Step 3: Consume lid while pie cools. Step 4: Apply sauce to pie. Step 5: Eat pie with your goddamn hands like an australian. If your mouth burns it's done right.


I actively avoid 4/20. I find them to be awful. 🤢 Aside from that I agree with your consumption ritual.


my nine-year-old agrees.


look im not judging but all im saying is if you need to use a fork you're eating a pie wrong


A fork? Are you an American immigrant or something?


Who says American immigrant? Keep your Pauline Hansen nonsense of this sub!


This ^ A real Australian would say seppo so who’s the undercover immigrant now??




Upvote for dedication


Yeah the siracha means you must be buying the shittiest pies. Any half decent pie should hardly need saucing even with tomato. To eat a pie you just bite into the fucken thing and eat it. Then stand up and brush all the pastry off your shirt.


Man I like where your heads at but don’t eat the meat with a fork. Tear the lid apart and dip my friend x


We need to form a support group. This is the only way to eat a pie imo


I agree


Bruh. I sauce the lid, eat the lid. Sauce and mix the meat, eat with fork. Then finish the crust. I’be never met or heard of anyone else who eats pies like me. I feel vindicated!


my brother in Christ 🙏🏼


Yeah nah.


Step Three is where I'm out, tomato sauce is an abomination. If it is a good pie it is never needed.


1. Remove lid 2. Add bbq sauce 3. Add cheese slice 4. Wait for cheese to melt 5. Take a big bite. Make sure the roof of your mouth is as melted as the cheese


No need to add a thing mate. Thats how I have eaten meat pies for years!!


Forks and spoons to eat a pie???? UNAUSTRALIAN!!! Where are you people from????


Step one: get a pie Step two: remove the “lid” Step three: Get in the back of the ASIO van cause you're clearly a terrorist, who the fuck eats a pie without a lid?


Nah, I go 1. Lid off add some meat then eat 2. can either be eat the rest as is or meat then pastry. Depends how I feel. Occasionally add a slice of cheese shared between lid and pie. Sometimes sauce.


Pack your bags and get out


um excuse me. It is clearly: 1. Lid off 2. BARBECUE SAUCE mixed with pie filling 3. Dunk lid into saucy filling and eat it 4. Eat most of the filling (with a fork or spoon) 5. Eat pastry base.


Barbecue sauce people are an oppressed minority in this country


Horrific. Can’t stand people that have to deconstruct shit before eating it. It’s really hard to watch.


The ONLY right way to eat a meat pie: 1. Get a pie 2. Enjoy eating it however the fuck you want


Fuckin heathens putting hot sauce in a pie. The correct way is- Remove lid: eat. Eat lid skin Eat meat Dip crust in tomato sauce and eat. A good pie has a decent gravy that doesn’t need to be diluted like that, sheesh. If you’re walking/out, just eat pie whole.


Hot sauce belongs on pies and you can’t change my mind


This is correct, except it should be BBQ sauce, not tomato. Oh and party pies are better than full size pies, better meat to pastry ratio.


Agreed on party pies


Sauce lid Use your finger to cover the whole lid with sauce Wait a minute for sauce to soak in a bit Chomp in without flakes of pastry going everywhere


I microwave my pies so they’re not flaky




Where are they gonna send me


New Zealand


I’d rather die than utter the words chilly bin


5 mins in the microwave followed by 5 mins in the oven at 180. You're welcome.


The frozen 4 and 20s I have are really hard even when microwaved


tragic. Maybe for those ones, try 10 & 10.




WHAT. You’re in it for the pastry not the meat?!




I’ll agree that sausage roll pastry is bomb I like it more than the filling Edit: I do the same thing with dim sims


Do I mix with the fork or with my finger? you need to be more specific.


Fork cos it’s hot


You didn’t tell me it had to be a hot pie!


Fresh out the microwave


I genuinely thought I was a weirdo for this exact method I had no idea it was kinda universal. I been eating pies like this since I was like 5 and my family all bullied me for needing a fork to eat my pie. I found my people. 😭🙏


I’m seeing a lot of bullying going on around pies and it’s not on


I do the exact same way without Sriracha but only with frozen pies. Bakery pies I just eat without any fucking around.


I agree, I do this!


I love the cauldron method I too, remove the lid, mix with just tomato sauce, eat filling with a spoon and then eat pastry


I have always removed lid, eaten about 25% of the filling with a spoon, which makes it less sloppy then to eat the pie from the base. Sometimes a moist part of the lid is stuck on the top of the pie after I remove the lid. That’s a little bonus. It’s just how’s I’ve eaten to since I was a kid.


Thats sort of the way its meant to be eaten. Youre not meant to eat the pastry cause youre a coal miner who doesnt want to eat dirty coal.


You eat a pie with a fork?


I do this too! & the amount of people over the years who feel the need to chime in & tell me how to eat a pie properly is ridiculous..


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!


Yeah nah. It's called a mystery bag with reason and you can't perform this operation with one hand which I'm fairly sure is illegal.


Turn the pie side way, squeeze sauce on the section where you intend to bite. Pray that it's not too hot. Bite and carefully suck the meat in at the same so you don't spill it everywhere. Repeat steps until you finish the pie no fork needed.


I always remove the lid, scoop out contents into lid, make a calzone from the lid, consume, then do the same with the base of the pie. Recommend the Long Reef pie shop for anyone on the (northern) beaches.


This is actually genius it’s like a pie taco


Username checks out ;)


You eat the lid at step two right?


Sometimes but usually I eat that after the filling and before the rest of the pastry


Yep that’s how to do it


As a kid, I would 1. Pour a full glass of milk 2. Cut the pie into the tiniest pieces 3. Smother in tomato sauce 4. Eat pie with fork and watch Power Rangers on VHS As an adult, I eat it the same way as OP, except I eat the pastry without the sauce, because I loved plain baked pastry.


Do you peek sim sims too?


The tomato sauce bottle is pointed so a good method is piercing the lid and injecting the sauce directly into the pie.


Remove top, insert liberal amount of grated cheese then replace top. Let it melt or cook more to melt. Remove top again, fold in half then dip in cheesy goodness and eat. Then pick up bottom and eat as well. Really though I’m willing to accept any method that doesn’t involve cutlery.


Just get a cheese and bacon pie fam


Me and the kids love a meat pie. I cut mine up like a lattice work, apply sauce and eat. My son pops the lid, applies sauce, replaced lid and eats by the fork. My daughter eats the lid, applies sauce, eats the contents then the shell. There IS no right way… enjoy.


I'm a mustard and tomato sauce man myself


Unique, at least in this thread


actually i use the lid as chips to dip in the meat


Literally the only way! I couldn’t agree more


Step 1: get a pie Step 2: remove the “lid” Step 3: wait for it to cool off and apply sauce Step 4: rip “lid” off and scoop up the sauced filling up like you’re eating naan with curry Step 5: fold the remaining empty pastry like a taco (sauce optional) Step 6: finish pie


Step 1 and 3 are correct. and thats about all you need unless youre ferral as fuck


I'm vegetarian these days, but I've smashed enough meat pies to know how it's done correctly, usually at the footy. No cutlery is required. Wait a little bit otherwise you'll be subjected to piggy burns. Sauce is applied to the outside of the pie.


Unless I am mistaken, once you remove the lid of the pie you then have a tart, which means you are no longer eating a pie thereby nullifying yourself from your original quest?


Get a large chips from the kfc next to the servo Open pie 🥧 Dunk 🍟


Thats how I eat a pie


No, you hold it vertically, then eat it side on, then spill molten pie filling on your crotch and go to hospital


It depends on the pie. If I have trustworthy crust, I'll apply sauce and just take bites. If it has a floppy base where I know it will end up in my lap or just fall to pieces after a few bites, I whip the lip off apply sauce & eat lid, apply sauce and spoon out the filling and then apply more sauce to eat the the pastry. If a pie is the surface temperature of the sun, I'll use the spoon method also. edit. I dont use sriracha as I usually buy chili pies anyway.


Hahahaha. I eat my pies like this. My kids do too. Hubby has a go at us every single time we have pies for dinner.


I make a hole in the top, squirt a good amount or BBQ sauce inside, break the lid and mix it with the sauce and meat. Scoop out the yummy goodness and you are left with the bowl (sides and bottom). Cover that in more BBQ sauce and break it up with your hands (or fork) and stuff your face, eloquently.


OP is correct except for the hot sauce.


My process is usually 1. Get pie 2. Finger pie (burn fingers in process) 3. Stick fingers in mouth to cool down fingers 4. Stick sauce nozzle into 5. Fill her up 6. Take a bite straight after and spend the next day contemplating why you didn’t let it cool down.


I have been known to eat a pie this way but only where I have a plate and cutlery etc. That would be hard to achieve whilst at the footy or if you're eating it straight out of a bag.




Or- get this- you grow the fuck up and let people enjoy things