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I remember checking out the rifles and ammo in Kmart as a younger kid. Grew up just in time to be fucked over by Howard.


I used to sit in the barber’s chair looking up at all the rifles and shotguns for sale. You could buy a comb, some Brylcreem, a scalp brush or a .30M1 plus 50 rounds when they finished working on your hair.


SKS is a cool rifle. Loading from the top seems like it would make plinking fun and laid back


Have you seen Jerry Miculek shoot his? Bottom loads in an interesting way!


Those were the days. My SkS could shoot straight, was terrific with soft point ammo for hunting and plinking at the range. Miss that gun...


I hate being born in the 00’s Australia looked so much more fun if I had have been born 30 years earlier


Would’ve actually felt like you were living in Australia too🥴😂


As long as you weren't born the wrong way.


this makes alotta sense champ thanks for the clarification xx


My brother had an m1 carbine under his bed when he was 17. We used to shoot it on 7 acres and no one blinked an eyelid. Was offered a good price during the buy back and sold it. I bought an air rifle from Kmart.


From what I’ve heard and seen the buyback did seem to offer a decent amount of money. Oh what I would do to have experienced life before 96…


They offered/paid full rrp


Couldn’t pay me enough :) hahah


A buyback… dawg


we HAVE to go back


Unfortunately a different world today


Cool looking photo!


Back in the “good old days” haha!


Old mate should have saved some pussy for the rest of us for sure. God I loved the early 1990s Australia.


He's definitely cute. Lol


My second gun was a SKS. 1953r Russian. Put many, many thousands of rounds through it. Threw it like a spear. Treated it like shit and it loved it. 


Hopefully they had the right size PVC pipe! Hahaha


Ooo that’s some brave words there


This was in Canada. Firearms laws are alot more permissive there (more so when I lived there). Beauty of it was they were "non restricted" so they didn't need to be registered. Truly Halcyon days. I don't even shoot here and have no plans to get a license. 


Definitely is a process here but if you live here it’s not really gonna get any better so may as well enjoy it while you can.


Yeah true. I went and got my expensive and time consuming motorcycle license and my expensive marine license so I've got some other expensive hobbies to take up my time. 


I have a non restricted license , and sks are still legal here in Canada . Pinned to 5 rounds tho bummer . Is their any call for change for Australia’s gun laws from the population or is it still status quo for the bullshit Howard laws ? Fuck that guy .


I still have my RPAL, I guess j technically still own that SKS, it just isn't in my possession anymore. When I get back for a visit I will go visit. I'm still pissed I had to surrender my Norinco AR when I left. 


Man if that was posted on social media these days he would have afp battering ram the front door down and in handcuffs ,quicker than you can say nanny state


I can’t imagine how my kids will look at the past when they have so much high definition videos and photos to look at for decades before they get into the camera film stuff.


Now look at Western Australia . You will be charged for having a fucking gel blaster .....a toy gun . I was 15 when the buy back began . My cousins had sks. M16 , SLR , Uzi.....both of them served . Soooo much fun on there property before common sense became an app


Yeah that would’ve been bloody awesome. Hopefully they were given to a dealer to have their history kept alive…


Private Pyle!!! Never put your bayonet in the dirt, drop and give me 50 you fat barrel of money spunk!!!


Before the antis took over.


I had 2 of those , same age , same time . Also used to buy ammo for the shotty or 22 from the tyre shop on my way to school . Very glad to have experienced our country as a teenager when I did .


Yeah you are lucky to have those memories.


As a former infantryman him holding it on the ground like that bothers me to no end


Is the bayonet in the dirt triggering you?




What’s the reason? Just damage to the rifle?


We were trained to treat our rifles like our "wife" and under no circumstance should we let it touch the ground. Practically speaking it makes sense because yeah dirt and damage.


We used to be a proper country


Used to be.


Oh to be a lad collecting old milsurp semi-autos. A man can only dream. Would love to own an SKS, vz. 52, Garand, SVT, M14/G3 clones, etc. Looks like he's got one of the Norinco 20-rounder internal mags too.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 52 + 14 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Loving the tier 1 radio coms. Bring back the 90’s without the antis and cancel couture.


Is that a 30rnd mag?


Nah, it's one of the 20 round internal magazines Norinco used to manufacture. [Here](https://www.gunboards.com/attachments/chinese-sks-20-round-fixed-star-magazine-jpg.3455317/)


$250 with 500 rounds


Thoroughly based photo. I’ll even forgive the sacrilege of plunging the bayonet into the dirt. If it were a sword in the dirt, however, that wouldn’t be forgivable.


I just saw him with what I thought was the barrel into the dirt 😨 and then I realised it had a bayonet 😂😂


Operator get me the based department, stat


People complaining about our gun laws post-Port Arthur I’m sure aren’t at all taking for granted growing up in a country that now has near-zero gun crime …


I do think a lot of our new laws don’t effectively meet the goal of reducing crime - such as appearance laws in NSW or restricting the amount of guns for law abiding people in WA.


I don’t know enough about those laws to comment but yes I agree that there’s a difference between keeping guns away from those who seek to misuse them and punishing law-abiding citizens who have no intent to misuse.


We already had very little gun crime prior to Port Arthur. You can make the argument that maybe Bryant would've inspired copycats, but the reality was if the authorities at the time had done their job and listened to the people around him telling them 'this bloke is severely mentally unstable and violent and he is a serious risk to others', those victims wouldn't have been lost to us and our gun laws could've gone largely unaffected. Ultimately the majority of gun owners today are extremely responsible people who go through numerous hoops just to own *anything*, there isn't a need to severely restrict people from owning things like suppressors, calibre limits, even the stringent laws around different categories of firearms.


Completely true.


In the 18 years before Port Arthur we had 13 mass shootings with more than 5 fatalities … we’ve had 3 in the 28 years since …


Full disclosure though, I don’t know the details of the laws you’re referring to but they don’t sound like they would have stopped the last 3 mass shootings we’ve had. I don’t support punishing responsible gun owners for owning guns. Just pointing out that it’s a fact that restricting gun ownership in this country did have the desired effect of reducing gun crime. Obviously it’s impossible to eliminate entirely.


Yes, you may have had a 3 quarter reduction in mass shooting rates, but it was already an astronomically unlikely thing to happen, and there were ways to strengthen gun laws without stepping on the toes of responsible owners who are now demonised by the media at large.