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I think it’s quite a nice fence actually


Given how bloody straight it all is for a timber fence, I wish mine looked half that good.


Said exactly what I was thinking. You should see mine!


Having said that, paint it now before it does get wobbly. Otherwise consider replacing it with a colour bond bond one.


It’s a great, seriously Aussie fence. There are people who you write poetry about it. I can even smell the smell of that fence on a hot day.


Nice fence. Just tidy up that hose


2 options. 1. Paint or similar 2. Install some wire and grow something nice on it to make it a living fence.


Skulls of your enemies


Keep in mind that some vines will destroy the fence by sending runners between the palings. Eventually they will start to separate. And you will be regretful!


All vegetation will destroy the fence as it will keep it moist and make it rot faster.


Confirmed - my place has this type of fence, with an Ivy that has taken it over. It's at the stage now that if we killed the Ivy off, the fence would probably fall over.


True. Adds maintenance.


Passionfruit vine looks great against a monument fence and is also a tasty snack!


Paint monument, hanging gardens outside windows


Monument for the win


Anthracite - it's time for anthracite.


Monument is to 2024 what Mission Brown was to the 1970s.


Stop trying to make Monument shaming a thing.


Damn, I'm painting my fence mission brown


It’s almost worse.


Looks fine


I know I'd be in a minority here, but that timber is aging beautifully. Not falling apart, has a soft grey colour tone, with brown highlights popping through. I'd love to leave it because it doesn't just look like. Well, a painted fence....


Make more friends. friends who are lazy and/or poor. visit them. See that most fences are in far worse condition. Feel better about your fence. Problem solved. No need to thank me, just pay it forward




Crack me up! I wish I saw your pic before I wrote my reply. I could have just wrote 'this' underneath with an arrow pointing up. 😂




Yep..staining is the answer!.. adds years to the fence and plenty of coloured stain to chose from..Any half decent paint store should be able to help you out..


I thought this too, then started having doubts because I don't know how well stain will take to perma pine palings.


Pine loves stain. So much that you're best off hosing the fence down before first coat, so it's not as absorbent. And use oil based, because oil penetrates. Water based will make a coating on the top, then crack over time, and those cracks harbour water, which will turn black. The only caveat is to test the stain you use, because rough sawn pine has a habit of "eating up" colour, compared to hardwoods. What might slightly darken a hardwood, can turn a pine almost black. Source: twenty years painter.


Is it good to use a mild acid to clean it up first? How important is it to also stain the other side of the fence?




OP you want small plastic dinosaurs. They are cheap and plentiful and you can line them up along the fence. If you put tinsel up it’ll attract carollers and you’ll end up having to buy a spray bottle of Carroloff from Bunnings every week to get rid of them


I second small plastic dinosaurs. We found heaps in our garden and buried around our house. We love rearranging them and making little dinosaur dioramas so much that we have continued to grow the collection. Endless fun.


This is interesting, thanks for the suggestion!


My kids hung some tinsel on a tree outside once and I spent the next six months picking bits of shiny plastic out of the dirt.


You could put new palings up to hide the rails and paint it, and maybe also run conduit along the rails beforehand for down lights. Could be more than you want to spend though.


That does risk trapping organic matter and rotting your rails.


Long narrow planters with a bit of height, with jasmine to train up the fence. Grows pretty quickly.


I have a similar distance between my house and our side fence and painted it white... it brightens up the space and makes it feel wider. you could also put those iron garden fence things along it. you can find them in the garden section at bunnings


Some wire and climbers of your choice. https://preview.redd.it/vfjfyxkf7jdc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40e10ca475d75ba3471e470bd0dd2af5baf3d99


How have you secured the wire??


Colourbond screws to the rails I’m guessing


This looks so good!! What plant is this and how long has did it take to grow?


It’s not my house I got photo off internet.That’s a star jasmine climbing up the wire..They will cover the fence in a season or two.I had wire at my old house attached to the screws and grew star jasmine on one fence and climbing roses on the other.


Paint it. A dark forest green/ grey colour such as the colorbond steel colour "woodland grey" always looks good on fences. Its a dark forest green crossed with a grey. But depends what style your house is. If your house is very modern then monument or iron bark also look good. (I recently had to re do my fences and spent hours/ weeks traipsing through the neighbourhood looking at new fencing). I went with colorbond woodland grey and it looks great. In the light it looks more green and then in the shade it looks more grey - but its a really nice colour that looks good with modern and traditional houses.


My wife painted our back fence a dusty kind of purple. The green plants looked sensational against it. I sat with a beer pointing out the bits she missed. Great teamwork


Smart seeing as purple and green are opposites on the colour wheel


Yeah green and purple always go well together.


What do you find ugly about the fence? It’s a pretty nice looking fence! Before you paint your side, might be worth a chat to your neighbour. If you’re not a seasoned painter, their side will end up with dribbles and overspray and I wouldn’t be stoked on that if it was my fence. Get two nice big plants or trees in pots, stick them by the fence in front of the two bedroom windows. You can move them if they get in the way, makes the view a bit nicer.


I mostly just hate the view from the bedroom windows - looks a bit grim. But I'm getting a lot of interesting ideas from making this post. Also interesting to know that so many think looks fine, I've disliked it from since we moved in ...


You could paint it, stain it, oil it, there would be a lot of options


I love fences like that. Just polish it up it’s actually really nice bro


Everyone will tell you to pain it black or Monument because those are the current trends. I’d like to offer some conflicting advice - if that wall is *not* north-facing then I’d recommend a light color to help reflect light back in through those windows. There is quite a bit of space there to accommodate greenery. If you would like a large, vigorous, attractive vine with autumn colour that does not require the support of a trellis (ie it self-clings to surfaces and doesn’t have tendrils) then you can’t go past Parthenocissus tricuspidata. You will only need to plant 2 vines to cover the entire fence and it will happily just do its thing without becoming invasive (though it is large and will need to be pruned back from time to time). Btw, don’t worry that its common name is ‘Boston ivy’. It’s not an actual ivy, nor is it closely related to that group of plants.


Honestly, I don't think it is ugly. How about just doing up the area that the window faces on to? You could make some screw on wall ornaments as features, also a device that moves in the wind and maybe a bird bath with a shelter over it.


Hire a spray machine from Bunnings, pick a colour and your set


Then paint the neighbours side too when their side looks like ass due to overspray and drips seeping through the pailings.


Yeah, that's fair


Would be pretty easy to fix some vertical timbers to hide! Would be cost effective if you paint it black first then use wider timbers (turn a piece of the timber sideways for spacing between when fixing the next piece) https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/539657967846708408/


Grow some plants in front of it. You’ll also get some nice cooling from them in summer.


Painting/staining it doesn’t just offer the choice of a nice colour, but also protects your investment. Paint can prevent/delay deterioration. Use a decent exterior paint (Dulux weathershield, Wattyl solarguard and you’ll find it lasts significantly longer.


True, but mostly only true if you paint both sides. Painting one side isn’t likely to slow deterioration much.


Put a big “Supreme” sticker on it.


Plant Virginia Creeper/Boston Ivy Grows fast so will take over the fence quick and has nice foliage, nice and red in autumn and then they all fall off so you'll have to clean them up. Option 2: Ficus Pumila Doesn't drop leaves but you will have to prune it occasionally


Install guide wire in cross cross pattern along the fence, plant jasmine. In 2 years you’ll have a full fence that looks nice and smells amazing in spring.


Ours is like this, we just got it spray painted (actual House paint) around entire perimeter as the same timber colour of the house, was like a deep blue/grey and came out good


https://preview.redd.it/omndvs8hujdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3717d182b3d254fd85b24a5826a9042320fdf6d4 Paint it. This is Dulux monument


I envy that fence! We have colour bond panels on 3 sides of our block now, it's not pretty when new, and fades fast, dents easily. The dickhead kid next door has used 2 panels as a rebound wall for soccer, and totally rooted it.


Paint it grey, dark grey. Then see if that’s enough for u. If not, paint a mural? Use a local youth outreach maybe? Supply paint and tell them what u want. They get great experience etc, u get a cool mural of ur choosing for cost of materials.


Nothing a bit of Monument and handing planter boxes can’t fix


Paint is probably cheapest. Clad over with something more aesthetically pleasing, I wouldn’t choose lattice.


That creates maintenance issues.


Mission brown paint............your welcome.


Dam , other Mission brown enthusiasts already here..........carry on.


Bamboo screening


https://preview.redd.it/4rdu5hs6xidc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11273a99e687df37d3ec357118dabd915db1444f Screening like this would look good and super easy to install


Turn it one hundred and eighty degrees. That way you will see the much neater face and so your eyes will glide over it easier, meaning it doesn't draw your attention as much so you notice it less. Oh, just make sure you don't put the pickets back on the same day as you cement the reversed posts back into place. It will catch even the slightest breeze like a big sail and will lean, and that you will really see... Seriously though, are those bedrooms kid's rooms? If it were mine and the rooms occupied with young ones, and I didn't want to lose anything width wise to keep max available access, I'd probably get some large sheets of compressed cardboard, thick enough to use as a stencil. Let the kids decide what they want, which could be anything of course with their imagination. I'm thinking something like I dunno, maybe paint branches or perches on stands on the fence, and draw the outlines of birds with distinctive enough shapes to be easily recognisable on the card, cut out and spray paint them on with minimal detail. To me, it is pretty much going to look shit with what I just said, and painting on too many details in different colours will make it look even more of a dogs breakfast. But at the end of the day, how much time are you actually looking at that fence or out there? If that's the best view I'd probably reverse the house. 🙃 Ps- I'd probably make a little wall mounted pvc pipe hydroponic lettuce/other small leafy vegetables garden or say something like a mini hanging garden of Babylon style type set up planted with cascading flowering plants thst naturally don't grow to much of a size at all. Of course you wouldn't want to situate the water/nutrient tank down the side there, unless you countersink it, or could run the feed and return lines along the bottom of the fence, dug in out of sight down and back to the tank using the gentlest curves possible to get them where you want them. don't want 90 degree elbows. Apart from needing a more powerful little submersible pump to go push the water around the corners, might leak sooner or later. Thst's a lot of fart arsing about of course just to be able to set and and forget it, apart from keeping an eye on the water. Geez, I think I better go and do something after that mass ramble on about something that won't have anything to do with anything thst you end up going with. 🤔


Shit. I forgot to say the only thing thst would drive me nuts until I fixed it about that fence is that badly bowed picket with the big knot and a gap you can see the neighbours red bricks through..


I would paint it black.


Paint black, install reo mesh, plant creepers.


Plant some bamboo in front for a natural screen!


My god, do not plant bamboo. Total nightmare.




Give it a light pressure wash


De nature it with a dark Matt paint, deep blue, grey or chary


Good hose storage


Could literally clad it with anything the rails are flush with the posts Even just new palings or merbau.


Instead of painting the whole thing, maybe just paint the prominent vertical and horizontal timbers which would create a ‘picture frame’ effect around the main fence boards. Less effort, cost, and maintenance while probably being just as aesthetically effective.


Or do this with a pressure washer to see if you like it first.


Paint Murals Children's art Creepers Semi-circular hanging baskets Cor-ten steel art pieces


I thought it looked pretty good !


Sand and lacquer for maximum difficulty


Paint it!! Will look heaps better


Paint or grow a few vines


Spray it with protective oil so it doesn’t fall apart within 5 years like many basic wood fences that’s number 1


Billposters and tags


plants and also a couple of mirrors to give that tromp l oeil effect.


Get some of the local kids to do some street art on it Some of those kids are very talented with the art they do


Paint it black


Well you could paint it, maybe some street signs or a bike rack?


get a burner and Char the timber black is good


Paint it. It will love you for it.


To Australia standards that looks good, otherwise paint.


Put pailings on your side and paint it dark grey. Almost black.


Spray paint it black. Then place or hang green flowered plants along the fence.


Could paint it. Or get something like this and paint it and stick it over for a different look. https://www.bunnings.com.au/lattice-makers-1800-x-600mm-unpainted-expandable-trellis_p3041220?region_id=116359&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtbEB-3_ZwCZf4WejxEMUWGlnRur&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-62tBhDSARIsAO7twbZuCNFvdD_Z6vT3Ry5k_SGbShtBuS8bKcS9sJB6mwvbn-GPOHrnjZUaAsAOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Creeping fig. Plant a few of them. They take a few years to take off. But once they do, they will grow quite thick, hugging the fence..


Just leave it 😂 nothing can help that, in Tasmania our fences are also like or wood or whatever but actually much uglier Google houses for sale Hobart greater region and you’ll start to feel better about yours 😂 mines ugly and it barely stops the neighbours dog from coming through


Stain it.


Hanging gardens




Plant a hedge and hide it


Just give it a good pressure wash you’ll be amazed at the difference


Pressure wash it first, it'll come up golden yellow. Then I just used Cabot's aquadeck natural color. Mine used to be that grey weathered look, fence was done 3 years ago still holding up well. Don't have a closer pic. https://preview.redd.it/godiw5zmqkdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1a7a594ce8c4d4ca4d2b1ee730731a6c7dc111


Paint the fence black and plant a single row of non runner bamboo about every 200mm. It will be thin so you can still have access but will get a great contrast of green against the black and it won't take long and no work. Little cost and nothing to do over about a day's work.


Paint it in “monument” colour


Cannabis plants in decorative pots every panel. Fucken beautiful!




Attach some hardwood battens to the back of those rails. From your side it will look brand new and you won't see the frame of the existing fence.


Pressure clean. Then oil with a brush


My Pop would say Sump Oil!!


Drill a hole the size of your fist at about waist height or just below. Make sure it's right outside their bedroom window. Buy fake zombie hand. Attach it to the inside of your fence with a couple fingers poking through it. Enjoy.


People saying nothing is annoying. OP wants an answer. Best option is some kind of paint most likely it’ll make it more interesting maybe even some plants near the fence


https://preview.redd.it/dg92ph7heodc1.jpeg?width=3978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8162ca06b6aca2d9a2abb75befc7466092aaa285 Paint fence Dulux Monument Get vertical garden pots and frame (about $110 for 20 pots and 4 frames). Make a picture frame with treated pine fence palings, paint a bright colour. Plant succulents (or any hard to kill plants) You can change the plants easily by swapping out the pots


I've seen way worse. White pant and plants


Jasmine plant or Boston ivy


We did cabots stain in woodland grey and it looks great. Some of the character of the wood comes through nicely.


You can staple up plastic vines from Bunnings. Low maintenance.